The objective of this research is to establish a ranking of five cadastral municipalities within the administrative municipality of Pancevo in order to determine the priority for the renewal of cadastral maps. To facilitate ranking of cadastral municipalities, the VIKOR method, a multi-criteria optimization technique, was employed. For the optimization of cadastral map renewal in the study area, a list of eight criterion functions (fi), six sub-criteria (kij), and four different combinations of weights (ωi) were adopted to express the varying relative importance of criterion functions. The results obtained, in the form of ranking lists for each combination of weights, facilitated the development of a hierarchy indicating the urgency for initiating cadastral map renewal works. Based on the results, the cadastral municipality of Dolovo is recommended as the optimal compromise solution according to the first combination of weight values. It holds the top position on the compromise ranking list, enjoying a 64.8% advantage over the alternative in second place. For the second combination of weight values, the proposal consists of two alternatives: Dolovo and Omoljica. Dolovo occupies the top position on the compromise ranking list, with a 17.8% advantage over Omoljica in second place. Furthermore, Dolovo also secures the top position on the QR and QS ranking lists, thus representing the optimal compromise solution. The proposal for the third combination of weight values suggests a compromise between Pancevo and Dolovo. Pancevo holds the top position on the compromise ranking list, enjoying a 6.1% advantage over Dolovo in second place. However, Dolovo, with a 35.5% advantage over the alternative in third place, satisfies the condition of a significant advantage. In the fourth combination, Dolovo exhibits a 44.3% advantage over the second alternative.
Graphical geodetic survey Real estate cadastre Multi-criteria optimization VIKOR Digital cadastral maps
Primary Language | English |
Subjects | Cadastral and Property |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Early Pub Date | November 17, 2024 |
Publication Date | October 31, 2024 |
Submission Date | January 20, 2024 |
Acceptance Date | June 25, 2024 |
Published in Issue | Year 2024 |