Research Article
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Year 2019, , 366 - 380, 13.12.2019



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The Views of ELT Pre-Service Teachers on Using Drama in Teaching English and on Their Practices Involved in Drama Course

Year 2019, , 366 - 380, 13.12.2019


Drama provides
an opportunity for students to use their imagination to express themselves
verbally and with body language and is concerned with the world of 'let's
pretend'. It has been widely used to foster language skills in foreign language
teaching and engages both students and the teachers affectively and
cognitively. Apart from its motivational aspect, drama enhances students’ socio-semiotic
capabilities by enabling them to engage with various modes simultaneously.
Considering the wide range of contributions of drama, its integration into
foreign language teaching curriculum and investigating ELT pre-service
teachers' (PSTs) views on this integration seem highly valuable. Therefore, the
aim of this qualitative study is to find out the perceptions of junior ELT PSTs
on using drama in English Language Teaching and on their practices in a drama
course. The study included twenty-eight junior ELT PSTs studying at a state
school in Turkey. The participants were enrolled in Drama in ELT course in 2018, fall. This research adopted a Grounded
Theory study design. Data were collected through an open-ended questionnaire
and a semi-structured focus group interview with randomly chosen five
participants in order to find out the participants’ views on drama and their Drama in ELT course.  The results revealed that ELT PSTs find Drama
course useful for their professional development. Furthermore, they indicated
positive feelings during the Drama in ELT
course and the participants mostly stated that they will use drama as a part of
their future English lessons. Therefore, drama courses offered by ELT
curriculum has been found to contribute to ELT PSTs’ academic development as
well as professional development by freeing them from the conventional
classroom environment and giving them opportunity to benefit from their own
experiences and imagination.


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There are 119 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Nazlı Baykal 0000-0002-6248-7614

İdil Sayın 0000-0001-5546-2673

Gülin Zeybek 0000-0002-6863-7169

Publication Date December 13, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Baykal, N., Sayın, İ., & Zeybek, G. (2019). The Views of ELT Pre-Service Teachers on Using Drama in Teaching English and on Their Practices Involved in Drama Course. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(2), 366-380.

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