Year 2012,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 1 - 15, 01.12.2012
Derya Ergun Ozler
Gulcin Polat
Cyberloafing which means voluntary acts of employees using their companies’ Internet access and IT equipments for non-work-related purposes during working time, emerges as an increasingly important issue which needs to be managed in organizations. Although there are some growing body of literature which tries to provide understanding regarding this subject and discuss negative impacts of cyberloafing phenomenon in organizations; this is a quite a new subject for Turkish literature. Nevertheless, considering the impacts of cyberslacking on organizations, it is clear that there is a need for new studies which would be quite useful in terms of organizations. This study examines first the cyberloafing phenomenon and then tries to explain the determinants of cyberloafing in organizations and analyzes its positive and negative impacts for organizations as well as the controlling measures
- Anandarajan, Murugan and Claire A., Simmers (2005), “Developing Human Capital Through Personal Web Use in the Workplace: Mapping Employee Perceptions”, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol.15, pp.776-791.
- Askew Kevin (2009), “Testing the Plausibility of a Series of Casual Minor Cyberloafing Models”, Graduate School These and Dissertations, University of South Florida.
- Beugre, Constant D. and Daeryong, Kim (2006), “Cyberloafing: Vice or Virtue?” in Mehdi, Emerging Trends and Challenges in Information Technology Management, pp.834-835.
- Blanchard, Anita L. and Christine A. Henle (2008), “Correlates of Different Forms of Cyberloafing: the Role of Norms and External Locus of control”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.24, pp.1067-1084.
- Blau, G., Yang, Y., and Ward-Cook, K. (2004),“Testing a Measure of Cyberloafing”, Journal of Allied Health, Vol.35, pp.9-17.
- Chak, Katherine and Louis, Leung (2004), “Shyness and Locus of Control as Predictors of Internet Addiction and Internet Use”, Cyberpsychology and Behavior, Vol.7, No.5, pp. 559-570.
- Chen, Jengchung V. and Charlie C., Chen, Hsiao-Han Yang (2008),”An Empirical Evaluation of Key Factors Contributing to Internet Abuse in the Workplace”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol.108, No.1, pp. 87-106.
- Garrett, R. Kelly and James N. , Danziger (2008), “Disaffection or Expected Outcomes: Understanding Personal Internet use During Work”, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol.13, pp. 937–958.
- Guthrie, R. & Gray, P. (1996), “Junk computing: is it bad for an organization?”, Information Systems Management, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 23-28.
- Greenfield, D. N., and R. A. Davis (2002), “Lost in cyberspace: The Web @ work”, CyberPsychology and Behavior, Vol.5, pp. 347–353.
- Johnson, Jeffrey J. and Kenneth W., Chalmers (2007), “Identifying Employee Internet Abuse”, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'07).
- Johnson G. M. and A., Culpa, (2007), “Dimensions of Online Behavior: Toward a User
- Typology”, Cyberpsychology and Behavior, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 773-779.
- Johnson, Jeffrey J. and Zsolt, Ugray (2007), “Employee Internet Abuse: Policy Versus Reality”, Issues in Information Systems, Vol.8, No.2, pp.214-219.
- Kay, Bart, Yao Johnson, Alan Chern and Amanda Hing Kangas (2009), “Cyberloafing: A Modern Workplace Phenomenon”,
- Kim, Sunny Jung and Sahara, Byrne (2011), “Conceptualizing Personal Web Usage in Work Contexts: A preliminary framework”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.27, pp. 2271–2283.
- Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara, Pablo and Arístides, Olivares-Mesa, (2010) "Bringing Cyber loafers Back on the Right Track", Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol.110, No.7, pp.1038–1053.
- LaRose, R. (2010), “The problem of media habits”, Communication Theory, Vol.20, pp. 194–222.
- LaRose, R., and Eastin, M. S. (2004), “A Social Cognitive Theory of Internet Uses and Gratifications: Toward a New Model of Media Attendance”, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Vol.48, No.3, pp 358–377.
- Lee, O., Lim, K. and Wong, W. (2005), “Managing Non-work Related Computing within an Organization: the Effects of Two Disciplinary Approaches on Employees' Commitment to Change”, Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems.
- Li, S., and Chung, T. (2006), “Internet Function and Internet Addictive Behavior”, Computers in Human Behaviour, Vol.22, pp.1067-1071.
- Liberman, Benjamín and Gwendolyn Seidman, Katelyn Y.A. McKenna, Laura E. Buffardi (2011), “Employee Job Attitudes and Organizational Characteristics as Predictors of Cyberloafing”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.27, pp. 2192–2199.
- Lim, Vivien K.G. and Thompson S.H., Teo (2005), “Prevalence, Perceived Seriousness, Justification and Regulation of Cyberloafing in Singapore an Exploratory Study”, Information and Management, Vol.42, pp.1081–1093.
- Lim, Vivien K. G. (2002) “The IT way of Loafing on the Job: Cyberloafing, Neutralizing and organizational justice”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol.23, pp.675-694.
- Lim Vivien K.G. and Don J.Q., Chen,(2012), “Cyberloafing at the Workplace: Gain or Drain on work?”, Behaviour and Information Technology, Vol.31, No.4, pp.343-353.
- Mastrangelo, P., Everton, W., and Jolton, J. (2006), “Personal Use of Work Computers: Distraction versus Destruction”, Cyber Psychology and Behavior, Vol.9, No.6, pp.730−741.
- Oswalt, Beverly and Florence, Elliott-Howard (2003), “Cyberslacking-Legal and Ethical Issues Facing IT Managers”, Issues in Information Systems, Vol. 4, No 1, pp. 646-652
- Oravec, J. A. (2002), “Constructive Approaches to Internet Recreation in the Workplace”, Communications of the ACM, Vol.45, No.1, pp. 60-63.
- Ozkalp, Enver, Aydın, Ufuk and Seda Tekeli., (2012), “Sapkın Örgütsel Davranışlar ve Çalışma Yaşamında Yeni Bir Olgu: Sanal Kaytarma (Cyberloafing) ve İş İlişkilerine Etkileri”, Çimento İşveren, Vol.26, No.2, pp. 19-33.
- Rajah, Rashimah and Vivien K. G., Lim (2011), “Cyberloafing, Neutralization and Organizational Citizenship Behavior”, PACIS 2011 Proceedings, Paper 152,
- Restubog, Simon Lloyd D., Patrick Raymund James M. Garcia, Lemuel S. Toledano and Rajiv K. Amarnani (2011), “Yielding to (cyber)-temptation: Exploring the Buffering Role of Self-control in the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Cyberloafing Behavior in the Workplace”, Journal of Research in Personality, Vol.45, pp.247–251.
- Robinson, S. L., and Bennett, R. J. (1995), “A Typology of Deviant Workplace Behaviors: A Multidimensional Scaling Study”, Academy of Management Review, Vol.38, No.2, pp. 555-572.
- Stanton, J. M. (2002), “Company Profile of the Frequent Internet User”, Communications of the ACM, Vol.45, No.1, pp.55-59.
- Ugrin, Joseph C., J. Michael Pearson and Marcus D. Odom (2007), “Profiling Cyber- Slackers in the Workplace: Demographic, Cultural and Workplace Factors”, Journal of Internet Commerce, Vol.6, No.3, pp.75-89.
- Ugrin, Joseph C., J. Michael Pearson and Marcus D., Odom (2008), “Cyber-Slacking: Self-Control, Prior Behavior and The Impact Of Deterrence Measures” Review of Business Information Systems, Vol.12, No.1, pp.75-87.
- Urbaczewski, A. and L.M. Jessup (2002), “Does Electronic Monitoring of Employee Internet Usage Work?”, Communications of the ACM, Vol.45, No.1, pp. 80-83.
- Vitak, Jessica, Julia Crouse and Robert LaRose, (2011), “Personal Internet use at work: Understanding Cyberslacking”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.27, pp.1751–1759.
- Weatherbee, Terrance G. (2010), “Counterproductive Use of Technology at Work: Information and Communications Technologies and Cyberdeviancy”, Human Resource Management Review, Vol.20, pp. 35-44.
- Woon, Irene M.Y. and Loo Geok, Pee (2004), “Behavioral Factors Affecting Internet Abuse in the Workplace”, Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Washington, D.C., December 10-11, 2004.
- Young, K. (1996), “Psychology of Computer use: Addictive Use of the Internet: A Case that Breaks the Stereotype”, Psychological Reports, Vol.79, pp.899–902.
Year 2012,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 1 - 15, 01.12.2012
Derya Ergun Ozler
Gulcin Polat
- Anandarajan, Murugan and Claire A., Simmers (2005), “Developing Human Capital Through Personal Web Use in the Workplace: Mapping Employee Perceptions”, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol.15, pp.776-791.
- Askew Kevin (2009), “Testing the Plausibility of a Series of Casual Minor Cyberloafing Models”, Graduate School These and Dissertations, University of South Florida.
- Beugre, Constant D. and Daeryong, Kim (2006), “Cyberloafing: Vice or Virtue?” in Mehdi, Emerging Trends and Challenges in Information Technology Management, pp.834-835.
- Blanchard, Anita L. and Christine A. Henle (2008), “Correlates of Different Forms of Cyberloafing: the Role of Norms and External Locus of control”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.24, pp.1067-1084.
- Blau, G., Yang, Y., and Ward-Cook, K. (2004),“Testing a Measure of Cyberloafing”, Journal of Allied Health, Vol.35, pp.9-17.
- Chak, Katherine and Louis, Leung (2004), “Shyness and Locus of Control as Predictors of Internet Addiction and Internet Use”, Cyberpsychology and Behavior, Vol.7, No.5, pp. 559-570.
- Chen, Jengchung V. and Charlie C., Chen, Hsiao-Han Yang (2008),”An Empirical Evaluation of Key Factors Contributing to Internet Abuse in the Workplace”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol.108, No.1, pp. 87-106.
- Garrett, R. Kelly and James N. , Danziger (2008), “Disaffection or Expected Outcomes: Understanding Personal Internet use During Work”, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol.13, pp. 937–958.
- Guthrie, R. & Gray, P. (1996), “Junk computing: is it bad for an organization?”, Information Systems Management, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 23-28.
- Greenfield, D. N., and R. A. Davis (2002), “Lost in cyberspace: The Web @ work”, CyberPsychology and Behavior, Vol.5, pp. 347–353.
- Johnson, Jeffrey J. and Kenneth W., Chalmers (2007), “Identifying Employee Internet Abuse”, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'07).
- Johnson G. M. and A., Culpa, (2007), “Dimensions of Online Behavior: Toward a User
- Typology”, Cyberpsychology and Behavior, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 773-779.
- Johnson, Jeffrey J. and Zsolt, Ugray (2007), “Employee Internet Abuse: Policy Versus Reality”, Issues in Information Systems, Vol.8, No.2, pp.214-219.
- Kay, Bart, Yao Johnson, Alan Chern and Amanda Hing Kangas (2009), “Cyberloafing: A Modern Workplace Phenomenon”,
- Kim, Sunny Jung and Sahara, Byrne (2011), “Conceptualizing Personal Web Usage in Work Contexts: A preliminary framework”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.27, pp. 2271–2283.
- Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara, Pablo and Arístides, Olivares-Mesa, (2010) "Bringing Cyber loafers Back on the Right Track", Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol.110, No.7, pp.1038–1053.
- LaRose, R. (2010), “The problem of media habits”, Communication Theory, Vol.20, pp. 194–222.
- LaRose, R., and Eastin, M. S. (2004), “A Social Cognitive Theory of Internet Uses and Gratifications: Toward a New Model of Media Attendance”, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Vol.48, No.3, pp 358–377.
- Lee, O., Lim, K. and Wong, W. (2005), “Managing Non-work Related Computing within an Organization: the Effects of Two Disciplinary Approaches on Employees' Commitment to Change”, Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems.
- Li, S., and Chung, T. (2006), “Internet Function and Internet Addictive Behavior”, Computers in Human Behaviour, Vol.22, pp.1067-1071.
- Liberman, Benjamín and Gwendolyn Seidman, Katelyn Y.A. McKenna, Laura E. Buffardi (2011), “Employee Job Attitudes and Organizational Characteristics as Predictors of Cyberloafing”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.27, pp. 2192–2199.
- Lim, Vivien K.G. and Thompson S.H., Teo (2005), “Prevalence, Perceived Seriousness, Justification and Regulation of Cyberloafing in Singapore an Exploratory Study”, Information and Management, Vol.42, pp.1081–1093.
- Lim, Vivien K. G. (2002) “The IT way of Loafing on the Job: Cyberloafing, Neutralizing and organizational justice”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol.23, pp.675-694.
- Lim Vivien K.G. and Don J.Q., Chen,(2012), “Cyberloafing at the Workplace: Gain or Drain on work?”, Behaviour and Information Technology, Vol.31, No.4, pp.343-353.
- Mastrangelo, P., Everton, W., and Jolton, J. (2006), “Personal Use of Work Computers: Distraction versus Destruction”, Cyber Psychology and Behavior, Vol.9, No.6, pp.730−741.
- Oswalt, Beverly and Florence, Elliott-Howard (2003), “Cyberslacking-Legal and Ethical Issues Facing IT Managers”, Issues in Information Systems, Vol. 4, No 1, pp. 646-652
- Oravec, J. A. (2002), “Constructive Approaches to Internet Recreation in the Workplace”, Communications of the ACM, Vol.45, No.1, pp. 60-63.
- Ozkalp, Enver, Aydın, Ufuk and Seda Tekeli., (2012), “Sapkın Örgütsel Davranışlar ve Çalışma Yaşamında Yeni Bir Olgu: Sanal Kaytarma (Cyberloafing) ve İş İlişkilerine Etkileri”, Çimento İşveren, Vol.26, No.2, pp. 19-33.
- Rajah, Rashimah and Vivien K. G., Lim (2011), “Cyberloafing, Neutralization and Organizational Citizenship Behavior”, PACIS 2011 Proceedings, Paper 152,
- Restubog, Simon Lloyd D., Patrick Raymund James M. Garcia, Lemuel S. Toledano and Rajiv K. Amarnani (2011), “Yielding to (cyber)-temptation: Exploring the Buffering Role of Self-control in the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Cyberloafing Behavior in the Workplace”, Journal of Research in Personality, Vol.45, pp.247–251.
- Robinson, S. L., and Bennett, R. J. (1995), “A Typology of Deviant Workplace Behaviors: A Multidimensional Scaling Study”, Academy of Management Review, Vol.38, No.2, pp. 555-572.
- Stanton, J. M. (2002), “Company Profile of the Frequent Internet User”, Communications of the ACM, Vol.45, No.1, pp.55-59.
- Ugrin, Joseph C., J. Michael Pearson and Marcus D. Odom (2007), “Profiling Cyber- Slackers in the Workplace: Demographic, Cultural and Workplace Factors”, Journal of Internet Commerce, Vol.6, No.3, pp.75-89.
- Ugrin, Joseph C., J. Michael Pearson and Marcus D., Odom (2008), “Cyber-Slacking: Self-Control, Prior Behavior and The Impact Of Deterrence Measures” Review of Business Information Systems, Vol.12, No.1, pp.75-87.
- Urbaczewski, A. and L.M. Jessup (2002), “Does Electronic Monitoring of Employee Internet Usage Work?”, Communications of the ACM, Vol.45, No.1, pp. 80-83.
- Vitak, Jessica, Julia Crouse and Robert LaRose, (2011), “Personal Internet use at work: Understanding Cyberslacking”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.27, pp.1751–1759.
- Weatherbee, Terrance G. (2010), “Counterproductive Use of Technology at Work: Information and Communications Technologies and Cyberdeviancy”, Human Resource Management Review, Vol.20, pp. 35-44.
- Woon, Irene M.Y. and Loo Geok, Pee (2004), “Behavioral Factors Affecting Internet Abuse in the Workplace”, Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Washington, D.C., December 10-11, 2004.
- Young, K. (1996), “Psychology of Computer use: Addictive Use of the Internet: A Case that Breaks the Stereotype”, Psychological Reports, Vol.79, pp.899–902.