Research Article
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Discipline Character and Social Interaction on Swimming Athlete Achievement

Year 2024, , 1228 - 1238, 25.11.2024


This study aims to determine the character of dicipline and social interaction in the achivements of swimming athletes. This study uses a survey method with a quantitative descriptive reaseacrh design. The sample used was based on the purposive sampling technique, which was advanced from each Artswimschool Purwakarta training center 33 athletes. The tesults if this studi show that the value of sig. Smaller than α (sig. 0.000 < 0.05), which means that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Thus, there is a significant influence between the character of discipline and social interaction on the achievement of swimming and contributing athletes is very large, namely 98%. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that: 1) here is a significant relationship between the character of discipline and the achievement of swimmers. It can be concluded that if the character of discipline is higher, then the achievement of swimmers of Artwswimschool Purwakarta will be better; 2) There is a significant relationship between social interaction and swimmers' achievement. It can be concluded that if social interaction is higher, then the achievement of Artswimschool Purwakarta swimmers will be better; 3) a significant relationship exists between discipline, character, social interaction, and swimmers' achievement. Thus, it can be concluded that discipline, character, and social interaction affect swimmers' accomplishments at Artswimschool Purwakarta.

Ethical Statement

This study followed ethical standards and received approval from the Institute for Research and Community Service, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, with Letter Number B-0301/UN40.D/PT.01.02/2024.


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  • Lengkana, A. S., Muhtar, T., Supriyadi, T., Safari, I., Kemala, A., Ginting, A., & Raswin. (2024). The DR-GOS Model: Early Detection of the Potential of Children with Disabilities through a Sports Education Approach. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 12(1), 50–58. [CrossRef]
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  • Muhtar, T., Supriyadi, T., Lengkana, A. S., & Cukarso, S. H. I. (2021). Character education in physical education learning model: A bibliometric study on 2011-2020 scopus database. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 9(6), 1189–1203. [CrossRef]
  • Muhtar, T., Supriyadi, T., Lengkana, A. S., & Hanifah, S. (2019). Religious characters-based physical education learning in elementary school. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(12), 211–239. [CrossRef]
  • Mulya, G., Lengkana, A. S., & Agustryani, R. (2021). Tennbastech: A scientific approach to teach tennis. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 9(6), 1371–1382. [CrossRef]
  • Mulya, G., Lengkana, A. S., Agustryani, R., Dinangsit, D., Susilawati, D., Nurodin, D., & Rosalina, M. (2023). Brain Jogging: Cognitive Abilities of Beginner Tennis Players. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 11(6), 1327–1336. [CrossRef]
  • Olvhøj, R., Jensen, T. K., Wienecke, J., & Winther, H. (2022). Dream team–team sports in a community of adults with intellectual disability: How can participation in team sports develop the social competencies of people with intellectual disability? Sport in Society, 25(10), 2162–2177. [CrossRef]
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  • Ponciano Núñez, P. D., Portela-Pino, I., & Martínez-Patiño, M. J. (2023). Understanding the Characteristics of Community Youth Sports Programs Interventions: A Systematic Review and Recommendations. SAGE Open, 13(2), 21582440231179210. [CrossRef]
  • Rudzitis, A., Kalejs, O., & Licis, R. (2014). Model characterizing sports game referees. SHS Web of Conferences, 10, 00039. [CrossRef]
  • Sal, F. (2022). Development of an academic self-discipline questionnaire for university students. Pedagogical Perspective, 1(2), 76–88. [CrossRef]
  • Shi, Y., & Qu, S. (2022). The effect of cognitive ability on academic achievement: The mediating role of self-discipline and the moderating role of planning. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1014655. [CrossRef]
  • Şimşir, Z., & Dilmaç, B. (2020). Self-discipline in the life of university students: a qualitative research. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 4(2), 153–171. [CrossRef]
  • Sun, Y. (2024). Integration of Moral Self-Discipline in Sports Management: Cultivating Future-Ready Students through Sports Education Program in Physical Education. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 8(3), 265–269. [CrossRef]
  • Tedesqui, R. A. B., & Young, B. W. (2017). Associations Between Self-Control, Practice, and Skill Level in Sport Expertise Development. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 88(1), 108–113. [CrossRef]
  • Tedesqui, R. A. B., & Young, B. W. (2018). Comparing the contribution of conscientiousness, self-control, and grit to key criteria of sport expertise development. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 34, 110–118. [CrossRef]
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  • Tussubha, N., & Hadiyanto. (2020). Integrated Character Education Model in Early Childhood Education Based on Minangkabau Local Culture: Randai. International Conference of Early Childhood Education (ICECE 2019), 5–12. [CrossRef]
  • Vierimaa, M., Bruner, M. W., & Côté, J. (2018). Positive youth development and observed athlete behavior in recreational sport. PLoS ONE, 13(1), e0191936. [CrossRef]
  • Vladova, I., & Hristov, N. (2017). Discipline in the classes on physical education and sport. Sport and Business Scientific Journal in the Field of Sport and Business. Faculty of Sport „University Union-Nikola Tesla, 3(1), 43–47. [CrossRef]
  • Wang, L., & Sharma, A. (2022). Analysis of sports video using image recognition of sportsmen. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 13(Suppl 1), 557–563. [CrossRef]
  • Weziak-Bialowolska, D., Bialowolski, P., & Niemiec, R. M. (2023). Character strengths and health-related quality of life in a large international sample: A cross-sectional analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 103, 104338. [CrossRef]
  • Yildiz, M., Şenel, E., & Yildiram, I. (2018). Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviors in Sport: The Roles of Personality Traits and Moral Identity. Sport Journal, 21(August), 1. [CrossRef]
  • Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A. (2019). Defining and Measuring Character in Sport From a Multidimensional Perspective. International Sport Coaching Journal, 6(2), 250–253. [CrossRef]
  • Yunesa, V., & Khaidir, A. (2019). Factors Influencing Students’Discipline Character Building. 1st International Conference on Innovation in Education (ICoIE 2018), 271–275. [CrossRef]
Year 2024, , 1228 - 1238, 25.11.2024



  • Bean, E., Whitley, M. A., & Gould, D. (2014). Athlete impressions of a character-based sports program for underserved youth. Journal of Sport Behavior, 37(1), 3–23. [CrossRef]
  • Beldon, Z., Walker, J. T., & Collins, J. (2022). Comparison of the Development of Character and Skills between Club and Varsity Athletes. Recreational Sports Journal, 46(1), 105–114. [CrossRef]
  • Cho, N., Shin, M., & Ahn, H. (2022). Psychosocial Characters and Their Behavioural Indexes for Evaluation in Secondary School Physical Education Classes and Sports Club Activities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6730. [PubMed]
  • Fenney, A., & Lee, T. D. (2013). The Role of Enactment in Learning American Sign Language in Younger and Older Adults. ISRN Geriatrics, 2013, 1–7. [CrossRef]
  • Ferris, K. A., Ettekal, A. V., Agans, J. P., & Burkhard, B. M. (2016). Character Development Through Youth Sport: High School Coaches’ Perspectives about a Character-based Education Program. Journal of Youth Development, 10(3), 127–140. [CrossRef]
  • Hagger, M. S., Zhang, C. Q., Kangro, E. M., Ries, F., Wang, J. C. K., Heritage, B., & Chan, D. K. C. (2021). Trait self-control and self-discipline: Structure, validity, and invariance across national groups. Current Psychology, 40(3), 1015–1030. [CrossRef]
  • Hidayat, C., Lengkana, A. S., Fauzi, R. A., Rohyana, A., Rosalina, M., Hermawan, D. B., & Purwanto, D. (2022). Levelling System Model: Approach to Physical Literacy. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 21(11), 334–356. [CrossRef]
  • Lee, Y., Kim, M., & Koo, J. (2016). The impact of social interaction and team member exchange on sport event volunteer management. Sport Management Review, 19(5), 550–562. [CrossRef]
  • Legg, E. (2020). The purpose of sport: perspectives of players, coaches, parents, and administrators. Managing Sport and Leisure, 26(1–2), 1–13. [CrossRef]
  • Lengkana, A. S., Muhtar, T., Supriyadi, T., Safari, I., Kemala, A., Ginting, A., & Raswin. (2024). The DR-GOS Model: Early Detection of the Potential of Children with Disabilities through a Sports Education Approach. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 12(1), 50–58. [CrossRef]
  • Loland, S. (2022). Sport, Values, and Character. The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Society, 27. [CrossRef]
  • Maratovich, I. K., & Kolsesyanova, A. (2023). Nurturing Character and Excellence: the Power of Value-Based Education in Sports. Journal of Science, Research and Teaching, 2(8), 48–55. [CrossRef]
  • Merlin, I. J., & Prabakar, S. (2024). Development and initial validation of social interaction questionnaire. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 1–14. [CrossRef]
  • Miller, J. C., & Dolendo, R. B. (2022). Mental Toughness and Character Building through Sports. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 2022(3), 6515–6524. [CrossRef]
  • Muhtar, T., Supriyadi, T., Lengkana, A. S., & Cukarso, S. H. I. (2021). Character education in physical education learning model: A bibliometric study on 2011-2020 scopus database. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 9(6), 1189–1203. [CrossRef]
  • Muhtar, T., Supriyadi, T., Lengkana, A. S., & Hanifah, S. (2019). Religious characters-based physical education learning in elementary school. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(12), 211–239. [CrossRef]
  • Mulya, G., Lengkana, A. S., & Agustryani, R. (2021). Tennbastech: A scientific approach to teach tennis. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 9(6), 1371–1382. [CrossRef]
  • Mulya, G., Lengkana, A. S., Agustryani, R., Dinangsit, D., Susilawati, D., Nurodin, D., & Rosalina, M. (2023). Brain Jogging: Cognitive Abilities of Beginner Tennis Players. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 11(6), 1327–1336. [CrossRef]
  • Olvhøj, R., Jensen, T. K., Wienecke, J., & Winther, H. (2022). Dream team–team sports in a community of adults with intellectual disability: How can participation in team sports develop the social competencies of people with intellectual disability? Sport in Society, 25(10), 2162–2177. [CrossRef]
  • Özcan, V. (2022). The Association Between Sports Character and Mental Well-Being. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 12(66), 453–464. [CrossRef]
  • Peters, R. S. (2015). Moral development and moral education. In Moral Development and Moral Education. Routledge. [CrossRef]
  • Ponciano Núñez, P. D., Portela-Pino, I., & Martínez-Patiño, M. J. (2023). Understanding the Characteristics of Community Youth Sports Programs Interventions: A Systematic Review and Recommendations. SAGE Open, 13(2), 21582440231179210. [CrossRef]
  • Rudzitis, A., Kalejs, O., & Licis, R. (2014). Model characterizing sports game referees. SHS Web of Conferences, 10, 00039. [CrossRef]
  • Sal, F. (2022). Development of an academic self-discipline questionnaire for university students. Pedagogical Perspective, 1(2), 76–88. [CrossRef]
  • Shi, Y., & Qu, S. (2022). The effect of cognitive ability on academic achievement: The mediating role of self-discipline and the moderating role of planning. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1014655. [CrossRef]
  • Şimşir, Z., & Dilmaç, B. (2020). Self-discipline in the life of university students: a qualitative research. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 4(2), 153–171. [CrossRef]
  • Sun, Y. (2024). Integration of Moral Self-Discipline in Sports Management: Cultivating Future-Ready Students through Sports Education Program in Physical Education. Journal of Education and Educational Research, 8(3), 265–269. [CrossRef]
  • Tedesqui, R. A. B., & Young, B. W. (2017). Associations Between Self-Control, Practice, and Skill Level in Sport Expertise Development. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 88(1), 108–113. [CrossRef]
  • Tedesqui, R. A. B., & Young, B. W. (2018). Comparing the contribution of conscientiousness, self-control, and grit to key criteria of sport expertise development. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 34, 110–118. [CrossRef]
  • Turdalievich, A. F. (2022). Youth Sports Development. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Giirj), 10(5), 781–785. [CrossRef]
  • Tussubha, N., & Hadiyanto. (2020). Integrated Character Education Model in Early Childhood Education Based on Minangkabau Local Culture: Randai. International Conference of Early Childhood Education (ICECE 2019), 5–12. [CrossRef]
  • Vierimaa, M., Bruner, M. W., & Côté, J. (2018). Positive youth development and observed athlete behavior in recreational sport. PLoS ONE, 13(1), e0191936. [CrossRef]
  • Vladova, I., & Hristov, N. (2017). Discipline in the classes on physical education and sport. Sport and Business Scientific Journal in the Field of Sport and Business. Faculty of Sport „University Union-Nikola Tesla, 3(1), 43–47. [CrossRef]
  • Wang, L., & Sharma, A. (2022). Analysis of sports video using image recognition of sportsmen. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 13(Suppl 1), 557–563. [CrossRef]
  • Weziak-Bialowolska, D., Bialowolski, P., & Niemiec, R. M. (2023). Character strengths and health-related quality of life in a large international sample: A cross-sectional analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 103, 104338. [CrossRef]
  • Yildiz, M., Şenel, E., & Yildiram, I. (2018). Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviors in Sport: The Roles of Personality Traits and Moral Identity. Sport Journal, 21(August), 1. [CrossRef]
  • Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A. (2019). Defining and Measuring Character in Sport From a Multidimensional Perspective. International Sport Coaching Journal, 6(2), 250–253. [CrossRef]
  • Yunesa, V., & Khaidir, A. (2019). Factors Influencing Students’Discipline Character Building. 1st International Conference on Innovation in Education (ICoIE 2018), 271–275. [CrossRef]
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Physical Training and Sports Pedagogy, Physical Activity and Health
Journal Section Original Article

Monica Agustina 0009-0003-3963-4131

Ayi Suherman 0000-0003-0418-4380

Adang Sudrazat 0009-0004-0814-9739

Anggi Setia Lengkana 0000-0003-2874-1225

Early Pub Date November 8, 2024
Publication Date November 25, 2024
Submission Date June 30, 2024
Acceptance Date October 21, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Agustina, M., Suherman, A., Sudrazat, A., Lengkana, A. S. (2024). Discipline Character and Social Interaction on Swimming Athlete Achievement. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, 7(6), 1228-1238.
AMA Agustina M, Suherman A, Sudrazat A, Lengkana AS. Discipline Character and Social Interaction on Swimming Athlete Achievement. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. November 2024;7(6):1228-1238. doi:10.33438/ijdshs.1507528
Chicago Agustina, Monica, Ayi Suherman, Adang Sudrazat, and Anggi Setia Lengkana. “Discipline Character and Social Interaction on Swimming Athlete Achievement”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 7, no. 6 (November 2024): 1228-38.
EndNote Agustina M, Suherman A, Sudrazat A, Lengkana AS (November 1, 2024) Discipline Character and Social Interaction on Swimming Athlete Achievement. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 7 6 1228–1238.
IEEE M. Agustina, A. Suherman, A. Sudrazat, and A. S. Lengkana, “Discipline Character and Social Interaction on Swimming Athlete Achievement”, International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 1228–1238, 2024, doi: 10.33438/ijdshs.1507528.
ISNAD Agustina, Monica et al. “Discipline Character and Social Interaction on Swimming Athlete Achievement”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 7/6 (November 2024), 1228-1238.
JAMA Agustina M, Suherman A, Sudrazat A, Lengkana AS. Discipline Character and Social Interaction on Swimming Athlete Achievement. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. 2024;7:1228–1238.
MLA Agustina, Monica et al. “Discipline Character and Social Interaction on Swimming Athlete Achievement”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, vol. 7, no. 6, 2024, pp. 1228-3, doi:10.33438/ijdshs.1507528.
Vancouver Agustina M, Suherman A, Sudrazat A, Lengkana AS. Discipline Character and Social Interaction on Swimming Athlete Achievement. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. 2024;7(6):1228-3.

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