Research Article
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Changes of Some Heavy Metal Concentrations Based on Organic and Traffic Density in Fraxinus Excelsior L.

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 24 - 30, 04.02.2019


At the beginning of
the problems caused by the industrialization and the rapid increase in the
world population; environmental and especially air pollution. Air pollution is
causing millions of people to die every year around the world. Air pollution
components are non-biodegradable heavy metals, although they are necessary for
low amounts of human, animal and plant needs, they can produce toxic effects
when they are present in large quantities. Some heavy metals have toxic effects
even at low concentrations. In particular, the accumulation of heavy metals in
the atmosphere is a serious problem for human health. It is therefore of great
importance to monitor the change in heavy metal concentrations. Bioindicators
are used as the most important determinants of determination of heavy metal
contamination in atmosphere. In this study, the usability of Fraxinus excelsior L. organelles as a
biomonitor was investigated in the determination of heavy metal constructions.
It was studied on the leaves, seeds and twigs taken from the individuals grown
in the areas where the ash tree traffic is dense, less dense and not. According
to the results of the study, it was determined that the concentrations of the
elements in the leaves and seeds were increased depending on the traffic


  • Çakir, G., Müderrisoğlu, H., Kaya, L.G. (2016). Assessing the effects of long-term recreational activities on landscape changes in Abant Natural Park, Turkey. Journal of Forestry Research 27(2): 453-461.
  • Cetin, M. (2015a). Chapter 55: Using Recycling Materials for Sustainable LandscapePlanning. Book Title: Environment and Ecology at the Beginning of 21st Century. (Edited by Recep Efe, Carmen Bizzarri, İsa Cürebal, Gulnara N. Nyusupova), ISBN: 978-954-07-3999-1, ST. Kliment Ohrid-ski University Press, Sofia, page: 783-788.
  • Cetin, M. (2015b). Determining the bioclimatic comfort in Kas-tamonu City. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187(10): 640. DOI:
  • Cetin, M. (2015c). Evaluation of the sustainable tourism poten-tial of a protected area for landscape planning: a case study of the ancient city of Pompeipolis in Kastamonu. Internatio-nal Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 22(6): 490-495. DOI:
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H. (2016a). Change of Air Quality in Kastamonu City in Terms of Particulate Matter and CO2 Amount. Oxidation Communications 39(4-II): 3394-3401.
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H. (2016b). Measuring the Impact of Selected Plants on Indoor CO2 Concentrations. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 25(3): 973-979.
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H. (2016c). Evaluating the recreation potential of Ilgaz Mountain National Park in Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188(1): 52. DOI:
  • Cetin, M. (2016a). A Change in the Amount of CO2 at the Cen-ter of the Examination Halls: Case Study of Turkey. Stud-ies on Ethno-Medicine 10(2): 146-155.
  • Cetin, M. (2016b). Sustainability of Urban Coastal Area Man-agement: A Case Study on Cide. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 35(7): 527–541. DOI:
  • Cetin, M. (2016c). Determination of bioclimatic comfort areas in landscape planning: A case study of Cide Coastline, Turk-ish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology 4(9): 800-804. DOI:
  • Cetin, M. (2016d). Peyzaj Çalışmalarında Kullanılan Bazı Bitkilerde Klorofil Miktarının Değişimi. Kastamonu Universi-tesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 16(1): 239-245.
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Isınkaralar, K. (2017a). Changes in the Particulate Matter and CO2 Concentrations Based on the Time and Weather Conditions: The Case of Kastamonu. Oxidation Communications 40(1-II): 477-485
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Saat, A. (2017b). Indoor Air Quality: the Samples of Safranbolu Bulak Mencilis Cave. Fresenius En-vironmental Bulletin 26(10): 5965-5970.
  • Cetin, M. (2017). Change in Amount of Chlorophyll in Some Interior Ornamental Plants. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 3(1):11-19.
  • Cetin, M., Onac, A.K., Sevik, H., Canturk, U., Akpinar, H. (2018a). Chronicles and geoheritage of the ancient Roman city of Pompeiopolis: a landscape plan. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 11:798. DOI:
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Yigit, N. (2018b). Climate type-related changes in the leaf micromorphological characters of cer-tain landscape plants. Environmental Monitoring and As-sessment. 190: 404. DOI:
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Yigit, N., Ozel, H.B., Aricak, B., Varol, T. (2018c). The variable of leaf micromorphogical characters on grown in distinct climate conditions in some landscape plants. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 27(5): 3206-3211.
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Canturk, U., Cakir, C. (2018d). Evaluation of the recreational potential of Kutahya Urban Forest. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 27(5): 2629-2634.
  • Cetin, M., Zeren, I., Sevik, H., Cakir, C., Akpinar, H. (2018e). A study on the determination of the natural park’s sustainable tourism potential. Environmental Monitor-ing and Assessment. 190(3): 167. DOI:
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Aricak, B., Celik, D.A. (2018f). Kuşadası’nda Biyokonfor; Kentsel Peyzaj Plan Kararları İçin Bir Araştırma. In book title: Kuşadası Peyzaj Değerleri, ISBN: 978-605-01-1236-8, TMMOB Peyzaj Mimarlari Odasi, 2018, Eds. Tanay Birisci, Ayse Kalayci Onac, pag-es 49-58,
  • Cetin, M., Yigit, N., Ozel H.B., Sevik, H. (2018g). Chapter 47: The changing of leaf micromorphological characters grown in different growth conditions in Buxus sempervirens plants. In book title: Recent Researches in Science and Land-scape Management (Edited by Recep Efe, Murat Zencirkiran and Isa Curebal), Cambridge Scholars Publish-ing. ISBN (10): 1-5275-1087-5, ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-1087-6, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK. Page: 665-674
  • Cetin, M., Yildirim, E., Canturk, U., Sevik H. (2018h). Chapter 25: Investigation of bioclimatic comfort area of Elazig city centre. In book title: Recent Researches in Science and Landscape Management (Edited by Recep Efe, Murat Zencirkiran and Isa Curebal), Cambridge Scholars Publish-ing. ISBN (10): 1-5275-1087-5, ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-1087-6, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK. Page: 324-333
  • Cetin, M., Cakir, C., Canturk, U., Sevik, H. (2018i). Chapter 23: Taking the decisions of the area with the geodesign of Ka-rabuk city centre. In book title: Recent Researches in Sci-ence and Landscape Management (Edited by Recep Efe, Murat Zencirkiran and Isa Curebal), Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10): 1-5275-1087-5, ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-1087-6, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK. Page: 299-309
  • Cetin, M., Kalayci Onac, A., Sevik, H., Sen, B., (2018j) Tem-poral and regional change of some air pollution parameters in Bursa Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. DOI:
  • Cetin, M., Adiguzel, F., Kaya, O., Sahap, A. (2018k) Mapping of bioclimatic comfort for potential planning using GIS in Aydin. Environment, Development and Sustainability 20(1): 361-375. DOI:
  • Guney, K., Cetin, M., Guney, K.B., Melekoglu, A. (2017). The Effects of Some Hormone Applications on Lilium marta-gon L. Germination and Morpholgical Characters. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 26(6): 2533-2538.
  • Kaya, L.G. (2009). Assessing forests and lands with carbon storage and sequestration amount by trees in the State of Delaware, USA. Scientific Research and Essays 4(10): 1100-1108.
  • Kaya, L.G., Cetin, M., Doygun, H. (2009). A holistic approach in analyzing the landscape potential: Porsuk Dam Lake and its environs, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 18(8): 1525-153.
  • Kaya, L.G. (2010). Application of collaborative approaches to the integrative environmental planning of Mediterranean co-astal zone: case of Turkey. Journal of Faculty of Bartin Fo-restry 12(18): 21-32.
  • Kaya, L.G., Yücedağ, C., Duruşkan, Ö. (2015). Burdur Gölü Havzasının Çevresel Açıdan İrdelenmesi. Mehmet Akif Er-soy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6(1): 6-10.
  • Kaya, L.G., Yücedağ, C., Bingöl, B. (2017). Usage of Ineffec-tive Mining Quarries for Recreational Purposes: The Case Study of Burdur City, Turkey. The Journal of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Mehmet Akif Er-soy University 8(2): 184-190.
  • Kaya, E., Agca, M., Adiguzel, F., Cetin, M. (2018). Spatial data analysis with R programming for environment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. DOI:
  • Kaya, L.G., Kaynakci-Elinc, Z., Yucedag, C., Cetin, M. (2018). Environmental outdoor plant preferences: a practical appro-ach for choosing outdoor plants in urban or suburban resi-dential areas in Antalya, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 27(12): 7945-7952.
  • Kırdar, E., Özel, H. B., Ertekin, M. (2010). Effects of pruning on height and diameter growth at stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) afforestations. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 12(18): 1-10.
  • Kravkaz Kuscu, I.S., Sariyildiz, T., Cetin, M., Yigit, N., Sevik, H., Savaci, G. (2018a). Evaluation of the soil properties and primary forest tree species in Taskopru (Kastamonu) dis-trict. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 27(3): 1613-1617.
  • Kravkaz Kuscu, I.S., Cetin, M., Yigit, N., Savaci, G., Sevik, H. (2018b). Relationship between Enzyme Activity (Urease-Catalase) and Nutrient Element in Soil Use. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (27)5: 2107-2112. DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/78475
  • Mossi, M.M.M. (2018). Determination of Heavy Metal Accumu-lation In Some Shrub Formed Landscape Plants, Kastamonu University Institute of Science Department of Forest Engineering, PhD Thesis, Kastamonu, Turkey.
  • Özel, H.B., Ertekin, M. (2012). The change of stand structure in Uludağ fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana Mattf.) forests along an altitudinal gradient. Kastamonu Uni-versity Journal of Forestry Faculty 12(3): 96-104.
  • Özel, H.B., Bilir, N. (2016). Effects of light and moisture on growth and morphological characteristics of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) seedlings in the western blacksea region in Turkey. Agriculture & Fo-restry/Poljoprivreda i Sumarstvo 62(1): 65-69.
  • Saleh, E.A.A. (2018). Determination of Heavy Metal Accumula-tion in Some landscape Plants, Kastamonu University Insti-tute of Science Department of Forest Engineering, Ph.D. Thesis, Kastamonu, Turkey.
  • Sevik, H., Guney, D., Karakas, H., Aktar G. (2012). Change to amount of chlorophyll on leaves depend on insolation in some landscape plants, International Journal of Environ-mental Sciences 3(3): 1057-1064.
  • Sevik, H., Karaca, U. (2016). Determining the Resistances of Some Plant Species to Frost Stress Through Ion Leakage Method. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 25(8): 2745-2750.
  • Sevik, H., Cetin, M., Kapucu, Ö. (2016). Effect of Light on Yo-ung Structures of Turkish Fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmulleriana). Oxidation Communications 39(1–II): 485-492.
  • Sevik, H., Ahmaida, E.A., Cetin, M. (2017a). Chapter 31: Change of the Air Quality in the Urban Open and Green Spaces: Kastamonu Sample. In book title: Ecology, Plan-ning and Design. Eds: Irina Koleva, Ulku Duman Yuksel, Lahcen Benaabidate, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, ISBN: 978-954-07-4270-0, pp. 409-422
  • Sevik, H., Cetin, M., Kapucu O., Aricak, B., Canturk, U. (2017b). Effects of light on morphologic and stomatal char-acteristics of Turkish fir needles (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmulleriana mattf.). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 26(11): 6579-6587.
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  • Sevik, H., Cetin M., Yigit, N. (2018b). Chapter 46: The changing leaf micromorphogical characters grown in different growth conditions in Prunus cerasifera ehrh. In book title: Recent Researches in Science and Landscape Management (Edit-ed by Recep Efe, Murat Zencirkiran and Isa Curebal), Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10): 1-5275-1087-5, ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-1087-6, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK. Page: 654-663
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  • Turkyilmaz, A., Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., Saleh, E.A.A. (2018a). Variation of heavy metal accumulation in certain landscaping plants due to traffic density. Environ-ment, Development and Sustainability. DOI:
  • Turkyilmaz, A., Sevik, H., Cetin, M. (2018b). The use of peren-nial needles as biomonitors for recently accumulated heavy metals. Landscape and Ecological Engineering. 14(1):115-120. DOI:
  • Turkyilmaz, A., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., Cetin M. (2018c) Use of tree rings as a bioindicator to observe atmospheric heavy metal deposition. Environmental Science and Pollu-tion Research. DOI:
  • Turkyilmaz, A., Sevik, H., Cetin, M., Saleh E.A.A. (2018d). Changes in Heavy Metal Accumulation Depending on Traf-fic Density in Some Landscape Plants. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 27(5): 2277-2284.
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  • Zeren, I., Cantürk, U., Yaşar, M.O. (2017). Bazı Peyzaj Bitkile-rinde Klorofil Miktarının Değişimi, Bartın Orman Fakultesi Dergisi 19(2): 174-182.
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Fraxinus excelsior L.’da Bazı Ağır Metal Konsantrasyonlarının Organel ve Trafik Yoğunluğuna Bağlı Değişimi

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 24 - 30, 04.02.2019


Sanayileşme ve Dünya
nüfusundaki hızlı artışın sebep olduğu problemlerin başında çevre ve özellikle
hava kirliliği gelmektedir. Öyle ki hava kirliliği her yıl dünya çapında
milyonlarca insanın hayatını kaybetmesine sebep olmaktadır. Hava kirliliği
bileşenleri biyobozunur özelliğe sahip olmayan ağır metaller, düşük miktarlarda
insan, hayvan ve bitki ihtiyaçları için gerekli olsalar da fazla miktarlarda
bulunduklarında toksik etki oluşturabilmektedir. Bazı ağır metaller düşük
konsantrasyonlarda bile toksik etkiye sahiptir. Özellikle ağır metallerin
atmosferde birikiminin artması insan sağlığı açısından ciddi sorun teşkil
etmektedir. Bundan dolayı ağır metal konsantrasyonlarının değişiminin takip
edilmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Ağır metal kirliğinin atmosferdeki
kontrasyonlarının belirlenmesinde en önemli belirteç olarak biyoindikatörlerden
yararlanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada da ağır metal kontrasyonlarının
belirlenmesinde biyomonitör olarak Dişbudak
(Fraxinus excelsior L.) organellerinin kullanılabilirliği
araştırılmıştır. Dişbudak ağacının trafiğin yoğun olduğu, az yoğun olduğu ve
olmadığı alanlarda yetişen bireylerinden alınan yaprak, tohum ve dal örnekleri
üzerinde çalışma yapılarak ve Ba, Al, B, Ca, Fe, K, Mg ve Mn
konsantrasyonlarının değişimleri belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre
yaprak ve tohumda çalışmaya konu elementlerin konsantrasyonlarının genel olarak
trafik yoğunluğuna bağlı olarak arttığı belirlenmiştir.


  • Çakir, G., Müderrisoğlu, H., Kaya, L.G. (2016). Assessing the effects of long-term recreational activities on landscape changes in Abant Natural Park, Turkey. Journal of Forestry Research 27(2): 453-461.
  • Cetin, M. (2015a). Chapter 55: Using Recycling Materials for Sustainable LandscapePlanning. Book Title: Environment and Ecology at the Beginning of 21st Century. (Edited by Recep Efe, Carmen Bizzarri, İsa Cürebal, Gulnara N. Nyusupova), ISBN: 978-954-07-3999-1, ST. Kliment Ohrid-ski University Press, Sofia, page: 783-788.
  • Cetin, M. (2015b). Determining the bioclimatic comfort in Kas-tamonu City. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187(10): 640. DOI:
  • Cetin, M. (2015c). Evaluation of the sustainable tourism poten-tial of a protected area for landscape planning: a case study of the ancient city of Pompeipolis in Kastamonu. Internatio-nal Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 22(6): 490-495. DOI:
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H. (2016a). Change of Air Quality in Kastamonu City in Terms of Particulate Matter and CO2 Amount. Oxidation Communications 39(4-II): 3394-3401.
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H. (2016b). Measuring the Impact of Selected Plants on Indoor CO2 Concentrations. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 25(3): 973-979.
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H. (2016c). Evaluating the recreation potential of Ilgaz Mountain National Park in Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188(1): 52. DOI:
  • Cetin, M. (2016a). A Change in the Amount of CO2 at the Cen-ter of the Examination Halls: Case Study of Turkey. Stud-ies on Ethno-Medicine 10(2): 146-155.
  • Cetin, M. (2016b). Sustainability of Urban Coastal Area Man-agement: A Case Study on Cide. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 35(7): 527–541. DOI:
  • Cetin, M. (2016c). Determination of bioclimatic comfort areas in landscape planning: A case study of Cide Coastline, Turk-ish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology 4(9): 800-804. DOI:
  • Cetin, M. (2016d). Peyzaj Çalışmalarında Kullanılan Bazı Bitkilerde Klorofil Miktarının Değişimi. Kastamonu Universi-tesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 16(1): 239-245.
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Isınkaralar, K. (2017a). Changes in the Particulate Matter and CO2 Concentrations Based on the Time and Weather Conditions: The Case of Kastamonu. Oxidation Communications 40(1-II): 477-485
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Saat, A. (2017b). Indoor Air Quality: the Samples of Safranbolu Bulak Mencilis Cave. Fresenius En-vironmental Bulletin 26(10): 5965-5970.
  • Cetin, M. (2017). Change in Amount of Chlorophyll in Some Interior Ornamental Plants. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 3(1):11-19.
  • Cetin, M., Onac, A.K., Sevik, H., Canturk, U., Akpinar, H. (2018a). Chronicles and geoheritage of the ancient Roman city of Pompeiopolis: a landscape plan. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 11:798. DOI:
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Yigit, N. (2018b). Climate type-related changes in the leaf micromorphological characters of cer-tain landscape plants. Environmental Monitoring and As-sessment. 190: 404. DOI:
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Yigit, N., Ozel, H.B., Aricak, B., Varol, T. (2018c). The variable of leaf micromorphogical characters on grown in distinct climate conditions in some landscape plants. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 27(5): 3206-3211.
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Canturk, U., Cakir, C. (2018d). Evaluation of the recreational potential of Kutahya Urban Forest. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 27(5): 2629-2634.
  • Cetin, M., Zeren, I., Sevik, H., Cakir, C., Akpinar, H. (2018e). A study on the determination of the natural park’s sustainable tourism potential. Environmental Monitor-ing and Assessment. 190(3): 167. DOI:
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Aricak, B., Celik, D.A. (2018f). Kuşadası’nda Biyokonfor; Kentsel Peyzaj Plan Kararları İçin Bir Araştırma. In book title: Kuşadası Peyzaj Değerleri, ISBN: 978-605-01-1236-8, TMMOB Peyzaj Mimarlari Odasi, 2018, Eds. Tanay Birisci, Ayse Kalayci Onac, pag-es 49-58,
  • Cetin, M., Yigit, N., Ozel H.B., Sevik, H. (2018g). Chapter 47: The changing of leaf micromorphological characters grown in different growth conditions in Buxus sempervirens plants. In book title: Recent Researches in Science and Land-scape Management (Edited by Recep Efe, Murat Zencirkiran and Isa Curebal), Cambridge Scholars Publish-ing. ISBN (10): 1-5275-1087-5, ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-1087-6, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK. Page: 665-674
  • Cetin, M., Yildirim, E., Canturk, U., Sevik H. (2018h). Chapter 25: Investigation of bioclimatic comfort area of Elazig city centre. In book title: Recent Researches in Science and Landscape Management (Edited by Recep Efe, Murat Zencirkiran and Isa Curebal), Cambridge Scholars Publish-ing. ISBN (10): 1-5275-1087-5, ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-1087-6, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK. Page: 324-333
  • Cetin, M., Cakir, C., Canturk, U., Sevik, H. (2018i). Chapter 23: Taking the decisions of the area with the geodesign of Ka-rabuk city centre. In book title: Recent Researches in Sci-ence and Landscape Management (Edited by Recep Efe, Murat Zencirkiran and Isa Curebal), Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10): 1-5275-1087-5, ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-1087-6, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK. Page: 299-309
  • Cetin, M., Kalayci Onac, A., Sevik, H., Sen, B., (2018j) Tem-poral and regional change of some air pollution parameters in Bursa Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. DOI:
  • Cetin, M., Adiguzel, F., Kaya, O., Sahap, A. (2018k) Mapping of bioclimatic comfort for potential planning using GIS in Aydin. Environment, Development and Sustainability 20(1): 361-375. DOI:
  • Guney, K., Cetin, M., Guney, K.B., Melekoglu, A. (2017). The Effects of Some Hormone Applications on Lilium marta-gon L. Germination and Morpholgical Characters. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 26(6): 2533-2538.
  • Kaya, L.G. (2009). Assessing forests and lands with carbon storage and sequestration amount by trees in the State of Delaware, USA. Scientific Research and Essays 4(10): 1100-1108.
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  • Kaya, L.G., Yücedağ, C., Bingöl, B. (2017). Usage of Ineffec-tive Mining Quarries for Recreational Purposes: The Case Study of Burdur City, Turkey. The Journal of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Mehmet Akif Er-soy University 8(2): 184-190.
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  • Kravkaz Kuscu, I.S., Sariyildiz, T., Cetin, M., Yigit, N., Sevik, H., Savaci, G. (2018a). Evaluation of the soil properties and primary forest tree species in Taskopru (Kastamonu) dis-trict. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 27(3): 1613-1617.
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  • Sevik, H., Cetin M., Yigit, N. (2018b). Chapter 46: The changing leaf micromorphogical characters grown in different growth conditions in Prunus cerasifera ehrh. In book title: Recent Researches in Science and Landscape Management (Edit-ed by Recep Efe, Murat Zencirkiran and Isa Curebal), Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10): 1-5275-1087-5, ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-1087-6, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK. Page: 654-663
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  • Turkyilmaz, A., Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., Saleh, E.A.A. (2018a). Variation of heavy metal accumulation in certain landscaping plants due to traffic density. Environ-ment, Development and Sustainability. DOI:
  • Turkyilmaz, A., Sevik, H., Cetin, M. (2018b). The use of peren-nial needles as biomonitors for recently accumulated heavy metals. Landscape and Ecological Engineering. 14(1):115-120. DOI:
  • Turkyilmaz, A., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., Cetin M. (2018c) Use of tree rings as a bioindicator to observe atmospheric heavy metal deposition. Environmental Science and Pollu-tion Research. DOI:
  • Turkyilmaz, A., Sevik, H., Cetin, M., Saleh E.A.A. (2018d). Changes in Heavy Metal Accumulation Depending on Traf-fic Density in Some Landscape Plants. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 27(5): 2277-2284.
  • Turkyilmaz, A., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., Cetin, M. (2018e). Using Acer platanoides annual rings to monitor the amount of heavy metals accumulated in air. Environmental Monitor-ing and Assessment 190: 578. DOI:
  • Varol, T., Ertuğrul, M., Özel, H. B., Emir, T., Çetin, M. (2018). The effects of rill erosion on unpaved forest road. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 17(1):825-839.
  • Yigit, N., Öztürk, A., Sevik, H. (2014). Ecological impact of urban forests (Example of Kastamonu urban forest). Inter-national Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology 3(12): 558-562.
  • Yigit, N., Sevik, H., Cetin, M., Gul, L. (2016a). Clonal variation in chemical wood characteristics in Hanönü (Kastamonu) Günlüburun black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold. subsp. Pallasi-ana (Lamb.) Holmboe) seed orchard. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 35(7): 515-526.
  • Yigit, N., Sevik, H., Cetin, M., Kaya, N. (2016b). Chapter 3: Determination of the Effect of Drought Stress on the Seed Germination in Some Plant Species. Intech open. İn book title: Water Stress in Plants, Eds: İsmail Mofizur Rahman, Zinnat Ara Begum, Hiroshi Hasegawa, isbn: 978-953-51-2621-8, pp: 43-62 (126).
  • Yigit, N., Cetin, M., Sevik, H. (2018). Bazı Yaprak Mikromor-folojik Karakterlerinin Prunus laurocerasus L. Türünde Yetişme Ortamına Göre Değişimi.Türk Tarım – Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi 6(11): 1517-1521.
  • Yücedağ, C., Kaya, L.G. (2016). Hava Kirleticilerin Bitkilere Etkileri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri En-stitüsü Dergisi 7(1): 67-74.
  • Yücedağ, C., Bingöl, B., Kaya, L.G. (2016). Forest Genetic Resources in Burdur, Turkey. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversi-tesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 3(5): 6-12.
  • Yücedağ, C., Kaya, L.G., Ulu, A. (2017). Burdur Kenti Toplu Konut ve Site Alanlarının Peyzaj Tasarım Yeterliliğinin İncelenmesi, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8(2): 114-122.
  • Yücedağ, C., Kaya, L.G. (2017). Chapter 104. Recreational trend and demands of people in Isparta-Turkey, Book: Re-searches on Science and Art in 21 st Century Turkey. Eds: Hasan Arapgirlioglu, Atilla Atik, Robert L. Elliott, Edward Turgeon, Gece Publishing, ISBN: 978-605-180-771-3
  • Yucedag, C., Kaya, L.G., Cetin, M. (2018) Identifying and as-sessing environmental awareness of hotel and restaurant employees’ attitudes in the Amasra District of Bartin. Envi-ronmental Monitoring and Assessment 190(2): 60. DOI:
  • Zeren, I., Cantürk, U., Yaşar, M.O. (2017). Bazı Peyzaj Bitkile-rinde Klorofil Miktarının Değişimi, Bartın Orman Fakultesi Dergisi 19(2): 174-182.
  • Zeren, I., Cesur, A., Keskin, R., Akarsu, H. (2018). Bazı Peyzaj Bitkilerinde Klorofil Miktarının Değişimi: Samsun Örneği, Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 4(1):1-10.
There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Paper

Hatice Akarsu This is me

İlknur Zeren Çetin

Asma Asghar Jawed

Adel Easa Saad Abo Aisha This is me

Alican Cesur This is me

Rizacan Keskin This is me

Publication Date February 4, 2019
Acceptance Date January 19, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Akarsu, H., Zeren Çetin, İ., Jawed, A. A., Abo Aisha, A. E. S., et al. (2019). Fraxinus excelsior L.’da Bazı Ağır Metal Konsantrasyonlarının Organel ve Trafik Yoğunluğuna Bağlı Değişimi. International Journal of Engineering Design and Technology, 1(1), 24-30.