Year 2021,
, 67 - 78, 31.03.2021
Gülşah Akıncıoğlu
Sıtkı Akıncıoğlu
Hasan Öktem
İlyas Uygur
- [1] Ibhadode A. O. A., D.I. M., Development of Asbestos-Free Friction Lining Material from Palm Kernel Shell, J. of the Braz. Soc. of Mech. Sci. & Eng., 2 (2008) 166-173.
- [2] P.H.S. Tsang, M.G. Jacko, S.K. Rhee, Comparison of Chase and inertial brake Dynamometer testing of automotive friction materials, Wear, 103 (1985) 217-232.
- [3] M. Eriksson, Friction and contact phenomena of disc brakes related to squeal, Citeseer2000.
- [4] J.L. Mikael Erikssona, Staffan Jacobson, Wear and contact conditions of brake pads: dynamical in situ studies of pad on glass, Wear, 249 (2001) 272-278.
- [5] A. Almaslow, M.J. Ghazali, R.J. Talib, C.T. Ratnam, C.H. Azhari, Effects of epoxidized natural rubber–alumina nanoparticles (ENRAN) composites in semi-metallic brake friction materials, Wear, 302 (2013) 1392-1396.
- [6] H. Jang, J.S. Lee, J.W. Fash, Compositional effects of the brake friction material on creep groan phenomena, Wear, 251 (2001) 1477-1483.
- [7] A.A.S. Ghazi, K. Chandra, P.S. Misra, Development and Characterization of Fe-Based Friction Material Made by Hot Powder Preform Forging for Low Duty Applications, Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, 10 (2011) 1205-1212.
- [8] B.K. Satapathy, Fade and Recovery Behavior of Non-Asbestos Organic (NAO) Composite Friction Materials based on Combinations of Rock Fibers and Organic Fibers, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 24 (2005) 563-577.
- [9] S.S. Kim, H.J. Hwang, M.W. Shin, H. Jang, Friction and vibration of automotive brake pads containing different abrasive particles, Wear, 271 (2011) 1194-1202.
- [10] M. Kumar, J. Bijwe, Non-asbestos organic (NAO) friction composites: Role of copper; its shape and amount, Wear, 270 (2011) 269-280.
- [11] A.F.A. W.B.WanNik, S. Syahrullail, H.H. Masjuki, M.F. Ahmad, The Effect Of Boron Friction Modifier On The Performance Of Brake Pads, International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (IJMME), 2012, pp. 31-35.
- [12] S. Qi, Z. Fu, R. Yun, S. Jiang, X. Zheng, Y. Lu, V. Matejka, J. Kukutschova, V. Peknikova, M. Prikasky, Effects of walnut shells on friction and wear performance of eco-friendly brake friction composites, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 228 (2014) 511-520.
- [13] S.N. Nagesh, C. Siddaraju, S.V. Prakash, M.R. Ramesh, Characterization of Brake Pads by Variation in Composition of Friction Materials, Procedia Materials Science, 5 (2014) 295-302.
- [14] S.A. Bahari, K.H. Isa, M.A. Kassim, Z. Mohamed, E.A. Othman, Investigation on hardness and impact resistance of automotive brake pad composed with rice husk dust, (2012) 155-161.
- [15] S. Fan, L. Zhang, L. Cheng, J. Zhang, S. Yang, H. Liu, Wear mechanisms of the C/SiC brake materials, Tribology International, 44 (2011) 25-28.
- [16] J. Kukutschová, V. Roubíček, M. Mašláň, D. Jančík, V. Slovák, K. Malachová, Z. Pavlíčková, P. Filip, Wear performance and wear debris of semimetallic automotive brake materials, Wear, 268 (2010) 86-93.
- [17] Z. Stadler, K. Krnel, T. Kosmac, Friction behavior of sintered metallic brake pads on a C/C–SiC composite brake disc, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27 (2007) 1411-1417.
- [18] N.A. Ademoh, A.I. Olabisi, Development and evaluation of maize husks (asbestos-free) based brake pad, Development, 5 (2015).
- [19] M. Maleque, A. Atiqah, R. Talib, H. Zahurin, New natural fibre reinforced aluminium composite for automotive brake pad, International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 2012, pp. 166-170.
- [20] V. S. Aigbodion, U. Akadike, S.B. Hassan, F. Asuke, J.O. Agunsoye, Development of Asbestos -Free Brake Pad Using Bagasse, Tribology in industry, 2010, pp. 12-18.
- [21] U. Idris, V. Aigbodion, I. Abubakar, C. Nwoye, Eco-friendly asbestos free brake-pad: using banana peels, Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences, 27 (2015) 185-192.
- [22] R. Ertan, N. Yavuz, An experimental study on the effects of manufacturing parameters on the tribological properties of brake lining materials, Wear, 268 (2010) 1524-1532.
- [23] I. Mutlu, C. Oner, F. Findik, Boric acid effect in phenolic composites on tribological properties in brake linings, Materials & Design, 28 (2007) 480-487.
- [24] A. Saffar, A. Shojaei, Effect of rubber component on the performance of brake friction materials, Wear, 274-275 (2012) 286-297.
- [25] H. Öktem, İ. Uygur, G. Akıncıoğlu, D. Kır, H. Karakaş, Evaluation of non-asbestos high performance brake pads produced with organic dusts.
- [26] P.J. Blau, J.C. McLaughlin, Effects of water films and sliding speed on the frictional behavior of truck disc brake materials, Tribology International, 36 (2003) 709-715.
- [27] Y. Ma, G.S. Martynková, M. Valášková, V. Matějka, Y. Lu, Effects of ZrSiO4 in non-metallic brake friction materials on friction performance, Tribology International, 41 (2008) 166-174.
- [28] T. Singh, A. Patnaik, Performance assessment of lapinus–aramid based brake pad hybrid phenolic composites in friction braking, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 15 (2015) 151-161.
- [29] R. Yun, P. Filip, Y. Lu, Performance and evaluation of eco-friendly brake friction materials, Tribology International, 43 (2010) 2010-2019.
- [30] S. Mohanty, Y.P. Chugh, Development of fly ash-based automotive brake lining, Tribology International, 40 (2007) 1217-1224.
- [31] X. Xin, C.G. Xu, L.F. Qing, Friction properties of sisal fibre reinforced resin brake composites, Wear, 262 (2007) 736-741.
- [32] Z. Fu, B. Suo, R. Yun, Y. Lu, H. Wang, S. Qi, S. Jiang, Y. Lu, V. Matejka, Development of eco-friendly brake friction composites containing flax fibers, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 31 (2012) 681-689.
- [33] Y. Fan, V. Matějka, G. Kratošová, Y. Lu, Role of Al2O3 in Semi-Metallic Friction Materials and its Effects on Friction and Wear Performance, Tribology Transactions, 51 (2008) 771-778.
- [34] S.J. Mikael Eriksson, Tribological surfaces of organic brake pads, Tribology International, 33 (2000) 817-827.
- [35] N. Dadkar, B.S. Tomar, B.K. Satapathy, Evaluation of flyash-filled and aramid fibre reinforced hybrid polymer matrix composites (PMC) for friction braking applications, Materials & Design, 30 (2009) 4369-4376.
- [36] Y. Han, X. Tian, Y. Yin, Effects of Ceramic Fiber on the Friction Performance of Automotive Brake Lining Materials, Tribology Transactions, 51 (2008) 779-783.
- [37] P.J. Blau, Compositions, functions, and testing of friction brake materials and their additives, Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (US), 2001.
- [38] S. SAE, J2396 Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice, Definitions and Experimental Measures Related to the Specification of Driver Visual Behavior Using Video Based Techniques, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, Pa, USA, 2000.
- [39] J. Bijwe, Composites as friction materials: Recent developments in non‐asbestos fiber reinforced friction materials—a review, Polymer composites, 18 (1997) 378-396.
- [40] A.A. Alnaqi, D.C. Barton, P.C. Brooks, Reduced scale thermal characterization of automotive disc brake, Applied Thermal Engineering, 75 (2015) 658-668.
- [41] S. Balaji, K. Kalaichelvan, Optimization of a Non Asbestos Semi Metallic Disc Brake Pad Formulation with Respect to Friction and Wear, Procedia Engineering, 38 (2012) 1650-1657.
- [42] J. Qu, P.J. Blau, B.C. Jolly, Oxygen-diffused titanium as a candidate brake rotor material, Wear, 267 (2009) 818-822.
- [43] A. Saffar, A. Shojaei, M. Arjmand, Theoretical and experimental analysis of the thermal, fade and wear
characteristics of rubber-based composite friction materials, Wear, 269 (2010) 145-151.
- [44] S. Zhang, F. Wang, Comparison of friction and wear performances of brake materials containing different amounts of ZrSiO4 dry sliding against SiCp reinforced Al matrix composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 443 (2007) 242-247.
- [45] T. Singh, A. Patnaik, R. Chauhan, A. Rishiraj, Assessment of braking performance of lapinus–wollastonite fibre reinforced friction composite materials, Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences, (2015).
- [46] B.K. Satapathy, J. Bijwe, Performance of friction materials based on variation in nature of organic fibres, Wear, 257 (2004) 573-584.
- [47] P.V. Gurunath, J. Bijwe, Friction and wear studies on brake-pad materials based on newly developed resin, Wear, 263 (2007) 1212-1219.
- [48] T. Singh, A. Patnaik, R. Chauhan, Optimization of tribological properties of cement kiln dust-filled brake pad using grey relation analysis, Materials & Design, 89 (2016) 1335-1342.
- [49] A. Patnaik, M. Kumar, B.K. Satapathy, B.S. Tomar, Performance sensitivity of hybrid phenolic composites in friction braking: Effect of ceramic and aramid fibre combination, Wear, 269 (2010) 891-899.
- [50] Chiranjit Sarkar, H. Hirani, Frictional Characteristics of Brake Pads using Inertia Brake Dynamometer, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 2015, pp. 981-989.
- [51] G. Yi, F. Yan, Effect of hexagonal boron nitride and calcined petroleum coke on friction and wear behavior of phenolic resin-based friction composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 425 (2006) 330-338.
- [52] P.C. Verma, R. Ciudin, A. Bonfanti, P. Aswath, G. Straffelini, S. Gialanella, Role of the friction layer in the high-temperature pin-on-disc study of a brake material, Wear, 346 (2016) 56-65.
- [53] R. Steege, F. Marx, A new approach to material compressibility of brake pads, SAE Technical Paper, 2008.
- [54] Y. Sasaki, T. Tanaka, Harmonization Activities on ISO and JIS Standards (Compressibility-2) for Brake Linings in Japan, SAE International, 2003.
- [55] Y. Sasaki, M. Kaido, Harmonization Activities on ISO and JIS Standards (Assembly Shear Strength) for Brake Linings in Japan, SAE International, 2002.
- [56] R.K. Kachhap, B.K. Satapathy, Synergistic effect of tungsten disulfide and cenosphere combination on braking performance of composite friction materials, Materials & Design, 56 (2014) 368-378.
- [57] M. Kumar, B.K. Satapathy, A. Patnaik, D.K. Kolluri, B.S. Tomar, Evaluation of fade‐recovery performance of hybrid friction composites based on ternary combination of ceramic‐fibers, ceramic‐whiskers, and aramid‐fibers, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 124 (2012) 3650-3661.
- [58] M. Eriksson, A. Lundqvist, S. Jacobson, A study of the influence of humidity on the friction and squeal generation of automotive brake pads, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 215 (2001) 329-342.
- [59] M. Eriksson, F. Bergman, S. Jacobson, Surface characterisation of brake pads after running under silent and squealing conditions, Wear, 232 (1999) 163-167.
- [60] M. Kumar, X. Boidin, Y. Desplanques, J. Bijwe, Influence of various metallic fillers in friction materials on hot-spot appearance during stop braking, Wear, 270 (2011) 371-381.
Brake Pad Performance Characteristic Assessment Methods
Year 2021,
, 67 - 78, 31.03.2021
Gülşah Akıncıoğlu
Sıtkı Akıncıoğlu
Hasan Öktem
İlyas Uygur
Along with the developing technology, expectations for improved automobile brake pads are also rising. Research on higher performance brake pads is contin-uing at a rapid pace. It is also recognized that in this field, widespread efforts are being made towards the production of brake pads which are economical, envi-ronmentally friendly and do not pose risks to human health. In recent years, non-industrial waste products have also been used as additives in brake pads, thus contributing to local economy. Performance tests have to be carried out so that the brake pads produced with the new compositions can be used. For this reason, the performance tests of the brake pads are important. This study brings a new overview via an investigation of the methods applied in determining their per-formance characteristics.
- [1] Ibhadode A. O. A., D.I. M., Development of Asbestos-Free Friction Lining Material from Palm Kernel Shell, J. of the Braz. Soc. of Mech. Sci. & Eng., 2 (2008) 166-173.
- [2] P.H.S. Tsang, M.G. Jacko, S.K. Rhee, Comparison of Chase and inertial brake Dynamometer testing of automotive friction materials, Wear, 103 (1985) 217-232.
- [3] M. Eriksson, Friction and contact phenomena of disc brakes related to squeal, Citeseer2000.
- [4] J.L. Mikael Erikssona, Staffan Jacobson, Wear and contact conditions of brake pads: dynamical in situ studies of pad on glass, Wear, 249 (2001) 272-278.
- [5] A. Almaslow, M.J. Ghazali, R.J. Talib, C.T. Ratnam, C.H. Azhari, Effects of epoxidized natural rubber–alumina nanoparticles (ENRAN) composites in semi-metallic brake friction materials, Wear, 302 (2013) 1392-1396.
- [6] H. Jang, J.S. Lee, J.W. Fash, Compositional effects of the brake friction material on creep groan phenomena, Wear, 251 (2001) 1477-1483.
- [7] A.A.S. Ghazi, K. Chandra, P.S. Misra, Development and Characterization of Fe-Based Friction Material Made by Hot Powder Preform Forging for Low Duty Applications, Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, 10 (2011) 1205-1212.
- [8] B.K. Satapathy, Fade and Recovery Behavior of Non-Asbestos Organic (NAO) Composite Friction Materials based on Combinations of Rock Fibers and Organic Fibers, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 24 (2005) 563-577.
- [9] S.S. Kim, H.J. Hwang, M.W. Shin, H. Jang, Friction and vibration of automotive brake pads containing different abrasive particles, Wear, 271 (2011) 1194-1202.
- [10] M. Kumar, J. Bijwe, Non-asbestos organic (NAO) friction composites: Role of copper; its shape and amount, Wear, 270 (2011) 269-280.
- [11] A.F.A. W.B.WanNik, S. Syahrullail, H.H. Masjuki, M.F. Ahmad, The Effect Of Boron Friction Modifier On The Performance Of Brake Pads, International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (IJMME), 2012, pp. 31-35.
- [12] S. Qi, Z. Fu, R. Yun, S. Jiang, X. Zheng, Y. Lu, V. Matejka, J. Kukutschova, V. Peknikova, M. Prikasky, Effects of walnut shells on friction and wear performance of eco-friendly brake friction composites, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 228 (2014) 511-520.
- [13] S.N. Nagesh, C. Siddaraju, S.V. Prakash, M.R. Ramesh, Characterization of Brake Pads by Variation in Composition of Friction Materials, Procedia Materials Science, 5 (2014) 295-302.
- [14] S.A. Bahari, K.H. Isa, M.A. Kassim, Z. Mohamed, E.A. Othman, Investigation on hardness and impact resistance of automotive brake pad composed with rice husk dust, (2012) 155-161.
- [15] S. Fan, L. Zhang, L. Cheng, J. Zhang, S. Yang, H. Liu, Wear mechanisms of the C/SiC brake materials, Tribology International, 44 (2011) 25-28.
- [16] J. Kukutschová, V. Roubíček, M. Mašláň, D. Jančík, V. Slovák, K. Malachová, Z. Pavlíčková, P. Filip, Wear performance and wear debris of semimetallic automotive brake materials, Wear, 268 (2010) 86-93.
- [17] Z. Stadler, K. Krnel, T. Kosmac, Friction behavior of sintered metallic brake pads on a C/C–SiC composite brake disc, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27 (2007) 1411-1417.
- [18] N.A. Ademoh, A.I. Olabisi, Development and evaluation of maize husks (asbestos-free) based brake pad, Development, 5 (2015).
- [19] M. Maleque, A. Atiqah, R. Talib, H. Zahurin, New natural fibre reinforced aluminium composite for automotive brake pad, International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 2012, pp. 166-170.
- [20] V. S. Aigbodion, U. Akadike, S.B. Hassan, F. Asuke, J.O. Agunsoye, Development of Asbestos -Free Brake Pad Using Bagasse, Tribology in industry, 2010, pp. 12-18.
- [21] U. Idris, V. Aigbodion, I. Abubakar, C. Nwoye, Eco-friendly asbestos free brake-pad: using banana peels, Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences, 27 (2015) 185-192.
- [22] R. Ertan, N. Yavuz, An experimental study on the effects of manufacturing parameters on the tribological properties of brake lining materials, Wear, 268 (2010) 1524-1532.
- [23] I. Mutlu, C. Oner, F. Findik, Boric acid effect in phenolic composites on tribological properties in brake linings, Materials & Design, 28 (2007) 480-487.
- [24] A. Saffar, A. Shojaei, Effect of rubber component on the performance of brake friction materials, Wear, 274-275 (2012) 286-297.
- [25] H. Öktem, İ. Uygur, G. Akıncıoğlu, D. Kır, H. Karakaş, Evaluation of non-asbestos high performance brake pads produced with organic dusts.
- [26] P.J. Blau, J.C. McLaughlin, Effects of water films and sliding speed on the frictional behavior of truck disc brake materials, Tribology International, 36 (2003) 709-715.
- [27] Y. Ma, G.S. Martynková, M. Valášková, V. Matějka, Y. Lu, Effects of ZrSiO4 in non-metallic brake friction materials on friction performance, Tribology International, 41 (2008) 166-174.
- [28] T. Singh, A. Patnaik, Performance assessment of lapinus–aramid based brake pad hybrid phenolic composites in friction braking, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 15 (2015) 151-161.
- [29] R. Yun, P. Filip, Y. Lu, Performance and evaluation of eco-friendly brake friction materials, Tribology International, 43 (2010) 2010-2019.
- [30] S. Mohanty, Y.P. Chugh, Development of fly ash-based automotive brake lining, Tribology International, 40 (2007) 1217-1224.
- [31] X. Xin, C.G. Xu, L.F. Qing, Friction properties of sisal fibre reinforced resin brake composites, Wear, 262 (2007) 736-741.
- [32] Z. Fu, B. Suo, R. Yun, Y. Lu, H. Wang, S. Qi, S. Jiang, Y. Lu, V. Matejka, Development of eco-friendly brake friction composites containing flax fibers, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 31 (2012) 681-689.
- [33] Y. Fan, V. Matějka, G. Kratošová, Y. Lu, Role of Al2O3 in Semi-Metallic Friction Materials and its Effects on Friction and Wear Performance, Tribology Transactions, 51 (2008) 771-778.
- [34] S.J. Mikael Eriksson, Tribological surfaces of organic brake pads, Tribology International, 33 (2000) 817-827.
- [35] N. Dadkar, B.S. Tomar, B.K. Satapathy, Evaluation of flyash-filled and aramid fibre reinforced hybrid polymer matrix composites (PMC) for friction braking applications, Materials & Design, 30 (2009) 4369-4376.
- [36] Y. Han, X. Tian, Y. Yin, Effects of Ceramic Fiber on the Friction Performance of Automotive Brake Lining Materials, Tribology Transactions, 51 (2008) 779-783.
- [37] P.J. Blau, Compositions, functions, and testing of friction brake materials and their additives, Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (US), 2001.
- [38] S. SAE, J2396 Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice, Definitions and Experimental Measures Related to the Specification of Driver Visual Behavior Using Video Based Techniques, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, Pa, USA, 2000.
- [39] J. Bijwe, Composites as friction materials: Recent developments in non‐asbestos fiber reinforced friction materials—a review, Polymer composites, 18 (1997) 378-396.
- [40] A.A. Alnaqi, D.C. Barton, P.C. Brooks, Reduced scale thermal characterization of automotive disc brake, Applied Thermal Engineering, 75 (2015) 658-668.
- [41] S. Balaji, K. Kalaichelvan, Optimization of a Non Asbestos Semi Metallic Disc Brake Pad Formulation with Respect to Friction and Wear, Procedia Engineering, 38 (2012) 1650-1657.
- [42] J. Qu, P.J. Blau, B.C. Jolly, Oxygen-diffused titanium as a candidate brake rotor material, Wear, 267 (2009) 818-822.
- [43] A. Saffar, A. Shojaei, M. Arjmand, Theoretical and experimental analysis of the thermal, fade and wear
characteristics of rubber-based composite friction materials, Wear, 269 (2010) 145-151.
- [44] S. Zhang, F. Wang, Comparison of friction and wear performances of brake materials containing different amounts of ZrSiO4 dry sliding against SiCp reinforced Al matrix composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 443 (2007) 242-247.
- [45] T. Singh, A. Patnaik, R. Chauhan, A. Rishiraj, Assessment of braking performance of lapinus–wollastonite fibre reinforced friction composite materials, Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences, (2015).
- [46] B.K. Satapathy, J. Bijwe, Performance of friction materials based on variation in nature of organic fibres, Wear, 257 (2004) 573-584.
- [47] P.V. Gurunath, J. Bijwe, Friction and wear studies on brake-pad materials based on newly developed resin, Wear, 263 (2007) 1212-1219.
- [48] T. Singh, A. Patnaik, R. Chauhan, Optimization of tribological properties of cement kiln dust-filled brake pad using grey relation analysis, Materials & Design, 89 (2016) 1335-1342.
- [49] A. Patnaik, M. Kumar, B.K. Satapathy, B.S. Tomar, Performance sensitivity of hybrid phenolic composites in friction braking: Effect of ceramic and aramid fibre combination, Wear, 269 (2010) 891-899.
- [50] Chiranjit Sarkar, H. Hirani, Frictional Characteristics of Brake Pads using Inertia Brake Dynamometer, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 2015, pp. 981-989.
- [51] G. Yi, F. Yan, Effect of hexagonal boron nitride and calcined petroleum coke on friction and wear behavior of phenolic resin-based friction composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 425 (2006) 330-338.
- [52] P.C. Verma, R. Ciudin, A. Bonfanti, P. Aswath, G. Straffelini, S. Gialanella, Role of the friction layer in the high-temperature pin-on-disc study of a brake material, Wear, 346 (2016) 56-65.
- [53] R. Steege, F. Marx, A new approach to material compressibility of brake pads, SAE Technical Paper, 2008.
- [54] Y. Sasaki, T. Tanaka, Harmonization Activities on ISO and JIS Standards (Compressibility-2) for Brake Linings in Japan, SAE International, 2003.
- [55] Y. Sasaki, M. Kaido, Harmonization Activities on ISO and JIS Standards (Assembly Shear Strength) for Brake Linings in Japan, SAE International, 2002.
- [56] R.K. Kachhap, B.K. Satapathy, Synergistic effect of tungsten disulfide and cenosphere combination on braking performance of composite friction materials, Materials & Design, 56 (2014) 368-378.
- [57] M. Kumar, B.K. Satapathy, A. Patnaik, D.K. Kolluri, B.S. Tomar, Evaluation of fade‐recovery performance of hybrid friction composites based on ternary combination of ceramic‐fibers, ceramic‐whiskers, and aramid‐fibers, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 124 (2012) 3650-3661.
- [58] M. Eriksson, A. Lundqvist, S. Jacobson, A study of the influence of humidity on the friction and squeal generation of automotive brake pads, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 215 (2001) 329-342.
- [59] M. Eriksson, F. Bergman, S. Jacobson, Surface characterisation of brake pads after running under silent and squealing conditions, Wear, 232 (1999) 163-167.
- [60] M. Kumar, X. Boidin, Y. Desplanques, J. Bijwe, Influence of various metallic fillers in friction materials on hot-spot appearance during stop braking, Wear, 270 (2011) 371-381.