Research Article
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Comparison of Occupational Burnout and Organizational Commitment in Physical Education and Other Branch Teachers: Sport High School Example

Year 2023, , 67 - 86, 25.10.2023


The aim of the research is to compare the occupational burnout and organizational commitment of physical education, sports and other branch teachers working in sports high schools. 513 physical education and sports teachers and 568 other branch teachers working in sports high schools throughout Turkey participated in the research. Data collection tools of the research are “Personal Information Form”, “Maslach Burnout Inventory” and “Multidimensional Organizational Commitment in Teachers” scales. The comparison of burnout and commitment of physical education and sports and other branch teachers was determined by single-sample T-test and multi-sample Anova test. Burnout and commitment scales in the research; teaching branch (p<0.05), gender (p<0.05), age (p<0.05), marital status (p<0.05), educational status (p<0.05), professional seniority A significant difference was detected in the sub-dimensions (p<0.05) and sports high school working time (p<0.05). It can be said that it can be beneficial for the teachers working in the sports high school to develop themselves professionally and to follow the developments in the teaching branches closely.


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  • Acar, E. & Karavelioğlu, M.B. (2022). “Examining Smartphone Addiction Levels of Sports High School Students”, International Academic Social Resources Journal, (e-ISSN: 2636-7637), Vol:7, Issue:35; pp:343- 348.
  • Akçamete, G., Kaner, S. and Sucuoğlu, B. (2001). Burnout, Job Satisfaction and Personality in Teachers. Nobel Publishing Distribution. ISBN: 978-97559-130-2
  • Alper Apak, E.G., (2009). The Relationship Between Mobbing Acts and Organizational Commitment: A Research on Primary School Teachers, Master's Thesis, Marmara University Institute of Educational Sciences, Istanbul.
  • Altunay, E., (2017). Examination of the Relationship Between Organizational Trust and Commitment Levels of Primary School Teachers, Journal of National Education, 46 (213), pp. 37-66.
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  • Artun, B. (2008). The Effect of Anatolian High School Teachers' Organizational Commitment Levels on Their Attitudes Towards Organizational Change. Istanbul Yeditepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul
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  • Celep, C. (2014). Organizational Commitment in Educational Organizations. Nobel Publishing, ISBN: 978-605133-846-0
  • Cemaloğlu, N. and Şahin, D.E. (2007). Investigation of Teachers' Professional Burnout Levels According to Different Variables. Kastamonu Education Magazine. Volume 15. No. 2. 465-484.
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  • Deryakulu, D. (2005). Examination of Burnout Levels of Computer Teachers. Eurasian Journal of Education Research. Vol 19. 35-53.
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  • Ertürk, M., (2014). Examination of Primary School Principals' Leadership Behaviors Perceived by Teachers and Teachers' Organizational Commitment Levels in Terms of Some Variables, Gaziantep Province Sample, Master's Thesis, Gaziantep University Institute of Educational Sciences, Gaziantep.
  • Fejgin, N, Ephraty, N, Ben-Sira, D. (1995). “Work environment and burnout of physical education teachers, Journal Of Teaching In Physical Education, S. 15(1), s. 64–78.
  • Friedman, I.A. (2000). Burnout in teachers: Shattered dreams of impeccable professional performance. Journal of Clinical Psychology. Vol 56. No 5. 595-606.
  • Gıcı, A., (2011). Organizational Commitment Level of English Instructors Working in Foundation Universities Preparatory Schools in Istanbul, Master's Thesis, Yıldız Technical University Social Sciences Institute, Istanbul.
  • Güner, H. (2006). The Problem of Teachers' Commitment, A Study in the Sample of Istanbul Province. Marmara University Institute of Educational Sciences Unpublished Master's Thesis, Istanbul.
  • Izgar, H. (2001). Burnout in school administrators. Nobel Publishing Distribution. ISBN: 975-591-254-1
  • Karagöz, A., (2008). The Relationship Between the Ethical Leadership Roles of Primary and Secondary School Administrators Perceived by Teachers and Teachers' Organizational Commitment, Bursa Province Sample, Master's Thesis, Yeditepe University Social Sciences Institute, Istanbul.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Scientific Research Method, Concepts, Principles, Techniques. Nobel Publishing Distribution. ISBN: 978-605-5426-58-3
  • Karataş, H. (2009). Examining the Relationship Between Teachers' Professional Burnout and Multidimensional Perceived Social Support. Unpublished Master Thesis. Istanbul Maltepe University Institute of Social Sciences. Istanbul
  • Kayabaşı, Y. (2008). Teachers' Professional Burnout Levels in Terms of Some Variables. Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University Journal of Social Sciences. Volume 10 Issue 20.
  • Kırılmaz, A.Y., Çelen, Ü. and Sarp, N. (2003). Burnout Status Research in a Group of Teachers Working in Primary Education. Primary Education-Online Volume 2. Issue 1.
  • Maslach, C. & Jackson, S. E. (1981). The measurement of experienced burnout. Journal of Occupational Behavior, 2, 99-113.
  • Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. W. Dubin, R. (1974). Unit performance, situational factors, and employee attitudes in spatially separated work units. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 12(2), 231-248.
  • Sarros, A.M. (1989). Teacher Burnout and Its Relationship to Social Support. PhD Thesis, Education. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne.
  • Sahin, D.E. (2007). Professional Burnout Levels of Teachers, Ankara Province Primary and Secondary Schools Sample. Unpublished Master Thesis. Ankara Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara
  • Tuna, M. (2010). Burnout Levels of Physical Education Teachers, Ankara Province Application. Unpublished Master Thesis. Ankara: Gazi University Institute of Health Sciences.
  • Tunaboylu, M. (2015). Professional Burnout Levels of Primary and Secondary School Teachers, İzmir Torbalı District Example. Unpublished Master Thesis. Istanbul: Okan University Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Tunç, V. (2013). Examination of History Teachers' Job Satisfaction and Professional Burnout Levels in Terms of Some Variables: Van Province Example. Unpublished Master Thesis. Van: Yüzüncü Yıl University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Yiğit, A. (2007). Investigation of Job Satisfaction, Burnout and Mental Health Levels of Teachers Working in Private Education Institutions in Terms of Various Variables. Unpublished Master Thesis. Nigde: Nigde University Institute of Social Sciences.
Year 2023, , 67 - 86, 25.10.2023



  • Acar E, Karavelioğlu MB. (2022). Relationship Between Physical Education and Sports Teachers' Personality Traits and Impression Management. Gaziantep University Journal of Sport Science, 7(2), 108-127.
  • Acar, E. & Karavelioğlu, M.B. (2022). “Examining Smartphone Addiction Levels of Sports High School Students”, International Academic Social Resources Journal, (e-ISSN: 2636-7637), Vol:7, Issue:35; pp:343- 348.
  • Akçamete, G., Kaner, S. and Sucuoğlu, B. (2001). Burnout, Job Satisfaction and Personality in Teachers. Nobel Publishing Distribution. ISBN: 978-97559-130-2
  • Alper Apak, E.G., (2009). The Relationship Between Mobbing Acts and Organizational Commitment: A Research on Primary School Teachers, Master's Thesis, Marmara University Institute of Educational Sciences, Istanbul.
  • Altunay, E., (2017). Examination of the Relationship Between Organizational Trust and Commitment Levels of Primary School Teachers, Journal of National Education, 46 (213), pp. 37-66.
  • Atar, G. (2009).The Relationship Between Primary School Teachers' Organizational Commitment and Their Perception of Principals' Leadership Behaviors. Master's Thesis, Maltepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul
  • Artun, B. (2008). The Effect of Anatolian High School Teachers' Organizational Commitment Levels on Their Attitudes Towards Organizational Change. Istanbul Yeditepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul
  • Babaoğlan, E. (2006). Burnout in Primary School Administrators (Düzce Province Sample). Doctoral Thesis. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Institute of Social Sciences, Bolu.
  • Babil, F., (2009). The Relationship Between Primary School Principals' Visionary Leadership Characteristics and Teachers' Organizational Dedication, Master's Thesis, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Social Sciences Institute, Eskişehir.
  • Balcı, A. (2003). Organizational socialization: tactics and theory strategy. Pegem ISBN: 978-97568-022-0-5
  • Baysal A. (1995). Factors Affecting Professional Burnout in High School and Equivalent School Teachers. Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, PhD Thesis. Izmir Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir.
  • Becker, T.E., Billings, R.S., Eveleth, D.M. ve Gilbert, N.L., 1996. Foci and Bases of Employee Commitment: Implications for Job Performance. The Academy of Management Journal, 39 (2), ss. 464-482.
  • Brudnik, M. (2004). Burnout in Physical Training Teachers a Macro-Path of Professional Burnout. ACTA Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Gymnica, 34(2), 7-17.
  • Buchanan, B. (1974). Goverment Managers, Business Executives and Organizational Commitment. Public Administration, 34, 339-347.
  • Celep, C. (2000). Organizational Commitment and Teachers in Education. Anı Publishing. ISBN: 845- 60513-596-5-2
  • Celep, C. (2014). Organizational Commitment in Educational Organizations. Nobel Publishing, ISBN: 978-605133-846-0
  • Cemaloğlu, N. and Şahin, D.E. (2007). Investigation of Teachers' Professional Burnout Levels According to Different Variables. Kastamonu Education Magazine. Volume 15. No. 2. 465-484.
  • Cordes, C. L. & Dougherty, T. W. (1993). A Review and an Integration of Research on Job Burnout. Academy of Management Review, 18(4), 621-656.
  • Celik, S., (2011). The Relationship Between Organizational Commitment and Mobbing Behaviors of Teachers Working in Secondary Education Institutions, Master Thesis, Yıldız Technical University Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul.
  • Deryakulu, D. (2005). Examination of Burnout Levels of Computer Teachers. Eurasian Journal of Education Research. Vol 19. 35-53.
  • Dilekci (2022). Dedication in Sports High Schools. Nobel Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-625-433-997-4
  • Ekinci, Ö., (2012). The Relationship Between Mobbing Behaviors and Organizational Commitment of Secondary School Teachers, Master Thesis, Necmettin Erbakan University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Konya.
  • Ergin, C. (1992). Burnout in Doctors and Nurses and Adaptation of the Maslach Burnout Scale. 7th National Psychology Congress Scientific Studies Handbook. Ankara: Hacettepe University Publications.
  • Ergül, H. F., Saygın, S. and Tösten, R. (2013). Examining the Burnout Levels of Classroom Teachers in Terms of Various Variables. Dicle University Social Sciences Institute Journal, 5(10), 266-285.
  • Eroğlu, S. (2007). Organizational Commitment and Motivation Levels of Teachers in Secondary Education Institutions Where Total Quality Management is Applied. Unpublished master's thesis, Istanbul Yeditepe University Social Sciences Institute, Istanbul.
  • Ertürk, E., (2011). The Relationship Between the Perception of Organizational Justice and Teachers' Organizational Commitment in Primary and Secondary Schools, Master's Thesis, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Social Sciences Institute, Burdur.
  • Ertürk, M., (2014). Examination of Primary School Principals' Leadership Behaviors Perceived by Teachers and Teachers' Organizational Commitment Levels in Terms of Some Variables, Gaziantep Province Sample, Master's Thesis, Gaziantep University Institute of Educational Sciences, Gaziantep.
  • Fejgin, N, Ephraty, N, Ben-Sira, D. (1995). “Work environment and burnout of physical education teachers, Journal Of Teaching In Physical Education, S. 15(1), s. 64–78.
  • Friedman, I.A. (2000). Burnout in teachers: Shattered dreams of impeccable professional performance. Journal of Clinical Psychology. Vol 56. No 5. 595-606.
  • Gıcı, A., (2011). Organizational Commitment Level of English Instructors Working in Foundation Universities Preparatory Schools in Istanbul, Master's Thesis, Yıldız Technical University Social Sciences Institute, Istanbul.
  • Güner, H. (2006). The Problem of Teachers' Commitment, A Study in the Sample of Istanbul Province. Marmara University Institute of Educational Sciences Unpublished Master's Thesis, Istanbul.
  • Izgar, H. (2001). Burnout in school administrators. Nobel Publishing Distribution. ISBN: 975-591-254-1
  • Karagöz, A., (2008). The Relationship Between the Ethical Leadership Roles of Primary and Secondary School Administrators Perceived by Teachers and Teachers' Organizational Commitment, Bursa Province Sample, Master's Thesis, Yeditepe University Social Sciences Institute, Istanbul.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Scientific Research Method, Concepts, Principles, Techniques. Nobel Publishing Distribution. ISBN: 978-605-5426-58-3
  • Karataş, H. (2009). Examining the Relationship Between Teachers' Professional Burnout and Multidimensional Perceived Social Support. Unpublished Master Thesis. Istanbul Maltepe University Institute of Social Sciences. Istanbul
  • Kayabaşı, Y. (2008). Teachers' Professional Burnout Levels in Terms of Some Variables. Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University Journal of Social Sciences. Volume 10 Issue 20.
  • Kırılmaz, A.Y., Çelen, Ü. and Sarp, N. (2003). Burnout Status Research in a Group of Teachers Working in Primary Education. Primary Education-Online Volume 2. Issue 1.
  • Maslach, C. & Jackson, S. E. (1981). The measurement of experienced burnout. Journal of Occupational Behavior, 2, 99-113.
  • Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. W. Dubin, R. (1974). Unit performance, situational factors, and employee attitudes in spatially separated work units. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 12(2), 231-248.
  • Sarros, A.M. (1989). Teacher Burnout and Its Relationship to Social Support. PhD Thesis, Education. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne.
  • Sahin, D.E. (2007). Professional Burnout Levels of Teachers, Ankara Province Primary and Secondary Schools Sample. Unpublished Master Thesis. Ankara Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara
  • Tuna, M. (2010). Burnout Levels of Physical Education Teachers, Ankara Province Application. Unpublished Master Thesis. Ankara: Gazi University Institute of Health Sciences.
  • Tunaboylu, M. (2015). Professional Burnout Levels of Primary and Secondary School Teachers, İzmir Torbalı District Example. Unpublished Master Thesis. Istanbul: Okan University Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Tunç, V. (2013). Examination of History Teachers' Job Satisfaction and Professional Burnout Levels in Terms of Some Variables: Van Province Example. Unpublished Master Thesis. Van: Yüzüncü Yıl University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Yiğit, A. (2007). Investigation of Job Satisfaction, Burnout and Mental Health Levels of Teachers Working in Private Education Institutions in Terms of Various Variables. Unpublished Master Thesis. Nigde: Nigde University Institute of Social Sciences.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Physical Training and Sports Pedagogy
Journal Section Original Article

Ufuk Dilekçi 0000-0001-7859-0301

Early Pub Date October 16, 2023
Publication Date October 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Dilekçi, U. (2023). Comparison of Occupational Burnout and Organizational Commitment in Physical Education and Other Branch Teachers: Sport High School Example. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, 6(Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people), 67-86.
AMA Dilekçi U. Comparison of Occupational Burnout and Organizational Commitment in Physical Education and Other Branch Teachers: Sport High School Example. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. October 2023;6(Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people):67-86. doi:10.33438/ijdshs.1350305
Chicago Dilekçi, Ufuk. “Comparison of Occupational Burnout and Organizational Commitment in Physical Education and Other Branch Teachers: Sport High School Example”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 6, no. Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people (October 2023): 67-86.
EndNote Dilekçi U (October 1, 2023) Comparison of Occupational Burnout and Organizational Commitment in Physical Education and Other Branch Teachers: Sport High School Example. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 6 Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people 67–86.
IEEE U. Dilekçi, “Comparison of Occupational Burnout and Organizational Commitment in Physical Education and Other Branch Teachers: Sport High School Example”, International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences, vol. 6, no. Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people, pp. 67–86, 2023, doi: 10.33438/ijdshs.1350305.
ISNAD Dilekçi, Ufuk. “Comparison of Occupational Burnout and Organizational Commitment in Physical Education and Other Branch Teachers: Sport High School Example”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 6/Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people (October 2023), 67-86.
JAMA Dilekçi U. Comparison of Occupational Burnout and Organizational Commitment in Physical Education and Other Branch Teachers: Sport High School Example. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. 2023;6:67–86.
MLA Dilekçi, Ufuk. “Comparison of Occupational Burnout and Organizational Commitment in Physical Education and Other Branch Teachers: Sport High School Example”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, vol. 6, no. Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people, 2023, pp. 67-86, doi:10.33438/ijdshs.1350305.
Vancouver Dilekçi U. Comparison of Occupational Burnout and Organizational Commitment in Physical Education and Other Branch Teachers: Sport High School Example. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. 2023;6(Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people):67-86.

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