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Influence of Salt and Osmotic Stress on Germination of Different Wheat Cultivars

Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, - , 29.11.2015


The aim of this research was to identify the cultivars of winter wheat which tolerate drought and increased salinity at the germination stage. The testing was carried out under controlled conditions with an aim to test reaction of 5 different cultivars of winter wheat to salinity and osmotic stress during the early stage of a seedling's growth. The test included examination of energy of germination and percentage of germination seeds. After being sterilized in 96% Ethanol and rinsed with distilled water, 50 uniform seeds were transferred to Petri dishes (divided per genotype and treatment) filled with a solution (Mannitol and salt) in which the water potential was of almost 0 (control), -0.3, -0.6, and -1.2MPa. Alcohol Mannitol was used to create water stress and NaCl to create salt stress. Seedlings were incubated for 7 days at 25°C. The results showed that the benchmark water potential (under the influence of Mannitol and salt), in which all varieties can germinate and have a good growth of seedlings, is of -0.3 MPa, i.e. of the low stress. Under the stronger stress (-0.6 MPa) all the varieties showed reduction in all measured parameters, while under the stress of -1.2 MPa all cultivars failed to germinate. Bosanka cultivar showed the best result germination and energy of  germination under the influence of water and salt stres when compared to other cultivars. An exception was the cultivar Orion where stress conditions had inhibited energy of germination and germination, when compared to other cultivars. Reasons for stronger resistance, or sensitivity, of certain varieties may be numerous and further studies conducted on this or other varieties of wheat would contribute to understanding and explanation of these differences


  • Afzali, S.F., Hajabbasi, M.A., Shariatmadari, H., Razmjoo, K, Khoshgoftarmanesh, A.H. (2006): Comparative Adverse Effects of PegorNacl-Induced Osmotic Stress on Germination and Early Seedling Growth of a Potential Medicinal Plant Matricaria Chamomilla. Pakistan J. Bot. 38:1709-1714.
  • Braga, L. F., Sousa, M. P., Braga, J. F., Sá, M. E. (1999): Efeito da disponibilidade hídrica do substratona qualidade fisiológica de feijão. Revista Brasileirade Sementes, 21: 95-102.
  • Braccini, A. L.,Ruiz, H. A.,Braccini, M. C. L., Reis, M. S. (1996): Germinação e vigor de sementes de soja sobestresse hídrico induzido por soluções decloreto de sódio, manitol e polietilenoglicol. Revista Brasileira de Sementes, 18: 10-16.
  • van der Moezel, P. G. and Bell, D. T. (1987): The effectof salinity on the germination of some WesternAustralian Eucalyptus and Melaleuca species. Seed Science and Technology, 1, 239-246.
  • De Lima, B.G., Torres, S.B. (2009): Water and Saline Stresses on the Germination of Zizyphus Joazeiro Mart. (Rhamnaceae) Seeds.Revista Caatinga, 22: 93-99.
  • Demir, I., Mavi, K. (2008): Effect of Salt and Osmotic Stresses on the Germination of Pepper Seeds of Different Maturation Stages. Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. 51: 897-902.
  • Livne, A.,Levin,N.(1966):Energy metabolism of salt-affected pea seedlings.IsraelJ. Botany,15.
  • Mayer, A.M.,Poljakoff-Mayber,A.(1989):The germination of seeds.4.ed.Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Pratap, V., Sharma, Y.K. (2010): Impact of Osmotic Stress on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth in Black Gram (Phaseolus Mungo). J. Environ. Bio. 31:721-726.
  • Rahman, M., Soomro, U., Haq., M.Z., Gul, Sh. (2008): Effects of Na Cl Salinity of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4: 398-403.
  • Rejili M, Vadel, A.M, Guetet, A., Mahdh,M., Lachiheb B, Ferchichi A, Mars,M. (2010): Influence of Temperature and Salinity on the Germinationf Lotus Creticus (L.) from the Arid Land of Tunisia. Afr. J. Eco. 48:329-337.
  • Roy, SJ, Tucker EJ, Tester, M. (2011): Genetic analysis of abiotic stress tolerance in crops. Curr Opin. Plant Biol 14: 232-239.
  • Sidari, M., Muscolo, A., Anastasi, U., Pretti, G., Santonoceto, C. (2007): Response of Four Genotypes of Lentil to Salt Stress Conditions.Seed Sci. Technol. 35,497-503.
  • Shalhevet, J., Huck, M. G. and Schoeder, B. P. (1995): Root and shoot growth responses to salinity in maize and soybean. Agronomy Journal, 87:512-517.
  • Huang, J., Reddman,R.E. (1995). Salt toleranceof Hordeum and Brassica species during germination and early seedling growth. Can. J.Plant Sci., 75: 815-819.
  • Chartzoulakis, K., Klapaki, G. (2000): Response of two different greenhouse pepper hybrids to NaCl salinity during different growth stages. Sci. Hortic., 86, 247-260.
  • Chen, K., Arora, R., Arora, U. (2010): Osmopriming of Spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L. Cv. Bloomsdale) Seeds and Germination Performance under Temperature and Water Stress. Seed Sci. Technol. 38:36-48.
  • Yang,Y., Liu, Q., Wang, G.X., Wang, X.D., Guo, J.Y. (2010): Germination,Osmotic Adjustment, and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities ofGibberellin-Pretreated Picea Asperata Seeds under Water Stress. New Forests, 39:231-243.
  • Wang, K., Liu, Y., Dong, K., Dong, J., Kang, J., Yang, Q., Zhou, H., Sun, Y. (2011): The effect of NaCl on proline metabolism in Saussurea amara seedlings. Afr. J. Biotechnol.10: 2886-2893.
  • Afzali, S.F., Hajabbasi, M.A., Shariatmadari, H., Razmjoo, K, Khoshgoftarmanesh, A.H. (2006): Comparative Adverse Effects of PegorNacl-Induced Osmotic Stress on Germination and Early Seedling Growth of a Potential Medicinal Plant Matricaria Chamomilla. Pakistan J. Bot. 38:1709-1714.
  • Braga, L. F., Sousa, M. P., Braga, J. F., Sá, M. E. (1999): Efeito da disponibilidade hídrica do substratona qualidade fisiológica de feijão. Revista Brasileirade Sementes, 21: 95-102.
  • Braccini, A. L.,Ruiz, H. A.,Braccini, M. C. L., Reis, M. S. (1996): Germinação e vigor de sementes de soja sobestresse hídrico induzido por soluções decloreto de sódio, manitol e polietilenoglicol. Revista Brasileira de Sementes, 18: 10-16.
  • van der Moezel, P. G. and Bell, D. T. (1987): The effectof salinity on the germination of some WesternAustralian Eucalyptus and Melaleuca species. Seed Science and Technology, 1, 239-246.
  • De Lima, B.G., Torres, S.B. (2009): Water and Saline Stresses on the Germination of Zizyphus Joazeiro Mart. (Rhamnaceae) Seeds.Revista Caatinga, 22: 93-99.
  • Demir, I., Mavi, K. (2008): Effect of Salt and Osmotic Stresses on the Germination of Pepper Seeds of Different Maturation Stages. Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. 51: 897-902.
  • Livne, A.,Levin,N.(1966):Energy metabolism of salt-affected pea seedlings.IsraelJ. Botany,15.
  • Mayer, A.M.,Poljakoff-Mayber,A.(1989):The germination of seeds.4.ed.Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Pratap, V., Sharma, Y.K. (2010): Impact of Osmotic Stress on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth in Black Gram (Phaseolus Mungo). J. Environ. Bio. 31:721-726.
  • Rahman, M., Soomro, U., Haq., M.Z., Gul, Sh. (2008): Effects of Na Cl Salinity of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4: 398-403.
  • Rejili M, Vadel, A.M, Guetet, A., Mahdh,M., Lachiheb B, Ferchichi A, Mars,M. (2010): Influence of Temperature and Salinity on the Germinationf Lotus Creticus (L.) from the Arid Land of Tunisia. Afr. J. Eco. 48:329-337.
  • Roy, SJ, Tucker EJ, Tester, M. (2011): Genetic analysis of abiotic stress tolerance in crops. Curr Opin. Plant Biol 14: 232-239.
  • Sidari, M., Muscolo, A., Anastasi, U., Pretti, G., Santonoceto, C. (2007): Response of Four Genotypes of Lentil to Salt Stress Conditions.Seed Sci. Technol. 35,497-503.
  • Shalhevet, J., Huck, M. G. and Schoeder, B. P. (1995): Root and shoot growth responses to salinity in maize and soybean. Agronomy Journal, 87:512-517.
  • Huang, J., Reddman,R.E. (1995). Salt toleranceof Hordeum and Brassica species during germination and early seedling growth. Can. J.Plant Sci., 75: 815-819.
  • Chartzoulakis, K., Klapaki, G. (2000): Response of two different greenhouse pepper hybrids to NaCl salinity during different growth stages. Sci. Hortic., 86, 247-260.
  • Chen, K., Arora, R., Arora, U. (2010): Osmopriming of Spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L. Cv. Bloomsdale) Seeds and Germination Performance under Temperature and Water Stress. Seed Sci. Technol. 38:36-48.
  • Yang,Y., Liu, Q., Wang, G.X., Wang, X.D., Guo, J.Y. (2010): Germination,Osmotic Adjustment, and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities ofGibberellin-Pretreated Picea Asperata Seeds under Water Stress. New Forests, 39:231-243.
  • Wang, K., Liu, Y., Dong, K., Dong, J., Kang, J., Yang, Q., Zhou, H., Sun, Y. (2011): The effect of NaCl on proline metabolism in Saussurea amara seedlings. Afr. J. Biotechnol.10: 2886-2893.
Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, - , 29.11.2015



  • Afzali, S.F., Hajabbasi, M.A., Shariatmadari, H., Razmjoo, K, Khoshgoftarmanesh, A.H. (2006): Comparative Adverse Effects of PegorNacl-Induced Osmotic Stress on Germination and Early Seedling Growth of a Potential Medicinal Plant Matricaria Chamomilla. Pakistan J. Bot. 38:1709-1714.
  • Braga, L. F., Sousa, M. P., Braga, J. F., Sá, M. E. (1999): Efeito da disponibilidade hídrica do substratona qualidade fisiológica de feijão. Revista Brasileirade Sementes, 21: 95-102.
  • Braccini, A. L.,Ruiz, H. A.,Braccini, M. C. L., Reis, M. S. (1996): Germinação e vigor de sementes de soja sobestresse hídrico induzido por soluções decloreto de sódio, manitol e polietilenoglicol. Revista Brasileira de Sementes, 18: 10-16.
  • van der Moezel, P. G. and Bell, D. T. (1987): The effectof salinity on the germination of some WesternAustralian Eucalyptus and Melaleuca species. Seed Science and Technology, 1, 239-246.
  • De Lima, B.G., Torres, S.B. (2009): Water and Saline Stresses on the Germination of Zizyphus Joazeiro Mart. (Rhamnaceae) Seeds.Revista Caatinga, 22: 93-99.
  • Demir, I., Mavi, K. (2008): Effect of Salt and Osmotic Stresses on the Germination of Pepper Seeds of Different Maturation Stages. Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. 51: 897-902.
  • Livne, A.,Levin,N.(1966):Energy metabolism of salt-affected pea seedlings.IsraelJ. Botany,15.
  • Mayer, A.M.,Poljakoff-Mayber,A.(1989):The germination of seeds.4.ed.Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Pratap, V., Sharma, Y.K. (2010): Impact of Osmotic Stress on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth in Black Gram (Phaseolus Mungo). J. Environ. Bio. 31:721-726.
  • Rahman, M., Soomro, U., Haq., M.Z., Gul, Sh. (2008): Effects of Na Cl Salinity of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4: 398-403.
  • Rejili M, Vadel, A.M, Guetet, A., Mahdh,M., Lachiheb B, Ferchichi A, Mars,M. (2010): Influence of Temperature and Salinity on the Germinationf Lotus Creticus (L.) from the Arid Land of Tunisia. Afr. J. Eco. 48:329-337.
  • Roy, SJ, Tucker EJ, Tester, M. (2011): Genetic analysis of abiotic stress tolerance in crops. Curr Opin. Plant Biol 14: 232-239.
  • Sidari, M., Muscolo, A., Anastasi, U., Pretti, G., Santonoceto, C. (2007): Response of Four Genotypes of Lentil to Salt Stress Conditions.Seed Sci. Technol. 35,497-503.
  • Shalhevet, J., Huck, M. G. and Schoeder, B. P. (1995): Root and shoot growth responses to salinity in maize and soybean. Agronomy Journal, 87:512-517.
  • Huang, J., Reddman,R.E. (1995). Salt toleranceof Hordeum and Brassica species during germination and early seedling growth. Can. J.Plant Sci., 75: 815-819.
  • Chartzoulakis, K., Klapaki, G. (2000): Response of two different greenhouse pepper hybrids to NaCl salinity during different growth stages. Sci. Hortic., 86, 247-260.
  • Chen, K., Arora, R., Arora, U. (2010): Osmopriming of Spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L. Cv. Bloomsdale) Seeds and Germination Performance under Temperature and Water Stress. Seed Sci. Technol. 38:36-48.
  • Yang,Y., Liu, Q., Wang, G.X., Wang, X.D., Guo, J.Y. (2010): Germination,Osmotic Adjustment, and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities ofGibberellin-Pretreated Picea Asperata Seeds under Water Stress. New Forests, 39:231-243.
  • Wang, K., Liu, Y., Dong, K., Dong, J., Kang, J., Yang, Q., Zhou, H., Sun, Y. (2011): The effect of NaCl on proline metabolism in Saussurea amara seedlings. Afr. J. Biotechnol.10: 2886-2893.
  • Afzali, S.F., Hajabbasi, M.A., Shariatmadari, H., Razmjoo, K, Khoshgoftarmanesh, A.H. (2006): Comparative Adverse Effects of PegorNacl-Induced Osmotic Stress on Germination and Early Seedling Growth of a Potential Medicinal Plant Matricaria Chamomilla. Pakistan J. Bot. 38:1709-1714.
  • Braga, L. F., Sousa, M. P., Braga, J. F., Sá, M. E. (1999): Efeito da disponibilidade hídrica do substratona qualidade fisiológica de feijão. Revista Brasileirade Sementes, 21: 95-102.
  • Braccini, A. L.,Ruiz, H. A.,Braccini, M. C. L., Reis, M. S. (1996): Germinação e vigor de sementes de soja sobestresse hídrico induzido por soluções decloreto de sódio, manitol e polietilenoglicol. Revista Brasileira de Sementes, 18: 10-16.
  • van der Moezel, P. G. and Bell, D. T. (1987): The effectof salinity on the germination of some WesternAustralian Eucalyptus and Melaleuca species. Seed Science and Technology, 1, 239-246.
  • De Lima, B.G., Torres, S.B. (2009): Water and Saline Stresses on the Germination of Zizyphus Joazeiro Mart. (Rhamnaceae) Seeds.Revista Caatinga, 22: 93-99.
  • Demir, I., Mavi, K. (2008): Effect of Salt and Osmotic Stresses on the Germination of Pepper Seeds of Different Maturation Stages. Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. 51: 897-902.
  • Livne, A.,Levin,N.(1966):Energy metabolism of salt-affected pea seedlings.IsraelJ. Botany,15.
  • Mayer, A.M.,Poljakoff-Mayber,A.(1989):The germination of seeds.4.ed.Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Pratap, V., Sharma, Y.K. (2010): Impact of Osmotic Stress on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth in Black Gram (Phaseolus Mungo). J. Environ. Bio. 31:721-726.
  • Rahman, M., Soomro, U., Haq., M.Z., Gul, Sh. (2008): Effects of Na Cl Salinity of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4: 398-403.
  • Rejili M, Vadel, A.M, Guetet, A., Mahdh,M., Lachiheb B, Ferchichi A, Mars,M. (2010): Influence of Temperature and Salinity on the Germinationf Lotus Creticus (L.) from the Arid Land of Tunisia. Afr. J. Eco. 48:329-337.
  • Roy, SJ, Tucker EJ, Tester, M. (2011): Genetic analysis of abiotic stress tolerance in crops. Curr Opin. Plant Biol 14: 232-239.
  • Sidari, M., Muscolo, A., Anastasi, U., Pretti, G., Santonoceto, C. (2007): Response of Four Genotypes of Lentil to Salt Stress Conditions.Seed Sci. Technol. 35,497-503.
  • Shalhevet, J., Huck, M. G. and Schoeder, B. P. (1995): Root and shoot growth responses to salinity in maize and soybean. Agronomy Journal, 87:512-517.
  • Huang, J., Reddman,R.E. (1995). Salt toleranceof Hordeum and Brassica species during germination and early seedling growth. Can. J.Plant Sci., 75: 815-819.
  • Chartzoulakis, K., Klapaki, G. (2000): Response of two different greenhouse pepper hybrids to NaCl salinity during different growth stages. Sci. Hortic., 86, 247-260.
  • Chen, K., Arora, R., Arora, U. (2010): Osmopriming of Spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L. Cv. Bloomsdale) Seeds and Germination Performance under Temperature and Water Stress. Seed Sci. Technol. 38:36-48.
  • Yang,Y., Liu, Q., Wang, G.X., Wang, X.D., Guo, J.Y. (2010): Germination,Osmotic Adjustment, and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities ofGibberellin-Pretreated Picea Asperata Seeds under Water Stress. New Forests, 39:231-243.
  • Wang, K., Liu, Y., Dong, K., Dong, J., Kang, J., Yang, Q., Zhou, H., Sun, Y. (2011): The effect of NaCl on proline metabolism in Saussurea amara seedlings. Afr. J. Biotechnol.10: 2886-2893.
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Journal Section ART

Mirjana Jovovic

Aleksandra Govedarica Lucic This is me

Dejana Tesanovic This is me

Vesna Tunguz This is me

Publication Date November 29, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Jovovic, M., Lucic, A. G., Tesanovic, D., Tunguz, V. (2015). Influence of Salt and Osmotic Stress on Germination of Different Wheat Cultivars. International Journal of Crop Science and Technology, 1(2).
AMA Jovovic M, Lucic AG, Tesanovic D, Tunguz V. Influence of Salt and Osmotic Stress on Germination of Different Wheat Cultivars. IJCST. November 2015;1(2).
Chicago Jovovic, Mirjana, Aleksandra Govedarica Lucic, Dejana Tesanovic, and Vesna Tunguz. “Influence of Salt and Osmotic Stress on Germination of Different Wheat Cultivars”. International Journal of Crop Science and Technology 1, no. 2 (November 2015).
EndNote Jovovic M, Lucic AG, Tesanovic D, Tunguz V (November 1, 2015) Influence of Salt and Osmotic Stress on Germination of Different Wheat Cultivars. International Journal of Crop Science and Technology 1 2
IEEE M. Jovovic, A. G. Lucic, D. Tesanovic, and V. Tunguz, “Influence of Salt and Osmotic Stress on Germination of Different Wheat Cultivars”, IJCST, vol. 1, no. 2, 2015.
ISNAD Jovovic, Mirjana et al. “Influence of Salt and Osmotic Stress on Germination of Different Wheat Cultivars”. International Journal of Crop Science and Technology 1/2 (November 2015).
JAMA Jovovic M, Lucic AG, Tesanovic D, Tunguz V. Influence of Salt and Osmotic Stress on Germination of Different Wheat Cultivars. IJCST. 2015;1.
MLA Jovovic, Mirjana et al. “Influence of Salt and Osmotic Stress on Germination of Different Wheat Cultivars”. International Journal of Crop Science and Technology, vol. 1, no. 2, 2015.
Vancouver Jovovic M, Lucic AG, Tesanovic D, Tunguz V. Influence of Salt and Osmotic Stress on Germination of Different Wheat Cultivars. IJCST. 2015;1(2).