Numerical study of Air Preheating Effect on NOx Emissions in a Heating Furnace
Year 2016,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 14 - 16, 30.12.2016
Mohamed Chaour
Sofiane Boulkroune
Mounira Bourebıa
This work aims to
evaluate the reduce pollutant emission by steel reheating furnaces and
operating process of the diffusion flame industrials burners. The example
developed here is particularly interested in the influence of the air
preheating temperature on NOx emissions as well as the dynamic characteristics
and heat flow. The study was conducted on an industrial gas burners 250 kilowatt.
Numerical simulations are per formed using the computer code FLUENT, using the
turbulence standard k-ε model coupled to turbulent combustion ED (Eddy
Dissipation).The probability density function PDF model (6 species and
reactions 3) with a chemical equilibrium model. The results obtained for
different air preheat temperatures show that NOx emissions depend on the air
preheat temperature.
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Year 2016,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 14 - 16, 30.12.2016
Mohamed Chaour
Sofiane Boulkroune
Mounira Bourebıa
- [1] F. Bouras, A. Soudani et M. Si-Ameur “Simulation aux grands échelles de la combustion turbulente couplée à des fonctions densités de probabilité” Proceeding of International Conference on Energetics and Pollution, Organized by LEAP. 45-50 (2007)
- [2] L. Bebar, V. Kermes, P. Stehlik, J. Canek and J. Oral “Low NOx burners prediction of emissions concentration based on design” Measurements and modelling” Waste management. 22-4 (2002) 443-451
- [3] E.Perthuis “Revue des techniques de réduction des émissions d’oxydes d’azote au niveau des brûleurs” Revue Générale de Thermique. 330 (1989) 374–377
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