Fig (Ficus carica var. domestica L.) Genetic Resources Conservation and Characterization
Year 2023,
, 1 - 19, 15.07.2023
Arzu Ayar
Berrin Şahin
Demet Mutlu
Mesut Özen
Aytekin Belge
Çağlar Karacaoğlan
In this study, 292 female fig genotypes, (including foreign origins) in the fig field gene bank, were evaluated for qualitative characteristics in IPGRI (International Plant Genetic Resources Institute) definitions. These features are tree growth (tree growth power, branching, shoot length, etc.), leaf (leaf area, shape, number of lobes, etc.), fruit (fruit weight, color, ostiole opening, flesh thickness, etc.). Generally, non-metric definitions of these features were classified between certain ranges and expressed as percentage. For example; tree growth of genotypes was observed to be strong in 33% , and, apical dominance was determined in 17% of the genotypes. 60% of the genotypes have a medium (10-20cm) shoot length and, leaf area varies between 250-400cm2 in %53 . The color of the fruits was determined as yellow in 34%, green in 32%, purple in 21% and black in 13% of genotypes. Within the scope of this continuous project, the collection of multiple data continues.
Supporting Institution
TAGEM / İncir Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü
Project Number
This project covers the general characterization evaluation of all genotypes and cultivars available in the female fig field gene bank of the 'Fig (Ficus carica L.) Genetic Resources Conservation and Characterization' project. Nilgün TAN, Ramazan KONAK, Eşref TUTMUŞ, Dr. Birgul ERTAN, Dr. Özlem DOĞAN, Dr. İlknur KÖSOĞLU, Prof. Dr. Ferit ÇOBANOĞLU contributed to the project in 2005-2006 (each researcher as 2.1%). These researchers were not involved in the project. The data in this project has been updated since 2015. The project continues with leader Dr. Arzu AYAR with the contribution of other researchers Berrin ŞAHİN, Demet MUTLU, Mesut ÖZEN, Aytekin BELGE and Çağlar KARACAOĞLAN. We thanks to all researchers which have been worked this project. There is no conflict of interest between the authors. In the research and ethics of publication were complied with and also ethics committee approval is not required.We thank to General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policy (TAGEM) and Fig Research Institute in Aydın in Turkey.
- Achtak H., Ater, M., Oukabli, A., Santoni, S., Kjellberg, F., and Khadari, B. (2010). Traditional agroecosystems as conservatories and incubators of cultivated plant varietal diversity: the case of fig (Ficus carica L.) in Morocco. In: BMC Plant Biology, 10(1), 28.
- Aksoy U., Can. H.Z., Misirli, A., Kara, S., Seferoglu, H.G., Sahin, N. (April, 2003). Fig (Ficus carica L.) Selection study for fresh market in Western Turkey. (p:197-203). Spain. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 605: II International Symposium on Fig.
- Aljane F., and Ferchichi, A., (2009). Assessment of genetic diversity among some Southern Tunisian Fig (Ficus carica L.) cultivars based on morphological descriptors. In: Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5, (1), 2009-1.
- Anonymous, 2003. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, (IPGRI), Rome (Italy); Pages: 52 p.
- Anonymous, 2007. UPOV. International Union fort he Projection of new varieties of plants. TG/FIG (proj.2). Geneva, Spain; pp:52.
- Anonymous 2017. Mabberley's Plant-Book A Portable Dictionary of Plants, their Classification and Uses, 4th Edition by Cambridge University. Available at
- Ayar A., and Seferoğlu, H.G. (2021). Investigations on yield and dried quality of Sarılop fig clones for further registration. In M. Pakyürek (Ed.) Current Studies on Fruit Size. (pp:39-72). Ankara. İksad Press.
- Basheer-S.R, Awad, M., Hamdan, Y., and Shtaya, M. (2013). Genetic variability of some palestinian Fig (Ficus carica L.) genotypes based on pomological and morphological descriptors. An-Najah Univ.J.Res.(N.Sc), 27(2013), 83-110.
- Benettayeb Z.E, Bencheikh M., Setti B., and Chaillou S. (2017). Genetic diversity of Algerian fig (Ficus carica L.) cultivars based on morphological and quality traits. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74 (3), 311-316.
- Çalışkan, O., and Polat, A. A. (2012 a). Morphological diversity among fig (Ficus carica L.) accessions sampled from the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Türk Tarım ve Ormancılık Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 36(1),179-193.
- Dalkilic, Z., Mestav, HO., Dalkilic GG., and Kocatas, H. (2011). Genetic diversity of male fig (Ficus carica caprificus L.) genotypes with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Afr. J. Biot. 10(4),519–526.
- Ergül, A., Büyük, BP., Hazrati, N. Yılmaz F., Kazan, K., Arslan, N., Özmen, CY., Aydın, SS., Bakır, M., Tan, N., Kösoğlu, İ., and Çobanoğlu, F. (2021). Genetic characterisation and population structure analysis of Anatolian figs (Ficus carica L.) by SSR markers. Folia Horticulturae. 33(1) (2021), 49–78. DOI: 10.2478/fhort-2021-0005.
- Gaaliche, B., Saddoud, O., and Mars, M. (2012). Research article morphological and pomological diversity of fig (Ficus carica L.) cultivars in Northwest of Tunisia. International Scholarly Research Network, ISRN Agronomy. 2012, (9) DOI:10.5402/2012/326461.
- Gabibova A. R., Gasaynieva Z. A., and Zalibekov, M. D.(2021). Populations of the rare Ficus carica L. in the arid conditions of Dagestan. System Study Of Arıd Terrıtorıes. Arid Ecosystems, 11, 256–261
- Giraldo E., and Corrales M.L., (2010a). Selection of the Most discriminating morphological qualitative variables for characterization of fig germplasm. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 135(3):240-249.
- Giraldo, E., Corrales M.L., and Hormaza., J.I. (2010b). Selection of the most discriminating morphological qualitative variables for characterization of fig germplasm. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135:240–249.
- Gozlekci S. (2010). Selection studies on fig (Ficus carica L.) in Antalya Province of Turkey, 9(46)
- Gözlekçi, S. (2011).Pomological traits of fig (Ficus carica L.) Genotypes collected in the West Mediterranean Region in Turkey. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 21(4).
- Khadari B, Grout C, Santoni S, and Kjellberg F. (2005). Contrasting genetic diversity and differentiation among Mediterranean populations of Ficus carica L.: a study using mtDNA RFLP. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 52: 97-109.
- Khadivi A., Anjam, R., and Anjam, K. (2018). Morphological and pomological characterization of edible fig (Ficus carica L.) to select the superior trees. Scientia Horticulturae, 238, 66-74.
- Kocataş, H., Kösoğlu, İ., and Altunkaya, O.(2005-2009). İncir Genetik Kaynakları Muhafaza ve Değerlendirme Araştırma Projesi. İncir Araştırma Ens. Müd.,Aydın.
- Kocataş, H., Kösoğlu, İ., Özen, M., Belge, A., and Arpacı, S. (2010-2014). İncir Genetik Kaynakları Muhafaza ve Değerlendirme Araştırma Projesi. İncir Araştırma Ens. Müd.,Aydın.
- Küden, A.B., Tanrıver, E., and Kaşka, N., (October, 1995). Çukurova Bölgesi’ne önerilebilecek bazı incir çeşit ve klonlarının saptanması. Türkiye 2. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, (p. 663-667), Adana, Turkey.
- Küden, A.B., and Tanriver, E., (1998). Plant genetic resources and selection studies on figs in the East Mediterranean And South East Anatolia Regions. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 480: I International Symposium on Fig. DOI: 10.17660/Acta Hortic.1998.480.6
- Mahdavian M., Lessani H., Kuhi M., Zare H., Akrami M., and Tabatabaei Z. (2007). Morphological and pomological characteristics of figs from Istahban, Iran. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 760: XXVII International Horticultural Congress - IHC2006: II International Symposium on Plant Genetic Resources of Horticultural Crops. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.760.74
- Mars M., (2003). Fig (Ficus carica L.) genetic resources and breeding. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 605: II International Symposium on Fig. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2003.605.1
- Mars M., Chatti K., Saddoud O., Salhi-Hannachi A., Trifi M., and Marrakchi M. (2008). Fig cultivation and genetic resources in Tunisia, ISHS Acta Horticulturae 798: III International Symposium on Fig. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2008.798.2
- Moısescu, E and Stănıcă, F.( 2021). Preliminary results regarding the behavior of some fig genotypes in Bucharest Area Conditions. Issn-L 2285-5653. Horticulture. 1 (2021).
- Nader, R.A., Rehab, M.A., Hayssam, MA., Mohamed, Z.M.S., Kamal, FA., and Mohamed, SE., (2019). Morphological, pomological, and specific molecular marker resources for genetic diversity analyses in fig (Ficus carica L.) Hort Science 54(8):1299–1309.
- Padmavati G. G., Gowthmi R. Tripathi, K., Kumar PV., Tyagi, V., Singh, N., and Gupta V. (2021). Genetic resources. Environment and Climate-smart Food Production (pp: 109-149).
- Podgornik, M., Vuk, I., Vrhovnik, I., and Mavsar. D.B. (2010). A survey and morphological evaluation of fig (Ficus carica L.) genetic resources from Slovenia. Scientia Horticulturae,125(3), 380-389
- Presti, F.T., and Wasko A.P.(2014). A review of microsatellite markers and their application on genetic diversity studies in parrots. Open J. Genet. 4(2):69.
- Stover, E. and M. Aradhya. (2005). Fig genetic resources and research at the us national clonal germplasm repository in Davis, (pp. 57–68). III Inter. Symp. on Fig, California.
- Saddoud, O., Baraket , G., Chatti, K., Trifi, M, Marrakchi, M., and Salhi-Hannachi, A. (2008). Morphological variability of Fig (Ficus carica L.) cultivars. 35-51
- Simsek, E., Kilic, D., and Caliskan, O. (2003). Phenotypic variation of fig genotypes (Ficus carica L.) in the Eastern Mediterranean of Turkey. Genetika, 52(3), 957-972.
- Simsek, M. and Yildirim H.. (2010). Fruit characteristics of the selected fig genotypes. Afr. J. Biot. 9:6056–6060.
- Sımsek, M., Gulsoy, E., Kırar M Z., Turgut, Y., and Yucel, B. (2017). Identıfıcatıon and selectıon of some female fig (Ficus carica L.) Genotypes From Mardin Province of Turkey. Pak. J. Bot., 49(2): 541-546.
- Sımsek, E., Kılıc,D., and Calıskan, O. (2020). Phenotypic variation of fig genotypes (Ficus carica L.) in the Eastern Medıterranean of Turkey. Genetıka, 52(3), 957-972,
- Tanrıver, E. (2019). Fig Production and Germplasm in Turkey. Modern Fruit Industry. (pp.105).
- Tripathi, P., (2017). Principles, Strategies and practices of exploration, collection, characterization, evaluation and cataloging of plant genetic resources important fruit crops. Project: Plant genetic Resources of Horticultural Crops, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15781.60648
- Zhou, H., J. Liao, Y.-P. Xia, and Y.-W., Teng., (2013). Morphological characteristics for classifying ever green azalea (Ericaceae) cultivars in china using numerical taxonomy. Pak. J. Bot. 45:593–598.
Dişi İncir (Ficus carica var. domestica L.) Genetik Kaynakları Muhafaza ve Karakterizasyonu
Year 2023,
, 1 - 19, 15.07.2023
Arzu Ayar
Berrin Şahin
Demet Mutlu
Mesut Özen
Aytekin Belge
Çağlar Karacaoğlan
Bu çalışmada, incir arazi gen bankasında bulunan yabancı orijinliler de dahil olmak üzere 292 dişi incir genotipi, IPGRI (Uluslararası Bitki Genetik Kaynakları Enstitüsü) tanımlamalarındaki nitel özellikler yönünden değerlendirilmiştir. Bu özellikler ağaç gelişimi (ağaç büyüme gücü, dallanma, sürgün uzunluğu vb.), yaprak (yaprak alanı, şekli, lopların sayısı vb.), meyve (meyve ağırlığı, rengi, ostiol genişliği, tabla kalınlığı vb.) özellikleridir. Genellikle bu özelliklere ait metrik olmayan tanımlamalar belirli aralıklar arasında sınıflandırılarak, %’de olarak ifade edilmiştir. Örneğin; ağaç gelişiminin genotiplerin %33’ünde kuvvetli olduğu saptanmış, %17’sinde apikal dominansi görülmüştür. Genotiplerin %60’ı orta (10-20cm) sürgün uzunluğuna sahip olup, yaprak alanı %53’ünde 250-400cm2 arasında değişmektedir. Meyvelerin rengi, genotiplerin %34’ünde sarı, %32’sinde yeşil, %21’inde mor ve %13’ünde siyah olarak saptanmıştır. Bu sürekli proje kapsamında, çoklu verilerin alınmasına devam edilmektedir.
Project Number
- Achtak H., Ater, M., Oukabli, A., Santoni, S., Kjellberg, F., and Khadari, B. (2010). Traditional agroecosystems as conservatories and incubators of cultivated plant varietal diversity: the case of fig (Ficus carica L.) in Morocco. In: BMC Plant Biology, 10(1), 28.
- Aksoy U., Can. H.Z., Misirli, A., Kara, S., Seferoglu, H.G., Sahin, N. (April, 2003). Fig (Ficus carica L.) Selection study for fresh market in Western Turkey. (p:197-203). Spain. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 605: II International Symposium on Fig.
- Aljane F., and Ferchichi, A., (2009). Assessment of genetic diversity among some Southern Tunisian Fig (Ficus carica L.) cultivars based on morphological descriptors. In: Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5, (1), 2009-1.
- Anonymous, 2003. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, (IPGRI), Rome (Italy); Pages: 52 p.
- Anonymous, 2007. UPOV. International Union fort he Projection of new varieties of plants. TG/FIG (proj.2). Geneva, Spain; pp:52.
- Anonymous 2017. Mabberley's Plant-Book A Portable Dictionary of Plants, their Classification and Uses, 4th Edition by Cambridge University. Available at
- Ayar A., and Seferoğlu, H.G. (2021). Investigations on yield and dried quality of Sarılop fig clones for further registration. In M. Pakyürek (Ed.) Current Studies on Fruit Size. (pp:39-72). Ankara. İksad Press.
- Basheer-S.R, Awad, M., Hamdan, Y., and Shtaya, M. (2013). Genetic variability of some palestinian Fig (Ficus carica L.) genotypes based on pomological and morphological descriptors. An-Najah Univ.J.Res.(N.Sc), 27(2013), 83-110.
- Benettayeb Z.E, Bencheikh M., Setti B., and Chaillou S. (2017). Genetic diversity of Algerian fig (Ficus carica L.) cultivars based on morphological and quality traits. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 74 (3), 311-316.
- Çalışkan, O., and Polat, A. A. (2012 a). Morphological diversity among fig (Ficus carica L.) accessions sampled from the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Türk Tarım ve Ormancılık Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 36(1),179-193.
- Dalkilic, Z., Mestav, HO., Dalkilic GG., and Kocatas, H. (2011). Genetic diversity of male fig (Ficus carica caprificus L.) genotypes with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Afr. J. Biot. 10(4),519–526.
- Ergül, A., Büyük, BP., Hazrati, N. Yılmaz F., Kazan, K., Arslan, N., Özmen, CY., Aydın, SS., Bakır, M., Tan, N., Kösoğlu, İ., and Çobanoğlu, F. (2021). Genetic characterisation and population structure analysis of Anatolian figs (Ficus carica L.) by SSR markers. Folia Horticulturae. 33(1) (2021), 49–78. DOI: 10.2478/fhort-2021-0005.
- Gaaliche, B., Saddoud, O., and Mars, M. (2012). Research article morphological and pomological diversity of fig (Ficus carica L.) cultivars in Northwest of Tunisia. International Scholarly Research Network, ISRN Agronomy. 2012, (9) DOI:10.5402/2012/326461.
- Gabibova A. R., Gasaynieva Z. A., and Zalibekov, M. D.(2021). Populations of the rare Ficus carica L. in the arid conditions of Dagestan. System Study Of Arıd Terrıtorıes. Arid Ecosystems, 11, 256–261
- Giraldo E., and Corrales M.L., (2010a). Selection of the Most discriminating morphological qualitative variables for characterization of fig germplasm. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 135(3):240-249.
- Giraldo, E., Corrales M.L., and Hormaza., J.I. (2010b). Selection of the most discriminating morphological qualitative variables for characterization of fig germplasm. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135:240–249.
- Gozlekci S. (2010). Selection studies on fig (Ficus carica L.) in Antalya Province of Turkey, 9(46)
- Gözlekçi, S. (2011).Pomological traits of fig (Ficus carica L.) Genotypes collected in the West Mediterranean Region in Turkey. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 21(4).
- Khadari B, Grout C, Santoni S, and Kjellberg F. (2005). Contrasting genetic diversity and differentiation among Mediterranean populations of Ficus carica L.: a study using mtDNA RFLP. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 52: 97-109.
- Khadivi A., Anjam, R., and Anjam, K. (2018). Morphological and pomological characterization of edible fig (Ficus carica L.) to select the superior trees. Scientia Horticulturae, 238, 66-74.
- Kocataş, H., Kösoğlu, İ., and Altunkaya, O.(2005-2009). İncir Genetik Kaynakları Muhafaza ve Değerlendirme Araştırma Projesi. İncir Araştırma Ens. Müd.,Aydın.
- Kocataş, H., Kösoğlu, İ., Özen, M., Belge, A., and Arpacı, S. (2010-2014). İncir Genetik Kaynakları Muhafaza ve Değerlendirme Araştırma Projesi. İncir Araştırma Ens. Müd.,Aydın.
- Küden, A.B., Tanrıver, E., and Kaşka, N., (October, 1995). Çukurova Bölgesi’ne önerilebilecek bazı incir çeşit ve klonlarının saptanması. Türkiye 2. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, (p. 663-667), Adana, Turkey.
- Küden, A.B., and Tanriver, E., (1998). Plant genetic resources and selection studies on figs in the East Mediterranean And South East Anatolia Regions. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 480: I International Symposium on Fig. DOI: 10.17660/Acta Hortic.1998.480.6
- Mahdavian M., Lessani H., Kuhi M., Zare H., Akrami M., and Tabatabaei Z. (2007). Morphological and pomological characteristics of figs from Istahban, Iran. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 760: XXVII International Horticultural Congress - IHC2006: II International Symposium on Plant Genetic Resources of Horticultural Crops. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.760.74
- Mars M., (2003). Fig (Ficus carica L.) genetic resources and breeding. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 605: II International Symposium on Fig. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2003.605.1
- Mars M., Chatti K., Saddoud O., Salhi-Hannachi A., Trifi M., and Marrakchi M. (2008). Fig cultivation and genetic resources in Tunisia, ISHS Acta Horticulturae 798: III International Symposium on Fig. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2008.798.2
- Moısescu, E and Stănıcă, F.( 2021). Preliminary results regarding the behavior of some fig genotypes in Bucharest Area Conditions. Issn-L 2285-5653. Horticulture. 1 (2021).
- Nader, R.A., Rehab, M.A., Hayssam, MA., Mohamed, Z.M.S., Kamal, FA., and Mohamed, SE., (2019). Morphological, pomological, and specific molecular marker resources for genetic diversity analyses in fig (Ficus carica L.) Hort Science 54(8):1299–1309.
- Padmavati G. G., Gowthmi R. Tripathi, K., Kumar PV., Tyagi, V., Singh, N., and Gupta V. (2021). Genetic resources. Environment and Climate-smart Food Production (pp: 109-149).
- Podgornik, M., Vuk, I., Vrhovnik, I., and Mavsar. D.B. (2010). A survey and morphological evaluation of fig (Ficus carica L.) genetic resources from Slovenia. Scientia Horticulturae,125(3), 380-389
- Presti, F.T., and Wasko A.P.(2014). A review of microsatellite markers and their application on genetic diversity studies in parrots. Open J. Genet. 4(2):69.
- Stover, E. and M. Aradhya. (2005). Fig genetic resources and research at the us national clonal germplasm repository in Davis, (pp. 57–68). III Inter. Symp. on Fig, California.
- Saddoud, O., Baraket , G., Chatti, K., Trifi, M, Marrakchi, M., and Salhi-Hannachi, A. (2008). Morphological variability of Fig (Ficus carica L.) cultivars. 35-51
- Simsek, E., Kilic, D., and Caliskan, O. (2003). Phenotypic variation of fig genotypes (Ficus carica L.) in the Eastern Mediterranean of Turkey. Genetika, 52(3), 957-972.
- Simsek, M. and Yildirim H.. (2010). Fruit characteristics of the selected fig genotypes. Afr. J. Biot. 9:6056–6060.
- Sımsek, M., Gulsoy, E., Kırar M Z., Turgut, Y., and Yucel, B. (2017). Identıfıcatıon and selectıon of some female fig (Ficus carica L.) Genotypes From Mardin Province of Turkey. Pak. J. Bot., 49(2): 541-546.
- Sımsek, E., Kılıc,D., and Calıskan, O. (2020). Phenotypic variation of fig genotypes (Ficus carica L.) in the Eastern Medıterranean of Turkey. Genetıka, 52(3), 957-972,
- Tanrıver, E. (2019). Fig Production and Germplasm in Turkey. Modern Fruit Industry. (pp.105).
- Tripathi, P., (2017). Principles, Strategies and practices of exploration, collection, characterization, evaluation and cataloging of plant genetic resources important fruit crops. Project: Plant genetic Resources of Horticultural Crops, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15781.60648
- Zhou, H., J. Liao, Y.-P. Xia, and Y.-W., Teng., (2013). Morphological characteristics for classifying ever green azalea (Ericaceae) cultivars in china using numerical taxonomy. Pak. J. Bot. 45:593–598.