Research Article
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Measurement of Physical and Mental Workload in Onlline Ojek Drivers: A Case Study in Serang City

Year 2024, , 655 - 662, 25.05.2024


The development of online motorcycle taxi transportation has received a good response in the community. With this application, it makes it easier for people to order motorcycle taxis more practically. Many online motorcycle taxi drivers have complaints while working, one of which is the obligation to meet life's necessities which causes the physical and mental workload to increase. This study aims to measure the physical and mental workload of online motorcycle taxi drivers in Serang City. Data collection was carried out by measuring heart rate with a Polar H10 and filling out the NASA-TLX questionnaire which was distributed to online motorcycle taxi drivers who were willing to be respondents. Data processing starts from measuring heart rate, with an average %CVL value obtained of 40.08%. This value is included in the physical workload category that requires improvement. Mental workload data, calculated through the NASA-TLX method, averaged 74.20, which is classified as high. To alleviate these workloads, it's suggested to incorporate 90-minute break periods, redesign automatic motorcycles with extra footrests, use energy sprays, implement road congestion detection tools, enhance the quality of ride-hailing apps, and minimize exposure to heat stress.


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  • Biella, S., Latifah, N. & Fajrini, F. (2023). Factors Related to Work Stress in The Online Motorcycle Taxis Driver Community in Depok City in 2022. Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding, 3(1), 318–323. [CrossRef]
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  • Muslim, E., Nurtjahyo Moch, B., Arlini Puspasari, M., & Alfredo Siregar, R. (2015). Fatigue Measurement of Driving Activity on Male Motorcycle Drivers based on Cognitive, Physiological, and Subjective Approaches. International Journal of Technology, 6(6), 976.
  • Nizam, A., Isha, S., Mohammed, G., & Naji, A. (2020). The Relationship Between Fatigue and Driving Performance: a Review and Directions for Future Research. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(14). [CrossRef]
  • Ospina-Mateus, H., & Quintana Jiménez, L. A. (2019). Understanding the impact of physical fatigue and postural comfort experienced during motorcycling: A systematic review. Journal of Transport & Health, 12, 290–318. [CrossRef]
  • Prabaswari, A. D., Hamid, A. N., & Purnomo, H. (2020). The mental workload analysis of gojek drivers. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 722(1), 012008. [CrossRef] Purnomo, A. M., & Waluyo, D. E. (2023). The Influence of Workload and Job Stress on the Performance of Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers (Grab, Maxim, and Gojek) in the Semarang City Area. ProBisnis: Jurnal Manajemen, 14(6), 498-506.
  • Rather, A. A., Ahmed Sofi, T., & Mukhtar, N. (2021). A Survey on Fatigue and Drowsiness Detection Techniques in Driving. 2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS). [CrossRef]
  • Rissa Hanny, & Fahrizal. (2021). Prediction of Online Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study Go-Ride in Jabodetabek. Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis JAGADITHA, 8(1), 39–47. [CrossRef]
  • Septiansyah, A. T., Fitriani, R., & Nugraha, B. (2021). Mental Work Load Analysis Melalui National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa)-Task Load Index (Tlx). Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi: Jurnal Keilmuan Dan Aplikasi Teknologi Industri, 21(2), 282.
  • Siswanto, D., & Tesavrita, C. (2015). Evaluasi Kelelahan Dan Tingkat Stres Pengemudi Travel Dan Masinis Kereta Api Berdasarkan Pengukuran Tingkat Kantuk Dan Denyut Jantung. Research Report-Engineering Science, 2.
  • Wahyuning, C. S. (2018). Studi Kelayakaan Perancangan Instrumen Pengukuran Readiness Level Berdasarkan Kelelahan Fisik dan Mental. 42–48.
Year 2024, , 655 - 662, 25.05.2024



  • Annur, C. M. (2022). Nilai Transaksi Ojek Online di Indonesia Diproyeksi Sebesar Rp 124 Triliun pada 2022. Katadata Media Network.
  • Asnawi, A. (2022). Kesiapan Indonesia Membangun Ekonomi Digital Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia, 7(1), 398. [CrossRef] Belia, R. & Handayani, P. (2018). Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kelelahan Kerja Pada Pengemudi Bus Primajasa Trayek Balaraja–Kampung Rambutan. Health Publica: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat 1(01), 44-51.
  • Biella, S., Latifah, N. & Fajrini, F. (2023). Factors Related to Work Stress in The Online Motorcycle Taxis Driver Community in Depok City in 2022. Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding, 3(1), 318–323. [CrossRef]
  • Bramantyo, M. F., & Nugroho, S. W. (2023). Analisis Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Kelelahan Kerja dengan Metode Subjective Self Rating Test (SSRT) (Studi Kasus: Pekerja Bagian Lantai Produksi PT. Marabutana Berkaya Ceperindo). Industrial Engineering Online Journal, 12(1).
  • Chadijah, D. I., Wijaya, M., & Soemanto, R. B. (2019). Industrial Relations between Ojek Online Drivers with PT. Gojek Indonesia Branch Of Surakarta. Journal of Islamic World and Politics, 3(2). [CrossRef] Elwindra, E., & Dokolamo, S. (2021). Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kelelahan Kerja pada Pengemudi Ojek Online di Jakarta Timur Tahun 2020. Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia, 8(29), 24–29. [CrossRef]
  • Neyens, D. M., & Boyle, L. N. (2008). The influence of driver distraction on the severity of injuries sustained by teenage drivers and their passengers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 40(1), 254–259. [CrossRef] Guspriyadi, D., Wahyuning, C. S., & Yuniar, Y. (2014). Analisis tingkat stres dan tingkat kelelahan masinis berdasarkan heart rate variability. Reka Integra, 2(2).
  • Handika, F. S., Yuslistyari, E. I., & Hidayatullah, M. (2020). Analisis Beban Kerja Fisik Dan Mental Operator Produksi Di Pd. Mitra Sari. Jurnal Intent: Jurnal Industri Dan Teknologi Terpadu, 3(2), 82–89. [CrossRef]
  • Hartono, H. (2023). The Effect of Workload and Commitment on Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers’ Performance. Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Advantage, 7(1), 70–78. [CrossRef]
  • Hutabarat, J., Pradana, J. A., Achmadi, F., & Lestarining Basuki, D. W. (2023). Micro Ergonomics: the Influence of Human Characteristics Towards Mental Workload Among Online Motorcycle Ojek Drivers. International Journal of Manufacturing Economics and Management, 3(1), 6–16.
  • Klein, H. H., Sechtem, U., & Trappe, H.-J. (2017). Fitness to Drive in Cardiovascular Disease. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, 114(41), 692–701. [CrossRef] Kusnandar, V. B. (2023). Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Meningkat, Capai 94 Ribu Kasus Sampai September 2022. Dipetik dari databoks. katadata. co. id: https://databoks. katadata. co. id/datapublish/2022/11/22/kecelakaan-lalu-lintas-meningkat-capai-94-ribu-kasus-sampai-september-2022 diakses pada tanggal, 7.
  • Maulana, A. F. (2019). Pengukuran Beban Kerja Mental Sopir Bus Menggunakan Metode Swat (Studi Kasus Di PO. XYZ). Jurnal Valtech, 2(2), 8-13.
  • May, J. F., & Baldwin, C. L. (2009). Driver fatigue: The importance of identifying causal factors of fatigue when considering detection and countermeasure technologies. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 12(3), 218–224. [CrossRef] Mubarok, M. Z., & Rusindiyanto, R. (2023). Analisis Beban Kerja Fisik Dan Mental Terhadap Rider Grab Menggunakan Metode Cardiovascular Load (CVL) Dan Subjective Workload Assesment Technique (SWAT)(Studi Kasus: Rider Grab Domisili Kelurahan Balas Klumprik Kecamatan Wiyung). Jurnal Ilmiah Dan Karya Mahasiswa, 1(3), 213-228.
  • Muslim, E., Nurtjahyo Moch, B., Arlini Puspasari, M., & Alfredo Siregar, R. (2015). Fatigue Measurement of Driving Activity on Male Motorcycle Drivers based on Cognitive, Physiological, and Subjective Approaches. International Journal of Technology, 6(6), 976.
  • Nizam, A., Isha, S., Mohammed, G., & Naji, A. (2020). The Relationship Between Fatigue and Driving Performance: a Review and Directions for Future Research. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(14). [CrossRef]
  • Ospina-Mateus, H., & Quintana Jiménez, L. A. (2019). Understanding the impact of physical fatigue and postural comfort experienced during motorcycling: A systematic review. Journal of Transport & Health, 12, 290–318. [CrossRef]
  • Prabaswari, A. D., Hamid, A. N., & Purnomo, H. (2020). The mental workload analysis of gojek drivers. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 722(1), 012008. [CrossRef] Purnomo, A. M., & Waluyo, D. E. (2023). The Influence of Workload and Job Stress on the Performance of Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers (Grab, Maxim, and Gojek) in the Semarang City Area. ProBisnis: Jurnal Manajemen, 14(6), 498-506.
  • Rather, A. A., Ahmed Sofi, T., & Mukhtar, N. (2021). A Survey on Fatigue and Drowsiness Detection Techniques in Driving. 2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS). [CrossRef]
  • Rissa Hanny, & Fahrizal. (2021). Prediction of Online Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study Go-Ride in Jabodetabek. Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis JAGADITHA, 8(1), 39–47. [CrossRef]
  • Septiansyah, A. T., Fitriani, R., & Nugraha, B. (2021). Mental Work Load Analysis Melalui National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa)-Task Load Index (Tlx). Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi: Jurnal Keilmuan Dan Aplikasi Teknologi Industri, 21(2), 282.
  • Siswanto, D., & Tesavrita, C. (2015). Evaluasi Kelelahan Dan Tingkat Stres Pengemudi Travel Dan Masinis Kereta Api Berdasarkan Pengukuran Tingkat Kantuk Dan Denyut Jantung. Research Report-Engineering Science, 2.
  • Wahyuning, C. S. (2018). Studi Kelayakaan Perancangan Instrumen Pengukuran Readiness Level Berdasarkan Kelelahan Fisik dan Mental. 42–48.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Promotion, Public Health (Other)
Journal Section Original Article

Wyke Kusmasari 0000-0003-4113-0226

Alifia Mahirah This is me 0009-0002-3243-5407

Ahmad Nalhadi This is me 0009-0003-8134-5763

Early Pub Date May 20, 2024
Publication Date May 25, 2024
Submission Date January 9, 2024
Acceptance Date May 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Kusmasari, W., Mahirah, A., & Nalhadi, A. (2024). Measurement of Physical and Mental Workload in Onlline Ojek Drivers: A Case Study in Serang City. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, 7(3), 655-662.
AMA Kusmasari W, Mahirah A, Nalhadi A. Measurement of Physical and Mental Workload in Onlline Ojek Drivers: A Case Study in Serang City. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. May 2024;7(3):655-662. doi:10.33438/ijdshs.1409225
Chicago Kusmasari, Wyke, Alifia Mahirah, and Ahmad Nalhadi. “Measurement of Physical and Mental Workload in Onlline Ojek Drivers: A Case Study in Serang City”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 7, no. 3 (May 2024): 655-62.
EndNote Kusmasari W, Mahirah A, Nalhadi A (May 1, 2024) Measurement of Physical and Mental Workload in Onlline Ojek Drivers: A Case Study in Serang City. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 7 3 655–662.
IEEE W. Kusmasari, A. Mahirah, and A. Nalhadi, “Measurement of Physical and Mental Workload in Onlline Ojek Drivers: A Case Study in Serang City”, International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 655–662, 2024, doi: 10.33438/ijdshs.1409225.
ISNAD Kusmasari, Wyke et al. “Measurement of Physical and Mental Workload in Onlline Ojek Drivers: A Case Study in Serang City”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 7/3 (May 2024), 655-662.
JAMA Kusmasari W, Mahirah A, Nalhadi A. Measurement of Physical and Mental Workload in Onlline Ojek Drivers: A Case Study in Serang City. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. 2024;7:655–662.
MLA Kusmasari, Wyke et al. “Measurement of Physical and Mental Workload in Onlline Ojek Drivers: A Case Study in Serang City”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, vol. 7, no. 3, 2024, pp. 655-62, doi:10.33438/ijdshs.1409225.
Vancouver Kusmasari W, Mahirah A, Nalhadi A. Measurement of Physical and Mental Workload in Onlline Ojek Drivers: A Case Study in Serang City. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. 2024;7(3):655-62.

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