Research Article
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Size Dependent Buckling Analysis of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nano-Sized I-Beam

Year 2020, , 153 - 162, 29.12.2020


In the paper, the size dependent buckling analysis of hybrid organic/inorganic nanobeam with I cross section is investigated. Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity theory is used to take the size effect into consideration. Comparative buckling loads of nanobeams for first ten modes is plotted in figure using Euler-Bernoulli theory and Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity theory. Two different size parameter is used. It is clearly demonstrated that the size effect can be neglected for first modes while it is unneglectable for higher modes. Simply supported case in investigated. The advantages of I-cross section are discussed.


  • Iijima, S., Helical microtubules of graphitic carbon. Nature, 354(6348), 56, 1991.
  • Novoselov, K.S., Geim, A.K., Morozov, S.V., Jiang, D., Zhang, Y., Dubonos, S.V., Grigorieva, I.V., Firsov, A.A., Electric field effect in atomically thin carbon films. science, 306(5696), 666-669, 2004.
  • Mercan, K., Demir, Ç., Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., Coordinate Transformation for Sector and Annular Sector Shaped Graphene Sheets on Silicone Matrix. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 7(2), 56-73, 2015.
  • Zhang, J., Ullah, S., Gao, Y., Avcar, M., Civalek, O., Analysis of orthotropic plates by the two-dimensional generalized FIT method. Computers and Concrete, 26(5), 421-427, 2020.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Modal Analysis of Micro and Nanowires Using Finite Element Softwares. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10(4), 291-304, 2018.
  • Civalek, O., Demir, Ç., Bending analysis of microtubules using nonlocal Euler–Bernoulli beam theory. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35(5), 2053-2067, 2011.
  • Demir, C., Civalek, O., Torsional and longitudinal frequency and wave response of microtubules based on the nonlocal continuum and nonlocal discrete models. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37(22), 9355-9367, 2013.
  • Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., Investigation of size effects on static response of single-walled carbon nanotubes based on strain gradient elasticity. International Journal of Computational Methods, 9(02), 1240032, 2012.
  • Jalaei, M.H., Civalek, O., A nonlocal strain gradient refined plate theory for dynamic instability of embedded graphene sheet including thermal effects. Composite Structures, 220, 209-220, 2019.
  • Akgoz, B., Civalek, O., Analysis of microtubules based on strain gradient elasticity and modified couple stress theories. Advances in Vibration Engineering, 11(4), 385-400, 2012.
  • Mercan, K., Emsen, E., Civalek, Ö., Effect of silicon dioxide substrate on buckling behavior of Zinc Oxide nanotubes via size-dependent continuum theories. Composite Structures, 218, 130-141, 2019.
  • Civalek, O., Numanoğlu, H.M., Mercan, K., Finite Element Model and Size Dependent Stability Analysis of Boron Nitride and Silicon Carbide Nanowires/Nanotubes. Scientia Iranica, 26(4), 2079-2099, 2019.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Buckling analysis of Silicon carbide nanotubes (SiCNTs) with surface effect and nonlocal elasticity using the method of HDQ. Composites Part B: Engineering, 114, 34-45, 2017.
  • Ebrahimi, F., Barati, M.R., Civalek, O., Application of Chebyshev–Ritz method for static stability and vibration analysis of nonlocal microstructure-dependent nanostructures. Engineering with Computers, 1-12, 2019.
  • Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., Vibrational characteristics of embedded microbeams lying on a two-parameter elastic foundation in thermal environment. Composites Part B: Engineering, 150, 68-77, 2018.
  • Numanoglu, H.M., Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Frequency and Mode Shapes of Au Nanowires Using the Continuous Beam Models. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 9(1), 55-61, 2017.
  • Mercan, K., Akgöz, B., Demir, Ç., Civalek, O., Frequencies Values of Orthotropic Composite Circular and Annular Plates. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 9(2), 55-65, 2017.
  • Demir, Ç., Ersoy, H., Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Free vibration analysis of annular sector plates via conical shell equations. Curved and Layered Structures, 4(1), 146-157, 2017.
  • Demir, Ç., Akgöz, B., Erdinç, M.C., Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Elastik bir ortamdaki grafen tabakanın titreşim hesabı. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(2), 2017.
  • Emsen, E., Mercan, K., Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., Modal analysis of tapered beam-column embedded in Winkler elastic foundation. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 7(1), 1-11, 2015.
  • Civalek, O., Uzun, B., Yaylı, M.Ö., Akgöz, B., Size-dependent transverse and longitudinal vibrations of embedded carbon and silica carbide nanotubes by nonlocal finite element method. The European Physical Journal Plus, 135(4), 381, 2020.
  • Mercan, K., Ersoy, H., Civalek, O., Free Vibration of Annular Plates by Discrete Singular Convolution and Differential Quadrature Methods. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2(3), 128-133, 2016.
  • Akgöz, B., Mercan, K., Demir, Ç., Civalek, O., Static analysis of beams on elastic foundation by the method of discrete singular convolution. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 8(3), 67-73, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Demir, Ç., Ersoy, H., Civalek, O., The effects of thickness on frequency values for rotating circular shells. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 8(1), 26-37, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Ebrahimi, F., Civalek, O., Vibration of angle-ply laminated composite circular and annular plates. Steel and Composite Structures, 34(1), 141-154, 2020.
  • Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., A size-dependent beam model for stability of axially loaded carbon nanotubes surrounded by Pasternak elastic foundation. Composite Structures, 176, 1028-1038, 2017.
  • Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., Bending analysis of embedded carbon nanotubes resting on an elastic foundation using strain gradient theory. Acta Astronautica, 119, 1-12, 2016.
  • Demir, C., Mercan, K., Numanoglu, H.M., Civalek, O., Bending response of nanobeams resting on elastic foundation. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 4(2), 105-114, 2018.
  • Mercan, K., Comparative Stability Analysis of Silicone Carbide Nanotube using MD Simulation and FEM Software. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11(4), 507-511, 2019.
  • Mercan, K., A Comparative Buckling Analysis of Silicon Carbide Nanotube and Boron Nitride Nanotube. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 8(4), 99-107, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Aydoğdu, İ., Civalek, O., Discrete Singular Convolution and Differential Quadrature Method for Buckling Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 8(4), 66-74, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., A Simple Buckling Analysis of Aorta Artery. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 7(4), 34-44, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., DSC method for buckling analysis of boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) surrounded by an elastic matrix. Composite structures, 143, 300-309, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Buckling Analysis of Silicon Carbide Nanotubes (SiCNTs). International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 8(2), 101-108, 2016.
  • Civalek, O., Uzun, B., Yaylı, M.Ö., Stability analysis of nanobeams placed in electromagnetic field using a finite element method. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13(21), 1165, 2020.
  • Lv, S., Ma, L., Shen, X., Tong, H., One-step copper-catalyzed synthesis of porous carbon nanotubes for high-performance supercapacitors. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 310, 110670, 2021.
  • Akbas, S.D., Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Post-buckling analysis of aorta artery under axial compression loads. Advances in nano research, 8(3), 255-264, 2020.
  • Rodriguez, M.A., Anunziata, O.A., Beltramone, A.R., Martínez, M.L., Multiple-wall carbon nanotubes obtained with mesoporous material decorated with ceria-zirconia. Materials Letters, 283, 128900, 2021.
  • Demir, Ç., Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Determination of critical buckling loads of isotropic, FGM and laminated truncated conical panel. Composites Part B: Engineering, 94, 1-10, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Demir, Ç., Civalek, O., Vibration analysis of FG cylindrical shells with power-law index using discrete singular convolution technique. Curved and Layered Structures, 3(1), 82-90, 2016.
  • Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., Effects of thermal and shear deformation on vibration response of functionally graded thick composite microbeams. Composites Part B: Engineering, 129, 77-87, 2017.
  • AlSaid-Alwan, H.H.S., Avcar, M., Analytical solution of free vibration of FG beam utilizing different types of beam theories: A comparative study. Computers and Concrete, 26(3), 285-292, 2020.
  • Arefi, M., Firouzeh, S., Mohammad-Rezaei Bidgoli, E., Civalek, O., Analysis of porous micro-plates reinforced with FG-GNPs based on Reddy plate theory. Composite Structures, 247, 112391, 2020.
  • Hadji, L., Avcar, M., Free Vibration Analysis of FG Porous Sandwich Plates under ‎Various Boundary Conditions. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2020.
  • Jalaei, M.H., Civalek, O., On dynamic instability of magnetically embedded viscoelastic porous FG nanobeam. International Journal of Engineering Science, 143, 14-32, 2019.
  • Civalek, O., Kiracioglu, O., Free vibration analysis of Timoshenko beams by DSC method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 26(12), 1890-1898, 2010.
  • Civalek, O., Yavas, A., Large deflection static analysis of rectangular plates on two parameter elastic foundations. International Journal of Science and Technology, 1(1), 43-50, 2006.
  • Uzun, B., Yaylı, M.Ö., Nonlocal vibration analysis of Ti-6Al-4V/ZrO2 functionally graded nanobeam on elastic matrix. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13(4), 155, 2020.
  • Uzun, B., Yaylı, M.Ö., Deliktaş, B., Free vibration of FG nanobeam using a finite-element method. Micro & Nano Letters. 15, 35-40, 2020.
  • Dastjerdi, S., Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., On the effect of viscoelasticity on behavior of gyroscopes. International Journal of Engineering Science, 149, 103236, 2020.
  • Mercan, K., Baltacıoglu, A.K., Civalek, O., Free vibration of laminated and FGM/CNT composites annular thick plates with shear deformation by discrete singular convolution method. Composite Structures, 186, 139-153, 2018.
  • Civalek, O., Avcar, M., Free vibration and buckling analyses of CNT reinforced laminated non-rectangular plates by discrete singular convolution method. Engineering with Computers, 2020.
  • Civalek, O., Geometrically nonlinear dynamic and static analysis of shallow spherical shell resting on two-parameters elastic foundations. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 113, 1-9, 2014.
  • Ersoy, H., Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Frequencies of FGM shells and annular plates by the methods of discrete singular convolution and differential quadrature methods. Composite Structures, 183, 7-20, 2018.
  • Civalek, O., Finite Element analysis of plates and shells. Elazığ: Fırat University, 1998.
  • De Volder, M.F., Tawfick, S.H., Baughman, R.H., Hart, A.J., Carbon nanotubes: present and future commercial applications. Science, 339(6119), 535-539, 2013.
  • Kinloch, I.A., Suhr, J., Lou, J., Young, R.J., Ajayan, P.M., Composites with carbon nanotubes and graphene: An outlook. Science, 362(6414), 547-553, 2018.
  • Elmoselhy, S.A.M., Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nano-I-Beam for Structural Nano-mechanics. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 18324, 2019.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Comparison of small scale effect theories for buckling analysis of nanobeams. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 9(3), 2017.
  • Mercan, K., Numanoglu, H.M., Akgöz, B., Demir, C., Civalek, O., Higher-order continuum theories for buckling response of silicon carbide nanowires (SiCNWs) on elastic matrix. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 87(11), 1797-1814, 2017.
  • Sim, L.C., Tan, W.H., Leong, K.H., Bashir, M.J., Saravanan, P., Surib, N.A., Mechanistic characteristics of surface modified organic semiconductor g-C3N4 nanotubes alloyed with titania. Materials, 10(1), 28, 2017.
  • Prasad, C., Tang, H., Liu, Q., Bahadur, I., Karlapudi, S., Jiang, Y., A latest overview on photocatalytic application of g-C3N4 based nanostructured materials for hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(1), 337-379, 2020.
  • Eringen, A.C., Nonlocal continuum field theories, Springer Science & Business Media, 2002.
  • Civalek, O., Demir, Ç., Akgöz, B., Static analysis of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) based on Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity theory. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1(2), 47-56, 2009.
  • Manyali, G.S., Warmbier, R., Quandt, A., Lowther, J.E., Ab initio study of elastic properties of super hard and graphitic structures of C3N4. Computational Materials Science, 69, 299-303, 2013.
Year 2020, , 153 - 162, 29.12.2020



  • Iijima, S., Helical microtubules of graphitic carbon. Nature, 354(6348), 56, 1991.
  • Novoselov, K.S., Geim, A.K., Morozov, S.V., Jiang, D., Zhang, Y., Dubonos, S.V., Grigorieva, I.V., Firsov, A.A., Electric field effect in atomically thin carbon films. science, 306(5696), 666-669, 2004.
  • Mercan, K., Demir, Ç., Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., Coordinate Transformation for Sector and Annular Sector Shaped Graphene Sheets on Silicone Matrix. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 7(2), 56-73, 2015.
  • Zhang, J., Ullah, S., Gao, Y., Avcar, M., Civalek, O., Analysis of orthotropic plates by the two-dimensional generalized FIT method. Computers and Concrete, 26(5), 421-427, 2020.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Modal Analysis of Micro and Nanowires Using Finite Element Softwares. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10(4), 291-304, 2018.
  • Civalek, O., Demir, Ç., Bending analysis of microtubules using nonlocal Euler–Bernoulli beam theory. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35(5), 2053-2067, 2011.
  • Demir, C., Civalek, O., Torsional and longitudinal frequency and wave response of microtubules based on the nonlocal continuum and nonlocal discrete models. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37(22), 9355-9367, 2013.
  • Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., Investigation of size effects on static response of single-walled carbon nanotubes based on strain gradient elasticity. International Journal of Computational Methods, 9(02), 1240032, 2012.
  • Jalaei, M.H., Civalek, O., A nonlocal strain gradient refined plate theory for dynamic instability of embedded graphene sheet including thermal effects. Composite Structures, 220, 209-220, 2019.
  • Akgoz, B., Civalek, O., Analysis of microtubules based on strain gradient elasticity and modified couple stress theories. Advances in Vibration Engineering, 11(4), 385-400, 2012.
  • Mercan, K., Emsen, E., Civalek, Ö., Effect of silicon dioxide substrate on buckling behavior of Zinc Oxide nanotubes via size-dependent continuum theories. Composite Structures, 218, 130-141, 2019.
  • Civalek, O., Numanoğlu, H.M., Mercan, K., Finite Element Model and Size Dependent Stability Analysis of Boron Nitride and Silicon Carbide Nanowires/Nanotubes. Scientia Iranica, 26(4), 2079-2099, 2019.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Buckling analysis of Silicon carbide nanotubes (SiCNTs) with surface effect and nonlocal elasticity using the method of HDQ. Composites Part B: Engineering, 114, 34-45, 2017.
  • Ebrahimi, F., Barati, M.R., Civalek, O., Application of Chebyshev–Ritz method for static stability and vibration analysis of nonlocal microstructure-dependent nanostructures. Engineering with Computers, 1-12, 2019.
  • Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., Vibrational characteristics of embedded microbeams lying on a two-parameter elastic foundation in thermal environment. Composites Part B: Engineering, 150, 68-77, 2018.
  • Numanoglu, H.M., Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Frequency and Mode Shapes of Au Nanowires Using the Continuous Beam Models. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 9(1), 55-61, 2017.
  • Mercan, K., Akgöz, B., Demir, Ç., Civalek, O., Frequencies Values of Orthotropic Composite Circular and Annular Plates. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 9(2), 55-65, 2017.
  • Demir, Ç., Ersoy, H., Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Free vibration analysis of annular sector plates via conical shell equations. Curved and Layered Structures, 4(1), 146-157, 2017.
  • Demir, Ç., Akgöz, B., Erdinç, M.C., Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Elastik bir ortamdaki grafen tabakanın titreşim hesabı. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(2), 2017.
  • Emsen, E., Mercan, K., Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., Modal analysis of tapered beam-column embedded in Winkler elastic foundation. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 7(1), 1-11, 2015.
  • Civalek, O., Uzun, B., Yaylı, M.Ö., Akgöz, B., Size-dependent transverse and longitudinal vibrations of embedded carbon and silica carbide nanotubes by nonlocal finite element method. The European Physical Journal Plus, 135(4), 381, 2020.
  • Mercan, K., Ersoy, H., Civalek, O., Free Vibration of Annular Plates by Discrete Singular Convolution and Differential Quadrature Methods. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2(3), 128-133, 2016.
  • Akgöz, B., Mercan, K., Demir, Ç., Civalek, O., Static analysis of beams on elastic foundation by the method of discrete singular convolution. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 8(3), 67-73, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Demir, Ç., Ersoy, H., Civalek, O., The effects of thickness on frequency values for rotating circular shells. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 8(1), 26-37, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Ebrahimi, F., Civalek, O., Vibration of angle-ply laminated composite circular and annular plates. Steel and Composite Structures, 34(1), 141-154, 2020.
  • Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., A size-dependent beam model for stability of axially loaded carbon nanotubes surrounded by Pasternak elastic foundation. Composite Structures, 176, 1028-1038, 2017.
  • Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., Bending analysis of embedded carbon nanotubes resting on an elastic foundation using strain gradient theory. Acta Astronautica, 119, 1-12, 2016.
  • Demir, C., Mercan, K., Numanoglu, H.M., Civalek, O., Bending response of nanobeams resting on elastic foundation. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 4(2), 105-114, 2018.
  • Mercan, K., Comparative Stability Analysis of Silicone Carbide Nanotube using MD Simulation and FEM Software. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11(4), 507-511, 2019.
  • Mercan, K., A Comparative Buckling Analysis of Silicon Carbide Nanotube and Boron Nitride Nanotube. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 8(4), 99-107, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Aydoğdu, İ., Civalek, O., Discrete Singular Convolution and Differential Quadrature Method for Buckling Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 8(4), 66-74, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., A Simple Buckling Analysis of Aorta Artery. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 7(4), 34-44, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., DSC method for buckling analysis of boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) surrounded by an elastic matrix. Composite structures, 143, 300-309, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Buckling Analysis of Silicon Carbide Nanotubes (SiCNTs). International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 8(2), 101-108, 2016.
  • Civalek, O., Uzun, B., Yaylı, M.Ö., Stability analysis of nanobeams placed in electromagnetic field using a finite element method. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13(21), 1165, 2020.
  • Lv, S., Ma, L., Shen, X., Tong, H., One-step copper-catalyzed synthesis of porous carbon nanotubes for high-performance supercapacitors. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 310, 110670, 2021.
  • Akbas, S.D., Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Post-buckling analysis of aorta artery under axial compression loads. Advances in nano research, 8(3), 255-264, 2020.
  • Rodriguez, M.A., Anunziata, O.A., Beltramone, A.R., Martínez, M.L., Multiple-wall carbon nanotubes obtained with mesoporous material decorated with ceria-zirconia. Materials Letters, 283, 128900, 2021.
  • Demir, Ç., Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Determination of critical buckling loads of isotropic, FGM and laminated truncated conical panel. Composites Part B: Engineering, 94, 1-10, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Demir, Ç., Civalek, O., Vibration analysis of FG cylindrical shells with power-law index using discrete singular convolution technique. Curved and Layered Structures, 3(1), 82-90, 2016.
  • Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., Effects of thermal and shear deformation on vibration response of functionally graded thick composite microbeams. Composites Part B: Engineering, 129, 77-87, 2017.
  • AlSaid-Alwan, H.H.S., Avcar, M., Analytical solution of free vibration of FG beam utilizing different types of beam theories: A comparative study. Computers and Concrete, 26(3), 285-292, 2020.
  • Arefi, M., Firouzeh, S., Mohammad-Rezaei Bidgoli, E., Civalek, O., Analysis of porous micro-plates reinforced with FG-GNPs based on Reddy plate theory. Composite Structures, 247, 112391, 2020.
  • Hadji, L., Avcar, M., Free Vibration Analysis of FG Porous Sandwich Plates under ‎Various Boundary Conditions. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2020.
  • Jalaei, M.H., Civalek, O., On dynamic instability of magnetically embedded viscoelastic porous FG nanobeam. International Journal of Engineering Science, 143, 14-32, 2019.
  • Civalek, O., Kiracioglu, O., Free vibration analysis of Timoshenko beams by DSC method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 26(12), 1890-1898, 2010.
  • Civalek, O., Yavas, A., Large deflection static analysis of rectangular plates on two parameter elastic foundations. International Journal of Science and Technology, 1(1), 43-50, 2006.
  • Uzun, B., Yaylı, M.Ö., Nonlocal vibration analysis of Ti-6Al-4V/ZrO2 functionally graded nanobeam on elastic matrix. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13(4), 155, 2020.
  • Uzun, B., Yaylı, M.Ö., Deliktaş, B., Free vibration of FG nanobeam using a finite-element method. Micro & Nano Letters. 15, 35-40, 2020.
  • Dastjerdi, S., Akgöz, B., Civalek, O., On the effect of viscoelasticity on behavior of gyroscopes. International Journal of Engineering Science, 149, 103236, 2020.
  • Mercan, K., Baltacıoglu, A.K., Civalek, O., Free vibration of laminated and FGM/CNT composites annular thick plates with shear deformation by discrete singular convolution method. Composite Structures, 186, 139-153, 2018.
  • Civalek, O., Avcar, M., Free vibration and buckling analyses of CNT reinforced laminated non-rectangular plates by discrete singular convolution method. Engineering with Computers, 2020.
  • Civalek, O., Geometrically nonlinear dynamic and static analysis of shallow spherical shell resting on two-parameters elastic foundations. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 113, 1-9, 2014.
  • Ersoy, H., Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Frequencies of FGM shells and annular plates by the methods of discrete singular convolution and differential quadrature methods. Composite Structures, 183, 7-20, 2018.
  • Civalek, O., Finite Element analysis of plates and shells. Elazığ: Fırat University, 1998.
  • De Volder, M.F., Tawfick, S.H., Baughman, R.H., Hart, A.J., Carbon nanotubes: present and future commercial applications. Science, 339(6119), 535-539, 2013.
  • Kinloch, I.A., Suhr, J., Lou, J., Young, R.J., Ajayan, P.M., Composites with carbon nanotubes and graphene: An outlook. Science, 362(6414), 547-553, 2018.
  • Elmoselhy, S.A.M., Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nano-I-Beam for Structural Nano-mechanics. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 18324, 2019.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Comparison of small scale effect theories for buckling analysis of nanobeams. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 9(3), 2017.
  • Mercan, K., Numanoglu, H.M., Akgöz, B., Demir, C., Civalek, O., Higher-order continuum theories for buckling response of silicon carbide nanowires (SiCNWs) on elastic matrix. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 87(11), 1797-1814, 2017.
  • Sim, L.C., Tan, W.H., Leong, K.H., Bashir, M.J., Saravanan, P., Surib, N.A., Mechanistic characteristics of surface modified organic semiconductor g-C3N4 nanotubes alloyed with titania. Materials, 10(1), 28, 2017.
  • Prasad, C., Tang, H., Liu, Q., Bahadur, I., Karlapudi, S., Jiang, Y., A latest overview on photocatalytic application of g-C3N4 based nanostructured materials for hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(1), 337-379, 2020.
  • Eringen, A.C., Nonlocal continuum field theories, Springer Science & Business Media, 2002.
  • Civalek, O., Demir, Ç., Akgöz, B., Static analysis of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) based on Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity theory. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1(2), 47-56, 2009.
  • Manyali, G.S., Warmbier, R., Quandt, A., Lowther, J.E., Ab initio study of elastic properties of super hard and graphitic structures of C3N4. Computational Materials Science, 69, 299-303, 2013.
There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Kadir Mercan 0000-0003-3657-6274

Publication Date December 29, 2020
Acceptance Date December 28, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Mercan, K. (2020). Size Dependent Buckling Analysis of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nano-Sized I-Beam. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12(4), 153-162.
AMA Mercan K. Size Dependent Buckling Analysis of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nano-Sized I-Beam. IJEAS. December 2020;12(4):153-162. doi:10.24107/ijeas.836644
Chicago Mercan, Kadir. “Size Dependent Buckling Analysis of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nano-Sized I-Beam”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12, no. 4 (December 2020): 153-62.
EndNote Mercan K (December 1, 2020) Size Dependent Buckling Analysis of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nano-Sized I-Beam. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 4 153–162.
IEEE K. Mercan, “Size Dependent Buckling Analysis of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nano-Sized I-Beam”, IJEAS, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 153–162, 2020, doi: 10.24107/ijeas.836644.
ISNAD Mercan, Kadir. “Size Dependent Buckling Analysis of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nano-Sized I-Beam”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12/4 (December 2020), 153-162.
JAMA Mercan K. Size Dependent Buckling Analysis of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nano-Sized I-Beam. IJEAS. 2020;12:153–162.
MLA Mercan, Kadir. “Size Dependent Buckling Analysis of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nano-Sized I-Beam”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 12, no. 4, 2020, pp. 153-62, doi:10.24107/ijeas.836644.
Vancouver Mercan K. Size Dependent Buckling Analysis of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Nano-Sized I-Beam. IJEAS. 2020;12(4):153-62.