Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 10 - 22, 31.03.2020


Supporting Institution

İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi BAP Koordinatörlüğü

Project Number



  • 1] Emission standards, European Union, passenger cars.
  • [2] United States Environmental Protection Agency. Heavy-duty highway compression-ignition engine and urban buses: exhaust emission standards, 2010.
  • [3] Brijesh, P. and Sreedhara, S. (2013). Exhaust emissions and its control methods in compression ignition engines: a re-view. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 14(2), 195-206.
  • [4] Suyin, G., Kiat, H., Mun, K. (2011). Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion: implementation and effects on pollutants in direct injection diesel en-gines. Applied Energy, 88(3), 559-567.
  • [5] Kokjohn S. I., Hanson R. M., Splitter D. A., Reitz R. D. (2011). Fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI): a pathway to controlled high efficiency clean com-bustion. International Journal of Engine Research, 12(3), 209-226.
  • [6] Caligiuri, C., Renzi, M., Bietresato, M., Baratieri, M. (2019). Experimental investigation on the effects of bioethanol addi-tion in diesel-biodiesel blends on emissions and performances of a micro-cogeneration system. Energy Conversion and Management, 185, 55-65.
  • [7] Singh, P., Chauhan, S. R., Goel, V. (2018). Assessment of diesel engine combustion, performance and emission charac-teristics fuelled with dual fuel blends. Renewable energy, 125, 501-510.
  • [8] Sezer, İ. (2019). A Review Study on the Using of Diethyl Ether in Diesel Engines: Effects on CO Emissions. Interna-tional Journal of Automotive Science and Technology, 3(1), 6-20.
  • [9] Maiboom, A., Tauzia, X., Hetet, J. F. (2008). Experimental study of various effects of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on combustion and emissions of an automotive direct injection diesel engine. Energy, 33(1), 22-34.
  • [10] Hou, X., Ma, Y., Peng, F., Yan, F. and Zhang, X. (2010). Research on temperature characteristics of DPF regeneration technology based on catalytic combustion of fuel injection. In: Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific power and energy engineer-ing conference (APPEEC), Chengdu, China, 28-31 March 2010, pp. 1-4. New York: IEEE.
  • [11] Charlton, S., Dollmeyer, T. and Grana, T. (2010). Meeting the US heavy-duty EPA 2010 standards and providing in-creased value for the customer SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles, 3(1), 101-110.
  • [12] Allansson, R. et al. (2002). Optimising the low temperature performance and regeneration efficiency of the continuously regenerating diesel particulate filter (CR-DPF) system. SAE Technical Paper No. 2002-01-0428.
  • [13] Johnson, T. V. (2014). Review of selective catalytic reduc-tion (SCR) and related technologies for mobile applications. In Urea-SCR technology for deNOx after treatment of diesel exhausts, pp. 3-31. Springer, New York, NY.
  • [14] Ayodhya, A. S. and Narayanappa, K. G. (2018). An over-view of after-treatment systems for diesel engines. Environ-mental Science and Pollution Research, 25(35), 35034-35047.
  • [15] Praveena, V. and Martin, M. L. J. (2018). A review on vari-ous after treatment techniques to reduce NOx emissions in a CI engine. Journal of the Energy Institute, 91(5), 704-720.
  • [16] Boriboonsomsin, K. et al. (2018). Real-world exhaust tem-perature profiles of on-road heavy-duty diesel vehicles equipped with selective catalytic reduction. Science of the To-tal Environment, 634, 909-921.
  • [17] Basaran, H. U. and Ozsoysal, O. A. (2017). Effects of application of variable valve timing on the exhaust gas temperature improvement. Applied Thermal Engineering, 122, 758-767.
  • [18] Guan, W., Pedrozo, V. B., Zhao, H., Ban, Z. and Lin, T. (2019). Variable valve actuation-based combustion control strategies for efficiency improvement and emissions control in a heavy-duty diesel engine. International Journal of En-gine Research, 1468087419846031.
  • [19] Allen, C. M., Joshi, M. C., Gosala, D. B., Shaver, G. M., Farrell, L. and McCarthy, J. (2019). Experimental assessment of diesel engine cylinder deactivation performance during low-load transient operations. International Journal of Engine Research, 1468087419857597.
  • [20] Basaran, H. U. (2018). Fuel-saving exhaust after-treatment management on a spark-ignition engine system via cylinder deactivation method. Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Dergisi (Journal of Thermal Science and Technology), 38(2), 87-98.
  • [21] Joshi, M. et al. (2018). Diesel engine cylinder deactivation for improved system performance over transient real-world drive cycles. SAE Technical Paper No.2018-01-0880.
  • [22] Ding, C. et al. (2016). Fuel efficient exhaust thermal man-agement for compression ignition engines during idle via cy-linder deactivation and flexible valve actuation. International Journal of Engine Research, 17(6), 619-630.
  • [23] Mayer, A. et al. (2003). Engine intake throttling for active regeneration of diesel particulate filters. SAE Technical Paper No.2003-01-0381.
  • [24] Basaran, H. U. (2019). A Simulation Based Study to Im-prove Active Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration through Waste-gate Valve Opening Modulation. International Jour-nal of Automotive Science and Technology, 3(2), 32-41.
  • [25] Bouchez, M. and Dementhon, J. B. (2000). Strategies for the control of particulate trap regeneration. SAE Technical Paper No.2000-01-0472.
  • [26] Honardar, S. et al. (2011). Exhaust temperature management for diesel engines assessment of engine concepts and calibra-tion strategies with regard to fuel penalty. SAE Technical Pa-per No. 2011-24-0176.
  • [27] Piano, A., Millo, F., Di Nunno, D. and .Gallone, A. (2017). Numerical analysis on the potential of different variable valve actuation strategies on a light duty diesel engine for improv-ing exhaust system warm up. SAE Technical Paper No. 2017-24-0024.
  • [28] Roberts, L., Magee, M., Shaver, G., Garg, A., McCarthy, J., Koeberlein, E., Holloway, E., Shute, R., Koeberlein, D. and Nielsen, D. (2015). Modeling the impact of early exhaust valve opening on exhaust thermal management and efficiency for compression ignition engines. International Journal of Engine Research, 16(6), 773-794.
  • [29] Deppenkemper, K., Schoenen, M. and Koetter, M. (2019). Super Ultra-Low NOx Emissions under Extended RDE Conditions - Evaluation of Light-off Strategies of Advanced Diesel Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems. SAE Technical Paper No. 2019-01-0742.
  • [30] Ozel, C. T. (2018). Increasing exhaust temperature of an idling light-duty diesel engine through post-injection and in-take throttling. SAE Technical Paper No. 2018-01-0223.
  • [31] Basaran, H. U. (2019). Improving exhaust temperature man-agement at low-loaded diesel engine operations via internal exhaust gas recirculation. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühen-dislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 21(61), 125-135.
  • [32] Menne, C., Schrewe, K., Maurer, B. and Schlencker, J. (2019). Modular HJS heavy-duty exhaust gas aftertreatment system with independent thermal management for high NOx conversion especially in urban operation. Internationaler Motorenkongress 2019, pp. 221-234. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden.
  • [33] Kirwan, J. E., Quader, A. A. and Grieve, M. J. (2002). Fast start-up on-board gasoline reformer for near zero emissions in spark-ignition engines. SAE Technical Paper No. 2002-01-1011.
  • [34] Hamedi, M. R., Doustdar, O., Tsolakis, A. and Hartland, J. (2018). Thermal energy storage system for efficient diesel exhaust aftertreatment at low temperatures. Applied Ener-gy, 235, 874-887.
  • [35] Kovacs, D. et al. (2019). Modeling Heavy-Duty Engine Thermal Management Technologies to Meet Future Cold Start Requirements. SAE Technical Paper No. 2019-01-0731.
  • [36] Lotus Engineering, Getting started with Lotus Engine Simulation.
  • [37] Lotus Engineering Software, Lotus Engine Simulation 2013 version.
  • [38] Garg, A. et al. (2016). Fuel-efficient exhaust thermal man-agement using cylinder throttling via intake valve closing timing modulation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechan-ical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineer-ing, 230(4), 470-478.
  • [39] Heywood, J. B. (1988). Internal combustion engine funda-mentals. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • [40] Winterbone, D. E. and Pearson, R. J. (2000). Theory of Engine Manifold Design. Wave action methods for I. C. engines. Professional Engineering Publications.
  • [41] Watson, N. and Pilley, A. D. (1980). A combustion correla-tion for diesel engine simulation. SAE Technical Paper (No. 800029).
  • [42] Sandoval, D. and Heywood, J. B. (2003). An improved friction model for spark-ignition engines. . SAE Technical Paper (No. 2003-01-0725).
  • [43] Annand, W. J. D. (1963). Heat transfer in the cylinders of reciprocating internal combustion engines. . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 177(1), 973-996.
  • [44] Stanton, D. W. (2013). Systematic Development of Highly Efficient and Clean Engines to Meet Future Commercial Ve-hicle Greenhouse Gas Regulations. SAE International Jour-nal of Engines, 6(3), 1395-1480.
  • [45] Ding, C. (2014). Thermal efficiency and emission analysis of advanced thermodynamic strategies in a multi-cylinder diesel engine utilizing valve-train flexibility. PhD Thesis, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayetta, Indiana.

Utilizing Exhaust Valve Opening Modulation for Fast Warm-up of Exhaust After-treatment Systems on Highway Diesel Vehicles

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 10 - 22, 31.03.2020


Current on-road vehicles are generally outfitted with exhaust after-treatment (EAT) systems to meet the stringent emission regulations. At cold start and low-loaded operations, those systems need to be warmed up above a threshold temperature (generally 250oC) for effective performance. High exhaust temperatures and high exhaust flow rates are required to accelerate the EAT warm up which are mostly not available at low-loaded diesel vehicle operations. Therefore, the objective of this work is to improve EAT warm up at low loads through utilizing exhaust valve opening (EVO) modulation which allows both elevated exhaust temperatures and exhaust flow rates.
A 1-D engine simulation program is used to model the system which is set to operate at 1200 RPM engine speed and at 2.5 bar brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) engine load. Exhaust temperature can be increased above 250oC via either early or late EVO timings. Reduced expansion work in advanced EVO timings and increased pumping loss in retarded EVO timings require higher fuel consumption (up to 15 % and 20 %, respectively) to keep engine load constant. Those high fuel penalties reduce engine air-to-fuel ratio and rise exhaust temperature more than 55oC. Exhaust mass flow rate is improved up to 9 % in the system as well. The method increases exhaust gas energy up to 40 % and rises heat transfer rate to the EAT system up to 140 % compared to nominal condition. The technique is highly effective at heating up EAT systems, however, it also causes high fuel inefficiency which needs to be considered.

Project Number



  • 1] Emission standards, European Union, passenger cars.
  • [2] United States Environmental Protection Agency. Heavy-duty highway compression-ignition engine and urban buses: exhaust emission standards, 2010.
  • [3] Brijesh, P. and Sreedhara, S. (2013). Exhaust emissions and its control methods in compression ignition engines: a re-view. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 14(2), 195-206.
  • [4] Suyin, G., Kiat, H., Mun, K. (2011). Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion: implementation and effects on pollutants in direct injection diesel en-gines. Applied Energy, 88(3), 559-567.
  • [5] Kokjohn S. I., Hanson R. M., Splitter D. A., Reitz R. D. (2011). Fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI): a pathway to controlled high efficiency clean com-bustion. International Journal of Engine Research, 12(3), 209-226.
  • [6] Caligiuri, C., Renzi, M., Bietresato, M., Baratieri, M. (2019). Experimental investigation on the effects of bioethanol addi-tion in diesel-biodiesel blends on emissions and performances of a micro-cogeneration system. Energy Conversion and Management, 185, 55-65.
  • [7] Singh, P., Chauhan, S. R., Goel, V. (2018). Assessment of diesel engine combustion, performance and emission charac-teristics fuelled with dual fuel blends. Renewable energy, 125, 501-510.
  • [8] Sezer, İ. (2019). A Review Study on the Using of Diethyl Ether in Diesel Engines: Effects on CO Emissions. Interna-tional Journal of Automotive Science and Technology, 3(1), 6-20.
  • [9] Maiboom, A., Tauzia, X., Hetet, J. F. (2008). Experimental study of various effects of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on combustion and emissions of an automotive direct injection diesel engine. Energy, 33(1), 22-34.
  • [10] Hou, X., Ma, Y., Peng, F., Yan, F. and Zhang, X. (2010). Research on temperature characteristics of DPF regeneration technology based on catalytic combustion of fuel injection. In: Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific power and energy engineer-ing conference (APPEEC), Chengdu, China, 28-31 March 2010, pp. 1-4. New York: IEEE.
  • [11] Charlton, S., Dollmeyer, T. and Grana, T. (2010). Meeting the US heavy-duty EPA 2010 standards and providing in-creased value for the customer SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles, 3(1), 101-110.
  • [12] Allansson, R. et al. (2002). Optimising the low temperature performance and regeneration efficiency of the continuously regenerating diesel particulate filter (CR-DPF) system. SAE Technical Paper No. 2002-01-0428.
  • [13] Johnson, T. V. (2014). Review of selective catalytic reduc-tion (SCR) and related technologies for mobile applications. In Urea-SCR technology for deNOx after treatment of diesel exhausts, pp. 3-31. Springer, New York, NY.
  • [14] Ayodhya, A. S. and Narayanappa, K. G. (2018). An over-view of after-treatment systems for diesel engines. Environ-mental Science and Pollution Research, 25(35), 35034-35047.
  • [15] Praveena, V. and Martin, M. L. J. (2018). A review on vari-ous after treatment techniques to reduce NOx emissions in a CI engine. Journal of the Energy Institute, 91(5), 704-720.
  • [16] Boriboonsomsin, K. et al. (2018). Real-world exhaust tem-perature profiles of on-road heavy-duty diesel vehicles equipped with selective catalytic reduction. Science of the To-tal Environment, 634, 909-921.
  • [17] Basaran, H. U. and Ozsoysal, O. A. (2017). Effects of application of variable valve timing on the exhaust gas temperature improvement. Applied Thermal Engineering, 122, 758-767.
  • [18] Guan, W., Pedrozo, V. B., Zhao, H., Ban, Z. and Lin, T. (2019). Variable valve actuation-based combustion control strategies for efficiency improvement and emissions control in a heavy-duty diesel engine. International Journal of En-gine Research, 1468087419846031.
  • [19] Allen, C. M., Joshi, M. C., Gosala, D. B., Shaver, G. M., Farrell, L. and McCarthy, J. (2019). Experimental assessment of diesel engine cylinder deactivation performance during low-load transient operations. International Journal of Engine Research, 1468087419857597.
  • [20] Basaran, H. U. (2018). Fuel-saving exhaust after-treatment management on a spark-ignition engine system via cylinder deactivation method. Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Dergisi (Journal of Thermal Science and Technology), 38(2), 87-98.
  • [21] Joshi, M. et al. (2018). Diesel engine cylinder deactivation for improved system performance over transient real-world drive cycles. SAE Technical Paper No.2018-01-0880.
  • [22] Ding, C. et al. (2016). Fuel efficient exhaust thermal man-agement for compression ignition engines during idle via cy-linder deactivation and flexible valve actuation. International Journal of Engine Research, 17(6), 619-630.
  • [23] Mayer, A. et al. (2003). Engine intake throttling for active regeneration of diesel particulate filters. SAE Technical Paper No.2003-01-0381.
  • [24] Basaran, H. U. (2019). A Simulation Based Study to Im-prove Active Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration through Waste-gate Valve Opening Modulation. International Jour-nal of Automotive Science and Technology, 3(2), 32-41.
  • [25] Bouchez, M. and Dementhon, J. B. (2000). Strategies for the control of particulate trap regeneration. SAE Technical Paper No.2000-01-0472.
  • [26] Honardar, S. et al. (2011). Exhaust temperature management for diesel engines assessment of engine concepts and calibra-tion strategies with regard to fuel penalty. SAE Technical Pa-per No. 2011-24-0176.
  • [27] Piano, A., Millo, F., Di Nunno, D. and .Gallone, A. (2017). Numerical analysis on the potential of different variable valve actuation strategies on a light duty diesel engine for improv-ing exhaust system warm up. SAE Technical Paper No. 2017-24-0024.
  • [28] Roberts, L., Magee, M., Shaver, G., Garg, A., McCarthy, J., Koeberlein, E., Holloway, E., Shute, R., Koeberlein, D. and Nielsen, D. (2015). Modeling the impact of early exhaust valve opening on exhaust thermal management and efficiency for compression ignition engines. International Journal of Engine Research, 16(6), 773-794.
  • [29] Deppenkemper, K., Schoenen, M. and Koetter, M. (2019). Super Ultra-Low NOx Emissions under Extended RDE Conditions - Evaluation of Light-off Strategies of Advanced Diesel Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems. SAE Technical Paper No. 2019-01-0742.
  • [30] Ozel, C. T. (2018). Increasing exhaust temperature of an idling light-duty diesel engine through post-injection and in-take throttling. SAE Technical Paper No. 2018-01-0223.
  • [31] Basaran, H. U. (2019). Improving exhaust temperature man-agement at low-loaded diesel engine operations via internal exhaust gas recirculation. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühen-dislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 21(61), 125-135.
  • [32] Menne, C., Schrewe, K., Maurer, B. and Schlencker, J. (2019). Modular HJS heavy-duty exhaust gas aftertreatment system with independent thermal management for high NOx conversion especially in urban operation. Internationaler Motorenkongress 2019, pp. 221-234. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden.
  • [33] Kirwan, J. E., Quader, A. A. and Grieve, M. J. (2002). Fast start-up on-board gasoline reformer for near zero emissions in spark-ignition engines. SAE Technical Paper No. 2002-01-1011.
  • [34] Hamedi, M. R., Doustdar, O., Tsolakis, A. and Hartland, J. (2018). Thermal energy storage system for efficient diesel exhaust aftertreatment at low temperatures. Applied Ener-gy, 235, 874-887.
  • [35] Kovacs, D. et al. (2019). Modeling Heavy-Duty Engine Thermal Management Technologies to Meet Future Cold Start Requirements. SAE Technical Paper No. 2019-01-0731.
  • [36] Lotus Engineering, Getting started with Lotus Engine Simulation.
  • [37] Lotus Engineering Software, Lotus Engine Simulation 2013 version.
  • [38] Garg, A. et al. (2016). Fuel-efficient exhaust thermal man-agement using cylinder throttling via intake valve closing timing modulation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechan-ical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineer-ing, 230(4), 470-478.
  • [39] Heywood, J. B. (1988). Internal combustion engine funda-mentals. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • [40] Winterbone, D. E. and Pearson, R. J. (2000). Theory of Engine Manifold Design. Wave action methods for I. C. engines. Professional Engineering Publications.
  • [41] Watson, N. and Pilley, A. D. (1980). A combustion correla-tion for diesel engine simulation. SAE Technical Paper (No. 800029).
  • [42] Sandoval, D. and Heywood, J. B. (2003). An improved friction model for spark-ignition engines. . SAE Technical Paper (No. 2003-01-0725).
  • [43] Annand, W. J. D. (1963). Heat transfer in the cylinders of reciprocating internal combustion engines. . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 177(1), 973-996.
  • [44] Stanton, D. W. (2013). Systematic Development of Highly Efficient and Clean Engines to Meet Future Commercial Ve-hicle Greenhouse Gas Regulations. SAE International Jour-nal of Engines, 6(3), 1395-1480.
  • [45] Ding, C. (2014). Thermal efficiency and emission analysis of advanced thermodynamic strategies in a multi-cylinder diesel engine utilizing valve-train flexibility. PhD Thesis, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayetta, Indiana.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Hasan Üstün Başaran 0000-0002-1491-0465

Project Number 2019-GAP-GİDF-0016
Publication Date March 31, 2020
Submission Date December 25, 2019
Acceptance Date February 25, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Başaran, H. Ü. (2020). Utilizing Exhaust Valve Opening Modulation for Fast Warm-up of Exhaust After-treatment Systems on Highway Diesel Vehicles. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, 4(1), 10-22.
AMA Başaran HÜ. Utilizing Exhaust Valve Opening Modulation for Fast Warm-up of Exhaust After-treatment Systems on Highway Diesel Vehicles. ijastech. March 2020;4(1):10-22. doi:10.30939/ijastech.664860
Chicago Başaran, Hasan Üstün. “Utilizing Exhaust Valve Opening Modulation for Fast Warm-up of Exhaust After-Treatment Systems on Highway Diesel Vehicles”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 4, no. 1 (March 2020): 10-22. 664860.
EndNote Başaran HÜ (March 1, 2020) Utilizing Exhaust Valve Opening Modulation for Fast Warm-up of Exhaust After-treatment Systems on Highway Diesel Vehicles. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 4 1 10–22.
IEEE H. Ü. Başaran, “Utilizing Exhaust Valve Opening Modulation for Fast Warm-up of Exhaust After-treatment Systems on Highway Diesel Vehicles”, ijastech, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 10–22, 2020, doi: 10.30939/ijastech..664860.
ISNAD Başaran, Hasan Üstün. “Utilizing Exhaust Valve Opening Modulation for Fast Warm-up of Exhaust After-Treatment Systems on Highway Diesel Vehicles”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 4/1 (March 2020), 10-22. 664860.
JAMA Başaran HÜ. Utilizing Exhaust Valve Opening Modulation for Fast Warm-up of Exhaust After-treatment Systems on Highway Diesel Vehicles. ijastech. 2020;4:10–22.
MLA Başaran, Hasan Üstün. “Utilizing Exhaust Valve Opening Modulation for Fast Warm-up of Exhaust After-Treatment Systems on Highway Diesel Vehicles”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, vol. 4, no. 1, 2020, pp. 10-22, doi:10.30939/ijastech. 664860.
Vancouver Başaran HÜ. Utilizing Exhaust Valve Opening Modulation for Fast Warm-up of Exhaust After-treatment Systems on Highway Diesel Vehicles. ijastech. 2020;4(1):10-22.

International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology (IJASTECH) is published by Society of Automotive Engineers Turkey
