Research Article
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Analysis of dental anxiety levels and oral health-related quality of life of patients attending a periodontology clinic

Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 38 - 46, 30.08.2024


Background: Dental anxiety is a problem that develops against dental treatments and practices, has negative effects on the patient's oral health, and affects a large population. This situation may affect individuals' oral health-related quality of life. The purpose of this study was to determine the dental anxiety levels and oral health-related quality of life of patients admitted to our clinic and investigate the relationship between them.
Materials and methods: Three hundred volunteer individuals were included in the study. Participants were asked questions to determine personal characteristics. The Oral Health Impact Profile-14 Scale (OHIP-14) was used to determine the level of quality of life related to oral health, and the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS) was used to evaluate the level of dental anxiety. The periodontal status of the participants was evaluated using the gingival index, plaque index, clinical attachment levels, periodontal pocket depth, and the bleeding on probing index.
Results: According to the results of the evaluations, a statistically significant relationship was found between educational status, the frequency of visiting the dentist, and OHIP-14 (p<0.05). MDAS scores of primary school graduates were significantly higher than the other groups (p<0.05). A positive correlation was observed between periodontal parameters and MDAS and OHIP-14 scores (p<0.001). There was also a statistically significant and positive correlation between MDAS and OHIP-14 scores (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Learning factors that cause dental anxiety and taking actions to reduce dental anxiety during treatment may help make dental treatments more successful and improve oral health.

Ethical Statement

Approval for the research was received from the XXX University Non-Interventional Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Ethics Committee Decision No: 2019/20).


  • 1. Diken Türksayar AA, Bulut AC. The Effect of Dental Fear and Anxiety on Oral Health Impact Profile. Selcuk Dental J 2023;10:12-20.
  • 2. Kayaaltı Yüksek S, Beşiroğlu E. Evaluation of the Effect of Dental Anxiety on Oral Hygiene Habits and Quality of Life in Patients Applying to Periodontology Clinic: A Cross-Sectional Survey Based Study. Selcuk Dental J 2021;8:412-419.
  • 3. Şahin F, Biçer S, Yılmaz V, Çal HT. Determination of Dental Anxiety Levels Among Patients Who Admitted to Kırşehir Oral and Dental Health Center. Bozok Med J 2013;3:26-33.
  • 4. Kinane DF, Stathopoulou PG, Papapanou PN. Periodontal diseases. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2017;3:1-14. 5. Levin L, Zini A, Levine J, Weiss M, Lev RA, Hai A, et al. Dental anxiety and oral health-related quality of life in aggressive periodontitis patients. Clin Oral Investig 2018;22:1411-1422.
  • 6. Levin L, Zini A, Levine J, Weiss M, Lev R, Taub DC, et al. Demographic profile, oral health impact profile and dental anxiety scale in patients with chronic periodontitis: a case–control study. Int Dent J 2018;68:269-278.
  • 7. Ay S, Özdemir D, Öztürk M, Polat S. An assessment of dental anxiety in oral surgery patients. Gulhane Medical J 2002;44:395-398.
  • 8. Yakar B, Kaygusuz TÖ, Pirinçci E. Evaluation of dental anxiety and fear in patients who admitted to the faculty of dentistry: which patients are more risky in terms of dental anxiety. Ethiop J Health Sci 2019;29:719-726. 9. Berggren U, Meynert G. Dental fear and avoidance: causes, symptoms, and consequences. J Am Dent Assoc 1984;109:247–251.
  • 10. Humphris G, Crawford JR, Hill K, Gilbert A, Freeman R. UK population norms for the modified dental anxiety scale with percentile calculator: adult dental health survey 2009 results. BMC Oral Health 2013;13:29.
  • 11. Hagglin C, Hakeberg M, Ahlqwist M, Sullivan M, Berggren U. Factors associated with dental anxiety and attendance in middle-aged and elderly women. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2000;28:451-460.
  • 12. Spanemberg JC, Cardoso JA, Slob EMGB, López-López J. Quality of life related to oral health and its impact in adults. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019;120:234-239.
  • 13. Tunc EP, Firat D, Onur OD, Sar V. Reliability and validity of the modified dental anxiety scale (mdas) in a turkish population. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2005;33:357-362.
  • 14. Ilgüy D, Ilgüy M, Bayirli G. Reliability and validity of the modified dental anxiety scale in turkish patients. J Int Med Res 2005;33:252-259.
  • 15. Gisler V, Bassetti R, Mericske Stern R, Bayer S, Enkling N. A cross‐sectional analysis of the prevalence of dental anxiety and its relation to the oral health‐related quality of life in patients with dental treatment needs at a university clinic in Switzerland. Gerodontology 2012;29:e290-e296.
  • 16. Mumcu G, Inanc N, Ergun T. Oral health related quality of life is affected by disease activity in Behçet's disease. Oral Dis 2006;12:145-151.
  • 17. Löe H, Silness J. Periodontal disease in pregnancy I. Prevalence and severity. Acta Odontol Scand 1963;21:533-551.
  • 18. Silness J, Löe H. Periodontal disease in pregnancy II. Correlation between oral hygiene and periodontal condition. Acta Odontol Scand 1964;22:121-135.
  • 19. Yüzügüllü B, Gülşahi A, Celik C, Bulut S. Dental anxiety and fear: relationship with oral health behavior in a Turkish population. Int J Prosthodont 2014;27:50-53.
  • 20. Marya C, Grover S, Jnaneshwar A, Pruthi N. Dental anxiety among patients visiting a dental institute in Faridabad, India. West Indian Med J 2012;61:187-190.
  • 21. Çağirankaya LB, Kansu Ö. Causes and outcomes of dental anxiety in dental students. Clinical Dentistry and Research 2005;29:8-11.
  • 22. Kara MC. Evaluating the relations of the anxiety during periodontal treatment application with age, sex and dental previous history. Current research in dental sciences 2007;2007:12-17.
  • 23. Eroğlu CN, Ataoğlu H, Küçük K. Factors affecting anxiety-fear of surgical procedures in dentistry. Niger J Clin Pract 2017;20:409-414.
  • 24. Doğaner YC, Aydoğan Ü, Yeşil HÜ, Sarı O, Koç B. Dental Anxiety and Associated Factors in Young Individuals. Gülhane Tıp Derg 2015;57:160-164.
  • 25. Mağat G. Evaluation of dental anxiety levels in subject admitted to Necmettin Erbakan University Dentistry Faculty. Selcuk Dent J 2018;5:246-252.
  • 26. Pohjola V, Lahti S, Suominen Taipale L, Hausen H. Dental fear and subjective oral impacts among adults in Finland. Eur J Oral Sci 2009;117:268-272.
  • 27. Ay ZY, Erdek Y, Öztürk M, Kılınç G, Bozkurt Y, Yılmaz R. Examining the level of dental fear in patients applying to Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Dentistry. Cumhuriyet Dent J 2005;8:12-18.
  • 28. Schuller AA, Willumsen T, Holst D. Are there differences in oral health and oral health behavior between individuals with high and low dental fear? Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2003;31:116-121.
  • 29. Sohn W, Ismail AI. Regular dental visits and dental anxiety in an adult dentate population. J Am Dent Assoc 2005;136:58-66.
  • 30. Armfield JM, Stewart JF, Spencer AJ. The vicious cycle of dental fear: exploring the interplay between oral health, service utilization and dental fear. BMC Oral Health 2007;7:1-15.
  • 31. Deogade SC, Suresan V. Psychometric assessment of anxiety with the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale among central Indian adults seeking oral health care to a dental school. Ind Psychiatry J 2016;25:202-209.
  • 32. Acharya S. Factors affecting dental anxiety and beliefs in an Indian population. J Oral Rehabil 2008;35:259-267.
  • 33. Walter MH, Schuette U, Raedel M, Koch R, Wolf B, Scheuch K, et al. Oral health‐related quality of life and oral status in a German working population. Eur J Oral Sci 2011;119:481-488.
  • 34. Ng SKS, Leung WK. Oral health‐related quality of life and periodontal status. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2006;34:114-122.
  • 35. Crego A, Carrillo Diaz M, Armfield JM, Romero M. From public mental health to community oral health: the impact of dental anxiety and fear on dental status. Front Public Health 2014;2:16.
  • 36. Ng SKS, Leung WK. A community study on the relationship of dental anxiety with oral health status and oral health‐related quality of life. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2008;36:347-356.
  • 37. Şahin Aydınyurt H, Altındal D. Assessment of the Relationship Between Periodontal Clinical Parameters and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life. Van Med J 2018;25:458-465.

Periodontoloji kliniğine başvuran hastaların dental anksiyete seviyesinin ve ağız sağlığı ile ilişkili yaşam kalitesinin belirlenmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 38 - 46, 30.08.2024


Amaç: Dental anksiyete, diş tedavi ve uygulamalarına karşı gelişen, hastanın ağız sağlığına olumsuz etkileri olan ve geniş kitleleri etkileyen bir problemdir. Bu durum, bireylerin ağız sağlığı ile ilişkili yaşam kalitesini etkileyebilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kliniğimize başvuran hastaların ağız sağlığı ile ilişkili yaşam kalitesi ve dental anksiyete seviyesini belirleyerek, aralarındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır.
Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmaya 300 gönüllü birey dahil edildi. Katılımcılara kişisel özellikleri belirlemeye yönelik sorular soruldu. Ağız sağlığı ile ilişkili yaşam kalitesi seviyesini belirlemek için Oral Sağlık Etki Profili-14 (OHIP-14) Skalası, dental anksiyete seviyesini değerlendirmek için ise Modifiye Dental Anksiyete Skalası (MDAS) kullanıldı. Plak indeksi, gingival indeks, periodontal cep derinliği, klinik ataçman seviyesi ve sondalamada kanama indeksi kullanılarak katılımcıların periodontal durumları değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Yapılan değerlendirmelerin sonucuna göre, öğrenim durumu ve diş hekimine gitme sıklığı ile OHIP-14 arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki bulundu (p<0.05). İlkokul mezunlarının MDAS değerleri diğer gruplardan anlamlı şekilde yüksekti (p<0.05). Periodontal parametreler ile MDAS ve OHIP-14 değerleri arasında pozitif yönlü korelasyon gözlendi (p<0.001). MDAS ve OHIP-14 skorları arasında da istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ve pozitif yönlü korelasyon vardı (p<0.001).
Sonuç: Dental anksiyeteye neden olan faktörlerin öğrenilmesi ve tedavi esnasında dental anksiyeteyi azaltmaya yönelik yapılacak işlemler, diş tedavilerinin daha başarılı olmasına ve ağız sağlığının iyileştirilmesine fayda sağlayabilir.


  • 1. Diken Türksayar AA, Bulut AC. The Effect of Dental Fear and Anxiety on Oral Health Impact Profile. Selcuk Dental J 2023;10:12-20.
  • 2. Kayaaltı Yüksek S, Beşiroğlu E. Evaluation of the Effect of Dental Anxiety on Oral Hygiene Habits and Quality of Life in Patients Applying to Periodontology Clinic: A Cross-Sectional Survey Based Study. Selcuk Dental J 2021;8:412-419.
  • 3. Şahin F, Biçer S, Yılmaz V, Çal HT. Determination of Dental Anxiety Levels Among Patients Who Admitted to Kırşehir Oral and Dental Health Center. Bozok Med J 2013;3:26-33.
  • 4. Kinane DF, Stathopoulou PG, Papapanou PN. Periodontal diseases. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2017;3:1-14. 5. Levin L, Zini A, Levine J, Weiss M, Lev RA, Hai A, et al. Dental anxiety and oral health-related quality of life in aggressive periodontitis patients. Clin Oral Investig 2018;22:1411-1422.
  • 6. Levin L, Zini A, Levine J, Weiss M, Lev R, Taub DC, et al. Demographic profile, oral health impact profile and dental anxiety scale in patients with chronic periodontitis: a case–control study. Int Dent J 2018;68:269-278.
  • 7. Ay S, Özdemir D, Öztürk M, Polat S. An assessment of dental anxiety in oral surgery patients. Gulhane Medical J 2002;44:395-398.
  • 8. Yakar B, Kaygusuz TÖ, Pirinçci E. Evaluation of dental anxiety and fear in patients who admitted to the faculty of dentistry: which patients are more risky in terms of dental anxiety. Ethiop J Health Sci 2019;29:719-726. 9. Berggren U, Meynert G. Dental fear and avoidance: causes, symptoms, and consequences. J Am Dent Assoc 1984;109:247–251.
  • 10. Humphris G, Crawford JR, Hill K, Gilbert A, Freeman R. UK population norms for the modified dental anxiety scale with percentile calculator: adult dental health survey 2009 results. BMC Oral Health 2013;13:29.
  • 11. Hagglin C, Hakeberg M, Ahlqwist M, Sullivan M, Berggren U. Factors associated with dental anxiety and attendance in middle-aged and elderly women. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2000;28:451-460.
  • 12. Spanemberg JC, Cardoso JA, Slob EMGB, López-López J. Quality of life related to oral health and its impact in adults. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019;120:234-239.
  • 13. Tunc EP, Firat D, Onur OD, Sar V. Reliability and validity of the modified dental anxiety scale (mdas) in a turkish population. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2005;33:357-362.
  • 14. Ilgüy D, Ilgüy M, Bayirli G. Reliability and validity of the modified dental anxiety scale in turkish patients. J Int Med Res 2005;33:252-259.
  • 15. Gisler V, Bassetti R, Mericske Stern R, Bayer S, Enkling N. A cross‐sectional analysis of the prevalence of dental anxiety and its relation to the oral health‐related quality of life in patients with dental treatment needs at a university clinic in Switzerland. Gerodontology 2012;29:e290-e296.
  • 16. Mumcu G, Inanc N, Ergun T. Oral health related quality of life is affected by disease activity in Behçet's disease. Oral Dis 2006;12:145-151.
  • 17. Löe H, Silness J. Periodontal disease in pregnancy I. Prevalence and severity. Acta Odontol Scand 1963;21:533-551.
  • 18. Silness J, Löe H. Periodontal disease in pregnancy II. Correlation between oral hygiene and periodontal condition. Acta Odontol Scand 1964;22:121-135.
  • 19. Yüzügüllü B, Gülşahi A, Celik C, Bulut S. Dental anxiety and fear: relationship with oral health behavior in a Turkish population. Int J Prosthodont 2014;27:50-53.
  • 20. Marya C, Grover S, Jnaneshwar A, Pruthi N. Dental anxiety among patients visiting a dental institute in Faridabad, India. West Indian Med J 2012;61:187-190.
  • 21. Çağirankaya LB, Kansu Ö. Causes and outcomes of dental anxiety in dental students. Clinical Dentistry and Research 2005;29:8-11.
  • 22. Kara MC. Evaluating the relations of the anxiety during periodontal treatment application with age, sex and dental previous history. Current research in dental sciences 2007;2007:12-17.
  • 23. Eroğlu CN, Ataoğlu H, Küçük K. Factors affecting anxiety-fear of surgical procedures in dentistry. Niger J Clin Pract 2017;20:409-414.
  • 24. Doğaner YC, Aydoğan Ü, Yeşil HÜ, Sarı O, Koç B. Dental Anxiety and Associated Factors in Young Individuals. Gülhane Tıp Derg 2015;57:160-164.
  • 25. Mağat G. Evaluation of dental anxiety levels in subject admitted to Necmettin Erbakan University Dentistry Faculty. Selcuk Dent J 2018;5:246-252.
  • 26. Pohjola V, Lahti S, Suominen Taipale L, Hausen H. Dental fear and subjective oral impacts among adults in Finland. Eur J Oral Sci 2009;117:268-272.
  • 27. Ay ZY, Erdek Y, Öztürk M, Kılınç G, Bozkurt Y, Yılmaz R. Examining the level of dental fear in patients applying to Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Dentistry. Cumhuriyet Dent J 2005;8:12-18.
  • 28. Schuller AA, Willumsen T, Holst D. Are there differences in oral health and oral health behavior between individuals with high and low dental fear? Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2003;31:116-121.
  • 29. Sohn W, Ismail AI. Regular dental visits and dental anxiety in an adult dentate population. J Am Dent Assoc 2005;136:58-66.
  • 30. Armfield JM, Stewart JF, Spencer AJ. The vicious cycle of dental fear: exploring the interplay between oral health, service utilization and dental fear. BMC Oral Health 2007;7:1-15.
  • 31. Deogade SC, Suresan V. Psychometric assessment of anxiety with the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale among central Indian adults seeking oral health care to a dental school. Ind Psychiatry J 2016;25:202-209.
  • 32. Acharya S. Factors affecting dental anxiety and beliefs in an Indian population. J Oral Rehabil 2008;35:259-267.
  • 33. Walter MH, Schuette U, Raedel M, Koch R, Wolf B, Scheuch K, et al. Oral health‐related quality of life and oral status in a German working population. Eur J Oral Sci 2011;119:481-488.
  • 34. Ng SKS, Leung WK. Oral health‐related quality of life and periodontal status. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2006;34:114-122.
  • 35. Crego A, Carrillo Diaz M, Armfield JM, Romero M. From public mental health to community oral health: the impact of dental anxiety and fear on dental status. Front Public Health 2014;2:16.
  • 36. Ng SKS, Leung WK. A community study on the relationship of dental anxiety with oral health status and oral health‐related quality of life. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2008;36:347-356.
  • 37. Şahin Aydınyurt H, Altındal D. Assessment of the Relationship Between Periodontal Clinical Parameters and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life. Van Med J 2018;25:458-465.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Periodontics
Journal Section Research Articles

Hatice Yemenoğlu 0000-0002-2532-2896

Oğuz Köse 0000-0002-0318-2458

Pelin Cepni 0000-0003-0062-7594

Publication Date August 30, 2024
Submission Date June 7, 2024
Acceptance Date July 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Yemenoğlu, H., Köse, O., & Cepni, P. (2024). Analysis of dental anxiety levels and oral health-related quality of life of patients attending a periodontology clinic. HRU International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Research, 4(2), 38-46.
AMA Yemenoğlu H, Köse O, Cepni P. Analysis of dental anxiety levels and oral health-related quality of life of patients attending a periodontology clinic. HRU Int J Dent Oral Res. August 2024;4(2):38-46. doi:10.61139/ijdor.1497831
Chicago Yemenoğlu, Hatice, Oğuz Köse, and Pelin Cepni. “Analysis of Dental Anxiety Levels and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients Attending a Periodontology Clinic”. HRU International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Research 4, no. 2 (August 2024): 38-46.
EndNote Yemenoğlu H, Köse O, Cepni P (August 1, 2024) Analysis of dental anxiety levels and oral health-related quality of life of patients attending a periodontology clinic. HRU International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Research 4 2 38–46.
IEEE H. Yemenoğlu, O. Köse, and P. Cepni, “Analysis of dental anxiety levels and oral health-related quality of life of patients attending a periodontology clinic”, HRU Int J Dent Oral Res, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 38–46, 2024, doi: 10.61139/ijdor.1497831.
ISNAD Yemenoğlu, Hatice et al. “Analysis of Dental Anxiety Levels and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients Attending a Periodontology Clinic”. HRU International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Research 4/2 (August 2024), 38-46.
JAMA Yemenoğlu H, Köse O, Cepni P. Analysis of dental anxiety levels and oral health-related quality of life of patients attending a periodontology clinic. HRU Int J Dent Oral Res. 2024;4:38–46.
MLA Yemenoğlu, Hatice et al. “Analysis of Dental Anxiety Levels and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients Attending a Periodontology Clinic”. HRU International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Research, vol. 4, no. 2, 2024, pp. 38-46, doi:10.61139/ijdor.1497831.
Vancouver Yemenoğlu H, Köse O, Cepni P. Analysis of dental anxiety levels and oral health-related quality of life of patients attending a periodontology clinic. HRU Int J Dent Oral Res. 2024;4(2):38-46.