Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 90 - 97, 01.07.2021



  • Alcantara D P & Martens (2019). Technology road mapping (TRM): a systematic review of the literature focusing on models. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 138, 127-138. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2018.08.014
  • Atazadeh B, Kalantari M, Rajabifard A & Ho S (2017). Modelling building ownership boundaries within BIM environment: A case study in Victoria, Australia. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 61, 24–38. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2016.09.001
  • Baz İ & Geymen A (2006). Automatic document preparation by interacting GIS software packages using office programs. Advances in Engineering Software, 37(11), 763-769. DOI: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2006.04.004
  • Biljecki F (2016). A scientometric analysis of selected GIScience journals. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 30(7), 1302-1335. DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2015.1130831
  • Çağdaş V & Stubkjær E (2009). Doctoral research on cadastral development. Land Use Policy, 26(4), 869-889.DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2008.10.012
  • Cemellini B, van Oosterom P, Thompson R & deVries M (2020). Design, development and usability testing of an LADM compliant 3D Cadastral prototype system. Land Use Policy DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104418
  • Dale P & Mclaughlin J (1999). Land Administration. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0198233906
  • Davood S (2014). 3D cadastral visualisation: understanding users’ requirements. PhD Thesis, University of Melbourne, Australia.
  • De Bakker F G A, Groenewegen P & Den Hond F. (2005). A bibliometric analysis of 30 years of research and theory on corporate social responsibility and corporate social performance. Business & Society, 44 (3), 283–317. DOI: 10.1177/0007650305278086
  • Döner F & Biyik C (2011). Modelling and mapping third dimension in a spatial database. International Journal of Digital Earth, 4(6), 505-520. DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2011.571723
  • Döner F (2010). A 3D Approach for Turkish Cadastral System, PhD Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey. (in Turkish)
  • Döner F, Bıyık C & Demir O (2011). Three Dimensional Cadastre Applications in the World. Hkm - Jeodezi, Jeoinformasyon ve Arazi Yönetimi Dergisi, 2011(2), 53-59. (in Turkish).
  • Döner F, Thompson R, Stoter J, Lemmen C, Ploeger H & van Oosterom P (2008). 4D land administration solutions in the context of the spatial information infrastructure. FIG Working Week 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Felus Y, Barzani S, Caine A, Blumkine N & van Oosterom P (2014). Steps towards 3D Cadastre and ISO 19152 (LADM) in Israel. 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • FIG (1995). The FIG Statement on the Cadastre, FIG Publication No: 11. Garnett A, Lee G & Illes J (2013). Publication trends in neuroimaging of minimally conscious states. Peer J, 1(4).
  • Guo R, Li L, He B, Luo P, Ying S, Zhao Z & Jiang R (2011). 3D cadastre in China: A case study in Shenzhen city, 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, Delft, the Netherlands, 291-307.
  • Guo R, Li L, Ying S, Luo P, He B & Jiang R (2013). Developing a 3D cadastre for the administration of urban land use: A case study of Shenzhen, China. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 40, 46-55. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2012.07.006
  • Janečka K & Souček P (2017). A country profile of the Czech Republic based on an LADM for the Development of a 3D Cadastre. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(5). DOI: 10.3390/ijgi6050143
  • Kitsakis D & Dimopoulou E (2014). 3D cadastres: legal approaches and necessary reforms. Survey Review, 46, 322-332. DOI: 10.1179/1752270614Y.0000000119
  • Larsson K, Paasch J M & Paulsson J (2020). Representation of 3D cadastral boundaries—from analogue to digital. Land Use Policy doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104178.
  • Larsson K, Paasch J M, Paulsson J (2018). Conversion of 2D analogue cadastral boundary plans into 3D digital information - problems and challenges illustrated by a Swedish case. Proceedings of 6th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop, Delft, the Netherlands, 75-92.
  • Lee B-M, Kim T-J, Kwak B-Y, Lee, Y-H & Choi J (2015). Improvement of the Korean LADM country profile to build a 3D cadastre model. Land Use Policy 49, 660-667. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.10.012
  • Lemmen C & van Oosterom P (2003). 3D Cadastres. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS), 27, 337-343.
  • Molen P (2003). Institutional aspects of 3D cadastres. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 27(4), 383–394.
  • Motoyama Y & Eisler M N (2011). Bibliometry and nanotechnology: A meta-analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(7), 1174-1182. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2011.03.013
  • OG (Official Gazette) (2014). Law on re-structure of some law and legislative decisions and rebuilding of the receivables, (in Turkish), Available at: (Accessed Date: December 29th, 2019).
  • Paulsson J & Paasch J M (2013). 3D property research from a legal perspective. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 40, 7-13. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2012.11.004
  • Paulsson J & Paasch J M (2015). The land administration domain model – A literature survey. Land Use Policy, 49, 546-551. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.08.008
  • Paulsson J (2007). 3D Property Rights- An analysis of key factors based on international experience. PhD Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
  • Pouliot J, Hubert F, Wang C, Ellul C, Rajabifard A (2016). 3D Cadastre visualization: Recent progress and future directions. Proceedings of the 5th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop, 337-357.
  • Radulović A, Sladić D & Govedarica M (2017). Towards 3D Cadastre in Serbia: Development of Serbian Cadastral Domain Model, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(10).
  • Schloegl C & Gorraiz J (2006). Document delivery as a source for bibliometric analyses: The case of Subito. Journal of Information Science, 32(3), 223-237. DOI: 10.1177/0165551506064410
  • Shnaidman A, van Oosterom P, Lemmen C, Ploeger H, Karki S & Rahman A A (2019). Analysis of the Third FIG 3D Cadastres Questionnaire: Status in 2018 and Expectations for 2022. Proceedings of FIG Working Week 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Shojaei D, Olfat H, Briffa M & Rajabifard A (2017). 3D Digital Cadastre Journey in Victoria, Australia. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, IV-4/W5, 117-123.
  • Steudler D, Rajabifard A & Williamson I P (2004). Evaluation of land administration systems. Land Use Policy, 21(4), 371–380. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2003.05.001
  • Stoter J (2004). 3D Cadastre, PhD Thesis, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.
  • Stoter J, Ho S & Biljecki F (2019). Considerations for a contemporary 3D Cadastre for our times. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-4/W15, 81-88.
  • Stoter J, Ploeger H, Roes R, van der Riet E, Biljecki F, Ledoux H, Kok D & Kim S (2017). Registration of multi-level property rights in 3D in the Netherlands: Two cases and next steps in further implementation. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(6), 158. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi6060158
  • Thompson R J, van Oosterom P & Soon K H (2017). LandXML encoding of mixed 2D and 3D survey plans with multi-level topology. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(6), 171. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi6060171
  • Ting L & Williamson I P (1999). Cadastral Trends: A Synthesis. Australian Surveyor, 44(1), 46–54. DOI: 10.1080/00050351.1999.10558772
  • van Oosterom P (2013). Research and development in 3D cadastres. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 40, 1-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2013.01.002
  • van Oosterom P, Stoter J, Ploeger H, Lemmen C, Thompson R & Karki S (2014). Initial analysis of the second FIG 3D cadastres questionnaire: status in 2014 and expectations for 2018. 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • Vandysheva N, Tikhonov V, van Oosterom P, Stoter J, Ploeger H, Wouters R & Penkov V (2011). 3D cadastre modelling in Russia. FIG Working Week, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Wang C (2015). 3D Visualization of Cadastre: Assessing the Suitability of Visual Variables and Enhancement Techniques in the 3D Model of Condominium Property Units. PHD Thesis, Universite Laval, Québec, Canada.
  • Ying S, Guo R, Li L & He B (2012). Application of 3D GIS to 3D cadastre in urban environment. 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres: Developments and Practices, Shenzhen, China.
  • Ying S, Guo R, Yang J, He B, Zhao Z & Jin F (2017). 3D space shift from CityGML LoD3-based multiple building elements to a 3D volumetric object. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(1), 17. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi6010017

Analysis of literature on 3D cadastre

Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 90 - 97, 01.07.2021


In this study, it is aimed to analyse the three-dimensional (3D) cadastre literature in terms of legal, institutional, and technical aspects. For this purpose, 441 publications published between 2001 and 2019 were examined. In the literature, which includes publications from 59 different countries the studies mostly focused on technical issues. An international consensus on legal, institutional, and technical aspects of a 3D cadastre solution seems difficult. Since rights, restrictions, and responsibilities with a 3D component are somehow registered administratively, stakeholders from the legal domain are reluctant to 3D cadastre. From a technical point of view, the technology required to use 3D digital data for registration has matured sufficiently in the past twenty years. However, further research on a real 3D cadastre solution, creating a workflow that considers both current legal and technical framework beyond pilot studies, is needed.


  • Alcantara D P & Martens (2019). Technology road mapping (TRM): a systematic review of the literature focusing on models. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 138, 127-138. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2018.08.014
  • Atazadeh B, Kalantari M, Rajabifard A & Ho S (2017). Modelling building ownership boundaries within BIM environment: A case study in Victoria, Australia. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 61, 24–38. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2016.09.001
  • Baz İ & Geymen A (2006). Automatic document preparation by interacting GIS software packages using office programs. Advances in Engineering Software, 37(11), 763-769. DOI: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2006.04.004
  • Biljecki F (2016). A scientometric analysis of selected GIScience journals. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 30(7), 1302-1335. DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2015.1130831
  • Çağdaş V & Stubkjær E (2009). Doctoral research on cadastral development. Land Use Policy, 26(4), 869-889.DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2008.10.012
  • Cemellini B, van Oosterom P, Thompson R & deVries M (2020). Design, development and usability testing of an LADM compliant 3D Cadastral prototype system. Land Use Policy DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104418
  • Dale P & Mclaughlin J (1999). Land Administration. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0198233906
  • Davood S (2014). 3D cadastral visualisation: understanding users’ requirements. PhD Thesis, University of Melbourne, Australia.
  • De Bakker F G A, Groenewegen P & Den Hond F. (2005). A bibliometric analysis of 30 years of research and theory on corporate social responsibility and corporate social performance. Business & Society, 44 (3), 283–317. DOI: 10.1177/0007650305278086
  • Döner F & Biyik C (2011). Modelling and mapping third dimension in a spatial database. International Journal of Digital Earth, 4(6), 505-520. DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2011.571723
  • Döner F (2010). A 3D Approach for Turkish Cadastral System, PhD Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey. (in Turkish)
  • Döner F, Bıyık C & Demir O (2011). Three Dimensional Cadastre Applications in the World. Hkm - Jeodezi, Jeoinformasyon ve Arazi Yönetimi Dergisi, 2011(2), 53-59. (in Turkish).
  • Döner F, Thompson R, Stoter J, Lemmen C, Ploeger H & van Oosterom P (2008). 4D land administration solutions in the context of the spatial information infrastructure. FIG Working Week 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Felus Y, Barzani S, Caine A, Blumkine N & van Oosterom P (2014). Steps towards 3D Cadastre and ISO 19152 (LADM) in Israel. 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • FIG (1995). The FIG Statement on the Cadastre, FIG Publication No: 11. Garnett A, Lee G & Illes J (2013). Publication trends in neuroimaging of minimally conscious states. Peer J, 1(4).
  • Guo R, Li L, He B, Luo P, Ying S, Zhao Z & Jiang R (2011). 3D cadastre in China: A case study in Shenzhen city, 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, Delft, the Netherlands, 291-307.
  • Guo R, Li L, Ying S, Luo P, He B & Jiang R (2013). Developing a 3D cadastre for the administration of urban land use: A case study of Shenzhen, China. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 40, 46-55. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2012.07.006
  • Janečka K & Souček P (2017). A country profile of the Czech Republic based on an LADM for the Development of a 3D Cadastre. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(5). DOI: 10.3390/ijgi6050143
  • Kitsakis D & Dimopoulou E (2014). 3D cadastres: legal approaches and necessary reforms. Survey Review, 46, 322-332. DOI: 10.1179/1752270614Y.0000000119
  • Larsson K, Paasch J M & Paulsson J (2020). Representation of 3D cadastral boundaries—from analogue to digital. Land Use Policy doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104178.
  • Larsson K, Paasch J M, Paulsson J (2018). Conversion of 2D analogue cadastral boundary plans into 3D digital information - problems and challenges illustrated by a Swedish case. Proceedings of 6th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop, Delft, the Netherlands, 75-92.
  • Lee B-M, Kim T-J, Kwak B-Y, Lee, Y-H & Choi J (2015). Improvement of the Korean LADM country profile to build a 3D cadastre model. Land Use Policy 49, 660-667. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.10.012
  • Lemmen C & van Oosterom P (2003). 3D Cadastres. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS), 27, 337-343.
  • Molen P (2003). Institutional aspects of 3D cadastres. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 27(4), 383–394.
  • Motoyama Y & Eisler M N (2011). Bibliometry and nanotechnology: A meta-analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(7), 1174-1182. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2011.03.013
  • OG (Official Gazette) (2014). Law on re-structure of some law and legislative decisions and rebuilding of the receivables, (in Turkish), Available at: (Accessed Date: December 29th, 2019).
  • Paulsson J & Paasch J M (2013). 3D property research from a legal perspective. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 40, 7-13. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2012.11.004
  • Paulsson J & Paasch J M (2015). The land administration domain model – A literature survey. Land Use Policy, 49, 546-551. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.08.008
  • Paulsson J (2007). 3D Property Rights- An analysis of key factors based on international experience. PhD Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
  • Pouliot J, Hubert F, Wang C, Ellul C, Rajabifard A (2016). 3D Cadastre visualization: Recent progress and future directions. Proceedings of the 5th International FIG 3D Cadastre Workshop, 337-357.
  • Radulović A, Sladić D & Govedarica M (2017). Towards 3D Cadastre in Serbia: Development of Serbian Cadastral Domain Model, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(10).
  • Schloegl C & Gorraiz J (2006). Document delivery as a source for bibliometric analyses: The case of Subito. Journal of Information Science, 32(3), 223-237. DOI: 10.1177/0165551506064410
  • Shnaidman A, van Oosterom P, Lemmen C, Ploeger H, Karki S & Rahman A A (2019). Analysis of the Third FIG 3D Cadastres Questionnaire: Status in 2018 and Expectations for 2022. Proceedings of FIG Working Week 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Shojaei D, Olfat H, Briffa M & Rajabifard A (2017). 3D Digital Cadastre Journey in Victoria, Australia. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, IV-4/W5, 117-123.
  • Steudler D, Rajabifard A & Williamson I P (2004). Evaluation of land administration systems. Land Use Policy, 21(4), 371–380. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2003.05.001
  • Stoter J (2004). 3D Cadastre, PhD Thesis, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.
  • Stoter J, Ho S & Biljecki F (2019). Considerations for a contemporary 3D Cadastre for our times. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-4/W15, 81-88.
  • Stoter J, Ploeger H, Roes R, van der Riet E, Biljecki F, Ledoux H, Kok D & Kim S (2017). Registration of multi-level property rights in 3D in the Netherlands: Two cases and next steps in further implementation. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(6), 158. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi6060158
  • Thompson R J, van Oosterom P & Soon K H (2017). LandXML encoding of mixed 2D and 3D survey plans with multi-level topology. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(6), 171. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi6060171
  • Ting L & Williamson I P (1999). Cadastral Trends: A Synthesis. Australian Surveyor, 44(1), 46–54. DOI: 10.1080/00050351.1999.10558772
  • van Oosterom P (2013). Research and development in 3D cadastres. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 40, 1-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2013.01.002
  • van Oosterom P, Stoter J, Ploeger H, Lemmen C, Thompson R & Karki S (2014). Initial analysis of the second FIG 3D cadastres questionnaire: status in 2014 and expectations for 2018. 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • Vandysheva N, Tikhonov V, van Oosterom P, Stoter J, Ploeger H, Wouters R & Penkov V (2011). 3D cadastre modelling in Russia. FIG Working Week, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Wang C (2015). 3D Visualization of Cadastre: Assessing the Suitability of Visual Variables and Enhancement Techniques in the 3D Model of Condominium Property Units. PHD Thesis, Universite Laval, Québec, Canada.
  • Ying S, Guo R, Li L & He B (2012). Application of 3D GIS to 3D cadastre in urban environment. 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres: Developments and Practices, Shenzhen, China.
  • Ying S, Guo R, Yang J, He B, Zhao Z & Jin F (2017). 3D space shift from CityGML LoD3-based multiple building elements to a 3D volumetric object. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(1), 17. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi6010017
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Fatih Döner 0000-0002-3620-5687

Publication Date July 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Döner, F. (2021). Analysis of literature on 3D cadastre. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 6(2), 90-97.
AMA Döner F. Analysis of literature on 3D cadastre. IJEG. July 2021;6(2):90-97. doi:10.26833/ijeg.703244
Chicago Döner, Fatih. “Analysis of Literature on 3D Cadastre”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 6, no. 2 (July 2021): 90-97.
EndNote Döner F (July 1, 2021) Analysis of literature on 3D cadastre. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 6 2 90–97.
IEEE F. Döner, “Analysis of literature on 3D cadastre”, IJEG, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 90–97, 2021, doi: 10.26833/ijeg.703244.
ISNAD Döner, Fatih. “Analysis of Literature on 3D Cadastre”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 6/2 (July 2021), 90-97.
JAMA Döner F. Analysis of literature on 3D cadastre. IJEG. 2021;6:90–97.
MLA Döner, Fatih. “Analysis of Literature on 3D Cadastre”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, vol. 6, no. 2, 2021, pp. 90-97, doi:10.26833/ijeg.703244.
Vancouver Döner F. Analysis of literature on 3D cadastre. IJEG. 2021;6(2):90-7.

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