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Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 35 - 41, 31.03.2020



  • [1] Ehlig-Economides, C.A,. Joseph J.A., Ambrose, R.W. and Norwood, C “A Modern Approach to reservoir test Interpretation” Society of Petroleum Engineers(SPE) paper 19814 64TH Annual technical conference and Exhibitions San Antonio Texas October 8-11 1989.
  • [2] Nashawi, I.S., Al Anzi, E.H. and Hashew, Y.S. “A Depletion Strategy for an Active Bottom Water Drive Reservoir Using Analytical and Numerical Models –Field Case Study” Journal of Heat Transfer Transactions of American society of mechanical enginners(ASME), Vol. 131 / 101008-12, 2009.
  • [3] Majid, E. N., Abdolnabi, H. and Ali, Z.“Challenges in Well Testing Data from Multi-Layered Reservoirs; a Field Case” International Journal of Science and Emerging Technology Vol. 4(6) pp. 208-216, 2012. [4] McVay, D.A,. Hill, N,C., Lancaster, D.G and Holditch, S.A. “ Interactive well test Analysis using microcomputers” Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT) September, pp.1227-1231,1988.
  • [5] Kodhelaj, N and Bozgo, S. “Role of Well Testing and Information in Petroleum Industry- Testing in Multilayered Reservoir ”International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, July pp. 1647-1652, 2016.
  • [6] Gringarten, A.C. “Computer-Aided Well Test Analysis” Society of Petroleum Engineers International Meeting on Petroleum Engineering Beijing China, March 17-20, pp. 373-392, 1986.[7] Horne, R. N. “Advances in Computer-Aided Well test Interpretation” Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal of Petroleum Technology, Vol.46, Number 7, pp. 599- 605 1994.
  • [8] Bourdet, D. “Pressure Behaviour of Layered Reservoirs with Crossflow” Society of Petroleum Engineers California Regional Meeting Bakersfield, California, March 27- 29, pp. 405-411, 1985.
  • [9] Abbass, E. and Lin Song, C. “Computer Application on Well Test Mathematical Model Computation of Homogenous and Multiple- Bounded Reservoirs”, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Studies Vol.11, Number1, April pp. 41-52, 2012.
  • [10] Kuchuk, F.J. and Tarek H. “Pressure Behavior of Horizontal Wells in Multilayer Reservoirs with Crossflow,” Society of Petroleum Engineer (SPE) Formation Evaluation, March, pp.54 -64, 1996.
  • [11] Erhunmwen, I. D. and Akpobi, J.A. “Analysis of Pressure Variation of fluid in an Infinite Acting Reservoir” Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH),Vol 36, No.1 January, pp.80-86, 2017.
  • [12] Akpobi, E.D., Adewole, E.S. and Olafuyi, O. A. “Model for Layered Reservoir Subject to a Bottom Water Drive Using Horizontal Wells” Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics Vol.35 pp.311- 322, 2016.
  • [13] Kaur, K. Microsoft Visual Basic.Net. Professional Projects, Premier press pp. 86-122, 2002.
  • [14] Gringarten, A.C. and Ramey, H.J. “The Use of Source and Green's Function in Solving Unsteady Flow Problems in Reservoirs” Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal Vol:13, Pages:285-296, ISSN 0197-7520, 1973.
  • [15] Adewole E.S. “Instantaneous Source Function of a Permeable Interface”, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics Vol.4, pp.189-196, 2009 . [16] Malekzadeh, D. “Interference Testing of horizontal wells” Ph.d Dissertation University of Oaklahoma, Oaklahoma, United States of America, 1991.
  • [17] Adewole, E. S. “The Use of Gauss Laguerre and Gauss Legendre Quadrature in Solving Problems Involving Oil Flow In Horizontal Wells ” Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics Vol. 34, Number 2B Sept, pp.380 – 386, 2007. [18] Okafor, H.E., Mohammad, J. and Farshid, A. “ Incorporating Oil and Gas Softwares into Petroleum Engineering Education Curriculum“ Engineering Science and Technology Journal vol.3 No.1, pp. 49-56, 2013.
  • [19] Buhidma, I.M. and Chu, W.C. “The Use of Computer in Pressure Transient Analysis” Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Washington, D.C., October 4-7 pp.723- 734, 1992.

Computer Aided Pressure Transient Analysis of a Layered Reservoir System with a Constant Pressure Boundary

Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 35 - 41, 31.03.2020


A Layered
reservoir system with a constant pressure bottom boundary has immense potential
to produce oil and gas, using horizontal wells may further increase
productivity because it offers a larger surface area for fluid withdrawal. Test
analysis in this system is tedious, time consuming and interpretation may be
confusing or erroneous. Hence an efficient algorithm is needed to generate
accurate pressure response of the wells to facilitate quick and easy analysis
and prediction. This paper presents an interactive computer program that
computes the dimensionless pressure and dimensionless pressure derivatives of
horizontal wells in a two layered reservoir system with a constant pressure
boundary. Program’s codes and structure of the reservoir model solution were
written utilising the exponential integral solution, Gauss Laguerre and Gauss
Lagrange numerical methods. The program has features that gave visual
interpretation (graphical user interfaces (GUI)) as it computes pressure and
derivative values when the interface between the layers is either permeable (crossflow
reservoir) or impermeable (no crossflow reservoir). Examples illustrating its
use in model identification and well test analysis of layered system with
constant pressure boundary are also included in this work. Hence it will serve
as a good learning tool because it is user friendly, fast and results have
acceptable level of accuracy.


  • [1] Ehlig-Economides, C.A,. Joseph J.A., Ambrose, R.W. and Norwood, C “A Modern Approach to reservoir test Interpretation” Society of Petroleum Engineers(SPE) paper 19814 64TH Annual technical conference and Exhibitions San Antonio Texas October 8-11 1989.
  • [2] Nashawi, I.S., Al Anzi, E.H. and Hashew, Y.S. “A Depletion Strategy for an Active Bottom Water Drive Reservoir Using Analytical and Numerical Models –Field Case Study” Journal of Heat Transfer Transactions of American society of mechanical enginners(ASME), Vol. 131 / 101008-12, 2009.
  • [3] Majid, E. N., Abdolnabi, H. and Ali, Z.“Challenges in Well Testing Data from Multi-Layered Reservoirs; a Field Case” International Journal of Science and Emerging Technology Vol. 4(6) pp. 208-216, 2012. [4] McVay, D.A,. Hill, N,C., Lancaster, D.G and Holditch, S.A. “ Interactive well test Analysis using microcomputers” Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT) September, pp.1227-1231,1988.
  • [5] Kodhelaj, N and Bozgo, S. “Role of Well Testing and Information in Petroleum Industry- Testing in Multilayered Reservoir ”International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, July pp. 1647-1652, 2016.
  • [6] Gringarten, A.C. “Computer-Aided Well Test Analysis” Society of Petroleum Engineers International Meeting on Petroleum Engineering Beijing China, March 17-20, pp. 373-392, 1986.[7] Horne, R. N. “Advances in Computer-Aided Well test Interpretation” Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal of Petroleum Technology, Vol.46, Number 7, pp. 599- 605 1994.
  • [8] Bourdet, D. “Pressure Behaviour of Layered Reservoirs with Crossflow” Society of Petroleum Engineers California Regional Meeting Bakersfield, California, March 27- 29, pp. 405-411, 1985.
  • [9] Abbass, E. and Lin Song, C. “Computer Application on Well Test Mathematical Model Computation of Homogenous and Multiple- Bounded Reservoirs”, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Studies Vol.11, Number1, April pp. 41-52, 2012.
  • [10] Kuchuk, F.J. and Tarek H. “Pressure Behavior of Horizontal Wells in Multilayer Reservoirs with Crossflow,” Society of Petroleum Engineer (SPE) Formation Evaluation, March, pp.54 -64, 1996.
  • [11] Erhunmwen, I. D. and Akpobi, J.A. “Analysis of Pressure Variation of fluid in an Infinite Acting Reservoir” Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH),Vol 36, No.1 January, pp.80-86, 2017.
  • [12] Akpobi, E.D., Adewole, E.S. and Olafuyi, O. A. “Model for Layered Reservoir Subject to a Bottom Water Drive Using Horizontal Wells” Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics Vol.35 pp.311- 322, 2016.
  • [13] Kaur, K. Microsoft Visual Basic.Net. Professional Projects, Premier press pp. 86-122, 2002.
  • [14] Gringarten, A.C. and Ramey, H.J. “The Use of Source and Green's Function in Solving Unsteady Flow Problems in Reservoirs” Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal Vol:13, Pages:285-296, ISSN 0197-7520, 1973.
  • [15] Adewole E.S. “Instantaneous Source Function of a Permeable Interface”, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics Vol.4, pp.189-196, 2009 . [16] Malekzadeh, D. “Interference Testing of horizontal wells” Ph.d Dissertation University of Oaklahoma, Oaklahoma, United States of America, 1991.
  • [17] Adewole, E. S. “The Use of Gauss Laguerre and Gauss Legendre Quadrature in Solving Problems Involving Oil Flow In Horizontal Wells ” Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics Vol. 34, Number 2B Sept, pp.380 – 386, 2007. [18] Okafor, H.E., Mohammad, J. and Farshid, A. “ Incorporating Oil and Gas Softwares into Petroleum Engineering Education Curriculum“ Engineering Science and Technology Journal vol.3 No.1, pp. 49-56, 2013.
  • [19] Buhidma, I.M. and Chu, W.C. “The Use of Computer in Pressure Transient Analysis” Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Washington, D.C., October 4-7 pp.723- 734, 1992.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Erhuvwuvoke Ebojoh 0000-0001-5432-6020

Elohor Diamond Akpobi This is me

Publication Date March 31, 2020
Submission Date September 13, 2019
Acceptance Date March 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Ebojoh, E., & Akpobi, E. D. (2020). Computer Aided Pressure Transient Analysis of a Layered Reservoir System with a Constant Pressure Boundary. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 6(1), 35-41. https://doi.org/10.22399/ijcesen.619912