About the Journal

International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences (IJDSHS) is an internationally recognized multidisciplinary scientific journal. It aims to showcase a wide range of scientific publications in the field of sports sciences from all over the world and provide an open view of the results of research and an opportunity to deepen knowledge in the field of sports and health sciences for the disabled. The editor invites you to publish articles on all aspects of theory, research and practice in the fields of sports, special needs individuals and health sciences this journal.
International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences (IJDSHS) is an international scientific peer-reviewed journal, published Tri-quarterly in electronic format.
• The articles in this journal are published OPEN ACCESS (OA) exclusively in English
• Detailed information on preparation of the manuscript is described in the Instruction for Authors
• IJDSHS will be published in 6 issues (January, April, July and October) from 2025

Last Update Time: 12/1/24, 12:07:56 PM

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