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Year 2012, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 209 - 225, 01.06.2012


Studies have shown that e-purchasing offers benefits in terms of time and cost saving, and increases business efficiency. In construction industry, the adoption and implementation of e-purchasing system offers many benefits such as reducing material cost and enhancing productivity. Although e-purchasing provides a wealth of new opportunities and ways of doing business, the implementation presents a series of challenges particularly in the construction industry. One of the challenges that has been identified was system adoption failure. Studies have reported that between 75-85% of all e-purchasing system failed to achieve the promised results. The high percentage of epurchasing failure reported has led researchers to investigate the reasons particularly in area of critical success factors (CSFs). Unfortunately, little work has been done to investigate the CSFs on e-purchasing implementation, especially in the construction industry. This has contributed to the limited available list of CSFs in the context of organizational aspect. This paper is set out to fill the gap and to provide a framework of organizational CSFs in e-purchasing implementation in construction organization through an exploratory study. Based on the literature review, 26 factors were identified. Interviews were conducted using open-ended questionnaire with 10 experts from different background in the construction industry. Qualitative analyses were used to validate the existence of these factors. The result of the study will provide a framework for the development instrument for future empirical study


  • Aberdeen Group. (2005a). Best practices in e-procurement: Reducing costs and
  • increasing value through online buying. USA: Aberdeen Group.
  • Aberdeen Group. (2005b). Strategic sourcing in the mid-market benchmark-The echo boom in supply management”; [Electronic Version],
  • Ageshin, E. A. (2001). E-Procurement at work: a case study. Production and Inventory Management Journal(First Quarter), 48-53.
  • Aguita-Obra, A. R.-D., & Padilla-Melendez, A. (2006). Organizational factors affecting Internet technology adoption Internet Research, 16(1), 1066-2243.
  • Al-Mashari, M., & Al-Mudimigh, A. (2003). ERP implementation: lessons from a case study. Information and People, 16, 21-33.
  • Allen, D., Kern, T., & Havenhand, M. (2002). ERP critical success factors: an exploration of the contextual factors in public sector institutions. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
  • Allen, R. G. (2003). Best practices e-procurement. Global Purchasing & Supply Chain Strategies, 1-4.
  • Alwabel, S. A., & Zairi, M. (2005). E-Commerce critical success factors: a cross-industry investigation [Electronic Version]. Working Paper Series, 3-39,
  • Ang, C. L., Davies, M. A., & Finlay, P. N. (2001). An empirical Model of IT usage in the Malaysian Public Sector. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 10, 159-174.
  • Angeles, R., & Ravi, N. (2007). Business-to business e-procurement: success factors and challenges to implementation. Supply Chain Management:An International Journal, 12(2), 104-115.
  • Ariba. (2005). Sunway Group expands Ariba implementation for corporate-wide adoption of spend management [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 29th June 2011, from
  • Audit Commision. (2006). Progress on e-procurement: Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council. UK: Audit Commissiono. Document Number)
  • Behkamal, B., Akbari, M. K., & Kahani, M. (2007). A conceptualization of B2B electronic commerce success from sell side perspective. Paper presented at the 12th International CSI Computer Conference (CSICC 2007).
  • Bhatti, T. R. (2005, 26-28th September). Critical success factors for the implementation of enterprise resource planning: empirical validation. Paper presented at the The 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Information Technology, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE.
  • Birks, C., Bond, S., & Radford, M. (2001). Guide to e-procurement in the public sector: cutting through the hype. London, UK: Office of Goverment Commerce, HMSOo. Document Number)
  • Bouchbout, K., & Alimazighi, Z. (2009). A framework for identifying the critical factors affecting the decision to adopt and use inter-organizational information systems. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 4(7), 509-516.
  • Brandon-Jones, A., & Croom, S. (2005). Delivering internal service quality through e- procurement. Paper presented at the Proceeding of the 14th IPSERA Conference, Archamps, France.
  • Business Link. (2007). Improving business relationship [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 31st business/Improvingbusinessrelationship.pdf from
  • BuyIT. (2002). Building the business case for e-procurement /ROI - A BuyIT e- procurement best practice guildeline [Electronic Version], 1-15. Retrieved 27th June content/img/en5_1.pdf from
  • Cata, T. (2003). Critical success factors for e-service: An exploratory study of web-based insurance business. University of Nebraska, Nebraska.
  • Cavana, R., T, Delahaye, B. L., & Sekaran, U. (2001). Applied research for business. Australia: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
  • CGEC. (2002). Measuring and improving value of e-procurement initiatives. University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • Chad, L., Yu-An, H., Geoffrey, J., Ying-Chieh, L., & Mei-Lien, T. (2010). An exploratory study of factors affecting adoption and implementation of B2B e- commerce in Australia health care organizations. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 1(2), 77-96.
  • Chan, C., & Swatman, P. M. C. (1999 ). B2B E-COMMERCE IMPLEMENTATION: THE CASE OF BHP STEEL. Paper presented at the The Proceedings of "ECIS'99" -- 7th European Conference on Information Systems.
  • Chan, M., Pang, V., Bunker, D., & Smith, S. (2006). What do we mean by e- procurement?. A private hospital perspective in Australia. Paper presented at the The Tenth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2006).
  • Chong, W. K., Shafaghi, M., & Tan, B. L. (2011). Development of a business-to-business critical success factors (B2B CSFs) framework for Chinese SMEs. Maketing Intelligence & Planning, 29(5), 517-533.
  • Clark, S. (2000). Most small business failures tied to poor management. The Business Journal, 1(2), 47.
  • Croom, S. R., & Brandon-Jones, A. (2005). Key issues in e-procurement: procurement implementation and operation in the public sector. Journal of Public Procurement, 5(3), 367-387.
  • Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2008). Business research methods (International ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/ Irwin.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publication, Inc.
  • Davindson, E. J. (2002). Technology frames and framing: a social-cognitive investigation of requirements determination. MIS Quartely, 26(4), 329-358.
  • Eakin, D. (2003). Measuring e-procurement benefit. Canada's Magazine on Public Sector Purchasing(February), 16-18.
  • ECOM Group. (2002). e-Procurement in the UK Public Sector: A Guide to Developments and Best Practices. London, UKo. Document Number)
  • Eid, R., & Trueman, M. (2004). Factors affecting the success of business-to-business international internet marketing : an empirical study of UK companies. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 104(1), 16-30.
  • Eid, R., Trueman, M., & Ahmed, A. M. (2002). The influence of critical success factors on International Internet Marketing. Bradford University School of Management.
  • Esichaikul, V., & Chavananon, S. (2001). Electronic commerce and electronic business implementation success factors. Paper presented at the e-Everything: e- Commerce, e-Government, e-Household, e-Democracy: 14th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference.
  • Giunipero, L. C., & Sawchuk, C. (Eds.). (2000). e-Purchasing Plus: Changing the way corporation buy. New York: JGC Enterprises.
  • Gray, B. (Ed.). (1991). Collaborating. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  • Gunasekaran, A., & Eric W.T. Ngai. (2008). Adoption of e-procurement in Hong Kong: an empirical research. International journal of Production Economics, 113, 159- 175.
  • Hansen, J. (2006). Paradigm shift technology's disminishing role Part 1. Summit(September), 1-3.
  • Hiatt, J., & Creasey, T. (2003). The definition and history of change management [Electronic Version]. Change management tutorial series. Retrieved October 6, 2011, from
  • Hussien, R., Selamat, M. H., Anom, R. B., Karim, N. S. A., & Mamat, A. (2007). The impact of organizational factors on IS success: an empirical investigation in the Malaysian electronic government agencies. The Electronic Journal of Information System in Developing Countries, 29, 1-16.
  • ICG Commerce. (2009). Reasons e-procurement project fails to achieve their ROI. Whitepaper Published(August 2009), 1-8.
  • Jamil, M. R., & Ahmad, N. (2009). Present status and critical success factors of e- commerce in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2009).
  • Jennex, M. E., Amoroso, D., & Adelakun, O. (2004). E-Commerce infrastructure success factors for small companies in developing economies. Electronic Commerce Research, 4, 263-286.
  • Kao, D., & Durocher, G. (2007). Critical factors for e-business in China: implications on management. Paper presented at the The Proceeding of The Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business (WHICEB 2007).
  • Khan, M. J., Dominic, P. D. D., Khan, A., & Naseebullah. (2010). Adoption of e- commerce in Malaysia and its affect on the business performance: an organizational perspective. Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSIM 2010).
  • Kinder, T. (2000). The use of the Internet in recruiment- case studies from West Lothian, Scotland. Technovation, 20(9), 461-475.
  • Kuzic, J., & Kuzic, M. (2004). CSF of e-commerce in large corporation. Paper presented at the 26th International Conference Information Technology Interface (ITI 2004).
  • Laosethakul, K. (2005). Critical success factor for e-commerce in Thailand: A multiple case study analysis. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.
  • Lewis, J. P. (Ed.). (2001). Fundamentals of project management. (2nd Edition ed.): American Management Association.
  • Li, J., & Huang, J. (2004). An exploratory study of e-business success factors. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2(3), 167-172.
  • Li, J., & Li, L. (2005, August 15-17). On the critical success factor for B2B e- marketplaces. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Electronic commerce, ICEC 2005, Xi'an, China.
  • Lin, Y. C., Lee, M. H., & Tserng, P. (2003). Construction enterprise resource planning implementation: critical success factors-lesson learning in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 20th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction ISARC 2003, Eindhoven, Holland.
  • Lin, C., & Huang, Y. (2007). An integrated framework for managing eCRM evaluation process. International Journal of Electronic Business, 5(4), 340-359.
  • Lin, C., Huang, Y.-A., & Tseng, S.-W. (2007). A study of planning and implementation stages in electronic commerce adoption and evaluation: the case of Australian SMEs. Contemporary Management Research, 3(1), 83-100.
  • Lin, W. T., & Shoa, B. B. M. (2000). The relationship between user participation ans system success: a simultaneous contigency approach. Information and Management, 37, 283-295.
  • Linus, J., Emma, O., David, S., & Max, S. (2010). Implementing an IBX-eprocurement solution-are there any success factors. Linnaeus University, Sweden.
  • Local Government UK, I. a. D. (2004). National e-procurement project: Benefits realisation standard. Developmento. Document Number) London: Local Government Improvement and
  • Longman, A., & Mullins, J. (2004). Project management: key tool for implementing strategy. The Journal of Business Strategy, 25(5), 54-60.
  • Luvsanbyamba, M., & Chung, I. K. (2009). An empirical study of success factors on business-to-business e-marketplaces from buyers' and sellers' perspectives. Paper presented at the The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interaction Sciences: Information technology, Culture & Human.
  • Maheshwari, M. (2002). Critical success factors for e-business: An empirical study., Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.
  • Malta, C. (2010). Improving adoption of e-procurement solutions through online B2B website functionality. Industrial Engineering(March), 1-75.
  • McNichols, T., & Brennan, L. (2008). Avoiding inertia in collaborative supply chain systems: the decision-makers role. Paper presented at the 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, Ireland.
  • Monk, R. (2000). Why small business fail. CMA Management, July/August, 4(5), 12-13.
  • Motwani, J., Subramanian, R., & Gopalakrisna, P. (2005). Critical factors for successful ERP implementation: Exploratory findings froum case studies. Computer in Industry, 56, 529-544.
  • Nah, F. F.-H., Lau, J. L.-S., & Kuang, J. (2001). Critical factors for successful implementation of enterprise systems. Business Process Management Journal, 7(3), 285-296.
  • Neef, D. (Ed.). (2001). E-Procurement: from strategy to implementation. New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River.
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Year 2012, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 209 - 225, 01.06.2012



  • Aberdeen Group. (2005a). Best practices in e-procurement: Reducing costs and
  • increasing value through online buying. USA: Aberdeen Group.
  • Aberdeen Group. (2005b). Strategic sourcing in the mid-market benchmark-The echo boom in supply management”; [Electronic Version],
  • Ageshin, E. A. (2001). E-Procurement at work: a case study. Production and Inventory Management Journal(First Quarter), 48-53.
  • Aguita-Obra, A. R.-D., & Padilla-Melendez, A. (2006). Organizational factors affecting Internet technology adoption Internet Research, 16(1), 1066-2243.
  • Al-Mashari, M., & Al-Mudimigh, A. (2003). ERP implementation: lessons from a case study. Information and People, 16, 21-33.
  • Allen, D., Kern, T., & Havenhand, M. (2002). ERP critical success factors: an exploration of the contextual factors in public sector institutions. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
  • Allen, R. G. (2003). Best practices e-procurement. Global Purchasing & Supply Chain Strategies, 1-4.
  • Alwabel, S. A., & Zairi, M. (2005). E-Commerce critical success factors: a cross-industry investigation [Electronic Version]. Working Paper Series, 3-39,
  • Ang, C. L., Davies, M. A., & Finlay, P. N. (2001). An empirical Model of IT usage in the Malaysian Public Sector. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 10, 159-174.
  • Angeles, R., & Ravi, N. (2007). Business-to business e-procurement: success factors and challenges to implementation. Supply Chain Management:An International Journal, 12(2), 104-115.
  • Ariba. (2005). Sunway Group expands Ariba implementation for corporate-wide adoption of spend management [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 29th June 2011, from
  • Audit Commision. (2006). Progress on e-procurement: Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council. UK: Audit Commissiono. Document Number)
  • Behkamal, B., Akbari, M. K., & Kahani, M. (2007). A conceptualization of B2B electronic commerce success from sell side perspective. Paper presented at the 12th International CSI Computer Conference (CSICC 2007).
  • Bhatti, T. R. (2005, 26-28th September). Critical success factors for the implementation of enterprise resource planning: empirical validation. Paper presented at the The 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Information Technology, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE.
  • Birks, C., Bond, S., & Radford, M. (2001). Guide to e-procurement in the public sector: cutting through the hype. London, UK: Office of Goverment Commerce, HMSOo. Document Number)
  • Bouchbout, K., & Alimazighi, Z. (2009). A framework for identifying the critical factors affecting the decision to adopt and use inter-organizational information systems. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 4(7), 509-516.
  • Brandon-Jones, A., & Croom, S. (2005). Delivering internal service quality through e- procurement. Paper presented at the Proceeding of the 14th IPSERA Conference, Archamps, France.
  • Business Link. (2007). Improving business relationship [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 31st business/Improvingbusinessrelationship.pdf from
  • BuyIT. (2002). Building the business case for e-procurement /ROI - A BuyIT e- procurement best practice guildeline [Electronic Version], 1-15. Retrieved 27th June content/img/en5_1.pdf from
  • Cata, T. (2003). Critical success factors for e-service: An exploratory study of web-based insurance business. University of Nebraska, Nebraska.
  • Cavana, R., T, Delahaye, B. L., & Sekaran, U. (2001). Applied research for business. Australia: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
  • CGEC. (2002). Measuring and improving value of e-procurement initiatives. University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • Chad, L., Yu-An, H., Geoffrey, J., Ying-Chieh, L., & Mei-Lien, T. (2010). An exploratory study of factors affecting adoption and implementation of B2B e- commerce in Australia health care organizations. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 1(2), 77-96.
  • Chan, C., & Swatman, P. M. C. (1999 ). B2B E-COMMERCE IMPLEMENTATION: THE CASE OF BHP STEEL. Paper presented at the The Proceedings of "ECIS'99" -- 7th European Conference on Information Systems.
  • Chan, M., Pang, V., Bunker, D., & Smith, S. (2006). What do we mean by e- procurement?. A private hospital perspective in Australia. Paper presented at the The Tenth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2006).
  • Chong, W. K., Shafaghi, M., & Tan, B. L. (2011). Development of a business-to-business critical success factors (B2B CSFs) framework for Chinese SMEs. Maketing Intelligence & Planning, 29(5), 517-533.
  • Clark, S. (2000). Most small business failures tied to poor management. The Business Journal, 1(2), 47.
  • Croom, S. R., & Brandon-Jones, A. (2005). Key issues in e-procurement: procurement implementation and operation in the public sector. Journal of Public Procurement, 5(3), 367-387.
  • Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2008). Business research methods (International ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/ Irwin.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publication, Inc.
  • Davindson, E. J. (2002). Technology frames and framing: a social-cognitive investigation of requirements determination. MIS Quartely, 26(4), 329-358.
  • Eakin, D. (2003). Measuring e-procurement benefit. Canada's Magazine on Public Sector Purchasing(February), 16-18.
  • ECOM Group. (2002). e-Procurement in the UK Public Sector: A Guide to Developments and Best Practices. London, UKo. Document Number)
  • Eid, R., & Trueman, M. (2004). Factors affecting the success of business-to-business international internet marketing : an empirical study of UK companies. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 104(1), 16-30.
  • Eid, R., Trueman, M., & Ahmed, A. M. (2002). The influence of critical success factors on International Internet Marketing. Bradford University School of Management.
  • Esichaikul, V., & Chavananon, S. (2001). Electronic commerce and electronic business implementation success factors. Paper presented at the e-Everything: e- Commerce, e-Government, e-Household, e-Democracy: 14th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference.
  • Giunipero, L. C., & Sawchuk, C. (Eds.). (2000). e-Purchasing Plus: Changing the way corporation buy. New York: JGC Enterprises.
  • Gray, B. (Ed.). (1991). Collaborating. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  • Gunasekaran, A., & Eric W.T. Ngai. (2008). Adoption of e-procurement in Hong Kong: an empirical research. International journal of Production Economics, 113, 159- 175.
  • Hansen, J. (2006). Paradigm shift technology's disminishing role Part 1. Summit(September), 1-3.
  • Hiatt, J., & Creasey, T. (2003). The definition and history of change management [Electronic Version]. Change management tutorial series. Retrieved October 6, 2011, from
  • Hussien, R., Selamat, M. H., Anom, R. B., Karim, N. S. A., & Mamat, A. (2007). The impact of organizational factors on IS success: an empirical investigation in the Malaysian electronic government agencies. The Electronic Journal of Information System in Developing Countries, 29, 1-16.
  • ICG Commerce. (2009). Reasons e-procurement project fails to achieve their ROI. Whitepaper Published(August 2009), 1-8.
  • Jamil, M. R., & Ahmad, N. (2009). Present status and critical success factors of e- commerce in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2009).
  • Jennex, M. E., Amoroso, D., & Adelakun, O. (2004). E-Commerce infrastructure success factors for small companies in developing economies. Electronic Commerce Research, 4, 263-286.
  • Kao, D., & Durocher, G. (2007). Critical factors for e-business in China: implications on management. Paper presented at the The Proceeding of The Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business (WHICEB 2007).
  • Khan, M. J., Dominic, P. D. D., Khan, A., & Naseebullah. (2010). Adoption of e- commerce in Malaysia and its affect on the business performance: an organizational perspective. Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSIM 2010).
  • Kinder, T. (2000). The use of the Internet in recruiment- case studies from West Lothian, Scotland. Technovation, 20(9), 461-475.
  • Kuzic, J., & Kuzic, M. (2004). CSF of e-commerce in large corporation. Paper presented at the 26th International Conference Information Technology Interface (ITI 2004).
  • Laosethakul, K. (2005). Critical success factor for e-commerce in Thailand: A multiple case study analysis. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.
  • Lewis, J. P. (Ed.). (2001). Fundamentals of project management. (2nd Edition ed.): American Management Association.
  • Li, J., & Huang, J. (2004). An exploratory study of e-business success factors. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2(3), 167-172.
  • Li, J., & Li, L. (2005, August 15-17). On the critical success factor for B2B e- marketplaces. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Electronic commerce, ICEC 2005, Xi'an, China.
  • Lin, Y. C., Lee, M. H., & Tserng, P. (2003). Construction enterprise resource planning implementation: critical success factors-lesson learning in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 20th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction ISARC 2003, Eindhoven, Holland.
  • Lin, C., & Huang, Y. (2007). An integrated framework for managing eCRM evaluation process. International Journal of Electronic Business, 5(4), 340-359.
  • Lin, C., Huang, Y.-A., & Tseng, S.-W. (2007). A study of planning and implementation stages in electronic commerce adoption and evaluation: the case of Australian SMEs. Contemporary Management Research, 3(1), 83-100.
  • Lin, W. T., & Shoa, B. B. M. (2000). The relationship between user participation ans system success: a simultaneous contigency approach. Information and Management, 37, 283-295.
  • Linus, J., Emma, O., David, S., & Max, S. (2010). Implementing an IBX-eprocurement solution-are there any success factors. Linnaeus University, Sweden.
  • Local Government UK, I. a. D. (2004). National e-procurement project: Benefits realisation standard. Developmento. Document Number) London: Local Government Improvement and
  • Longman, A., & Mullins, J. (2004). Project management: key tool for implementing strategy. The Journal of Business Strategy, 25(5), 54-60.
  • Luvsanbyamba, M., & Chung, I. K. (2009). An empirical study of success factors on business-to-business e-marketplaces from buyers' and sellers' perspectives. Paper presented at the The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interaction Sciences: Information technology, Culture & Human.
  • Maheshwari, M. (2002). Critical success factors for e-business: An empirical study., Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.
  • Malta, C. (2010). Improving adoption of e-procurement solutions through online B2B website functionality. Industrial Engineering(March), 1-75.
  • McNichols, T., & Brennan, L. (2008). Avoiding inertia in collaborative supply chain systems: the decision-makers role. Paper presented at the 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, Ireland.
  • Monk, R. (2000). Why small business fail. CMA Management, July/August, 4(5), 12-13.
  • Motwani, J., Subramanian, R., & Gopalakrisna, P. (2005). Critical factors for successful ERP implementation: Exploratory findings froum case studies. Computer in Industry, 56, 529-544.
  • Nah, F. F.-H., Lau, J. L.-S., & Kuang, J. (2001). Critical factors for successful implementation of enterprise systems. Business Process Management Journal, 7(3), 285-296.
  • Neef, D. (Ed.). (2001). E-Procurement: from strategy to implementation. New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River.
  • Porter, M. E. (2001). Strategy and the Internet [Electronic Version]. Harvard Business Review, 1-20,
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There are 99 citations in total.


Other ID JA35GZ72VR
Journal Section Articles

Rafikullah Deraman This is me

Hafez Salleh This is me

Faizul A. Rahim This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


Chicago Deraman, Rafikullah, Hafez Salleh, and Faizul A. Rahim. “IMPLEMENTING E-PURCHASING IN CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATIONS: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY TO IDENTIFY ORGANIZATIONAL CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 4, no. 1 (June 2012): 209-25.
MLA Deraman, Rafikullah et al. “IMPLEMENTING E-PURCHASING IN CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATIONS: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY TO IDENTIFY ORGANIZATIONAL CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS”. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, 2012, pp. 209-25.