Goldberg, D.E.: Genetic algorithms in search, Optimization and machine learning. Boston MA: Addison Wesley, 1989.
Holland, J.H.: Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems. Ann Arbor MI: University of Michigan Press, 1975.
Coello, C. C., Hernández, F. S., Farrera, F. A., Optimal design of reinforced concrete beams using genetic algorithms. Expert systems with Applications, 12(1), 101-108, 1997.
Koumousis, V. K., & Arsenis, S. J., Genetic algorithms in optimal detailed design of reinforced concrete members. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 13(1), 43-52, 1998.
Rafiq, M. Y., & Southcombe, C., Genetic algorithms in optimal design and detailing of reinforced concrete biaxial columns supported by a declarative approach for capacity checking. Computers & Structures, 69(4), 443-457, 1998.
Camp, C. V., Pezeshk, S., & Hansson, H., Flexural design of reinforced concrete frames using a genetic algorithm. Journal of Structural Engineering, 129(1), 105-115, 2003.
Rath, D. P., Ahlawat, A. S., & Ramaswamy, A., Shape optimization of RC flexural members. Journal of Structural Engineering, 125(12), 1439-1446, 1999.
Govindaraj, V., & Ramasamy, J. V., Optimum detailed design of reinforced concrete continuous beams using genetic algorithms. Computers & structures, 84(1-2), 34-48, 2005.
Lepš, M., & Šejnoha, M., New approach to optimization of reinforced concrete beams. Computers & structures, 81(18-19), 1957-1966, 2003.
Sahab, M. G., Ashour, A. F., & Toropov, V. V., A hybrid genetic algorithm for reinforced concrete flat slab buildings. Computers & structures, 83(8-9), 551-559, 2005.
Sahab, M. G., Ashour, A. F., & Toropov, V. V., Cost optimisation of reinforced concrete flat slab buildings. Engineering Structures, 27(3), 313-322, 2005.
Bekdaş, G., & Nigdeli, S. M., Optimization of T-shaped RC flexural members for different compressive strengths of concrete. International Journal of Mechanics, 7, 109-119, 2013.
Bekdas, G., & Nigdeli, S. M., The optimization of slender reinforced concrete columns. PAMM, 14(1), 183-184, 2014.
Bekdaş G., & Nigdeli S.M., The Effect of Eccentricity for Optimum Compressively Loaded Reinforced Concrete Column. In 15th EU/ME Workshop: Metaheuristic and Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.
Nigdeli S.M., & Bekdaş G., Optimization of reinforced concrete shear walls using harmony search. In 11th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.
Akin, A., & Saka, M. P., Harmony search algorithm based optimum detailed design of reinforced concrete plane frames subject to ACI 318-05 provisions. Computers & Structures, 147, 79-95, 2015.
Bekdaş G., & Nigdeli S.M., Optimization of RC Frame Structures Subjected to Static Loading. 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain, 2014.
Ulusoy S., Kayabekir A.E., Bekdaş G., & Nigdeli S.M., Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete Multi-Story Multi-Span Frame Structures under Static Loads. In 8th International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering (ICESE 2018), Barcelona, Spain, 2018.
Akin, A. & Saka, M.P., Optimum Detailed Design of Reinforced Concrete Continuous Beams using the Harmony Search Algorithm, In The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Paper 131, Stirlingshire, UK, 2010.
Kayabekir, A. E., Arama, Z. A., & Bekdas, G., Effect of application factors on optimum design of reinforced concrete retaining systems. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 80(2), 113-127, 2021.
Jahjouh, M. M., Arafa, M. H., & Alqedra, M. A., Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm in the design optimization of RC continuous beams. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 47(6), 963-979, 2013.
Nigdeli, S. M., Bekdas, G., Kim, S., & Geem, Z. W., A novel harmony search based optimization of reinforced concrete biaxially loaded columns. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 54(6), 1097-1109, 2015.
Bekdaş G., & Nigdeli S.M., Bat algorithm for optimization of reinforced concrete columns. In Joint Annual Meeting of GAMM and DMV, Braunschweig, Germany, 2016.
Bekdaş G., & Nigdeli S.M., Optimum Design Of Reinforced Concrete Columns Employing Teaching Learning Based Optimization. In 12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016.
Esfandiary, M. J., Sheikholarefin, S., & Bondarabadi, H. R., A combination of particle swarm optimization and multi-criterion decision-making for optimum design of reinforced concrete frames. International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, 6(2), 245-268, 2016.
Chutani, S., & Singh, J., Use of modified hybrid PSOGSA for optimum design of RC frame. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 41(4), 342-352, 2018.
A. E. Kayabekir, G. Bekdaş and S. M. Nigdeli, Optimum Design of T-Beams Using Jaya Algorithm in 3rd International Conference on Engineering Technology and Innovation (ICETI), Belgrad, Serbia, 2019.
Kayabekir, AE, Bekdaş G, Nigdeli SM. Evaluation of Metaheuristic Algorithm on Optimum Design of T-Beams, 6th International Conference on Harmony Search, Soft Computing and Applications (ICHSA 2020), 16-17 July 2020, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kayabekir, A. E., & Nigdeli, M., Statistical Evaluation of Metaheuristic Algorithm: An Optimum Reinforced Concrete T-beam Problem. In Advances in Structural Engineering—Optimization 299-310. Springer, Cham, 2021.
Nigdeli, Sinan Melih, Gebrail Bekdaş, and Xin-She Yang. Metaheuristic optimization of reinforced concrete footings. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 22.11(2018), 4555-4563, 2018.
Mergos, P. E., & Mantoglou, F., Optimum design of reinforced concrete retaining walls with the flower pollination algorithm. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 61(2), 575-585, 2020.
Mergos, P. E., Optimum design of 3D reinforced concrete building frames with the flower pollination algorithm. Journal of Building Engineering, 44, 102935, 2021.
Paya-Zaforteza, I., Yepes, V., Hospitaler, A., & Gonzalez-Vidosa, F., CO2-optimization of reinforced concrete frames by simulated annealing. Engineering Structures, 31(7), 1501-1508, 2009.
Park, H. S., Kwon, B., Shin, Y., Kim, Y., Hong, T., & Choi, S. W., Cost and CO2 emission optimization of steel reinforced concrete columns in high-rise buildings. Energies, 6(11), 5609-5624, 2013.
Camp, C. V., & Huq, F., CO2 and cost optimization of reinforced concrete frames using a big bang-big crunch algorithm. Engineering Structures, 48, 363-372, 2013.
Yepes, Víctor, José V. Martí, and Tatiana García-Segura. Cost and CO2 emission optimization of precast–prestressed concrete U-beam road bridges by a hybrid glowworm swarm algorithm. Automation in Construction, 49 (2015), 123-134, 2015.
García-Segura, T., Víctor Y., Multiobjective optimization of post-tensioned concrete box-girder road bridges considering cost, CO2 emissions, and safety. Engineering Structures, 125 (2016): 325-336, 2016.
Camp, C. V., and Andrew, A., CO2 and cost optimization of reinforced concrete footings subjected to uniaxial uplift. Journal of Building Engineering, 3 (2015), 171-183, 2015.
Arama, Z. A., Kayabekir, A. E., Bekdaş, G., & Geem, Z. W., CO2 and cost optimization of reinforced concrete cantilever soldier piles: a parametric study with harmony search algorithm. Sustainability, 12(15), 5906, 2020.
Kayabekir, A. E., Arama, Z. A., Bekdaş, G., Nigdeli, S. M., & Geem, Z. W., Eco-friendly design of reinforced concrete retaining walls: multi-objective optimization with harmony search applications. Sustainability, 12(15), 6087, 2020.
Cakiroglu, C., Islam, K., Bekdaş, G., & Billah, M., CO2 Emission and Cost Optimization of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular (CFST) Columns Using Metaheuristic Algorithms. Sustainability, 13(14), 8092, 2021.
Cakiroglu, C., Islam, K., Bekdaş, G., Kim, S., & Geem, Z. W., CO2 Emission Optimization of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Rectangular Stub Columns Using Metaheuristic Algorithms. Sustainability, 13(19), 10981, 2021
Yang, X. S. Flower pollination algorithm for global optimization. In International conference on unconventional computing and natural computation, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 240-249, 2012
EN (Veranst.): EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Brussels : CEN, 2005
Yeo, Dong Hun, and Florian A. Potra. Sustainable design of reinforced concrete structures through CO2 emission optimization. Journal of Structural Engineering, 141(3), B4014002, 2015.
Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Considering Environmental Factors via Flower Pollination Algorithm
The minimum cost designs may be costly for the environment. In that case, the cost is not only a single objective in the design of structures. In that situation, CO2 emission minimization can be considered in the optimum design. In this study, reinforced concrete (RC) T-beams were optimized via flower pollination algorithm for the environmental factor minimizing the CO2 emission of the materials. The investigation was done for 4 cases of CO2 emission values and these cases were compared with 5 cases of the cost ratios of concrete and steel. Due to this investigation, it was found that CO2 emission optimization is effective in the reduction of the CO2 emission value by 4.5% compared to cost optimization. If the ratios of CO2 emission and the cost of steel per concrete are different, the optimum design variables and objectives are different. Also, the use of recycled steel is %.30.24 more effective on the reduction of CO2 emission and saving the planet.
Goldberg, D.E.: Genetic algorithms in search, Optimization and machine learning. Boston MA: Addison Wesley, 1989.
Holland, J.H.: Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems. Ann Arbor MI: University of Michigan Press, 1975.
Coello, C. C., Hernández, F. S., Farrera, F. A., Optimal design of reinforced concrete beams using genetic algorithms. Expert systems with Applications, 12(1), 101-108, 1997.
Koumousis, V. K., & Arsenis, S. J., Genetic algorithms in optimal detailed design of reinforced concrete members. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 13(1), 43-52, 1998.
Rafiq, M. Y., & Southcombe, C., Genetic algorithms in optimal design and detailing of reinforced concrete biaxial columns supported by a declarative approach for capacity checking. Computers & Structures, 69(4), 443-457, 1998.
Camp, C. V., Pezeshk, S., & Hansson, H., Flexural design of reinforced concrete frames using a genetic algorithm. Journal of Structural Engineering, 129(1), 105-115, 2003.
Rath, D. P., Ahlawat, A. S., & Ramaswamy, A., Shape optimization of RC flexural members. Journal of Structural Engineering, 125(12), 1439-1446, 1999.
Govindaraj, V., & Ramasamy, J. V., Optimum detailed design of reinforced concrete continuous beams using genetic algorithms. Computers & structures, 84(1-2), 34-48, 2005.
Lepš, M., & Šejnoha, M., New approach to optimization of reinforced concrete beams. Computers & structures, 81(18-19), 1957-1966, 2003.
Sahab, M. G., Ashour, A. F., & Toropov, V. V., A hybrid genetic algorithm for reinforced concrete flat slab buildings. Computers & structures, 83(8-9), 551-559, 2005.
Sahab, M. G., Ashour, A. F., & Toropov, V. V., Cost optimisation of reinforced concrete flat slab buildings. Engineering Structures, 27(3), 313-322, 2005.
Bekdaş, G., & Nigdeli, S. M., Optimization of T-shaped RC flexural members for different compressive strengths of concrete. International Journal of Mechanics, 7, 109-119, 2013.
Bekdas, G., & Nigdeli, S. M., The optimization of slender reinforced concrete columns. PAMM, 14(1), 183-184, 2014.
Bekdaş G., & Nigdeli S.M., The Effect of Eccentricity for Optimum Compressively Loaded Reinforced Concrete Column. In 15th EU/ME Workshop: Metaheuristic and Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.
Nigdeli S.M., & Bekdaş G., Optimization of reinforced concrete shear walls using harmony search. In 11th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.
Akin, A., & Saka, M. P., Harmony search algorithm based optimum detailed design of reinforced concrete plane frames subject to ACI 318-05 provisions. Computers & Structures, 147, 79-95, 2015.
Bekdaş G., & Nigdeli S.M., Optimization of RC Frame Structures Subjected to Static Loading. 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain, 2014.
Ulusoy S., Kayabekir A.E., Bekdaş G., & Nigdeli S.M., Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete Multi-Story Multi-Span Frame Structures under Static Loads. In 8th International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering (ICESE 2018), Barcelona, Spain, 2018.
Akin, A. & Saka, M.P., Optimum Detailed Design of Reinforced Concrete Continuous Beams using the Harmony Search Algorithm, In The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Paper 131, Stirlingshire, UK, 2010.
Kayabekir, A. E., Arama, Z. A., & Bekdas, G., Effect of application factors on optimum design of reinforced concrete retaining systems. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 80(2), 113-127, 2021.
Jahjouh, M. M., Arafa, M. H., & Alqedra, M. A., Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm in the design optimization of RC continuous beams. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 47(6), 963-979, 2013.
Nigdeli, S. M., Bekdas, G., Kim, S., & Geem, Z. W., A novel harmony search based optimization of reinforced concrete biaxially loaded columns. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 54(6), 1097-1109, 2015.
Bekdaş G., & Nigdeli S.M., Bat algorithm for optimization of reinforced concrete columns. In Joint Annual Meeting of GAMM and DMV, Braunschweig, Germany, 2016.
Bekdaş G., & Nigdeli S.M., Optimum Design Of Reinforced Concrete Columns Employing Teaching Learning Based Optimization. In 12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016.
Esfandiary, M. J., Sheikholarefin, S., & Bondarabadi, H. R., A combination of particle swarm optimization and multi-criterion decision-making for optimum design of reinforced concrete frames. International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, 6(2), 245-268, 2016.
Chutani, S., & Singh, J., Use of modified hybrid PSOGSA for optimum design of RC frame. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 41(4), 342-352, 2018.
A. E. Kayabekir, G. Bekdaş and S. M. Nigdeli, Optimum Design of T-Beams Using Jaya Algorithm in 3rd International Conference on Engineering Technology and Innovation (ICETI), Belgrad, Serbia, 2019.
Kayabekir, AE, Bekdaş G, Nigdeli SM. Evaluation of Metaheuristic Algorithm on Optimum Design of T-Beams, 6th International Conference on Harmony Search, Soft Computing and Applications (ICHSA 2020), 16-17 July 2020, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kayabekir, A. E., & Nigdeli, M., Statistical Evaluation of Metaheuristic Algorithm: An Optimum Reinforced Concrete T-beam Problem. In Advances in Structural Engineering—Optimization 299-310. Springer, Cham, 2021.
Nigdeli, Sinan Melih, Gebrail Bekdaş, and Xin-She Yang. Metaheuristic optimization of reinforced concrete footings. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 22.11(2018), 4555-4563, 2018.
Mergos, P. E., & Mantoglou, F., Optimum design of reinforced concrete retaining walls with the flower pollination algorithm. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 61(2), 575-585, 2020.
Mergos, P. E., Optimum design of 3D reinforced concrete building frames with the flower pollination algorithm. Journal of Building Engineering, 44, 102935, 2021.
Paya-Zaforteza, I., Yepes, V., Hospitaler, A., & Gonzalez-Vidosa, F., CO2-optimization of reinforced concrete frames by simulated annealing. Engineering Structures, 31(7), 1501-1508, 2009.
Park, H. S., Kwon, B., Shin, Y., Kim, Y., Hong, T., & Choi, S. W., Cost and CO2 emission optimization of steel reinforced concrete columns in high-rise buildings. Energies, 6(11), 5609-5624, 2013.
Camp, C. V., & Huq, F., CO2 and cost optimization of reinforced concrete frames using a big bang-big crunch algorithm. Engineering Structures, 48, 363-372, 2013.
Yepes, Víctor, José V. Martí, and Tatiana García-Segura. Cost and CO2 emission optimization of precast–prestressed concrete U-beam road bridges by a hybrid glowworm swarm algorithm. Automation in Construction, 49 (2015), 123-134, 2015.
García-Segura, T., Víctor Y., Multiobjective optimization of post-tensioned concrete box-girder road bridges considering cost, CO2 emissions, and safety. Engineering Structures, 125 (2016): 325-336, 2016.
Camp, C. V., and Andrew, A., CO2 and cost optimization of reinforced concrete footings subjected to uniaxial uplift. Journal of Building Engineering, 3 (2015), 171-183, 2015.
Arama, Z. A., Kayabekir, A. E., Bekdaş, G., & Geem, Z. W., CO2 and cost optimization of reinforced concrete cantilever soldier piles: a parametric study with harmony search algorithm. Sustainability, 12(15), 5906, 2020.
Kayabekir, A. E., Arama, Z. A., Bekdaş, G., Nigdeli, S. M., & Geem, Z. W., Eco-friendly design of reinforced concrete retaining walls: multi-objective optimization with harmony search applications. Sustainability, 12(15), 6087, 2020.
Cakiroglu, C., Islam, K., Bekdaş, G., & Billah, M., CO2 Emission and Cost Optimization of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular (CFST) Columns Using Metaheuristic Algorithms. Sustainability, 13(14), 8092, 2021.
Cakiroglu, C., Islam, K., Bekdaş, G., Kim, S., & Geem, Z. W., CO2 Emission Optimization of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Rectangular Stub Columns Using Metaheuristic Algorithms. Sustainability, 13(19), 10981, 2021
Yang, X. S. Flower pollination algorithm for global optimization. In International conference on unconventional computing and natural computation, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 240-249, 2012
EN (Veranst.): EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Brussels : CEN, 2005
Yeo, Dong Hun, and Florian A. Potra. Sustainable design of reinforced concrete structures through CO2 emission optimization. Journal of Structural Engineering, 141(3), B4014002, 2015.
Kayabekir, A. E., Bekdaş, G., & Nigdeli, S. M. (2021). Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Considering Environmental Factors via Flower Pollination Algorithm. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13(4), 166-178.
Kayabekir AE, Bekdaş G, Nigdeli SM. Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Considering Environmental Factors via Flower Pollination Algorithm. IJEAS. December 2021;13(4):166-178. doi:10.24107/ijeas.1037908
Kayabekir, Aylin Ece, Gebrail Bekdaş, and Sinan Melih Nigdeli. “Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Considering Environmental Factors via Flower Pollination Algorithm”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13, no. 4 (December 2021): 166-78.
Kayabekir AE, Bekdaş G, Nigdeli SM (December 1, 2021) Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Considering Environmental Factors via Flower Pollination Algorithm. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13 4 166–178.
A. E. Kayabekir, G. Bekdaş, and S. M. Nigdeli, “Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Considering Environmental Factors via Flower Pollination Algorithm”, IJEAS, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 166–178, 2021, doi: 10.24107/ijeas.1037908.
Kayabekir, Aylin Ece et al. “Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Considering Environmental Factors via Flower Pollination Algorithm”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13/4 (December 2021), 166-178.
Kayabekir AE, Bekdaş G, Nigdeli SM. Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Considering Environmental Factors via Flower Pollination Algorithm. IJEAS. 2021;13:166–178.
Kayabekir, Aylin Ece et al. “Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Considering Environmental Factors via Flower Pollination Algorithm”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 13, no. 4, 2021, pp. 166-78, doi:10.24107/ijeas.1037908.
Kayabekir AE, Bekdaş G, Nigdeli SM. Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Considering Environmental Factors via Flower Pollination Algorithm. IJEAS. 2021;13(4):166-78.