Year 2016,
Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 169 - 186, 01.12.2016
Paul-Francois Muzindutsi
Jean Claude Manaliyo
Although political risk has an impact on all types of businesses, political risk
affects tourism business performance in terms of tourist arrivals and tourism
revenue because tourists are very sensitive to political risk in host countries. This
study analysed the effect of political risk on revenue from the tourism industry in
South Africa. The sample period of 108 months from January 2007 to December
2015 was used based on the availability of data. The political risk were measured
by the country’s political risk index; whilst tourism revenue was measured by the
total monthly income from the entire tourism industry in South Africa. The
autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model was used to test the short-run and
long-run relationships between political risk and tourism revenue. Results showed
that political risks have a long-run effect on real revenue from the tourism
industry but there was no empirical evidence supporting the short-run
relationship. Findings of this study suggest that it takes time for the political
shocks to be manifested in tourism revenue. This study showed that the South
African tourism revenue continued to grow, even during the period of increasing
political risk and hence a further analysis of how different dimensions of political
risk affect different categories of tourism revenue, was recommended.
- Africa Development Bank Group (2015), “Unlocking Africa’s tourism potential”,
- African Tourism Monitor, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-53. Alexander, P., Runciman, C. and Ngwane, T. (2014). Growing civil unrest shows yearning for accountability.
- March. http://www.bdlive.co.za/opinion/2014/03/07/growing-civil-unrest-shows- yearning-for-accountability [Accessed 25/08/2016].
- Baker, D. A. (2014), “The effects of terrorism on the travel and tourism industry”,
- International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, Vol. 2, No. 1, 58-67. Barnard, S. and Croucamp, P. (2015), “Comprehensive political risk assessment of South Africa: 2014”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 13, No. , pp. 131-142.
- BMI Research (2013), Political and regulatory risk cloud opportunities in tourism, risks-cloud-opportunities-in-tourism [Accessed 18/08/2016].
- Brink, E. (2015), Corruption bigger than Nkandla. Solidarity Research Institute,
- Corruption-Report-September-2015.pdf [Accessed 20/08/2016]. https://solidariteit.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Solidarity
- Brown, D. O. (2000), “Political risk and other barriers to tourism promotion in
- Africa: perceptions of US-based travel intermediaries”, Journal of Vacation Marketing, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 197-210. Croucamp, P. A., and Malan, L. P. (2011), “Political risk assessment for South
- Africa with reference to the public discourse on the nationalisation of mines”, African Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 150-165. Dreyhaupt, S., Nimac, I. and Hornberger, K. (2012), Political risk: the missing link in understanding investment climate reform? World
- Bank, http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/351251468336718273/pdf/6829
- NEWS0Inv00Box367908B00PUBLIC0.pdf [Accessed 28/07/2016].
- Du Toit, G. (2013), Political risk factors: what Chinese companies need to assess when investing in Africa. Stellenbosch University, Discuss Paper,
- Risk_Gerda_du_Toit_Online_2013.pdf [Accessed 15/07/2016].
- Erb, C. B., Harvey, C. R. and Viskanta, T. E. (1996) “Political risk, economic risk, and financial risk”, Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 29-46.
- Haddad, C., Nasr, A., Ghida, E. and Ibrahim, H. A. (2015), Chapter 1.3 How to re-emerge as a tourism destination after a period of political instability, World
- Economic Forum, http://reports.weforum.org/travel-and-tourism-competitiveness- report-2015/chapter-1-3-how-to-re-emerge-as-a-tourism-destination-after-a- period-of-political-instability/ [Accessed 15/08/2016].
- Hong, J. H., Jones, P. and Song, H. (1999), Political risk and foreign investment decision of international hotel companies, Ideas & Trends, https://www.hotel- online.com/Trends/PanAmerProceedingsMay99/PolRiskInvestHotels.html Accessed 24/08/2016].
- Howell, L. D and Chaddick, B (1994), “Models of political risk for foreign investment and trade: An assessment of three approaches”. The Columbian of
- World Business, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 70-91. Institution of Risk Management South Africa (IRMSA) (2015), IRMSA Risk
- Report: South Africa Risks 2015, ym.com/resource/resmgr/2015_Risk_Report/Low_Res_IRMSA_South_Africa_R. pdf [Accessed 20/10/2016]. https://c.ymcdn.com/sites/irmsa.site
- International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) (2016), Country Data Online, Accessed 18/02 2016]. https://www.prsgroup.com/about-us/our-two-methodologies/icrg.
- Iroanya, R. O. (2008), Political risk assessment of Africa: the economist intelligence unit and business environment risk intelligence, in K. G. Adar, R. O.
- Iroanya and F. Nwonwu (Eds), Towards Africa-oriented Risk Analysis Models: a Contextual and Methodological Approach, Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, pp. 93-116. Irwin, N. (2016), How ‘Brexit’ will affect the global economy, now and later, The New York Times, 24 June. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/25/upshot/how- brexit-will-affect-the-global-economy-now-and-later.html?_r=0 /08/2016]. Accessed
- Kansal, V. (2015), Political risk: conceptualisation, definition, categorization, and methodologies, Accessed 19/08/2016]. http://www.jpolrisk.com/political-risk-conceptualization
- Kobrin, S. J. (1979), “Political risk: a review and reconsideration”, Journal of
- International Business Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 67-80. Kolver, L. (2013), Tourism a vital contributor to SA economy – Van Schalkwyk, economy-van-schalkwyk-2013-08-20 [Accessed 31/08/2016]. http://www.polity.org.za/article/tourism-a-vital-contributor-to-sa
- Masutha, M. (2016), SA's unemployment rate hovers around 27 per cent,
- Eyewitness News, 9 May, http://ewn.co.za/2016/05/09/SA-unemployment-rate- rises [Accessed 19/08/2016].
- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (2011), World investment and political risk, https://www.miga.org/documents/WIPR11.pdf [Accessed 20/08/2016].
- Munusamy, R. (2015), South Africa: the place of shame, violence and disconnect,
- Daily Maverick, 17 April. http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2015-04-17- south-africa-the-place-of-shame-violence-and-disconnect/#.V73gZWcVjmJ Accessed 19/08/2016].
- Muzindutsi, P. F. and Manaliyo, J. C. (2015), Interactions between exchange rate fluctuations and tourism revenue in South Africa, SIBR-RDINRRU 2016 Osaka
- Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, July 7th - 8th, , Osaka, Japan. Poirier, R. A. (1997), “Political risk analysis and tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 675-680.
- Pesaran, M.H. and Shin, Y. (1998), “An autoregressive distributed-lag modelling approach to cointegration analysis”, Econometric Society Monographs, Vol. 31, pp. 371-413.
- Pesaran, M. H., Shin, Y. and Smith, R. J. (2001), “Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol.16, No.3, pp.289-326.
- Schmidt, D. A. (1986), “Analyzing political risks”, Business Horizons, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 43-50.
- Sottilotta, C. E. (2013) “Political risk: concepts, definitions, challenges.SOG
- WP6/2013, Luiss School of Government”, http://eprints.luiss.it/1206/1/SOG
- WP6-2013_Sottilotta.pdf [Accessed 18/08/2016].
- Schneider, F. and Frey, B. S. (1985), “Economic and political determinants of foreign direct investment”, World Development, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 161-175.
- Standard and Poor’s Global (2016), S&P: Political risks may derail SA’s economy, economy [Accessed 18/08/2016].
- South Africa Tourism (2012), South Africa's tourism industry, overview.htm#economy [Accessed 31/08/2016]. http://www.southafrica.info/business/economy/sectors/tourism
- Statistics South Africa (2015), An economic look at the tourism industry, http://www.statssa.gov.za/?p=4362 [Accessed 31/08/2016].
- Statistics South Africa (2016), Time series data, http://www.statssa.gov.za/?page_id=1849 [Accessed 06/01/2016].
- South African Tourism (2016). Tourism performance highlights http://www.southafrica.net/uploads/files/2015_Annual_Report_v8_0706201 pdf [Accessed 31/05/2016].
- Tallman, S. B. (1988), “Home country political risk and foreign direct investment in the United States”, Journal of International Business Studies, 19, No. 2, pp. 234.
- Tekin, E. (2015), “The impact of political and economic uncertainties on the tourism industry in Turkey”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No.2, pp. 265-272.
- Venter, A. (1999), “The 1998 fall of Suharto: a vindication of key political indicators? Strategic Review for Southern Africa”, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 73-99.
- Venter, A. (2000), Macro political risks for Zimbabwe at a glance: June 2000.
- ISSUP Bulletin. 2000:5, Institute for Strategic Studies, University of Pretoria, ISSUP.
- Venter, A. (2005), “A comment on political risks for South Africa”, Strategic
- Review for Southern Africa, Vol. xxxii, No 1, pp. 28-54. World Travel and Tourism Council (2015), Travel and tourism: economic impact South Africa, https://www.wttc.org/
- /media/files/reports/economic%20impact%20research/countries%202015/southafr ica2015.pdf [Accessed 31/08/2016].
- Yeatts, T. and Meservey, J. (2016), South Africa is losing the war against corruption. The Daily Signal, 19 April, http://dailysignal.com/2016/04/19/south- africa-is-losing-the-war-against-corruption/ [Accessed 19/08/2016].
Year 2016,
Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 169 - 186, 01.12.2016
Paul-Francois Muzindutsi
Jean Claude Manaliyo
- Africa Development Bank Group (2015), “Unlocking Africa’s tourism potential”,
- African Tourism Monitor, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-53. Alexander, P., Runciman, C. and Ngwane, T. (2014). Growing civil unrest shows yearning for accountability.
- March. http://www.bdlive.co.za/opinion/2014/03/07/growing-civil-unrest-shows- yearning-for-accountability [Accessed 25/08/2016].
- Baker, D. A. (2014), “The effects of terrorism on the travel and tourism industry”,
- International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, Vol. 2, No. 1, 58-67. Barnard, S. and Croucamp, P. (2015), “Comprehensive political risk assessment of South Africa: 2014”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 13, No. , pp. 131-142.
- BMI Research (2013), Political and regulatory risk cloud opportunities in tourism, risks-cloud-opportunities-in-tourism [Accessed 18/08/2016].
- Brink, E. (2015), Corruption bigger than Nkandla. Solidarity Research Institute,
- Corruption-Report-September-2015.pdf [Accessed 20/08/2016]. https://solidariteit.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Solidarity
- Brown, D. O. (2000), “Political risk and other barriers to tourism promotion in
- Africa: perceptions of US-based travel intermediaries”, Journal of Vacation Marketing, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 197-210. Croucamp, P. A., and Malan, L. P. (2011), “Political risk assessment for South
- Africa with reference to the public discourse on the nationalisation of mines”, African Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 150-165. Dreyhaupt, S., Nimac, I. and Hornberger, K. (2012), Political risk: the missing link in understanding investment climate reform? World
- Bank, http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/351251468336718273/pdf/6829
- NEWS0Inv00Box367908B00PUBLIC0.pdf [Accessed 28/07/2016].
- Du Toit, G. (2013), Political risk factors: what Chinese companies need to assess when investing in Africa. Stellenbosch University, Discuss Paper,
- Risk_Gerda_du_Toit_Online_2013.pdf [Accessed 15/07/2016].
- Erb, C. B., Harvey, C. R. and Viskanta, T. E. (1996) “Political risk, economic risk, and financial risk”, Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 29-46.
- Haddad, C., Nasr, A., Ghida, E. and Ibrahim, H. A. (2015), Chapter 1.3 How to re-emerge as a tourism destination after a period of political instability, World
- Economic Forum, http://reports.weforum.org/travel-and-tourism-competitiveness- report-2015/chapter-1-3-how-to-re-emerge-as-a-tourism-destination-after-a- period-of-political-instability/ [Accessed 15/08/2016].
- Hong, J. H., Jones, P. and Song, H. (1999), Political risk and foreign investment decision of international hotel companies, Ideas & Trends, https://www.hotel- online.com/Trends/PanAmerProceedingsMay99/PolRiskInvestHotels.html Accessed 24/08/2016].
- Howell, L. D and Chaddick, B (1994), “Models of political risk for foreign investment and trade: An assessment of three approaches”. The Columbian of
- World Business, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 70-91. Institution of Risk Management South Africa (IRMSA) (2015), IRMSA Risk
- Report: South Africa Risks 2015, ym.com/resource/resmgr/2015_Risk_Report/Low_Res_IRMSA_South_Africa_R. pdf [Accessed 20/10/2016]. https://c.ymcdn.com/sites/irmsa.site
- International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) (2016), Country Data Online, Accessed 18/02 2016]. https://www.prsgroup.com/about-us/our-two-methodologies/icrg.
- Iroanya, R. O. (2008), Political risk assessment of Africa: the economist intelligence unit and business environment risk intelligence, in K. G. Adar, R. O.
- Iroanya and F. Nwonwu (Eds), Towards Africa-oriented Risk Analysis Models: a Contextual and Methodological Approach, Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, pp. 93-116. Irwin, N. (2016), How ‘Brexit’ will affect the global economy, now and later, The New York Times, 24 June. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/25/upshot/how- brexit-will-affect-the-global-economy-now-and-later.html?_r=0 /08/2016]. Accessed
- Kansal, V. (2015), Political risk: conceptualisation, definition, categorization, and methodologies, Accessed 19/08/2016]. http://www.jpolrisk.com/political-risk-conceptualization
- Kobrin, S. J. (1979), “Political risk: a review and reconsideration”, Journal of
- International Business Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 67-80. Kolver, L. (2013), Tourism a vital contributor to SA economy – Van Schalkwyk, economy-van-schalkwyk-2013-08-20 [Accessed 31/08/2016]. http://www.polity.org.za/article/tourism-a-vital-contributor-to-sa
- Masutha, M. (2016), SA's unemployment rate hovers around 27 per cent,
- Eyewitness News, 9 May, http://ewn.co.za/2016/05/09/SA-unemployment-rate- rises [Accessed 19/08/2016].
- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (2011), World investment and political risk, https://www.miga.org/documents/WIPR11.pdf [Accessed 20/08/2016].
- Munusamy, R. (2015), South Africa: the place of shame, violence and disconnect,
- Daily Maverick, 17 April. http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2015-04-17- south-africa-the-place-of-shame-violence-and-disconnect/#.V73gZWcVjmJ Accessed 19/08/2016].
- Muzindutsi, P. F. and Manaliyo, J. C. (2015), Interactions between exchange rate fluctuations and tourism revenue in South Africa, SIBR-RDINRRU 2016 Osaka
- Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, July 7th - 8th, , Osaka, Japan. Poirier, R. A. (1997), “Political risk analysis and tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 675-680.
- Pesaran, M.H. and Shin, Y. (1998), “An autoregressive distributed-lag modelling approach to cointegration analysis”, Econometric Society Monographs, Vol. 31, pp. 371-413.
- Pesaran, M. H., Shin, Y. and Smith, R. J. (2001), “Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol.16, No.3, pp.289-326.
- Schmidt, D. A. (1986), “Analyzing political risks”, Business Horizons, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 43-50.
- Sottilotta, C. E. (2013) “Political risk: concepts, definitions, challenges.SOG
- WP6/2013, Luiss School of Government”, http://eprints.luiss.it/1206/1/SOG
- WP6-2013_Sottilotta.pdf [Accessed 18/08/2016].
- Schneider, F. and Frey, B. S. (1985), “Economic and political determinants of foreign direct investment”, World Development, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 161-175.
- Standard and Poor’s Global (2016), S&P: Political risks may derail SA’s economy, economy [Accessed 18/08/2016].
- South Africa Tourism (2012), South Africa's tourism industry, overview.htm#economy [Accessed 31/08/2016]. http://www.southafrica.info/business/economy/sectors/tourism
- Statistics South Africa (2015), An economic look at the tourism industry, http://www.statssa.gov.za/?p=4362 [Accessed 31/08/2016].
- Statistics South Africa (2016), Time series data, http://www.statssa.gov.za/?page_id=1849 [Accessed 06/01/2016].
- South African Tourism (2016). Tourism performance highlights http://www.southafrica.net/uploads/files/2015_Annual_Report_v8_0706201 pdf [Accessed 31/05/2016].
- Tallman, S. B. (1988), “Home country political risk and foreign direct investment in the United States”, Journal of International Business Studies, 19, No. 2, pp. 234.
- Tekin, E. (2015), “The impact of political and economic uncertainties on the tourism industry in Turkey”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No.2, pp. 265-272.
- Venter, A. (1999), “The 1998 fall of Suharto: a vindication of key political indicators? Strategic Review for Southern Africa”, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 73-99.
- Venter, A. (2000), Macro political risks for Zimbabwe at a glance: June 2000.
- ISSUP Bulletin. 2000:5, Institute for Strategic Studies, University of Pretoria, ISSUP.
- Venter, A. (2005), “A comment on political risks for South Africa”, Strategic
- Review for Southern Africa, Vol. xxxii, No 1, pp. 28-54. World Travel and Tourism Council (2015), Travel and tourism: economic impact South Africa, https://www.wttc.org/
- /media/files/reports/economic%20impact%20research/countries%202015/southafr ica2015.pdf [Accessed 31/08/2016].
- Yeatts, T. and Meservey, J. (2016), South Africa is losing the war against corruption. The Daily Signal, 19 April, http://dailysignal.com/2016/04/19/south- africa-is-losing-the-war-against-corruption/ [Accessed 19/08/2016].