Performance Analysis of Different Refrigerants in Automobile Air Conditioning Equipment Using Variable Capacity Compressor
Year 2021,
, 372 - 377, 31.12.2021
Mehmet Said İnan
Alpaslan Alkan
In this study, the experimental performance of the use of R1234yf refrigerant al-ternative to R134a refrigerant in an automobile air conditioning system with var-iable capacity compressor was investigated. The automobile air conditioner con-sists of a variable capacity compressor, evaporator, condenser, liquid tank and expansion element. The experimental air conditioner is equipped with computer-aided control systems to obtain the desired experimental conditions and data col-lection systems for measuring and collecting experimental data. Tests were per-formed at different compressor speeds and different condenser and evaporator inlet air flow temperatures. Energy analysis was applied to the obtained experi-mental data and the results were presented in comparative graphs. In the results, it was seen that while the cooling effect coefficient and evaporator outlet air flow generally decreased in both refrigerants with the increase of the compressor speed, the mass flow rate of the refrigerants, the compressor outlet temperature, the heat discharged from the condenser, the cooling capacity and the compressor power increased. In cases where the evaporatör inlet airflow temperature is low, it has been observed that the change in the data is very small with the increase of the compressor speed with the effect of the capacity control system
Supporting Institution
Sakarya of Applied Sciences University, Institute of Scientific Research (BAP) /TURKEY
Project Number
This study was supported by Sakarya of Applied Sciences University, Institute of Scientific Research (BAP) /TURKEY in frame of the project code of 2020-50-01-002 as researchers, we thank the Sakarya of Applied Sciences University Institute of Scientific Research /TURKEY.
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Year 2021,
, 372 - 377, 31.12.2021
Mehmet Said İnan
Alpaslan Alkan
Project Number
- [1] European Union. “Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing regulation (EC) no 842/2006 (1).” Official Journal of European Union 57 (2014): 195-230.
- [2] McLinden, Mark O., Andrei F. Kazakov, J. Steven Brown, and Piotr A. Domanski. “A thermodynamic analysis of refrigerants: possibilities and tradeoffs for low-GWP refrigerants.” International Journal of Refrigeration 38 (2013): 80-92.
- [3] B. Minor, M. Spatz, HFO-1234yf low GWP Refrigerant Update. In: International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 2008, Paper No. 2349.
- [4] Yohan Lee, Dongsoo Jung, A brief performance comparison of R1234yf and R134a in a bench tester for automobile applications, Applied Thermal Engineering 35 (2012) Paper No. 240 – 242.
- [5] Adrian Mota-Babiloni, Joaquın Navarro-Esbrı, Angel Barragan-Cervera, Francisco Moles, Bernardo Peris, Experimental study of an R1234ze(E)/R134a mixture (R450A) as R134a replacement, in-ternational journal of refrigeration 51 ( 2015 ) Paper No 52-58.
- [6] Ghodbane M., 1999. An Investigation of R152a and Hydrocarbon Refrigerants in Mobile Air Conditioning, SAE International, SAE technical paper series, 1999-01-0874.
- [7] Prof. Jignesh K. Vaghela. Comparative evaluation of an automobile air - conditioning system using R134a and its alternative refriger-ants,Energy Procedia 109 ( 2017 ) paper no. 153 – 160.
- [8] C. Zilio, S.S. Brown, and A. Cavallini, Simulation of R-1234yf Performance in a Typical Automotive System. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of Refrigeration, Boulder, CO, USA, 2009, Paper No. 128.
- [9] A. Mota-Babiloni, J. Navarro-Esbrí, Á. Barragán-Cervera, et al., Analysis based on EU Regulation No 517/2014 of new HFC / HFO mixtures as alternatives of high GWP refrigerants in refriger-ation and HVAC systems, Int. J. Refrig. 52 (2015) 21-31.
- [10] Gaurava ve Raj Kumarb “Sustainabilityof Alternative Material of R-134a in Mobile Air-conditioning System: A Review ” Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017) 112–118.