Research Article
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Modeling of Electric Vehicles as a Load Of The Distribution Grid

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 54 - 62, 01.04.2023


Electric vehicles (EVs) are expected to reduce carbon emissions from transportation. For this reason, many vehicle manufacturers, countries and international organizations develop their energy and transportation policies in this direction and also support them with practices. As a result of the policies implemented and developments in battery technologies, serious increases are expected in the sales of the EV sector. However, there should be sufficient charging stations for EV charging. The increase in charging stations is expected to cause some positive and negative effects on the grid. In order for electric vehicles to be more acceptable in terms of power systems, it is necessary to understand what kind of electrical character they show. In this article, EV electrical modeling is performed over a charging period by Monte Carlo Simulation using the actual charging data of some EV models charged in a single phase 7,2 kW- 240 V charger. The generated probabilistic model was validated by comparing it with real data. Thus, a reliable modeling has been presented for EV, which is a new load in power systems.


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  • [3] World Energy Statistics.2017.
  • [4] Shaukat N, Khan B, Ali S. M, Mehmood C. A, Khan J, Farid U, Ullah Z. A survey on electric vehicle transportation within smart grid system. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2018(81);1329-1349.
  • [5] Hedegaard K, Ravn H, Juul N, Meibom P. Effects of electric vehicles on power systems in Northern Europe. Energy. 2012;48(1), 356-368.
  • [6] Nanaki E. A, Koroneos C. J. Comparative economic and envi-ronmental analysis of conventional, hybrid and electric vehi-cles–the case study of Greece. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2013;53:261-266.
  • [7] EV I. G. Outlook to Electric Mobility. International Energy Agency (IEA): Paris, France. 2019.
  • [8] Knez M, Zevnik G. K, Obrecht M. A review of available chargers for electric vehicles: United States of America, Euro-pean Union, and Asia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Re-views. 2019(109);284-293.
  • [9] Khalid M. R, Alam M. S, Sarwar A, Asghar M. J. A Compre-hensive review on electric vehicles charging infrastructures and their impacts on power-quality of the utility grid. ETransportation. 2019(1), 100006.
  • [10] Kattmann C, Rudion K, Tenbohlen S. Detailed power quality measurement of electric vehicle charging infrastruc-ture. CIRED-Open Access Proceedings Journal. 2017;(1):581-584.
  • [11] Haus B, Mercorelli P. Polynomial augmented extended Kalman filter to estimate the state of charge of lithium-ion bat-teries. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2019;69(2):1452-1463.
  • [12] Ruiz‐Rodriguez F. J, Hernández J. C, Jurado F. Voltage behaviour in radial distribution systems under the uncertainties of photovoltaic systems and electric vehicle charging loads. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Sys-tems. 2018;28(2): e2490.
  • [13] Khan A, Memon S, Sattar T. P. Analyzing integrated renewable energy and smart-grid systems to improve voltage quality and harmonic distortion losses at electric-vehicle charg-ing stations. IEEE Access. 2018;6: 26404-26415.
  • [14] Quirós-Tortós J, Navarro-Espinosa A, Ochoa L. F, Butler T. Statistical representation of EV charging: Real data analysis and applications. In 2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). 2018;1-7 [15] Baraniak J, Starzyński J. Modeling the impact of elec-tric vehicle charging systems on electric power quality. Energies. 2020;13(15):3951.
  • [16] Restrepo M, Morris J, Kazerani M, Canizares C. A. Modeling and testing of a bidirectional smart charger for distri-bution system EV integration. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 2016;9(1):152-162.
  • [17] Sheng Q, Chen M, Li Q, Wang Y, Hassan M. A. S. Analysis for the Influence of Electric Vehicle Chargers with Different SOC on Grid Harmonics. In Advances in Green En-ergy Systems and Smart Grid: First International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Internet of Things and 5th Inter-national Conference on Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment, IMIOT and ICSEE 2018, Chongqing, China, Sep-tember 21-23 2018 Proceedings. Springer Singapore. 2018;284-294.
  • [18] Abeywardana D. B. W, Acuna P, Hredzak B, Aguilera R. P, Agelidis V. G. Single-phase boost inverter-based electric vehicle charger with integrated vehicle to grid reactive power compensation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electron-ics. 2017;33(4):3462-3471.
  • [19] Farahani H. F, Rabiee A, Khalili M. Plug-in electric vehicles as a harmonic compensator into microgrids. Journal of cleaner production. 2017;159:388-396.
  • [20] Inoa E, Wang J. PHEV charging strategies for maxim-ized energy saving. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolo-gy. 2011;60(7):2978-2986.
  • [21] Ul-Haq A, Azhar M, Mahmoud Y, Perwaiz A, Al-Ammar E. A. Probabilistic modeling of electric vehicle charging pattern associated with residential load for voltage unbalance assessment. Energies, 2017:10(9):1351.
  • [22] Saemobilus. Web Site. Accessed 20/10/2022.
  • [23] Rawson M, Kateley S. Electric vehicle charging equip-ment design and health and safety codes. SAE transactions, 199;3256-3262.
  • [24] Installation Guide for Electric Vehicle Charging Equip-ment. Massachusetts Division of Energy Resources. 2000.
  • [25] Doswell M. Electric Vehicles-What Municipalities Need to Know. Alternative Energy Solutions Dominion Re-sources.USA.
  • [26] Botsford C, Szczepanek A. Fast charging vs. slow charging: Pros and cons for the new age of electric vehicles. In International Battery Hybrid Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Sym-posium. 2009;1-9.
  • [27] Chademo Association. Desirable Characteristics of Public Quick Charger. 2011.
  • [28] Anegawa T. Development of quick charging system for electric vehicle. 2010.
  • [29] Aggeler D, Canales F, Zelaya-De La Parra H, Coccia A, Butcher N, Apeldoorn O. Ultra-fast DC-charge infrastructures for EV-mobility and future smart grids. In 2010 IEEE PES In-novative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT Europe). 2010;1-8.
  • [30] ANL. Web Sites. Accessed 08/07/2022.
  • [31] Xing Y, Li F, Sun K, Wang D, Chen T, Zhang Z. Multi-type electric vehicle load prediction based on Monte Carlo sim-ulation. Energy Reports. 2022;8:966-972.
  • [32] Torres S, Durán I, Marulanda A, Pavas A, Quirós-Tortós J. Electric vehicles and power quality in low voltage networks: Real data analysis and modeling. Applied Ener-gy. 2022;305:117718
Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 54 - 62, 01.04.2023



  • [1] Agreement P. Adoption of the Paris Agreement Proposal by the President, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. https://unfccc. int/resource/docs/2015/cop21/eng/l09.pdf Letöltve:02.01.2016.
  • [2] Labatt S, White R. R. Carbon finance: the financial implications of climate change. John Wiley & Sons. 2011.
  • [3] World Energy Statistics.2017.
  • [4] Shaukat N, Khan B, Ali S. M, Mehmood C. A, Khan J, Farid U, Ullah Z. A survey on electric vehicle transportation within smart grid system. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2018(81);1329-1349.
  • [5] Hedegaard K, Ravn H, Juul N, Meibom P. Effects of electric vehicles on power systems in Northern Europe. Energy. 2012;48(1), 356-368.
  • [6] Nanaki E. A, Koroneos C. J. Comparative economic and envi-ronmental analysis of conventional, hybrid and electric vehi-cles–the case study of Greece. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2013;53:261-266.
  • [7] EV I. G. Outlook to Electric Mobility. International Energy Agency (IEA): Paris, France. 2019.
  • [8] Knez M, Zevnik G. K, Obrecht M. A review of available chargers for electric vehicles: United States of America, Euro-pean Union, and Asia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Re-views. 2019(109);284-293.
  • [9] Khalid M. R, Alam M. S, Sarwar A, Asghar M. J. A Compre-hensive review on electric vehicles charging infrastructures and their impacts on power-quality of the utility grid. ETransportation. 2019(1), 100006.
  • [10] Kattmann C, Rudion K, Tenbohlen S. Detailed power quality measurement of electric vehicle charging infrastruc-ture. CIRED-Open Access Proceedings Journal. 2017;(1):581-584.
  • [11] Haus B, Mercorelli P. Polynomial augmented extended Kalman filter to estimate the state of charge of lithium-ion bat-teries. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2019;69(2):1452-1463.
  • [12] Ruiz‐Rodriguez F. J, Hernández J. C, Jurado F. Voltage behaviour in radial distribution systems under the uncertainties of photovoltaic systems and electric vehicle charging loads. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Sys-tems. 2018;28(2): e2490.
  • [13] Khan A, Memon S, Sattar T. P. Analyzing integrated renewable energy and smart-grid systems to improve voltage quality and harmonic distortion losses at electric-vehicle charg-ing stations. IEEE Access. 2018;6: 26404-26415.
  • [14] Quirós-Tortós J, Navarro-Espinosa A, Ochoa L. F, Butler T. Statistical representation of EV charging: Real data analysis and applications. In 2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). 2018;1-7 [15] Baraniak J, Starzyński J. Modeling the impact of elec-tric vehicle charging systems on electric power quality. Energies. 2020;13(15):3951.
  • [16] Restrepo M, Morris J, Kazerani M, Canizares C. A. Modeling and testing of a bidirectional smart charger for distri-bution system EV integration. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 2016;9(1):152-162.
  • [17] Sheng Q, Chen M, Li Q, Wang Y, Hassan M. A. S. Analysis for the Influence of Electric Vehicle Chargers with Different SOC on Grid Harmonics. In Advances in Green En-ergy Systems and Smart Grid: First International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Internet of Things and 5th Inter-national Conference on Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment, IMIOT and ICSEE 2018, Chongqing, China, Sep-tember 21-23 2018 Proceedings. Springer Singapore. 2018;284-294.
  • [18] Abeywardana D. B. W, Acuna P, Hredzak B, Aguilera R. P, Agelidis V. G. Single-phase boost inverter-based electric vehicle charger with integrated vehicle to grid reactive power compensation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electron-ics. 2017;33(4):3462-3471.
  • [19] Farahani H. F, Rabiee A, Khalili M. Plug-in electric vehicles as a harmonic compensator into microgrids. Journal of cleaner production. 2017;159:388-396.
  • [20] Inoa E, Wang J. PHEV charging strategies for maxim-ized energy saving. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolo-gy. 2011;60(7):2978-2986.
  • [21] Ul-Haq A, Azhar M, Mahmoud Y, Perwaiz A, Al-Ammar E. A. Probabilistic modeling of electric vehicle charging pattern associated with residential load for voltage unbalance assessment. Energies, 2017:10(9):1351.
  • [22] Saemobilus. Web Site. Accessed 20/10/2022.
  • [23] Rawson M, Kateley S. Electric vehicle charging equip-ment design and health and safety codes. SAE transactions, 199;3256-3262.
  • [24] Installation Guide for Electric Vehicle Charging Equip-ment. Massachusetts Division of Energy Resources. 2000.
  • [25] Doswell M. Electric Vehicles-What Municipalities Need to Know. Alternative Energy Solutions Dominion Re-sources.USA.
  • [26] Botsford C, Szczepanek A. Fast charging vs. slow charging: Pros and cons for the new age of electric vehicles. In International Battery Hybrid Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Sym-posium. 2009;1-9.
  • [27] Chademo Association. Desirable Characteristics of Public Quick Charger. 2011.
  • [28] Anegawa T. Development of quick charging system for electric vehicle. 2010.
  • [29] Aggeler D, Canales F, Zelaya-De La Parra H, Coccia A, Butcher N, Apeldoorn O. Ultra-fast DC-charge infrastructures for EV-mobility and future smart grids. In 2010 IEEE PES In-novative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT Europe). 2010;1-8.
  • [30] ANL. Web Sites. Accessed 08/07/2022.
  • [31] Xing Y, Li F, Sun K, Wang D, Chen T, Zhang Z. Multi-type electric vehicle load prediction based on Monte Carlo sim-ulation. Energy Reports. 2022;8:966-972.
  • [32] Torres S, Durán I, Marulanda A, Pavas A, Quirós-Tortós J. Electric vehicles and power quality in low voltage networks: Real data analysis and modeling. Applied Ener-gy. 2022;305:117718
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Electrical Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Nurullah Aslan 0000-0003-4056-2094

Erdal Kılıc 0000-0002-1572-6109

Mustafa Şekkeli 0000-0002-1641-3243

Publication Date April 1, 2023
Submission Date August 24, 2022
Acceptance Date March 28, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Aslan, N., Kılıc, E., & Şekkeli, M. (2023). Modeling of Electric Vehicles as a Load Of The Distribution Grid. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, 7(1), 54-62.
AMA Aslan N, Kılıc E, Şekkeli M. Modeling of Electric Vehicles as a Load Of The Distribution Grid. ijastech. April 2023;7(1):54-62. doi:10.30939/ijastech.1165750
Chicago Aslan, Nurullah, Erdal Kılıc, and Mustafa Şekkeli. “Modeling of Electric Vehicles As a Load Of The Distribution Grid”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 7, no. 1 (April 2023): 54-62. 1165750.
EndNote Aslan N, Kılıc E, Şekkeli M (April 1, 2023) Modeling of Electric Vehicles as a Load Of The Distribution Grid. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 7 1 54–62.
IEEE N. Aslan, E. Kılıc, and M. Şekkeli, “Modeling of Electric Vehicles as a Load Of The Distribution Grid”, ijastech, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 54–62, 2023, doi: 10.30939/ijastech..1165750.
ISNAD Aslan, Nurullah et al. “Modeling of Electric Vehicles As a Load Of The Distribution Grid”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 7/1 (April 2023), 54-62. 1165750.
JAMA Aslan N, Kılıc E, Şekkeli M. Modeling of Electric Vehicles as a Load Of The Distribution Grid. ijastech. 2023;7:54–62.
MLA Aslan, Nurullah et al. “Modeling of Electric Vehicles As a Load Of The Distribution Grid”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, vol. 7, no. 1, 2023, pp. 54-62, doi:10.30939/ijastech. 1165750.
Vancouver Aslan N, Kılıc E, Şekkeli M. Modeling of Electric Vehicles as a Load Of The Distribution Grid. ijastech. 2023;7(1):54-62.

International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology (IJASTECH) is published by Society of Automotive Engineers Turkey
