Detection of Chlorophyll A on the Black Sea Coast with Sentinel-2 Satellite
Year 2023,
, 48 - 56, 30.06.2023
Nehir Uyar
Aycan Murat Marangoz
Sefa Kocabaş
Sabri Mutlu
Hakan Atabay
It is costly and time-consuming to determine coastal pollution with ground measurements. One of the most basic parameters to determine pollution in these areas is Chlorophyll A. This study aims to investigate the determination of this parameter using Remote Sensing (RS) techniques. In the study, the Sentinel-2 satellite was used to determine the parameter Chlorophyll A in the coastal areas of the Black Sea. 19 algorithms were used in the application. The algorithms are related to luminance reflections and the 8 bands of the satellite were used for the study. An Artificial Neural Network model was published as the best result. Pollution was observed in the coastal areas of the Black Sea between 2021 and 2017. As a result of the analysis, it is possible to observe coastal pollution quickly, without cost and/or at very low cost, with RS techniques. In this sense, RS techniques are of great importance in detecting environmental pollution, and relevant algorithms should be developed and supported by local measurements.
The authors thank the “Integrated Marine Pollution Monitoring 2017–2021 Program” funded by the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization/General Directorate of EIA, Permit and Inspection/ Department of Laboratory, Measurement and coordinated by TUBITAK- MRC CC&S for the provisioning of the data used in this study. We thank all the crew of R/V TÜBİTAK MARMARA and the Marine Research & Technologies Group
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- 2. Örmeci, C.; Ekercin, S. Water Quality Change Analysis in Tuz Gölü with Remote Sensing Technique, TMMOB Cham. of Surv. and Cad. Eng. 10th Turkey Sci. and Tech. Map. Congress, Ankara, 2005
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- 8. Integrated Marine Pollution Monitoring 2017–2021 Program, Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization/General Directorate of EIA, Permit and Inspection/ Department of Laboratory, Measurement and coordinated by TUBITAK- MRC CC&S, 2021.
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- 17. Choi, C.J.; Berges, J.A.; Young, E.B. Water Res. 2012, 15;46(8):2615-26. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2012.02.027. Epub 2012 Feb 24
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- 23.Behrenfeld, M.J.; Halsey, K.H.; Milligan, A.J. Bio. Sci. 2008, 363(1504), 2687– 2703.
- 24.Behrenfeld, M.J.; Westberry, T.K.; Boss, E.; O'Malley, R.T.; Siegel, D.A.; Wiggert, J.D.; Franz, B.; McClain, C. R.; Feldman, G.; Doney, S.C.; Moore, J.K.; Dall'Olmo, G.; Milligan, A.J.; Lima, I.; Mahowald, N. Biogeosciences. 2009, 6, 779– 794.
- 25.Nas, B.; Karabork, H.; Ekercin, S.; and Berktay, A. Assessing water quality in the Beysehir Lake (Turkey) by the application of GIS, Geost. and Remote Sens. 2007, 12th World Lake Conference, 28 October-2 November 2007, Jaipur, India, 2007.
- 26.Tenjo, C.; Ruiz-Verdú, A.; Delegido, J.; Peña, R.; and Moreno, J. GEOMÁTICA. 2015, 9, 37-46.
- 27.Cândido, A.K.A.A.; Filho, P.A.C.; Haupenthal, M.R.; Silva, N.M.; Correa, S.J.; Ribeiro, M.L. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2016, 227(7), 224.
- 28.El-Magd, I.A.; and Elham, M. AJBAS. 2008, 2(4): 1307-1314.
- 29.Toming, K.; Kutser, T.; Laas, A.; Sepp, M.; Paavel, B.; Nõges, T., Remote Sens. 2016, 8(8), 640.
- 30.Watanabe, F.S.Y; Alcântara, E.; Rodrigues, T.W.P.; Imai, N.N.; Barbosa, C.C.F.; Rotta, L.H.D.S. Int J Environ. Res. Pub. Health. 2015, 12(9), 10391-10417.
- 31.Jaelani, L.M.; Limehuwey, R.; Kurniadin, N.; Pamungkas, A.; Koenhardono, E.S.; Sulisetyono, A. IPTEK JTS. 2016, 27(1), 16-23.
- 32.Lim, J.; Choi, M. EMAS. 2015, 187(6), 384
Year 2023,
, 48 - 56, 30.06.2023
Nehir Uyar
Aycan Murat Marangoz
Sefa Kocabaş
Sabri Mutlu
Hakan Atabay
- 1. Landsat’s Critical Role in Water Management. 2020. (accessed June 14, 2020).
- 2. Örmeci, C.; Ekercin, S. Water Quality Change Analysis in Tuz Gölü with Remote Sensing Technique, TMMOB Cham. of Surv. and Cad. Eng. 10th Turkey Sci. and Tech. Map. Congress, Ankara, 2005
- 3. Gholizadeh, M.H.; Melesse, A.M.; Reddi, L. A. Sensors. 2016, 16, 1298; doi:10.3390/s16081298
- 4. Lira, J.A. Geof. Inter. 2020, 59-1: 13-25
- 5. Usali, N.; Ismai, M.H. EJSD. 2010, 3 (3)
- 6. Ritchie, J.C.; Schiebe, F.R.; Mchenry J. J. Am. Soc. Photogramm. 1976, 1976;42:1539–1545.
- 7. Jones J. R,; Bachmann R.W. Prediction of Phosphorus and Chlorophyll Levels in Lakes Journal, Annual Conference Issue (Sep., 1976), 48 (9), 2176-2182 (7 pages)
- 8. Integrated Marine Pollution Monitoring 2017–2021 Program, Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization/General Directorate of EIA, Permit and Inspection/ Department of Laboratory, Measurement and coordinated by TUBITAK- MRC CC&S, 2021.
- 9.Doğanay, S. A Study in Terms of Transportation Geography Trabzon Port and Hinterland. 2014, ISBN 978-605-364-677-8, 1-2.
- 10.Bat, L.; Öztekin, A.; Şahin, F.; Arıcı, E.; Özsandıkçı, U. MedFAR. 2018, 1(2) 67-86.
- 11.Sentinel-2, 2020. (accessed 13.03.20).
- 12. European Environment Agency. Eutrophication in Europe’s Coastal Waters, Topic Report 7. Copenhagen 2001.
- 13. Nixon, S.W. Hydrobiologia, 2009, 629, 5–19. doi: 10.1007/s10750-009-9759-z.
- 14. Gamito, S.; Gilabert, J.; Marcos, C.; Pérez-Ruzafa, A. Boca Ratón., FL: CRC Press, 2005, 193–229.
- 15. Desmit, X.; Thieu, V.; Billen, G.; Campuzano, F.; Dulière, V.; Garnier, J. Sci. Total Environ. 2018, 635, 1444–1466. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.181.
- 16. Gitelson, A., Int. J. Remote Sens. 1992, 13: 3367-3373.
- 17. Choi, C.J.; Berges, J.A.; Young, E.B. Water Res. 2012, 15;46(8):2615-26. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2012.02.027. Epub 2012 Feb 24
- 18. Chawla, I; Karthikeyan, L; Mishra, A.K. Jour. of Hydr. 2020, 585(6), 124826.
- 19. Tuzcu, A.; Dervişoğlu, A.; Musaoğlu, N.; Tanık, A.G. ISAG. 2019, 1(1), 154- 158.
- 20.Chlorophyll, 2021., 2021 (accessed 21.04.2021)
- 21. Cullen, J.J.; Lewis, M.R., JGR. 1995, 100(C7), 13,255– 13,266.
- 22. Morrison, J.R. Lim. and Ocean. 2003, 48(2), 618– 631.
- 23.Behrenfeld, M.J.; Halsey, K.H.; Milligan, A.J. Bio. Sci. 2008, 363(1504), 2687– 2703.
- 24.Behrenfeld, M.J.; Westberry, T.K.; Boss, E.; O'Malley, R.T.; Siegel, D.A.; Wiggert, J.D.; Franz, B.; McClain, C. R.; Feldman, G.; Doney, S.C.; Moore, J.K.; Dall'Olmo, G.; Milligan, A.J.; Lima, I.; Mahowald, N. Biogeosciences. 2009, 6, 779– 794.
- 25.Nas, B.; Karabork, H.; Ekercin, S.; and Berktay, A. Assessing water quality in the Beysehir Lake (Turkey) by the application of GIS, Geost. and Remote Sens. 2007, 12th World Lake Conference, 28 October-2 November 2007, Jaipur, India, 2007.
- 26.Tenjo, C.; Ruiz-Verdú, A.; Delegido, J.; Peña, R.; and Moreno, J. GEOMÁTICA. 2015, 9, 37-46.
- 27.Cândido, A.K.A.A.; Filho, P.A.C.; Haupenthal, M.R.; Silva, N.M.; Correa, S.J.; Ribeiro, M.L. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2016, 227(7), 224.
- 28.El-Magd, I.A.; and Elham, M. AJBAS. 2008, 2(4): 1307-1314.
- 29.Toming, K.; Kutser, T.; Laas, A.; Sepp, M.; Paavel, B.; Nõges, T., Remote Sens. 2016, 8(8), 640.
- 30.Watanabe, F.S.Y; Alcântara, E.; Rodrigues, T.W.P.; Imai, N.N.; Barbosa, C.C.F.; Rotta, L.H.D.S. Int J Environ. Res. Pub. Health. 2015, 12(9), 10391-10417.
- 31.Jaelani, L.M.; Limehuwey, R.; Kurniadin, N.; Pamungkas, A.; Koenhardono, E.S.; Sulisetyono, A. IPTEK JTS. 2016, 27(1), 16-23.
- 32.Lim, J.; Choi, M. EMAS. 2015, 187(6), 384