Research Article
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Year 2023, , 262 - 276, 15.10.2023



  • Wolff, M., Stina, A. K., & Chipman, J. (2018). Urban land governance in Dar es Salaam. IGC Working Paper.
  • Kironde, J. L. (2009, March). Improving land sector governance in Africa: The case of Tanzania. In Workshop on “Land Governance in Support of the MDGs: Responding to New Challenges (pp. 1-29). Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • Nuhu, S. (2019). Land-access systems in peri-urban areas in Tanzania: Perspectives from Actors. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 11(2), 189-202.
  • Kironde, J. M. L. (2019). Community-Based Settlements Regularization: Lessons for Scaling up from Makongo Juu Informal Settlement, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Current Urban Studies, 7(02), 170-192
  • Kironde, J. M. L. (2015). Good governance, efficiency and the provision of planned land for orderly development in African cities: The case of the 20,000 planned land plots project in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Current Urban Studies, 3(04), 348-367
  • Kyessi, A., & Tumpale, S. (2013, April). Formalizing property rights in informal settlements and its implications on poverty reduction: The case of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Proceedings of the Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. The World Bank, Washington DC (pp. 8-11).
  • Lupala, J. M. (2010). Sustainable urbanization and spatial growth of cities in least industrialised countries: the case of Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania. Journal of Building and Land Development, 17(1-2), 61-77.
  • Wenban-Smith, H. (2015). Population growth, internal migration, and urbanization in Tanzania, 1967-2012: Phase 2 (final report). International Growth Centre.
  • Komu, F. (2014, June). Urban Land Grabbing and its Implications to Urban Development. In Being a paper presented at FIG Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (pp. 16-21).
  • Katala, J. N. (2012). The cost of traffic congestion and accidents to the economy in Tanzania. Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania: http://www. iekenya. org/download/Jumbe% 20N. Katala, 20.
  • Msigwa, R., & Kipesha, E. F. (2013). Determinants of youth unemployment in developing countries: Evidence from Tanzania. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 4(14), 67-76.
  • Mfinanga, D., & Fungo, E. (2013). Impact of incidents on traffic congestion in Dar es Salaam city. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 2(2), 95-108.
  • Othman, O. C. (1821). Roadside levels of ambient air pollutants: SO2, NO2, NO, CO and SPM in Dar es Salaam City. Tanzania Journal of Natural and ISSN, 7249.
  • Dasgupta, S., Lall, S. V., & Wheeler, D. (2020). Traffic, air pollution, and distributional impacts in Dar es Salaam: A spatial analysis with new satellite data. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, (9185).
  • Enemark, S. (2017, November). A Fit‐For‐Purpose approach to Land Administration in Africa in support of the new 2030 Global Agenda. In The Africa We Want. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Land Policy in Africa UN Economic Commisison for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethipoia (pp. 14-17).
  • Union, A. (2009). Land policy in Africa: A framework to strengthen land rights, enhance productivity and secure livelihoods. Addis Ababa: African Union and Economic Commission for Africa.
  • UN-HABITAT. (2012). Handling land, Innovative Tools for Land Governance and Secure Tenure: UN-HABITAT
  • Radoki, C. (2006). Social agency and state authority in land delivery processes in African cities: Compliance, conflict and cooperation. International Development Planning Review, 28(2), 263-285
  • Kombe, W. J., & Kreibich, V. (2006). Governance of informal urbanisation in Tanzania. Mkuki na Nyota Publishers.
  • Oates, L., Gillard, R., Sudmant, A., & Gouldson, A. (2020). Secure and equal access to land for all: Lessons on land governance and climate resilience from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
  • Citizen, T. (2019, 6th February 2019). Only 15 percent of the country’s land surveyed, government reveals. Tanzanian Local Newspaper.
  • Bank, A. D. (2013). Urbanization in Africa. African Development Bank Group.
  • Andreasen, M. H., McGranahan, G., Kyessi, A., & Kombe, W. (2020). Informal land investments and wealth accumulation in the context of regularization: case studies from Dar es Salaam and Mwanza. Environment and Urbanization, 32(1), 89-108.
  • Karakuş, P., Karabork, H., & Kaya, S. (2017). A comparison of the classification accuracies in determining the land cover of Kadirli Region of Turkey by using the pixel based and object based classification algorithms. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 2(2), 52-60.
  • Yakup, A. E., & Ayazlı, İ. E. (2022). Investigating changes in land cover in high-density settlement areas by protected scenario. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 7(1), 1-8.
  • Mussa, L. (2016). Urban land use planning legal and institutional issues and challenges in Tanzania: the case of Unplanned Residences in Dar es Salaam and Mwanza.
  • Ndjovu, C. (2016). Understanding causes of dissatisfactions among compensated landowners in expropriation programs in Tanzania. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 5(1), 1-7.
  • Bhanjee, S., & Zhang, C. H. (2018). Mapping latest patterns of urban sprawl in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Papers in Applied Geography, 4(3), 292-304.
  • Kombe, W. J. (2010). Land acquisition for public use, emerging conflicts and their socio-political implications. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 2(1-2), 45-63.
  • Lupala, J., & Chiwanga, P. (2014). Urban expansion and compulsory land acquisition in Dodoma National Capital, Tanzania. Journal of Land Administration in East Africa, 2(2).
  • Kusiluka, M. M., Kongela, S., Kusiluka, M. A., Karimuribo, E. D., & Kusiluka, L. J. (2011). The negative impact of land acquisition on indigenous communities’ livelihood and environment in Tanzania. Habitat International, 35(1), 66-73.
  • Kusiluka, M. M., Kongela, S., Kusiluka, M. A., Karimuribo, E. D., & Kusiluka, L. J. (2011). The negative impact of land acquisition on indigenous communities’ livelihood and environment in Tanzania. Habitat International, 35(1), 66-73.
  • Lugoe, F. N., & Salaam, D. E. (2008, May). A century of government regulated land access in Tanzania. In Videoconferencing Workshop on Land Administration in Tanzania.
  • Enemark, S., Bell, K. C., Lemmen, C., & McLaren, R. (2014). Fit-for-purpose land administration. International Federation of Surveyors.
  • Agrawal, A., & Ribot, J. (1999). Making decentralization accountable: A framework for analysis and empirical studies from South Asia and West Africa. Journal of Developing Areas, 33, 473-490.
  • Uisso, M. A. (2018). Tanzanya’da Arazi Mülkiyeti, Kullanımı ve Arazi Geliştirme Çalışmalarının Değerlendirilmesi. Ankara University, Master’s Thesis.
  • Florczyk, A. J., Corbane, C., Ehrlich, D., Freire, S., Kemper, T., Maffenini, L., ... & Zanchetta, L. (2019). GHSL data package 2019. Luxembourg, EUR, 29788(10.2760), 290498.
  • Corbane, C., Florczyk, A., Pesaresi, M., Politis, P., & Syrris, V. (2018). GHS built-up grid, derived from Landsat, multitemporal (1975-1990-2000-2014), R2018A. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC).
  • Review, W. P. (2021). Retrieved from
  • Canaz, S., Aliefendioğlu, Y., & Tanrıvermiş, H. (2017). Change detection using Landsat images and an analysis of the linkages between the change and property tax values in the Istanbul Province of Turkey. Journal of Environmental Management, 200, 446-455.
  • Dar Es Salaam population growth data: Accessed: October 2021.
  • The World Bank Data (2020), FAOSTAT 2020
  • Worldometer (2021), NBS population projection.
  • Accessed: 2021, October
  • Worldometer, C. C. (2021). Worldometer. 2020. Update (Live)
  • Karra, K., Kontgis, C., Statman-Weil, Z., Mazzariello, J. C., Mathis, M., & Brumby, S. P. (2021, July). Global land use/land cover with Sentinel 2 and deep learning. In 2021 IEEE international geoscience and remote sensing symposium IGARSS (pp. 4704-4707). IEEE.
  • Enemark, S. (2009). Land governance for sustainable development. Paper presented at the Opening keynote address at the FIG/World Bank Conference Land governance in support of the MDGs: Facing the new challenges “, Washington DC.
  • Williamson, I., Enemark, S., Wallace, J., & Rajabifard, A. (2010). Land administration for sustainable development (p. 487). Redlands, CA, USA: ESRI Press Academic.
  • Peter, L. L., & Yang, Y. (2019). Urban planning historical review of master plans and the way towards a sustainable city: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 8(3), 359-377.
  • Tenga, R. W. (2015). The Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF) Synthesis Report: World Bank -Tanzania.
  • John, P., & Kabote, S. J. (2017). Land governance and conflict management in Tanzania: Institutional capacity and policy-legal framework challenges. American Journal of Rural Development, 5(2), 46-54
  • Fitzgerald, A. (2017). Wearing an amulet: Land titling and tenure (in) security in Tanzania (Doctoral dissertation, National University of Ireland, Maynooth (Ireland)).
  • Watson, V. (2009). ‘The planned city sweeps the poor away…’: Urban planning and 21st century urbanisation. Progress in planning, 72(3), 151-193.
  • De Soto, H., & Diaz, H. P. (2002). The mystery of capital. Why capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else. Canadian Journal of Latin American & Caribbean Studies, 27(53), 172.
  • Kasala, S. E., Burra, M. M., & Mwankenja, T. S. (2016). Access to Improved Sanitation in Informal Settlements: The Case of Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania. Current Urban Studies, 4(01), 23-35
  • Uisso, A. M., & Tanrıvermiş, H. (2021). Driving factors and assessment of changes in the use of arable land in Tanzania. Land Use Policy, 104, 105359.
  • Kalabamu, F. T. (1992). Tanzania: Developing urban residential land. Journal of Urban Affairs, 14(1), 61-78.
  • Locke, A., & Henley, G. (2016). Urbanisation, land and property rights. ODI report Jan.
  • Mercer, C. (2017). Landscapes of extended ruralisation: postcolonial suburbs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42(1), 72-83.
  • Tırmanoğlu, B., İsmailoğlu, İ., Kokal, A. T., & Musaoğlu, N. (2023). Yeni nesil multispektral ve hiperspektral uydu görüntülerinin arazi örtüsü/arazi kullanımı sınıflandırma performanslarının karşılaştırılması: Sentinel-2 ve PRISMA Uydusu. Geomatik, 8(1), 79-90.
  • Yakup, A. E., & Ayazlı, İ. E. (2022). Investigating changes in land cover in high-density settlement areas by protected scenario. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 7(1), 1-8.
  • Amirtahmasebi, R., Orloff, M., Wahba, S., & Altman, A. (2016). Regenerating urban land: A practitioner's guide to leveraging private investment. World Bank Publications.
  • UN-Habitat, (2016). Urbanization and Development Emerging Futures. World Cities Report. UK: Earthscan Publications
  • Nuhu, S., & Kombe, W. J. (2021). Experiences of private firms in delivering land services in peri-urban areas in Tanzania. International Planning Studies, 26(2), 101-116.
  • Magembe-Mushi, D. L., & Lupala, J. M. (2015). Resettling displaced residents from regularised informal settlements in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania: Challenges faced by house owners. Current Urban Studies, 3(02), 71-81
  • Kasala, S. E., & Burra, M. M. (2016). The role of public private partnerships in planned and serviced land delivery in Tanzania. iBusiness, 8(01), 10-17
  • Hong, Y. H., & Brain, I. (2012). Land readjustment for urban development and post-disaster reconstruction. Land Lines, 24(1), 2-9.
  • Briggs, J., & Mwamfupe, D. (1999). The changing nature of the peri‐urban zone in Africa: Evidence from Dar‐es‐Salaam, Tanzania. Scottish Geographical Journal, 115(4), 269-282.
  • Kitay, M. G. (1985). Land acquisition in developing countries: policies and procedures of the public sector with surveys and case studies from Korea, India, Thailand and Ecuador.
  • Gwaleba, M. J., & Masum, F. (2018, June). Participation of informal settlers in participatory land use planning project in pursuit of tenure security. In Urban Forum (Vol. 29, pp. 169-184). Springer Netherlands.
  • Locke, A., & Henley, G. (2016). Urbanisation, land and property rights. ODI report Jan.
  • United Republic of Tanzania (URT), (1995). National Land Policy. Dar es Salaam: Government Printer.
  • Yılmaz, O. S., Gülgen, F., Güngör, R., & Kadı, F. (2018). Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri ve Uzaktan Algılama Teknikleri ile Arazi Kullanım Değişiminin İncelenmesi, Köprübaşı İlçesi Örneği. Geomatik, 3(3), 233-241.
  • Makundi, D. I. (2017). Assessment of policies and practices of land delivery by private sector: a focus on two projects in kigamboni municipality in dar es salaam City (Master’s Thesis). Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam.
  • Uisso, A. M., Yeşim, A. T., Ahsan, M. M., & Tanrıvermiş, H. (2022). Revisiting land distribution policies among land-based sectors in Tanzania. African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences, 5(4), 735-752.
  • URT-United Republic of Tanzania., (2022). National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Tanzania National Census-2022
  • Briggs, J., & Mwamfupe, D. (1999). The changing nature of the peri‐urban zone in Africa: Evidence from Dar‐es‐Salaam, Tanzania. Scottish Geographical Journal, 115(4), 269-282.
  • Lozano-Gracia, N., Lall, S. V., Young, C., & Vishwanath, T. (2013). Leveraging land to enable urban transformation: Lessons from global experience. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, (6312).
  • United Republic of Tanzania (URT), (2000). National Human Settlements Development Policy, 2000. Dar es Salaam: Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development.
  • Morsy, S., & Hadi, M. (2022). Impact of land use/land cover on land surface temperature and its relationship with spectral indices in Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 7(3), 272-282.
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  • Accessed: December 2021.

The plight of urban settlements based on the proliferation of dichotomy in Tanzania

Year 2023, , 262 - 276, 15.10.2023


The observation of the juxtaposition of formal and informal urban settlements in the commonwealth and sub-Saharan developing countries has been trending as a common mundane phenomenon in emerging and fast-growing cities. Dar Es Salaam is one of the largest, and most populous cities in Tanzania; the dichotomy of informal and formal settlement is ubiquitous in peri-urban areas and its urban vicinities where land evolves from village to urban. The dichotomy of urban settlements occurs when the public authorities do not satisfactorily provide public urban services which are customarily attributed to poor governance and policies formulated, financial deficiencies, and nonstrategic urban land development. Different strategies and approaches have been applied by the government for at least providing the proper infrastructure; however, most of the approaches are not well successful and deliver the expected results following the high cost of urban land development. To comprehend the urban typology and land development characteristics of Dar es Salaam, urban land transformation, and to detect the change in the built-up area, data from 1975-2020 were examined through remote sensing, and images with ArcView GIS and LADER. The field survey data analysis supported the cause of unplanned settlements and the limitation of urban land acquisition and development. The aim of this study is to analyze the built-up area growth through the years for the study area. The result showed that rapid urbanization and dramatic growth in built-up areas especially between 1990-2000 years were easily observed, financial deficiencies and conventional urban land development policies have a significant contribution to the thriving of dichotomy settlement. The study suggested that innovative urban land development must be integrated with conventional approaches to leverage urban land development and cater to sustainable urban development.


  • Wolff, M., Stina, A. K., & Chipman, J. (2018). Urban land governance in Dar es Salaam. IGC Working Paper.
  • Kironde, J. L. (2009, March). Improving land sector governance in Africa: The case of Tanzania. In Workshop on “Land Governance in Support of the MDGs: Responding to New Challenges (pp. 1-29). Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • Nuhu, S. (2019). Land-access systems in peri-urban areas in Tanzania: Perspectives from Actors. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 11(2), 189-202.
  • Kironde, J. M. L. (2019). Community-Based Settlements Regularization: Lessons for Scaling up from Makongo Juu Informal Settlement, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Current Urban Studies, 7(02), 170-192
  • Kironde, J. M. L. (2015). Good governance, efficiency and the provision of planned land for orderly development in African cities: The case of the 20,000 planned land plots project in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Current Urban Studies, 3(04), 348-367
  • Kyessi, A., & Tumpale, S. (2013, April). Formalizing property rights in informal settlements and its implications on poverty reduction: The case of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Proceedings of the Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. The World Bank, Washington DC (pp. 8-11).
  • Lupala, J. M. (2010). Sustainable urbanization and spatial growth of cities in least industrialised countries: the case of Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania. Journal of Building and Land Development, 17(1-2), 61-77.
  • Wenban-Smith, H. (2015). Population growth, internal migration, and urbanization in Tanzania, 1967-2012: Phase 2 (final report). International Growth Centre.
  • Komu, F. (2014, June). Urban Land Grabbing and its Implications to Urban Development. In Being a paper presented at FIG Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (pp. 16-21).
  • Katala, J. N. (2012). The cost of traffic congestion and accidents to the economy in Tanzania. Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania: http://www. iekenya. org/download/Jumbe% 20N. Katala, 20.
  • Msigwa, R., & Kipesha, E. F. (2013). Determinants of youth unemployment in developing countries: Evidence from Tanzania. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 4(14), 67-76.
  • Mfinanga, D., & Fungo, E. (2013). Impact of incidents on traffic congestion in Dar es Salaam city. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 2(2), 95-108.
  • Othman, O. C. (1821). Roadside levels of ambient air pollutants: SO2, NO2, NO, CO and SPM in Dar es Salaam City. Tanzania Journal of Natural and ISSN, 7249.
  • Dasgupta, S., Lall, S. V., & Wheeler, D. (2020). Traffic, air pollution, and distributional impacts in Dar es Salaam: A spatial analysis with new satellite data. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, (9185).
  • Enemark, S. (2017, November). A Fit‐For‐Purpose approach to Land Administration in Africa in support of the new 2030 Global Agenda. In The Africa We Want. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Land Policy in Africa UN Economic Commisison for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethipoia (pp. 14-17).
  • Union, A. (2009). Land policy in Africa: A framework to strengthen land rights, enhance productivity and secure livelihoods. Addis Ababa: African Union and Economic Commission for Africa.
  • UN-HABITAT. (2012). Handling land, Innovative Tools for Land Governance and Secure Tenure: UN-HABITAT
  • Radoki, C. (2006). Social agency and state authority in land delivery processes in African cities: Compliance, conflict and cooperation. International Development Planning Review, 28(2), 263-285
  • Kombe, W. J., & Kreibich, V. (2006). Governance of informal urbanisation in Tanzania. Mkuki na Nyota Publishers.
  • Oates, L., Gillard, R., Sudmant, A., & Gouldson, A. (2020). Secure and equal access to land for all: Lessons on land governance and climate resilience from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
  • Citizen, T. (2019, 6th February 2019). Only 15 percent of the country’s land surveyed, government reveals. Tanzanian Local Newspaper.
  • Bank, A. D. (2013). Urbanization in Africa. African Development Bank Group.
  • Andreasen, M. H., McGranahan, G., Kyessi, A., & Kombe, W. (2020). Informal land investments and wealth accumulation in the context of regularization: case studies from Dar es Salaam and Mwanza. Environment and Urbanization, 32(1), 89-108.
  • Karakuş, P., Karabork, H., & Kaya, S. (2017). A comparison of the classification accuracies in determining the land cover of Kadirli Region of Turkey by using the pixel based and object based classification algorithms. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 2(2), 52-60.
  • Yakup, A. E., & Ayazlı, İ. E. (2022). Investigating changes in land cover in high-density settlement areas by protected scenario. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 7(1), 1-8.
  • Mussa, L. (2016). Urban land use planning legal and institutional issues and challenges in Tanzania: the case of Unplanned Residences in Dar es Salaam and Mwanza.
  • Ndjovu, C. (2016). Understanding causes of dissatisfactions among compensated landowners in expropriation programs in Tanzania. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 5(1), 1-7.
  • Bhanjee, S., & Zhang, C. H. (2018). Mapping latest patterns of urban sprawl in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Papers in Applied Geography, 4(3), 292-304.
  • Kombe, W. J. (2010). Land acquisition for public use, emerging conflicts and their socio-political implications. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 2(1-2), 45-63.
  • Lupala, J., & Chiwanga, P. (2014). Urban expansion and compulsory land acquisition in Dodoma National Capital, Tanzania. Journal of Land Administration in East Africa, 2(2).
  • Kusiluka, M. M., Kongela, S., Kusiluka, M. A., Karimuribo, E. D., & Kusiluka, L. J. (2011). The negative impact of land acquisition on indigenous communities’ livelihood and environment in Tanzania. Habitat International, 35(1), 66-73.
  • Kusiluka, M. M., Kongela, S., Kusiluka, M. A., Karimuribo, E. D., & Kusiluka, L. J. (2011). The negative impact of land acquisition on indigenous communities’ livelihood and environment in Tanzania. Habitat International, 35(1), 66-73.
  • Lugoe, F. N., & Salaam, D. E. (2008, May). A century of government regulated land access in Tanzania. In Videoconferencing Workshop on Land Administration in Tanzania.
  • Enemark, S., Bell, K. C., Lemmen, C., & McLaren, R. (2014). Fit-for-purpose land administration. International Federation of Surveyors.
  • Agrawal, A., & Ribot, J. (1999). Making decentralization accountable: A framework for analysis and empirical studies from South Asia and West Africa. Journal of Developing Areas, 33, 473-490.
  • Uisso, M. A. (2018). Tanzanya’da Arazi Mülkiyeti, Kullanımı ve Arazi Geliştirme Çalışmalarının Değerlendirilmesi. Ankara University, Master’s Thesis.
  • Florczyk, A. J., Corbane, C., Ehrlich, D., Freire, S., Kemper, T., Maffenini, L., ... & Zanchetta, L. (2019). GHSL data package 2019. Luxembourg, EUR, 29788(10.2760), 290498.
  • Corbane, C., Florczyk, A., Pesaresi, M., Politis, P., & Syrris, V. (2018). GHS built-up grid, derived from Landsat, multitemporal (1975-1990-2000-2014), R2018A. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC).
  • Review, W. P. (2021). Retrieved from
  • Canaz, S., Aliefendioğlu, Y., & Tanrıvermiş, H. (2017). Change detection using Landsat images and an analysis of the linkages between the change and property tax values in the Istanbul Province of Turkey. Journal of Environmental Management, 200, 446-455.
  • Dar Es Salaam population growth data: Accessed: October 2021.
  • The World Bank Data (2020), FAOSTAT 2020
  • Worldometer (2021), NBS population projection.
  • Accessed: 2021, October
  • Worldometer, C. C. (2021). Worldometer. 2020. Update (Live)
  • Karra, K., Kontgis, C., Statman-Weil, Z., Mazzariello, J. C., Mathis, M., & Brumby, S. P. (2021, July). Global land use/land cover with Sentinel 2 and deep learning. In 2021 IEEE international geoscience and remote sensing symposium IGARSS (pp. 4704-4707). IEEE.
  • Enemark, S. (2009). Land governance for sustainable development. Paper presented at the Opening keynote address at the FIG/World Bank Conference Land governance in support of the MDGs: Facing the new challenges “, Washington DC.
  • Williamson, I., Enemark, S., Wallace, J., & Rajabifard, A. (2010). Land administration for sustainable development (p. 487). Redlands, CA, USA: ESRI Press Academic.
  • Peter, L. L., & Yang, Y. (2019). Urban planning historical review of master plans and the way towards a sustainable city: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 8(3), 359-377.
  • Tenga, R. W. (2015). The Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF) Synthesis Report: World Bank -Tanzania.
  • John, P., & Kabote, S. J. (2017). Land governance and conflict management in Tanzania: Institutional capacity and policy-legal framework challenges. American Journal of Rural Development, 5(2), 46-54
  • Fitzgerald, A. (2017). Wearing an amulet: Land titling and tenure (in) security in Tanzania (Doctoral dissertation, National University of Ireland, Maynooth (Ireland)).
  • Watson, V. (2009). ‘The planned city sweeps the poor away…’: Urban planning and 21st century urbanisation. Progress in planning, 72(3), 151-193.
  • De Soto, H., & Diaz, H. P. (2002). The mystery of capital. Why capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else. Canadian Journal of Latin American & Caribbean Studies, 27(53), 172.
  • Kasala, S. E., Burra, M. M., & Mwankenja, T. S. (2016). Access to Improved Sanitation in Informal Settlements: The Case of Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania. Current Urban Studies, 4(01), 23-35
  • Uisso, A. M., & Tanrıvermiş, H. (2021). Driving factors and assessment of changes in the use of arable land in Tanzania. Land Use Policy, 104, 105359.
  • Kalabamu, F. T. (1992). Tanzania: Developing urban residential land. Journal of Urban Affairs, 14(1), 61-78.
  • Locke, A., & Henley, G. (2016). Urbanisation, land and property rights. ODI report Jan.
  • Mercer, C. (2017). Landscapes of extended ruralisation: postcolonial suburbs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42(1), 72-83.
  • Tırmanoğlu, B., İsmailoğlu, İ., Kokal, A. T., & Musaoğlu, N. (2023). Yeni nesil multispektral ve hiperspektral uydu görüntülerinin arazi örtüsü/arazi kullanımı sınıflandırma performanslarının karşılaştırılması: Sentinel-2 ve PRISMA Uydusu. Geomatik, 8(1), 79-90.
  • Yakup, A. E., & Ayazlı, İ. E. (2022). Investigating changes in land cover in high-density settlement areas by protected scenario. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 7(1), 1-8.
  • Amirtahmasebi, R., Orloff, M., Wahba, S., & Altman, A. (2016). Regenerating urban land: A practitioner's guide to leveraging private investment. World Bank Publications.
  • UN-Habitat, (2016). Urbanization and Development Emerging Futures. World Cities Report. UK: Earthscan Publications
  • Nuhu, S., & Kombe, W. J. (2021). Experiences of private firms in delivering land services in peri-urban areas in Tanzania. International Planning Studies, 26(2), 101-116.
  • Magembe-Mushi, D. L., & Lupala, J. M. (2015). Resettling displaced residents from regularised informal settlements in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania: Challenges faced by house owners. Current Urban Studies, 3(02), 71-81
  • Kasala, S. E., & Burra, M. M. (2016). The role of public private partnerships in planned and serviced land delivery in Tanzania. iBusiness, 8(01), 10-17
  • Hong, Y. H., & Brain, I. (2012). Land readjustment for urban development and post-disaster reconstruction. Land Lines, 24(1), 2-9.
  • Briggs, J., & Mwamfupe, D. (1999). The changing nature of the peri‐urban zone in Africa: Evidence from Dar‐es‐Salaam, Tanzania. Scottish Geographical Journal, 115(4), 269-282.
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There are 82 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Amanı Uısso 0000-0002-6083-7174

Sibel Canaz Sevgen 0000-0001-5552-6067

Harun Tanrıvermiş 0000-0002-0765-5347

Early Pub Date May 8, 2023
Publication Date October 15, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Uısso, A., Canaz Sevgen, S., & Tanrıvermiş, H. (2023). The plight of urban settlements based on the proliferation of dichotomy in Tanzania. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 8(3), 262-276.
AMA Uısso A, Canaz Sevgen S, Tanrıvermiş H. The plight of urban settlements based on the proliferation of dichotomy in Tanzania. IJEG. October 2023;8(3):262-276. doi:10.26833/ijeg.1149133
Chicago Uısso, Amanı, Sibel Canaz Sevgen, and Harun Tanrıvermiş. “The Plight of Urban Settlements Based on the Proliferation of Dichotomy in Tanzania”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 8, no. 3 (October 2023): 262-76.
EndNote Uısso A, Canaz Sevgen S, Tanrıvermiş H (October 1, 2023) The plight of urban settlements based on the proliferation of dichotomy in Tanzania. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 8 3 262–276.
IEEE A. Uısso, S. Canaz Sevgen, and H. Tanrıvermiş, “The plight of urban settlements based on the proliferation of dichotomy in Tanzania”, IJEG, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 262–276, 2023, doi: 10.26833/ijeg.1149133.
ISNAD Uısso, Amanı et al. “The Plight of Urban Settlements Based on the Proliferation of Dichotomy in Tanzania”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 8/3 (October 2023), 262-276.
JAMA Uısso A, Canaz Sevgen S, Tanrıvermiş H. The plight of urban settlements based on the proliferation of dichotomy in Tanzania. IJEG. 2023;8:262–276.
MLA Uısso, Amanı et al. “The Plight of Urban Settlements Based on the Proliferation of Dichotomy in Tanzania”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, vol. 8, no. 3, 2023, pp. 262-76, doi:10.26833/ijeg.1149133.
Vancouver Uısso A, Canaz Sevgen S, Tanrıvermiş H. The plight of urban settlements based on the proliferation of dichotomy in Tanzania. IJEG. 2023;8(3):262-76.