Year 2011,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 317 - 331, 01.12.2011
Sevgi Dönmez Maç
Şuayyip Çalış
Considering theoretical framework of Matten and Moon (2005, 2008) based on
New Institutionalism and National Business System Approach, this research
studied “explicit” CSR policies and practices of automotive manufacturer
companies in Turkey. It was seen that automotive manufacturer companies
composing sample group of the research focused on community involvement and
development, environment and consumer issues rather than labour practices in the
content of CSR. Disclosed labour practices were mostly related to individualistic
practices rather than collectivist elements.
- Anadolu Isuzu (2009), 2009 Corporate Management Principles Consistency Report, netimIlkeleri.asp?lang=eng, [Accessed: 10.05.2010]
- Ararat, Melsa (2008), “A Development Perspective for Corporate Social
- Responsibility”, Corporate Governance, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 271-285. Ararat, Melsa and Ceyhun Göcenoğlu (2005), Drivers for Sustainable Corporate
- Responsibility, Case of Turkey,, Accessed: 10.06.2010]
- Automotive Manufacturers Association (OSD), OSD Members,, Accessed: 10.05.2010]
- Armstrong, Michael (2009), Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource
- Management Practice, 11th Edition, London and Philadelphia: Kogan Page. Basil, Debra Z. and Erlandson, Jill (2008), “Corporate Social Responsibility
- Website Presentations: A Longitudinal Study of Internal and External Self Presentations”, Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.125- Belal, Ataur Rahman (2008), Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in
- Developing Countries, England: Ashgate Publishing Limited. Campbell, John L., (2007), “Why Would Corporations Behave In Socially
- Responsible Ways? An Institutional Theory of Corporate Social Responsibility”, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 22 No.3 pp. 946-967. Chalofsky, Neal (2010), Meaningful Workplaces: Reframing How and Where We
- Work, San Fransisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons. Chapple, W. ve Moon, J. (2005), “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Asia:
- A Seven Country Study of CSR Web Reporting”, Business Society, Vol.44, No.4, pp.414-441. Carroll, Archie B. (1979), “A three dimensional model of corporate social performance”, Academy of Management Review, Vol.4, pp.497-505.
- Carroll, Archie B. (1991), “The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility:
- Towards the Moral Management of Organizational Stakeholders”, Business Horizons, Vol.34, No.2, pp. 39-48. Carroll, Archie B. (1999), “Corporate Social Responsibility-Evolution of a definitional contract”, Business and Society, Vol.38, pp.268-295.
- Clarkson, Max. B.E. (1995), “A Stakeholder Framework for Analyzing and Evaluating Corporate Social Performance”, The Academy of Management Review, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 92-117.
- Dahlsrud, Alexander (2006), “How Corporate Social Responsibilit is definded: An analsis of 37 Defintions”,, Accessed: 10.06.2010].
- DiMaggio Paul J. abd Walter W. Powell (1983), “The Iron Cage Revisited:
- Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Field”, American Sociological Review, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp.147-160. Ford Otosan (2009), 2009 Annual Report,, [Accessed: 10.05.2010]
- Frynas, Jedrzej George (2009), Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility Oil
- Multinationals and Social Challenges, Englang:Cambrdige University Press. Garcia, Fernando J. Fuents; Tabales Julia M. Nunez; Herradon, Ricardo Veroz (2008), “Applicability of Corporate Social Responsibility to Human Resources
- Management: Perspective from Spain”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.82, pp.27- Habisch, Andre, Jan Jonker, Martina Wegner and Rene Schmidpeter (2005),
- Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe, Berlin:Springer. Hall, Peter A. and David Soskice (2001), Varieties of Capitalism, Oxford:Oxford University Press.
- Hollingsworth, Rogers J. and Robert Boyer (1997), “Coordination of economic actors and social systems of production”, (in: J. R. Hollingsworth,. and R. Boyer- Ed., Contemporary Capitalism: The embeddedness of institutions),
- Canbridge:Cambridge University Press, pp.1-47. Hyundai Assan, İnsan Kaynakları,, Accessed: 10.05.2010].
- Karsan (2009), 2009 Annual Report,
- A7R5IPFCig%3d%3d&ContentId=1P0ukjAdnRk1S0%2ffc2TIwQ%3d%3d, Accessed: 10.05.2010].
- Kolk, Ans (2005), “Environmental reporting by multinationals from the Triad:
- Convergence or divergence?”, Management International Review, Vol. 45 (Special Issues), pp.145-167. Kujala, Johanna (2010), “Corporate Responsibility Perceptions in Change:
- Finnish Managers’ Views on Stakeholder Issues from 1994 to 2004”, Business
- Ethics: A European Review, Volume 19, Number 1 January 2010.
- Küskü, Fatma (2001), “Sorumluluk mu, Zorunluluk mu? Türk Otomotiv Sektörü’ndeki
- Değerlendirilmesi, 9. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İşletme Fakültesi, Silivri, İstanbul, 24-26 Mayıs 2001, pp.155-169.
- Lenssen, Gilber and Volodja Vorobey, (2005), ““The Role of Business in Society in Europe.” (in: Habisch, A., Jonker, J., Wegner, M., Schmidpeter, R. Ed., Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe), Berlin:Springer, pp. 357-375.
- Lockett, Andy, Jeremy Moon and Wayne Wisser (2006), “Corporate social responsibility in management research: focus, nature, salience and sources of influence”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 43, No.1, pp.115–36
- Matten, Dirk and Jeremy Moon (2004), “Corporate social responsibility education in Europe”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.54, pp.323-337.
- Matten, Dirk and Jeremy Moon (2005), “A Conceptual Framework fror
- Understanding CSR”, Editörler: Habisch, Andre, J. Jonker, M. Wegner ve R. Schmidpeter, Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe, Springer, 335-356. Matten, Dirk and Jeremy Moon (2008), “Implicit and Explicit CSR: A Conceptual
- Framework for a Comparative Understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility”, Academy of Management Review, Vol.33, No.2, pp.404-424. Maurice, Marc and Ardnt Sorge (2000), Embedding organisations: Societal analysis of actors, organisations and socio-economic context, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Maurice, Marc, Ardnt Sorge and Malcolm Warner (1980), “Societal differences in organizing manufacturing units: A comparison of France, West Germany and Great Britain”, Organisation Studies, Vol.1, pp.59-86.
- Mercedes Benz Turkey, İnsan Kaynakları, http://www.mercedes- /home/world/about.html, [Accessed: 10.05.2010].
- Meyer, John W. and Brian Rowan (1977), “Institutionalized Organizations:
- Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. , No.2, pp.340-363. Otokar (2009), 2009 Annual Report,, [Accessed: 08.2010].
- Oyak Renault, İnsan Kaynakları, http://www.oyak-, [Accessed: 10.05.2010].
- Özgüç, Erkan (2005), Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu,
- Yeterlilik Etüdü,, [Accessed: 08.2010].
- Preuss L., Haunschild A. Ve Matten, D. (2009), “The rise of CSR: implications for HRM and Employee Representation”, The International journal of Human
- Resource Management, Vol.20, No.4, 953-973. (April) Preuss L., Haunschild A. Ve Matten, D. (2006), “Trade Unions and CSR: a
- European research agenda”, Journal of Public Affairs, 6:256-268 (August- November) Sharma S., Sharma J. and Devi A. (2009), Corporate Social Responsibility: The Key Role of Human Resource Management, Business Intelligence Journal, Vol.2, No.1, pp.205-213.
- Sorge, Ardnt (1991), “Strategic fit an societal effect-Interpreting cross national comparisons of technology, organization and human resources”, Organization Studies, Vol.12, pp.161-190.
- Tempel, Anne and Peter Walgenbach (2007), “Global Standardization of
- Organizational Forms and Management Practices? What New Institutionalism and the Business-Systems Approach Can Learn From Each Other”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol.44, No.1, pp.1-24. Temsa Global (2009), 2009 Annual Review,, [Accessed: 15.08.2010].
- Toyota, Sosyal Sorumluluk,, [Accessed: 08.2010].
- Vogel, David (1992), “The globalisation of business ethics: Why America remains different”, California Management Review, Vol.35, No.1, pp.30-49.
- Tofaş (2009), 2009 Annual Report,, Accessed: 15.08.2010].
- Vuontisjarvi, Taru (2006), “Corporate Social Responsibility in the European
- Context and Human Resource Disclosures: An Analysis of Finnish Companies”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.69, pp.331-354
- Whitley, Richard (1998), Internationalization and varieties of capitalism: the limited effects of cross-national coordination of economic activities on the nature of business systems, Review of International Political Economy, Vol.5, No.3, pp.445-481
- Yamak, Sibel (2007)., Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Kavramının Gelişimi, İstanbul: Beta.
Year 2011,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 317 - 331, 01.12.2011
Sevgi Dönmez Maç
Şuayyip Çalış
- Anadolu Isuzu (2009), 2009 Corporate Management Principles Consistency Report, netimIlkeleri.asp?lang=eng, [Accessed: 10.05.2010]
- Ararat, Melsa (2008), “A Development Perspective for Corporate Social
- Responsibility”, Corporate Governance, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 271-285. Ararat, Melsa and Ceyhun Göcenoğlu (2005), Drivers for Sustainable Corporate
- Responsibility, Case of Turkey,, Accessed: 10.06.2010]
- Automotive Manufacturers Association (OSD), OSD Members,, Accessed: 10.05.2010]
- Armstrong, Michael (2009), Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource
- Management Practice, 11th Edition, London and Philadelphia: Kogan Page. Basil, Debra Z. and Erlandson, Jill (2008), “Corporate Social Responsibility
- Website Presentations: A Longitudinal Study of Internal and External Self Presentations”, Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.125- Belal, Ataur Rahman (2008), Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in
- Developing Countries, England: Ashgate Publishing Limited. Campbell, John L., (2007), “Why Would Corporations Behave In Socially
- Responsible Ways? An Institutional Theory of Corporate Social Responsibility”, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 22 No.3 pp. 946-967. Chalofsky, Neal (2010), Meaningful Workplaces: Reframing How and Where We
- Work, San Fransisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons. Chapple, W. ve Moon, J. (2005), “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Asia:
- A Seven Country Study of CSR Web Reporting”, Business Society, Vol.44, No.4, pp.414-441. Carroll, Archie B. (1979), “A three dimensional model of corporate social performance”, Academy of Management Review, Vol.4, pp.497-505.
- Carroll, Archie B. (1991), “The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility:
- Towards the Moral Management of Organizational Stakeholders”, Business Horizons, Vol.34, No.2, pp. 39-48. Carroll, Archie B. (1999), “Corporate Social Responsibility-Evolution of a definitional contract”, Business and Society, Vol.38, pp.268-295.
- Clarkson, Max. B.E. (1995), “A Stakeholder Framework for Analyzing and Evaluating Corporate Social Performance”, The Academy of Management Review, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 92-117.
- Dahlsrud, Alexander (2006), “How Corporate Social Responsibilit is definded: An analsis of 37 Defintions”,, Accessed: 10.06.2010].
- DiMaggio Paul J. abd Walter W. Powell (1983), “The Iron Cage Revisited:
- Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Field”, American Sociological Review, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp.147-160. Ford Otosan (2009), 2009 Annual Report,, [Accessed: 10.05.2010]
- Frynas, Jedrzej George (2009), Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility Oil
- Multinationals and Social Challenges, Englang:Cambrdige University Press. Garcia, Fernando J. Fuents; Tabales Julia M. Nunez; Herradon, Ricardo Veroz (2008), “Applicability of Corporate Social Responsibility to Human Resources
- Management: Perspective from Spain”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.82, pp.27- Habisch, Andre, Jan Jonker, Martina Wegner and Rene Schmidpeter (2005),
- Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe, Berlin:Springer. Hall, Peter A. and David Soskice (2001), Varieties of Capitalism, Oxford:Oxford University Press.
- Hollingsworth, Rogers J. and Robert Boyer (1997), “Coordination of economic actors and social systems of production”, (in: J. R. Hollingsworth,. and R. Boyer- Ed., Contemporary Capitalism: The embeddedness of institutions),
- Canbridge:Cambridge University Press, pp.1-47. Hyundai Assan, İnsan Kaynakları,, Accessed: 10.05.2010].
- Karsan (2009), 2009 Annual Report,
- A7R5IPFCig%3d%3d&ContentId=1P0ukjAdnRk1S0%2ffc2TIwQ%3d%3d, Accessed: 10.05.2010].
- Kolk, Ans (2005), “Environmental reporting by multinationals from the Triad:
- Convergence or divergence?”, Management International Review, Vol. 45 (Special Issues), pp.145-167. Kujala, Johanna (2010), “Corporate Responsibility Perceptions in Change:
- Finnish Managers’ Views on Stakeholder Issues from 1994 to 2004”, Business
- Ethics: A European Review, Volume 19, Number 1 January 2010.
- Küskü, Fatma (2001), “Sorumluluk mu, Zorunluluk mu? Türk Otomotiv Sektörü’ndeki
- Değerlendirilmesi, 9. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İşletme Fakültesi, Silivri, İstanbul, 24-26 Mayıs 2001, pp.155-169.
- Lenssen, Gilber and Volodja Vorobey, (2005), ““The Role of Business in Society in Europe.” (in: Habisch, A., Jonker, J., Wegner, M., Schmidpeter, R. Ed., Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe), Berlin:Springer, pp. 357-375.
- Lockett, Andy, Jeremy Moon and Wayne Wisser (2006), “Corporate social responsibility in management research: focus, nature, salience and sources of influence”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 43, No.1, pp.115–36
- Matten, Dirk and Jeremy Moon (2004), “Corporate social responsibility education in Europe”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.54, pp.323-337.
- Matten, Dirk and Jeremy Moon (2005), “A Conceptual Framework fror
- Understanding CSR”, Editörler: Habisch, Andre, J. Jonker, M. Wegner ve R. Schmidpeter, Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe, Springer, 335-356. Matten, Dirk and Jeremy Moon (2008), “Implicit and Explicit CSR: A Conceptual
- Framework for a Comparative Understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility”, Academy of Management Review, Vol.33, No.2, pp.404-424. Maurice, Marc and Ardnt Sorge (2000), Embedding organisations: Societal analysis of actors, organisations and socio-economic context, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Maurice, Marc, Ardnt Sorge and Malcolm Warner (1980), “Societal differences in organizing manufacturing units: A comparison of France, West Germany and Great Britain”, Organisation Studies, Vol.1, pp.59-86.
- Mercedes Benz Turkey, İnsan Kaynakları, http://www.mercedes- /home/world/about.html, [Accessed: 10.05.2010].
- Meyer, John W. and Brian Rowan (1977), “Institutionalized Organizations:
- Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony”, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. , No.2, pp.340-363. Otokar (2009), 2009 Annual Report,, [Accessed: 08.2010].
- Oyak Renault, İnsan Kaynakları, http://www.oyak-, [Accessed: 10.05.2010].
- Özgüç, Erkan (2005), Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu,
- Yeterlilik Etüdü,, [Accessed: 08.2010].
- Preuss L., Haunschild A. Ve Matten, D. (2009), “The rise of CSR: implications for HRM and Employee Representation”, The International journal of Human
- Resource Management, Vol.20, No.4, 953-973. (April) Preuss L., Haunschild A. Ve Matten, D. (2006), “Trade Unions and CSR: a
- European research agenda”, Journal of Public Affairs, 6:256-268 (August- November) Sharma S., Sharma J. and Devi A. (2009), Corporate Social Responsibility: The Key Role of Human Resource Management, Business Intelligence Journal, Vol.2, No.1, pp.205-213.
- Sorge, Ardnt (1991), “Strategic fit an societal effect-Interpreting cross national comparisons of technology, organization and human resources”, Organization Studies, Vol.12, pp.161-190.
- Tempel, Anne and Peter Walgenbach (2007), “Global Standardization of
- Organizational Forms and Management Practices? What New Institutionalism and the Business-Systems Approach Can Learn From Each Other”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol.44, No.1, pp.1-24. Temsa Global (2009), 2009 Annual Review,, [Accessed: 15.08.2010].
- Toyota, Sosyal Sorumluluk,, [Accessed: 08.2010].
- Vogel, David (1992), “The globalisation of business ethics: Why America remains different”, California Management Review, Vol.35, No.1, pp.30-49.
- Tofaş (2009), 2009 Annual Report,, Accessed: 15.08.2010].
- Vuontisjarvi, Taru (2006), “Corporate Social Responsibility in the European
- Context and Human Resource Disclosures: An Analysis of Finnish Companies”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.69, pp.331-354
- Whitley, Richard (1998), Internationalization and varieties of capitalism: the limited effects of cross-national coordination of economic activities on the nature of business systems, Review of International Political Economy, Vol.5, No.3, pp.445-481
- Yamak, Sibel (2007)., Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Kavramının Gelişimi, İstanbul: Beta.