Research Article
BibTex RIS Cite
Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 196 - 206, 30.09.2023



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  • [2] Nadella S. The Future of Automotive – Plenum Discussion with Dieter Zetsche (CEO of Mercedes Benz at that time). In: Mobile World Congress. 2019.
  • [3] Rigby D, Sutherland J, Noble A. Agile at Scale. In: Harvard Business Review. 2018; 5: 88-96.
  • [4] Scheller T. Auf dem Weg zur agilen Organisation. Wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen dynamischer, flexibler und leistungsfähiger ge-stalten. 2017: 20-23.
  • [5] Baltes G, Freyth A. Veränderungsintelligenz. Agiler, innovati-ver, unternehmerischer den Wandel unserer Zeit meistern. 2017: 4-8.
  • [6] Kalyanakrishnan S. Lean Agile for Project & Portfolio Man-agement Efficiency. In: PM World Journal. 2013; 11: 1-20.
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  • [8] Jurecka P. Strategy and Portfolio Management Aspects of Inte-grated Business Planning. In: Central European Business Re-view. 2013; 2: 28-34.
  • [9] Schrage B. Project Portfolio Management Can Ensure Best Use of Time and Resources. Management Science. In: Natural Gas & Electricity. 2018; 8: 21-25.
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  • [11] Kompalla A, Studeny M, Bartels A Tigu G. Agile Busi-ness Strategies: How to Adjust to Rapidly Changing Environ-ments? In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Innova-tion & Entrepreneurship. 2016: 414-424.
  • [12] Kasperk G, Fluchs S, Drauz R. Geschäftsmodelle entlang der elektromobilen Wertschöpfungskette. In: Elektromobilität: Grundlagen einer Zukunftstechnologie. 2013: 133-180.
  • [13] Langenscheidt. Latein-Deutsch Wörterbuch. Agilis. 2023. (
  • [14] Förster K, Wendler R. Theorien und Konzepte zu Agilität in Organisationen. In: Dresdner Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinfor-matik. 2014; 12: 2-20.
  • [15] Duguay C, Landry S, Pasin F. From mass production to flexible/agile production. In: International Journal of Operati-ons & Production Management. 1997; 12: 1183-1195.
  • [16] Sambamurthy V, Bharadwaj A, Grover V. Shaping Agili-ty through Digital Options: Reconceptualizing the Role of In-formation Technology in Contemporary Firms. In: Management Information Systems Quarterly. 2003; 2: 245.Graf N, Gramß D, Edelkraut F. Agiles Lernen: Neue Rollen, Kompetenzen und Methoden im Unternehmenskontext. 2017: 34.
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  • [35] Chiu Y. An Introduction to the History of Project Man-agement. From the Earliest Times to A.D.1900. 2010: 1-4.
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  • [39] Javorsky A. Projektmanagement im Automotive Bereich. Der Praxisleitfaden. 2018: 40-45, 139-143,167-178.
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  • [42] Hirzel M. Herausforderungen des Projektportfolio-Managements. In: Projektportfolio-Management. Strategisches und operatives Multi-Projektmanagement in der Praxis. 2019: 3-11.
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  • [46] Bea F, Haas J. Strategisches Management. 2009; 6: 149.
  • [47] Hutzschenreuter T. Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Grundlagen mit zahlreichen Praxisbeispielen. 2009; 3: 368.
  • [48] Kaplan R, Norton D. Balanced Scorecard. Strategien erfolgreich umsetzen. 1997: 139-142.

Theoretical Fundamentals of Scaled Business Agility and Project Portfolio Management at Automotive Manufacturers

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 196 - 206, 30.09.2023


This study has the aim to explain the theoretical fundamentals of scaled agile business structures and of the traditional project portfolio management before laying out the discrepancies of agility with project portfolio management at large enterprises such as automotive manufacturers.
For the exploration of the scarcely addressed topic of agility at portfolio level, current journals were mainly consulted. Further, for the theoretical exposition of project portfolio management, current journals and textbooks about business strategies and project management were used as well as journals for information about portfolio management.
As a result of this paper, it was found that the difference of agile delivery to the traditional organization is the focus on small work packages instead of detailed long -term planning. When focusing on smaller work packages, portfolio planning becomes more iterative and bottom-up ideas have a higher impact on program level.
For other industries then automotive manufacturers, other company sizes, or even other automotive manufacturers, which are built from the ground up to be more agile, the findings of this paper are not relevant.


  • [1] Gnanasambandam C, Palaniappan J, Schneider J. Every com-pany is a software company: Six ‘must dos’ to succeed. In: McKinsey Quarterly. 2023; 1: 92-98.
  • [2] Nadella S. The Future of Automotive – Plenum Discussion with Dieter Zetsche (CEO of Mercedes Benz at that time). In: Mobile World Congress. 2019.
  • [3] Rigby D, Sutherland J, Noble A. Agile at Scale. In: Harvard Business Review. 2018; 5: 88-96.
  • [4] Scheller T. Auf dem Weg zur agilen Organisation. Wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen dynamischer, flexibler und leistungsfähiger ge-stalten. 2017: 20-23.
  • [5] Baltes G, Freyth A. Veränderungsintelligenz. Agiler, innovati-ver, unternehmerischer den Wandel unserer Zeit meistern. 2017: 4-8.
  • [6] Kalyanakrishnan S. Lean Agile for Project & Portfolio Man-agement Efficiency. In: PM World Journal. 2013; 11: 1-20.
  • [7] Layton M. Agile Project Management. 2012: 35.
  • [8] Jurecka P. Strategy and Portfolio Management Aspects of Inte-grated Business Planning. In: Central European Business Re-view. 2013; 2: 28-34.
  • [9] Schrage B. Project Portfolio Management Can Ensure Best Use of Time and Resources. Management Science. In: Natural Gas & Electricity. 2018; 8: 21-25.
  • [10] Chin G. Agile Project Management: How to Succeed in the Face of Changing Projects Requirements. 2006: 174.
  • [11] Kompalla A, Studeny M, Bartels A Tigu G. Agile Busi-ness Strategies: How to Adjust to Rapidly Changing Environ-ments? In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Innova-tion & Entrepreneurship. 2016: 414-424.
  • [12] Kasperk G, Fluchs S, Drauz R. Geschäftsmodelle entlang der elektromobilen Wertschöpfungskette. In: Elektromobilität: Grundlagen einer Zukunftstechnologie. 2013: 133-180.
  • [13] Langenscheidt. Latein-Deutsch Wörterbuch. Agilis. 2023. (
  • [14] Förster K, Wendler R. Theorien und Konzepte zu Agilität in Organisationen. In: Dresdner Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinfor-matik. 2014; 12: 2-20.
  • [15] Duguay C, Landry S, Pasin F. From mass production to flexible/agile production. In: International Journal of Operati-ons & Production Management. 1997; 12: 1183-1195.
  • [16] Sambamurthy V, Bharadwaj A, Grover V. Shaping Agili-ty through Digital Options: Reconceptualizing the Role of In-formation Technology in Contemporary Firms. In: Management Information Systems Quarterly. 2003; 2: 245.Graf N, Gramß D, Edelkraut F. Agiles Lernen: Neue Rollen, Kompetenzen und Methoden im Unternehmenskontext. 2017: 34.
  • [17] Scheller T. Auf dem Weg zur agilen Organisation. Wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen dynamischer, flexibler und leistungsfähi-ger gestalten. 2017: 20-25, 110, 220.
  • [18] Apke L. Understanding the Agile Manifesto: A Brief & Bold Guide to Agile. 2014: 9-20.
  • [19] Sutherland J. SCRUM. The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. 2014: 12.
  • [20] Meyer B. Agile! The Good, the Hype and the Ugly. 2014: 3-8.
  • [21] Wolf H, Bleek W-G. Agile Softwareentwicklung. Werte, Konzepte und Methoden. 2008: 16-20.
  • [22] LeSS Framework. Overview. 2023. (
  • [23] Scaled Agile Framework. Scrum Master. 2020. (
  • [24] Rubin K. Essential Scrum: Umfassendes Scrum-Wissen aus der Praxis. 2012: 35-40.
  • [25] Hanser E. Agile Prozesse: Von XP über Scrum bis MAP. 2010: 61-68.
  • [26] Pichler R. Scrum. Agiles Projektmanagement erfolgreich einsetzen. 2008: 6%, 72%.
  • [27] Gloger B. Scrum. Der Paradigmenwechsel im Projekt – und Produktmanagement – Eine Einführung. In: Informatik-Spektrum. 2010; 33: 195-200.
  • [28] Gloger B. Scrum: Produkte zuverlässig und schnell ent-wickeln. 2016: 5-10.
  • [29] Chard J, Douglass B. Agile Product Development, IBM Limited Edition. 2015: 35.
  • [30] Lang M, Scherber S. Der Weg zum agilen Unternehmen – Wissen für Entscheider: Strategien, Potenziale, Lösungen. 2018: 58-60.
  • [31] Böhm J. Erfolgsfaktor Agilität. 2019: 97-99.
  • [32] Maximini D. Scrum – Einführung in der Unternehmen-spraxis. Von starren Strukturen zu agilen Kulturen. 2018; 2: 58%.
  • [33] Patzak G, Rattay G. Project Management: Guideline for the Management of Projects, Project Portfolios, Programs and Project-oriented Companies. 2011: 15-26, 389-399, 423-435.
  • [34] ISO, International Standards Organization: Guidance on project management, ISO 21500. 2012: 3-6. (
  • [35] Chiu Y. An Introduction to the History of Project Man-agement. From the Earliest Times to A.D.1900. 2010: 1-4.
  • [36] Morris P. A Brief History of Project Management. In: The Oxford Handbook of Project Management. 2011: 15-36.
  • [37] Project Management Institute. What is Project Manage-ment? 2020 (,in%20the%20mid%2D20th%20century.).
  • [38] Keßler H, Winkelhofer G. Projektmanagement: Leitfa-den zur Steuerung und Führung von Projekten. 1997: 55.
  • [39] Javorsky A. Projektmanagement im Automotive Bereich. Der Praxisleitfaden. 2018: 40-45, 139-143,167-178.
  • [40] Kerzner H. Project Management. A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. 2013; 11: 366, 1111-1112.
  • [41] Wolle B. Grundlagen des Software-Marketing. Von der Softwareentwicklung zum nachhaltigen Markterfolg. 2005: 31-33.
  • [42] Hirzel M. Herausforderungen des Projektportfolio-Managements. In: Projektportfolio-Management. Strategisches und operatives Multi-Projektmanagement in der Praxis. 2019: 3-11.
  • [43] Doerscher T. Portfolio management sharpens business reaction. In: Industrial Management. 2010; 7/8: 10-13.
  • [44] Kunz C. Strategisches Multiprojektmanagement. Kon-zeption, Methoden und Strukturen. 2007; 2: 35.
  • [45] Seidl J. Multiprojektmanagement: Übergreifende Steue-rung von Mehrprojektsituationen durch Projektportfolio- und Programmmanagement.2011: 10.
  • [46] Bea F, Haas J. Strategisches Management. 2009; 6: 149.
  • [47] Hutzschenreuter T. Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Grundlagen mit zahlreichen Praxisbeispielen. 2009; 3: 368.
  • [48] Kaplan R, Norton D. Balanced Scorecard. Strategien erfolgreich umsetzen. 1997: 139-142.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Christian Mann 0009-0004-0324-1552

Patrick Siegfried 0000-0001-6783-4518

Alex Michel 0000-0003-1257-141X

Publication Date September 30, 2023
Submission Date April 16, 2023
Acceptance Date July 24, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Mann, C., Siegfried, P., & Michel, A. (2023). Theoretical Fundamentals of Scaled Business Agility and Project Portfolio Management at Automotive Manufacturers. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, 7(3), 196-206.
AMA Mann C, Siegfried P, Michel A. Theoretical Fundamentals of Scaled Business Agility and Project Portfolio Management at Automotive Manufacturers. IJASTECH. September 2023;7(3):196-206. doi:10.30939/ijastech.1284202
Chicago Mann, Christian, Patrick Siegfried, and Alex Michel. “Theoretical Fundamentals of Scaled Business Agility and Project Portfolio Management at Automotive Manufacturers”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 7, no. 3 (September 2023): 196-206. 1284202.
EndNote Mann C, Siegfried P, Michel A (September 1, 2023) Theoretical Fundamentals of Scaled Business Agility and Project Portfolio Management at Automotive Manufacturers. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 7 3 196–206.
IEEE C. Mann, P. Siegfried, and A. Michel, “Theoretical Fundamentals of Scaled Business Agility and Project Portfolio Management at Automotive Manufacturers”, IJASTECH, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 196–206, 2023, doi: 10.30939/ijastech..1284202.
ISNAD Mann, Christian et al. “Theoretical Fundamentals of Scaled Business Agility and Project Portfolio Management at Automotive Manufacturers”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 7/3 (September 2023), 196-206. 1284202.
JAMA Mann C, Siegfried P, Michel A. Theoretical Fundamentals of Scaled Business Agility and Project Portfolio Management at Automotive Manufacturers. IJASTECH. 2023;7:196–206.
MLA Mann, Christian et al. “Theoretical Fundamentals of Scaled Business Agility and Project Portfolio Management at Automotive Manufacturers”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, vol. 7, no. 3, 2023, pp. 196-0, doi:10.30939/ijastech. 1284202.
Vancouver Mann C, Siegfried P, Michel A. Theoretical Fundamentals of Scaled Business Agility and Project Portfolio Management at Automotive Manufacturers. IJASTECH. 2023;7(3):196-20.

International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology (IJASTECH) is published by Society of Automotive Engineers Turkey
