Physiological and Technical Analysis of Male Athletes from the Bumi Siliwangi Pencak Silat Club in Indonesia
Year 2024,
Volume: 7 Issue: 6, 1339 - 1349, 25.11.2024
Kusnaedi Kusnaedi
Yusuf Hidayat
Alit Rahmat
Yogi Surya Pratama
Neslişah Aktaş Üstün
Agung Robianto
Dywa Ikal Mutaqin
The Indonesian Pencak Silat Team made a brilliant achievement at the 2018 Asian Games by winning 14 gold medals and 1 bronze medal. Seeing the increasing popularity of Pencak Silat, identifying the physiological characteristics of these athletes is very interesting, but currently there are not many studies that examine this. Therefore, this study aims to examine the physiological profile of male Pencak Silat athletes at the Bumi Siliwangi club. This observational study involved two testing sessions, namely a laboratory session to measure anthropometry, VO2max, flexibility, agility, and anaerobic power, and a field session to analyze match performance, including technique, heart rate, and lactic acid levels. The results showed that athletes had an average height of 166.44 cm, a BMI of 20.1 kg/m², a body fat percentage of 11.89%, and a muscle percentage of 37.53%. The average flexibility is 21.08 cm, agility is 5.63 seconds, peak power is 624.64 watts, and average power is 459.37 watts. This study concludes that Pencak Silat is an intermittent sport with moderate to high intensity, then the results of the study stated that pencak silat athletes from the Bumi Siliwangi club have physiological characteristics that are almost similar to athletes from other Asian countries. Thus, this study can be used to strengthen and become a reference for other research.
Ethical Statement
Research is carried out strictly, then Security and welfare. Participants are given priority during study design and implementation and Steps are taken to ensure data confidentiality. Permission to conduct research was obtained from Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, numbered 1322/UN40.A6/KP/2024. All participants gave their opinions written informed consent. Consent form detailing research procedures, potential risks and benefits, data confidentiality measures, and participant rights.
Supporting Institution
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Project Number
Many thanks to fellow researchers for their time and thoughts so that this written work can be created.
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Fernández-de-las-Peñas C, Downey C, Miangolarra-Page JC. Validity of the lateral gliding test as tool for the diagnosis of intervertebral joint dysfunction in the lower cervical spine. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2005 Oct;28(8):610 [PubMed]
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- Irianto, D. P., & Lumintuarso, R. (2020). Exploring the psychological skills of indonesian pencak silat athletes at the 18thAsian Games. Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 20(2), 10–16.
- Khotimah, K., Subekti, N., & Denata, G. Y. (2023). The Effectiveness of High-Intensity Interval Training on Specific Endurance and Technical Performance of Pencak Silat Athletes. International Conference on Learning and Advanced Education (ICOLAE 2022), 1078–1089. [CrossRef]
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- Suwindia, I. G., & Muliarta, I. W. (2023). Effectiveness of yoga practice to increase flexibility and anaerobic endurance in pencak silat athletes. SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias Del Deporte, 34. [CrossRef]
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- Yudi Rachman, Indra Safari, Adang Sudrazat, & Alifya Ananda Pradana. (2023). The Influence of Block Practice and Random Practice on Mastery of a Series of Pencak Silat Team Moves. Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 7(4), 1159–1170. [CrossRef]
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Year 2024,
Volume: 7 Issue: 6, 1339 - 1349, 25.11.2024
Kusnaedi Kusnaedi
Yusuf Hidayat
Alit Rahmat
Yogi Surya Pratama
Neslişah Aktaş Üstün
Agung Robianto
Dywa Ikal Mutaqin
Project Number
- Abidin, M. A. H., Ooi, F. K., & Chen, C. K. (2018). Physiological profiles and bone health status of Malay adolescent male boxing, Muay Thai and silat athletes. Sport Sciences for Health, 14(3), 673–683. [CrossRef]
- Apriantono, T., Herman, I., Winata, B., Hasan, M. F., Juniarsyah, A. D., Ihsani, S. I., Hidayat, I. I., Safei, I., & Hindawan, I. (2020). Differences of physiological characteristics of taekwondo junior players vs pencak silat junior players. Physical Activity Review, 8(2), 9–15. [CrossRef]
- Aziz, A. R., & Chuan Teh, K. (2004). Correlation between Tests of Running Repeated Sprint Ability and Anaerobic Capacity by Wingate Cycling in Multi-Sprint Sports Athletes. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences.
- Aziz, A. R., Tan, B., & Teh, K. C. (2002). Physiological responses during matches and profile of elite pencak silat exponents. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 1(4), 147. [PubMed]
- Bompa, T. O., & Buzzichelli, C. (2019). Periodization-: theory and methodology of training. Human kinetics.
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C, Downey C, Miangolarra-Page JC. Validity of the lateral gliding test as tool for the diagnosis of intervertebral joint dysfunction in the lower cervical spine. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2005 Oct;28(8):610 [PubMed]
- Geertz, C. (1983). Local knowledge: fact and law in comparative perspective. Local Knowledge. [PubMed]
- Harahap, N., & Mahfud, I. (2023). Pengaruh Latihan Target Menggunakan Resistance Band Terhadap Hasil Tendangan Sabit Pada Atlet Pencak Silat Padepokan Natar Lampung Selatan. Journal Of Physical Education, 4(1), 49-55. [CrossRef]
- Irianto, D. P., & Lumintuarso, R. (2020). Exploring the psychological skills of indonesian pencak silat athletes at the 18thAsian Games. Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 20(2), 10–16.
- Khotimah, K., Subekti, N., & Denata, G. Y. (2023). The Effectiveness of High-Intensity Interval Training on Specific Endurance and Technical Performance of Pencak Silat Athletes. International Conference on Learning and Advanced Education (ICOLAE 2022), 1078–1089. [CrossRef]
- Larson-Meyer, D. E., Woolf, K., & Burke, L. (2018). Assessment of nutrient status in athletes and the need for supplementation. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 28(2), 139–158. [PubMed]
- Mulyana, B., & Lutan, R. (2021). The lost inner beauty in martial arts: a pencak silat case. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 37(12), 1172–1186. [CrossRef]
- Notoatmodjo, S. (2002). Metodologi penelitian untuk kesehatan. Jakarta, PT. Rineka Cipta, 85(99), 49–50. [CrossRef]
- Queiroga, M. R., Cavazzotto, T. G., Katayama, K. Y., Portela, B. S., Tartaruga, M. P., & Ferreira, S. A. (2013). Validity of the RAST for evaluating anaerobic power performance as compared to wingate test in cycling athletes. Motriz. Revista de Educacao Fisica, 19(4), 696–702. [CrossRef]
- Rashid Aziz, A., Tan, B., & Chuan Teh, K. (2002). Physıologıcal responses durıng matches and profıle of elıte pencak sılat exponents. Int Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (Vol. 1). [PubMed]
- Rezigalla, A. A. (2020). Observational study designs: Synopsis for selecting an appropriate study design. Cureus, 12(1). [PubMed]
- Saputra, A., & Muzaffar, A. (2022). The Effectiveness of Speed Training on the Physiological Characteristics of Athletes in Youth Pencak Silat in the Competing and Art Categories. JUARA: Jurnal Olahraga, 7(2), 467–475. [CrossRef]
- Saputro, D. P., & Siswantoyo, S. (2018). Penyusunan norma tes fisik pencak silat remaja kategori tanding. Jurnal Keolahragaan, 6(1), 1–10. [CrossRef]
- Smith, H. L. (1980). Ethical considerations in research involving human subjects. Social Science & Medicine. Part A: Medical Psychology & Medical Sociology, 14(5), 453–458. [CrossRef]
- Soo, J., Woods, C. T., Arjunan, S. P., Aziz, A. R., & Ihsan, M. (2018). Identifying the performance characteristics explanatory of fight outcome in elite Pencak Silat matches. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 18(6), 973–985. [CrossRef]
- Subekti, N., Syaukani, A. A., & Fatoni, M. (2019). Measurement of Anaerobic Capacity Based On Fatigue Index for Pencak Silat Athletes on Combat Category.
- Suwaryo, S. H., Paulus Hadisuprapto, S.H., Soponyono, E., & MH, S.H. (2008). Peranan Organisasi Perguruan Seni Beladiri Pencak Silat Dalam Meminimalisasi Kejahatan. [CrossRef]
- Suwindia, I. G., & Muliarta, I. W. (2023). Effectiveness of yoga practice to increase flexibility and anaerobic endurance in pencak silat athletes. SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias Del Deporte, 34. [CrossRef]
- Winata, B. (2020). Karakteristik Fisiologi Atlet Bulutangkis Junior Indonesia : Kategori Ganda Putra Bagus Winata Nim : 21718001 (Program Studi Magister Keolahragaan) Institut Teknologi Bandung Juni 2020 Abstrak Karakteristik Fisiologi Atlet Bulutangkis Junior Indonesia : Tesis, 21718001. [CrossRef]
- Yudi Rachman, Indra Safari, Adang Sudrazat, & Alifya Ananda Pradana. (2023). The Influence of Block Practice and Random Practice on Mastery of a Series of Pencak Silat Team Moves. Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 7(4), 1159–1170. [CrossRef]
- Zulfa, I. R., Supriatna, S., & Hanief, Y. N. (2022). Literature review: the physical condition of Pencak Silat athletes in Indonesia during the covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Science and Education (JSE), 3(2), 196–205. [CrossRef]