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Year 2016, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 138 - 151, 01.12.2016


The policy analysis aspect of Public Management is associated with the formulation and implementation of public policies. A review of the official documents indicates that most public policy implementation processes lack gender mainstreaming. In addition, policy-making processes lack gender-based representation and participation resulting in the ineffective implementation of gender equality. Post-apartheid South Africa has established various legislative frameworks to eradicate the restrictive developmental policies of the past. One of these is to promote gender equality in the workplace. However, socially, economically and politically, there is still a gap between women and men who hold decision-making portfolios and this leads to suppression of women’s capabilities. To examine the status of gender equality and the empowerment of women in public service departments and municipalities, this article follows a qualitative approach to provide greater, deeper and more comprehensive understanding of gender phenomena.1 Underpinned by Feminist Theory, the article utilises a gender-sensitive research approach as its theoretical framework


  • African Development Bank (AfDB) (2015), Africa Gender Equality Index, Côte d’Ivoire: AfDB.
  • Auriacombe, J. Christelle (2015), Municipal Governance: Theory and Research
  • Methodology - UJ Internal Handbook for MA Public Management and Governance (CW), Johannesburg: Department of Public Management and Governance, pp. 85-94. Bari, Farzana (2005), Women’s Political Participation: Issues and Challenges,, [Accessed 15.02.2015].
  • Basheka, Benon and Shikha Vyas-Doorgapersad (2015), Gender Dynamics in
  • Public Policy Management in Uganda and South Africa: A Comparative Perspective of Gender Mainstreaming in Policy Making for the Water Sector, African Journal of Public Affairs, Vol 8, No. 3, pp. 208-220. Brown, Susan (1990), Beyond Feminism: Anarchism and Human Freedom, (in:
  • Roussopoulos, Dimitrios I. (Ed), The Anarchist Papers, 3), Montreal: Black Rose Books. cite_ref-Brown_3-0 [Accessed17.06.2016].
  • Buthelezi, Ruth Thandi (2001), Women, gender and development in a KwaZulu
  • Natal rural neighbourhood: towards establishing a social development practice model, University of Zululand: Department of Social Work. Buvinic, Mayra (1983), Women’s issues in Third World poverty: A policy analysis, (in: Mayra Buvinic, Margaret A. Lycette
  • Paul McGreevey (Eds), Women and Poverty in the Third World, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. and William Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) (1997), Guide to gender- sensitive indicators, Quebec: CIDA.
  • Committee on the Status of Women (Undated), Glossary on Violence against Women, in [Accessed 13. 06. 2016]. cn2collins Development. approach-on-gender-development/ [Accessed 16.03.2016].
  • Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne (2002),Quiet Rumours, Oakland, CA: AK Press.
  • Esplen, Emily and Susie Jolly (2006), Gender and Sex: A sample of definitions,
  • Brighton, UK: BRIDGE (gender and development): Institute of Development Studies. Ferber, A. Marianne and Julie A. Nelon (1993), Beyond economic man: feminist theory and economics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Hooks, Bell (1984), Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, Cambridge,
  • Massachusetts: South End Press. Luis, McNay (2012), Gender and agency: reconfiguring the subject in feminist and social theory, Accessed 26.11.2014].
  • Mama, Amina (1996), Women’s studies and studies of women in Africa during the s, [Error Hyperlink reference not valid. 12.03.2015].
  • Mannell, Jeneviève Claire (2012), Practising Gender: Gender and Development
  • Policy in South African Organisations, Practicing_Gender_2012.pdf [Accessed 17.06.2016].
  • Marx, Karl (1990), Capital, translated by B. Fowkes. London: Penguin Classics.
  • Moser, Caroline O.N. (1989), Gender Planning in the Third World: Meeting
  • Practical and Strategic Needs, World Development, Vol. 17, No. 11, pp. 1799
  • Moser, Caroline O.N. (1993), Gender planning and development: Theory practice and planning, London: Routledge.
  • Rai, Shirin M. (2007), Mainstreaming gender: democratizing the state: institutional mechanisms for the advancement of woman, Piscataway, NJ:
  • Transaction Publishers. Ramoroka, Tlou Millicent (2010), The challenges of the application of gender mainstreaming in rural communities: a case study of the Water Resources
  • Management in Mogodi Village, Limpopo Province, bitstream/handle/10386/342/RESEARCH%20DISSERTATION,%20RAMOROK
  • A%20TM.doc.pdf?sequence=1 [Accessed 24.06.2016].
  • Razavi, Shahrashoub and Carol Miller (1995), From WID to GAD: Conceptual
  • Shifts in the Women and Development Discourse. UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Occasional Paper No. 1, United Nations: UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). Republic of South Africa (2001), National Gender Policy Framework, 2001,
  • Pretoria: Government Printer. Republic of South Africa (2013), Women Empowerment and Gender Equality
  • Bill, Pretoria: Government Printer. Reeves, Hazel and Sally Baden (2000),Gender and Development: Concepts and Definitions, f, [Accessed 12.04.2016].
  • Rippenaar-Joseph, Trunette (2009), Mainstreaming Women in Development? A
  • Gender Analysis of the United Nations Development Programme in South Africa,,%20T.R.p df?sequence [Accessed 14.03.2016].
  • Rust, Urszula Anna (2007), Principles for mainstreaming gender equality in the South African rural water services sector. Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy (Sustainable
  • Development Planning and Management), University of Stellenbosch. Shabangu, Susan (2015), Speech presented byMinister Susan Shabangu, MP, on the occasion of the debate on the International Women’s Day, Pretoria: Department of Women.
  • Snyder, Margaret C. and Mary Tadesse (1995), African Women and Development: A History, Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press.
  • The Star (2015), The Traditional Courts Bill, 19 October 2015.
  • UK Essays (2015), Has The Feminism Achieved its Goals Sociology
  • Essay, goals-sociology-essay.php [Accessed 18.06.2015].
  • United Nations Human Settlement Programme (2008), Gender mainstreaming in
  • Local Authorities: Best practices, Kenya: UN-Habitat. UN Women Training Centre. Undated. Glossary, view.php?id=36&mode=letter&hook=G&sortkey=&sortorder= 11.2015]. Accessed
  • Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2013), Rethinking domestic water resource management: A shift from gender-biased to gender-based approach, Administratio Publica, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 4-20.
  • Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2014a), Assessing the role of gender in local governance [political context]: the case of South African municipalities, OIDA
  • International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 7, No. 9, pp.101-114. Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2014b), Gender equality, pro-poor growth and MDG goal 1 in South African municipal governance: the case of Sedibeng District
  • Municipality, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, September Edition, Vol , No. 21, pp. 327-334. Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2015a), Gender mainstreaming in policy and political contexts: the case of the South African Government, Administratio Publica, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp.121-138.
  • Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2015b), Gender equality in poverty reduction strategies for sustainable development: the case of South African local government, Journal of Social Development in Africa, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp.105-134.
  • Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2015c), Assessing the implementation of gender equality and millennium development goal one in South African municipalities,
  • Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Under review. Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2015d), Professorial Inauguration Lecture on
  • “Gender mainstreaming in South African Public Management”, 10 November , Johannesburg: University of Johannesburg. Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha and Abel Kinoti (2015), Gender-based Public
  • Procurement Practices in Kenya and South Africa, African Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 96-109. Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2016), Gender mainstreaming in Local Economic
  • Development processes: a South African Perspective, Town and Regional Planning, Under review. World Bank (Undated), Glossary of Gender Terms, /etools/docs/library/192862/introductorymaterials/glossary.html 04.2016]. Accessed
Year 2016, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 138 - 151, 01.12.2016



  • African Development Bank (AfDB) (2015), Africa Gender Equality Index, Côte d’Ivoire: AfDB.
  • Auriacombe, J. Christelle (2015), Municipal Governance: Theory and Research
  • Methodology - UJ Internal Handbook for MA Public Management and Governance (CW), Johannesburg: Department of Public Management and Governance, pp. 85-94. Bari, Farzana (2005), Women’s Political Participation: Issues and Challenges,, [Accessed 15.02.2015].
  • Basheka, Benon and Shikha Vyas-Doorgapersad (2015), Gender Dynamics in
  • Public Policy Management in Uganda and South Africa: A Comparative Perspective of Gender Mainstreaming in Policy Making for the Water Sector, African Journal of Public Affairs, Vol 8, No. 3, pp. 208-220. Brown, Susan (1990), Beyond Feminism: Anarchism and Human Freedom, (in:
  • Roussopoulos, Dimitrios I. (Ed), The Anarchist Papers, 3), Montreal: Black Rose Books. cite_ref-Brown_3-0 [Accessed17.06.2016].
  • Buthelezi, Ruth Thandi (2001), Women, gender and development in a KwaZulu
  • Natal rural neighbourhood: towards establishing a social development practice model, University of Zululand: Department of Social Work. Buvinic, Mayra (1983), Women’s issues in Third World poverty: A policy analysis, (in: Mayra Buvinic, Margaret A. Lycette
  • Paul McGreevey (Eds), Women and Poverty in the Third World, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. and William Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) (1997), Guide to gender- sensitive indicators, Quebec: CIDA.
  • Committee on the Status of Women (Undated), Glossary on Violence against Women, in [Accessed 13. 06. 2016]. cn2collins Development. approach-on-gender-development/ [Accessed 16.03.2016].
  • Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne (2002),Quiet Rumours, Oakland, CA: AK Press.
  • Esplen, Emily and Susie Jolly (2006), Gender and Sex: A sample of definitions,
  • Brighton, UK: BRIDGE (gender and development): Institute of Development Studies. Ferber, A. Marianne and Julie A. Nelon (1993), Beyond economic man: feminist theory and economics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Hooks, Bell (1984), Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, Cambridge,
  • Massachusetts: South End Press. Luis, McNay (2012), Gender and agency: reconfiguring the subject in feminist and social theory, Accessed 26.11.2014].
  • Mama, Amina (1996), Women’s studies and studies of women in Africa during the s, [Error Hyperlink reference not valid. 12.03.2015].
  • Mannell, Jeneviève Claire (2012), Practising Gender: Gender and Development
  • Policy in South African Organisations, Practicing_Gender_2012.pdf [Accessed 17.06.2016].
  • Marx, Karl (1990), Capital, translated by B. Fowkes. London: Penguin Classics.
  • Moser, Caroline O.N. (1989), Gender Planning in the Third World: Meeting
  • Practical and Strategic Needs, World Development, Vol. 17, No. 11, pp. 1799
  • Moser, Caroline O.N. (1993), Gender planning and development: Theory practice and planning, London: Routledge.
  • Rai, Shirin M. (2007), Mainstreaming gender: democratizing the state: institutional mechanisms for the advancement of woman, Piscataway, NJ:
  • Transaction Publishers. Ramoroka, Tlou Millicent (2010), The challenges of the application of gender mainstreaming in rural communities: a case study of the Water Resources
  • Management in Mogodi Village, Limpopo Province, bitstream/handle/10386/342/RESEARCH%20DISSERTATION,%20RAMOROK
  • A%20TM.doc.pdf?sequence=1 [Accessed 24.06.2016].
  • Razavi, Shahrashoub and Carol Miller (1995), From WID to GAD: Conceptual
  • Shifts in the Women and Development Discourse. UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Occasional Paper No. 1, United Nations: UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). Republic of South Africa (2001), National Gender Policy Framework, 2001,
  • Pretoria: Government Printer. Republic of South Africa (2013), Women Empowerment and Gender Equality
  • Bill, Pretoria: Government Printer. Reeves, Hazel and Sally Baden (2000),Gender and Development: Concepts and Definitions, f, [Accessed 12.04.2016].
  • Rippenaar-Joseph, Trunette (2009), Mainstreaming Women in Development? A
  • Gender Analysis of the United Nations Development Programme in South Africa,,%20T.R.p df?sequence [Accessed 14.03.2016].
  • Rust, Urszula Anna (2007), Principles for mainstreaming gender equality in the South African rural water services sector. Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy (Sustainable
  • Development Planning and Management), University of Stellenbosch. Shabangu, Susan (2015), Speech presented byMinister Susan Shabangu, MP, on the occasion of the debate on the International Women’s Day, Pretoria: Department of Women.
  • Snyder, Margaret C. and Mary Tadesse (1995), African Women and Development: A History, Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press.
  • The Star (2015), The Traditional Courts Bill, 19 October 2015.
  • UK Essays (2015), Has The Feminism Achieved its Goals Sociology
  • Essay, goals-sociology-essay.php [Accessed 18.06.2015].
  • United Nations Human Settlement Programme (2008), Gender mainstreaming in
  • Local Authorities: Best practices, Kenya: UN-Habitat. UN Women Training Centre. Undated. Glossary, view.php?id=36&mode=letter&hook=G&sortkey=&sortorder= 11.2015]. Accessed
  • Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2013), Rethinking domestic water resource management: A shift from gender-biased to gender-based approach, Administratio Publica, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 4-20.
  • Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2014a), Assessing the role of gender in local governance [political context]: the case of South African municipalities, OIDA
  • International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 7, No. 9, pp.101-114. Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2014b), Gender equality, pro-poor growth and MDG goal 1 in South African municipal governance: the case of Sedibeng District
  • Municipality, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, September Edition, Vol , No. 21, pp. 327-334. Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2015a), Gender mainstreaming in policy and political contexts: the case of the South African Government, Administratio Publica, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp.121-138.
  • Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2015b), Gender equality in poverty reduction strategies for sustainable development: the case of South African local government, Journal of Social Development in Africa, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp.105-134.
  • Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2015c), Assessing the implementation of gender equality and millennium development goal one in South African municipalities,
  • Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Under review. Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2015d), Professorial Inauguration Lecture on
  • “Gender mainstreaming in South African Public Management”, 10 November , Johannesburg: University of Johannesburg. Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha and Abel Kinoti (2015), Gender-based Public
  • Procurement Practices in Kenya and South Africa, African Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 96-109. Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (2016), Gender mainstreaming in Local Economic
  • Development processes: a South African Perspective, Town and Regional Planning, Under review. World Bank (Undated), Glossary of Gender Terms, /etools/docs/library/192862/introductorymaterials/glossary.html 04.2016]. Accessed
There are 50 citations in total.


Other ID JA44ET43PD
Journal Section Articles

S. Vyas Doorgapersad This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Vyas Doorgapersad, S. (2016). GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN POLICYMAKING PROCESSES: A SOUTH AFRICAN PERSPECTIVE. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 8(2), 138-151.
Chicago Vyas Doorgapersad, S. “GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN POLICYMAKING PROCESSES: A SOUTH AFRICAN PERSPECTIVE”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 8, no. 2 (December 2016): 138-51.
EndNote Vyas Doorgapersad S (December 1, 2016) GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN POLICYMAKING PROCESSES: A SOUTH AFRICAN PERSPECTIVE. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 8 2 138–151.
ISNAD Vyas Doorgapersad, S. “GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN POLICYMAKING PROCESSES: A SOUTH AFRICAN PERSPECTIVE”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 8/2 (December 2016), 138-151.
MLA Vyas Doorgapersad, S. “GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN POLICYMAKING PROCESSES: A SOUTH AFRICAN PERSPECTIVE”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, vol. 8, no. 2, 2016, pp. 138-51.