The Qibla Direction Problem in Large-Scale Maps and Its Representation with Geodetic Accuracy: The Case of Türkiye
Year 2025,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 151 - 163
Faruk Yıldırım
Fatih Kadı
Şakir Levent Şahin
Bayram Uzun
In Islamic societies, knowing the direction of the Qibla is important in the planning of religious areas. In urban plans designed by practitioners where the Qibla direction is not considered, inconsistencies arise among religious areas. These inconsistencies reduce the project areas within the structures and cause loss of space. To address these inconsistencies, plan revisions are required. However, plan revisions extend the construction periods of projects and increase the projected costs. Adding the Qibla direction as a legend to large-scale maps (LSMs) used as base maps in the drawing of urban plans is an option that can be used to eliminate these inconsistencies. In this study, the Qibla direction for all LSMs in Türkiye's national mapping was calculated with geodetic accuracy to eliminate the mentioned inconsistencies. These calculations and the generated visual outputs are presented to users through the Map Qibla Direction Calculation Interface (MQDCI) developed in the MATLAB environment. When any coordinate data or the name of the relevant LSM is entered as input into the developed interface, the Qibla direction value for that map is provided to the user in this study. The developed interface allows the Qibla direction angle to be calculated and presented to the user with geodetic accuracy and instantly, without the need for measurements and calculations performed in the field. Although the developed interface is designed according to the Kaaba, which is the Qibla for Muslims, and Türkiye's geographical boundaries, it is also suitable for other religions in Türkiye or different religions in other countries. For this, it is sufficient to know the national mapping systems of the countries and the geographical coordinates of the Qibla in Christianity and Judaism
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- Şentürk, M. (2016). Aile Dostu Kentler Etüt Araştırması, T.C. Aile Ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı Aile Ve Toplum Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Araştırma ve Politika Serisi 40, Ankara.
- Saksono, T., Fulazzaky, M.A., Sari, Z. (2018). Geodetic analysis of disputed accurate Qibla direction. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 12(2), 129-138.
- Schumm, W.R. (2020). How Accurately Could Early (622-900 C.E.) Muslims Determine the Direction of Prayers (Qibla)? Religions. 11(3), 102.
- Kusdiyana, A.N., Rifki, A.W. (2023). The Precision of Qibla Direction in Masjid Jami’ At Beber District: A Comprehensive Study From the Perspectives of Astronomy and Local Scholars. NUSANTARA: Journal Of Law Studies, 2(2), 88–98.
- Spatial Plans Production Regulation, (2024). Mekânsal Planlar Yapım Yönetmeliği. Ankara: Resmî Gazete (Sayı: 32569).
- Güç, A. (2002). Dinlerde Kıble Anlayışı. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(2), (Haziran 2002).
- Taj, H.M. (1999). The Influence of Qibla on Street-Lne Orientation in Islamic Cities, Proceeding of symposium on Mosque Architecture, College of Architecture & Planning, King Saud university, 3B, 173-181.
- Mortada, H. (2003). Traditional Islamic Principles of Built Environment, Routledge Curzon: New York.
- Patrick, B.C., Prosper, I.K. (2015). Religion gnaws urban planning: the geography of places of worship in Kumasi, Ghana, International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 8(2), 93-109.
- Osorio, J.F. (2019). Freedom of religion or belief in urban planning of places of worship an interreligious participatory mechanism in Manizales, Colombia, The International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF), 12(1), 123-136.
- Raeda, A.D., Asadi, S., Nina, V.D. (2020). Strategic urban planning of religious cities: the case study of Karbala city in Iraq, Journal on Construction and Architecture, 15(8), 1081-1089.
- Behzad, V., Hosein, N., Zahra, A.F. (2022). Assessing the Role of the Worship Axis in the Formation of Mosques in Yazd, The Scientific Journal of Nazar, 19(111), 59-70.
- Amir, G. (2007). The Kefar Saba cemetery and differences in orientation of Late Islamic burials from Israel/Palestine, The Journal of the Council for British Research in the Levant, 39(1), 71-79.
- Ismail, N., Setumin, S., Ishak, S.N. (2012). Two Corner Points Determination for Disinterment using Vector Algebra Method, 2012 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science & Engineering Research (CHUSER 2012), December 3-4, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
- Yakar, M., Yilmaz, H. M. & Mutluoglu, O. (2010). Close range photogrammetry and robotic total station in volume calculation. International Journal of the Physical Sciences. 5(2), 086-096.
- Badrun, T., Doki, R., Agutini, J., Mahdi, N. (2023). Dialectics of Jurisprudence, Science, and Tradition Analysis of the Accuracy of the Qibla Direction of Sentot Ali Basya Cemetery, Journal of Law Studies, 2(2), 168-179.
- Sezer, I. (2017). Evaluation of Accommodation Facilities in Terms of Halal Tourism: Trabzon Province Example, International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 7(1), 34-43.
- Rininta, N. (2019). The Potentıal Industry of Islamıc Tourısm in Asian Countries, International Journal of Islamic Business Ethics (IJIBE), 4(2), 627-639.
- Akyurt, H. (2020). Muhafazakar Turistler Açisindan İslami Otel Seçim Kriterlerinin Önem Derecesine Göre Belirlenmesi: Antalya İli Örneği, Avrasya Uluslararası Araştırmalar Dergisi, 22(8), 141 – 158.
- Ahmed, K., Noor, H.A.M., Azura, O. (2021). The need of international Islamic standards for medical tourism providers: a Malaysian experience, Journal of Islamic Marketing, 12(1), 113-123.
- Tosun, N., Mısırlıoğlu, A. (2022). Competitive strategies on medical tourism: Islamic medical tourism, Turkish Journal of Marketing, 7(1), 31-49.
- Almakky, G., Snyder, J. (1996). Calculating an Azimuth from One Location to Another A Case Study in Determining the Qibla to Makkah, Cartographica, 33(2), 29-36.
- Pantazis, G., Lambrou, E. (2009). Investigating the Orientation of Eleven Mosques in Greece, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 12(2), 159-166.
- İlçi, V., Ozulu, İ.M., Arslan, E., Alkan, R.M. (2018). Investigation on the Accuracy of Existing Qibla Directions of the Mosques from Different Periods: A Case Study in Çorum City, Türkiye Technical Gazette, 25(6), 1642-1649.
- Vincenty, T. (1975). Direct and inverse solutions of geodesics on the ellipsoid with application of nested equations. Survey Review, 176, 88–93.
- Bildirici, İ.Ö. (2017). Elipsoit Yüzeyinde Temel Ödev Çözümleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Geomatik, 2(1), 53-59.
- Sjöberg, L.E., Shirazian, M. (2012). Solving the direct and inverse geodetic problems on the ellipsoid by numerical integration, Journal of Surveying Engineering, 138, 9-16.
- Karney, C.F.F. (2013). Algorithms for geodesics, Journal of Geodesy, 87(1), 43-55.
- Grossmann, W. (1976). Geodätische Rechnungen und Abbildungen in der Landesvermessung, Stuttgart.
- Kirici Yildirim, U., Sisman, Y. (2019). The deformation analysis using hypothesis tests. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 4(2), 88-93.
- Özdemir, S., Akbulut, Z., Karslı, F., Acar, H. (2021). Automatic extraction of trees by using multiple return properties of the lidar point cloud. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 6(1), 20-26.
- Demiryege, İ., Ulukavak, M. (2022). Derin öğrenme tabanlı iyonosferik TEC tahmini. Geomatik, 7(2), 80-87.
- Demirgül, T., Demir, V., Sevimli, M.F. (2024). Farklı makine öğrenmesi yaklaşımları ile Türkiye’nin solar radyasyon tahmini. Geomatik, 9(1), 106-122.
- Akbulut, Z., Özdemir, S., Acar, H., Dihkan, M., et al. (2018). Automatic extraction of building boundaries from high resolution images with active contour segmentation. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 3(1), 36-42.
- Karadeniz, B., Pehlivan, B., Altıntaş, A. F., Usta, S. (2024). Comparison of Network-RTK and PPP Technique in terms of Position Accuracy. Advanced Geomatics, 4(1), 31-36.
Year 2025,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 151 - 163
Faruk Yıldırım
Fatih Kadı
Şakir Levent Şahin
Bayram Uzun
- Uslu, A. (2017). Çevre Dostu Mezarlık Planlaması, İnanç ve Kültür Ekseninde Mezarlıklar, Türkiye Belediyeler Birliği Dergisi, sayı: 825-826, 36-40.
- Şentürk, M. (2016). Aile Dostu Kentler Etüt Araştırması, T.C. Aile Ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı Aile Ve Toplum Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Araştırma ve Politika Serisi 40, Ankara.
- Saksono, T., Fulazzaky, M.A., Sari, Z. (2018). Geodetic analysis of disputed accurate Qibla direction. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 12(2), 129-138.
- Schumm, W.R. (2020). How Accurately Could Early (622-900 C.E.) Muslims Determine the Direction of Prayers (Qibla)? Religions. 11(3), 102.
- Kusdiyana, A.N., Rifki, A.W. (2023). The Precision of Qibla Direction in Masjid Jami’ At Beber District: A Comprehensive Study From the Perspectives of Astronomy and Local Scholars. NUSANTARA: Journal Of Law Studies, 2(2), 88–98.
- Spatial Plans Production Regulation, (2024). Mekânsal Planlar Yapım Yönetmeliği. Ankara: Resmî Gazete (Sayı: 32569).
- Güç, A. (2002). Dinlerde Kıble Anlayışı. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(2), (Haziran 2002).
- Taj, H.M. (1999). The Influence of Qibla on Street-Lne Orientation in Islamic Cities, Proceeding of symposium on Mosque Architecture, College of Architecture & Planning, King Saud university, 3B, 173-181.
- Mortada, H. (2003). Traditional Islamic Principles of Built Environment, Routledge Curzon: New York.
- Patrick, B.C., Prosper, I.K. (2015). Religion gnaws urban planning: the geography of places of worship in Kumasi, Ghana, International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 8(2), 93-109.
- Osorio, J.F. (2019). Freedom of religion or belief in urban planning of places of worship an interreligious participatory mechanism in Manizales, Colombia, The International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF), 12(1), 123-136.
- Raeda, A.D., Asadi, S., Nina, V.D. (2020). Strategic urban planning of religious cities: the case study of Karbala city in Iraq, Journal on Construction and Architecture, 15(8), 1081-1089.
- Behzad, V., Hosein, N., Zahra, A.F. (2022). Assessing the Role of the Worship Axis in the Formation of Mosques in Yazd, The Scientific Journal of Nazar, 19(111), 59-70.
- Amir, G. (2007). The Kefar Saba cemetery and differences in orientation of Late Islamic burials from Israel/Palestine, The Journal of the Council for British Research in the Levant, 39(1), 71-79.
- Ismail, N., Setumin, S., Ishak, S.N. (2012). Two Corner Points Determination for Disinterment using Vector Algebra Method, 2012 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science & Engineering Research (CHUSER 2012), December 3-4, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
- Yakar, M., Yilmaz, H. M. & Mutluoglu, O. (2010). Close range photogrammetry and robotic total station in volume calculation. International Journal of the Physical Sciences. 5(2), 086-096.
- Badrun, T., Doki, R., Agutini, J., Mahdi, N. (2023). Dialectics of Jurisprudence, Science, and Tradition Analysis of the Accuracy of the Qibla Direction of Sentot Ali Basya Cemetery, Journal of Law Studies, 2(2), 168-179.
- Sezer, I. (2017). Evaluation of Accommodation Facilities in Terms of Halal Tourism: Trabzon Province Example, International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 7(1), 34-43.
- Rininta, N. (2019). The Potentıal Industry of Islamıc Tourısm in Asian Countries, International Journal of Islamic Business Ethics (IJIBE), 4(2), 627-639.
- Akyurt, H. (2020). Muhafazakar Turistler Açisindan İslami Otel Seçim Kriterlerinin Önem Derecesine Göre Belirlenmesi: Antalya İli Örneği, Avrasya Uluslararası Araştırmalar Dergisi, 22(8), 141 – 158.
- Ahmed, K., Noor, H.A.M., Azura, O. (2021). The need of international Islamic standards for medical tourism providers: a Malaysian experience, Journal of Islamic Marketing, 12(1), 113-123.
- Tosun, N., Mısırlıoğlu, A. (2022). Competitive strategies on medical tourism: Islamic medical tourism, Turkish Journal of Marketing, 7(1), 31-49.
- Almakky, G., Snyder, J. (1996). Calculating an Azimuth from One Location to Another A Case Study in Determining the Qibla to Makkah, Cartographica, 33(2), 29-36.
- Pantazis, G., Lambrou, E. (2009). Investigating the Orientation of Eleven Mosques in Greece, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 12(2), 159-166.
- İlçi, V., Ozulu, İ.M., Arslan, E., Alkan, R.M. (2018). Investigation on the Accuracy of Existing Qibla Directions of the Mosques from Different Periods: A Case Study in Çorum City, Türkiye Technical Gazette, 25(6), 1642-1649.
- Vincenty, T. (1975). Direct and inverse solutions of geodesics on the ellipsoid with application of nested equations. Survey Review, 176, 88–93.
- Bildirici, İ.Ö. (2017). Elipsoit Yüzeyinde Temel Ödev Çözümleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Geomatik, 2(1), 53-59.
- Sjöberg, L.E., Shirazian, M. (2012). Solving the direct and inverse geodetic problems on the ellipsoid by numerical integration, Journal of Surveying Engineering, 138, 9-16.
- Karney, C.F.F. (2013). Algorithms for geodesics, Journal of Geodesy, 87(1), 43-55.
- Grossmann, W. (1976). Geodätische Rechnungen und Abbildungen in der Landesvermessung, Stuttgart.
- Kirici Yildirim, U., Sisman, Y. (2019). The deformation analysis using hypothesis tests. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 4(2), 88-93.
- Özdemir, S., Akbulut, Z., Karslı, F., Acar, H. (2021). Automatic extraction of trees by using multiple return properties of the lidar point cloud. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 6(1), 20-26.
- Demiryege, İ., Ulukavak, M. (2022). Derin öğrenme tabanlı iyonosferik TEC tahmini. Geomatik, 7(2), 80-87.
- Demirgül, T., Demir, V., Sevimli, M.F. (2024). Farklı makine öğrenmesi yaklaşımları ile Türkiye’nin solar radyasyon tahmini. Geomatik, 9(1), 106-122.
- Akbulut, Z., Özdemir, S., Acar, H., Dihkan, M., et al. (2018). Automatic extraction of building boundaries from high resolution images with active contour segmentation. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 3(1), 36-42.
- Karadeniz, B., Pehlivan, B., Altıntaş, A. F., Usta, S. (2024). Comparison of Network-RTK and PPP Technique in terms of Position Accuracy. Advanced Geomatics, 4(1), 31-36.