Year 2021,
, 57 - 64, 07.03.2021
Quratulan Ahmed
Qadeer Mohammad Ali
Angus Hh Macdonald
- Ahmed, Q., Ali, Q.M., (2014). Abundance and Distribution of Holothuroidea (Echinodermata) with Emphasis on Heavy Metals Accumulation in Organism and Its Habitat, Project: Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, (Grant No. IPFP/HRD/HEC/1688).
- Ahmed,Q., Ahmed S. T and Ali, QM. (2020). Holothuria (Lessonothuria) insignis Ludwig, 1875 (formally resurrected from synonymy of H. pardalisSelenka, 1867) and Holothuria (Lessonothuria) lineate Ludwig, 1875—new additions to the sea cucumber fauna of Pakistan, with a key to the subgenus Lessonothuria Deichmann (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) Zootaxa 4767 (2): 307–318.
- Ahmed,Q., Ali,QM., and Conand, C. (2016). New additions to the holothurian fauna of Pakistan: Holothuria verrucosa, Holothuria cinerascens and Ohshimella ehrenbergii, SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin #36; 20-23.
- Altschul, S.F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E.W., Lipman, D.J. (1990). Basic local alignment search tool. J Mol Biol. 215(3):403-10.
- Atif, M., El-Naggar, Neveen, A., Ashaat, Hussein, I., El-Belbasi, Mohamed, S.S., (2008). Molecular Phylogeny of Egyptian Sea Cucumbers As Predicted From 16s Mitochondrial rRNA Gene Sequences World Applied Sciences Journal, 5(5): 531-542.
- Clark, A.M., Rowe, F.W.E., (1971). Monograph of shallow-water Indo-West Pacific echinoderms. London: Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History). 238 p. Grube A.E. 1840. Actinien, Echinodermen und Würmer des Adriatischen- und Mittelmeers, nacheigenenSammlungenbeschrieben. p. 1–92. J.H. Bon. Königsberg (available online at
- Clouse, R., Janies, D., & Kerr, A. M. (2005). Resurrection of BohadschiabivittatafromB. marmorata (Holothuroidea: Holothuriidae) based on behavioral, morphological, and mitochondrial DNA evidence. Zoological, 108(1), 27-39.
- Ehsanpour, Z., ArchangiB., Mona, S., Ali, S.M., ZolgharneinH., (2012). Morphological and Molecular Identification of Holothuria (Selenkothuria) parva from Bostaneh Port, Persian Gulf. Indian journal of Geo-Marine Sciences.45:405-409.
- Freeland, J.R., (2005). Molecular Ecology.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2005. ISBN 978-0-470-09062-6 400 pp.
- Giomar Helena Borrero-Pérez A, Jesús Gómez-Zurita B, Mercedes González-Wangüemert A, Concepción Marcos A, Angel Pérez-Ruzafa (2010). Molecular systematics of the genus Holothuria in the Mediterranean and Northeastern Atlantic and a molecular clock for the diversification of the Holothuriidae (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57, 899–906.
- Grewe, P.M., Krueger, C.C., Aquadro, C.F., Bermingham, E., Kincaid, H.L., Maid, B., (1993). Mitochondrial DNA variation among lake trout (Salvelinusnamaycush) strains stocked into Lake Ontario. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 50: 2379–2403.
- Hillis, D.M., Moritz, C., (1990). Molecular Systematics. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Massachusetts 01375, xvi + 588 pp., illus.
- Jefri, E., Zamani, N.P., Subhan, B., Madduppa., H.H., (2015). Molecular phylogeny inferred from mitochondrial DNA of the grouper Epinephelus spp. in Indonesia collected from local fish market, Biodiversitas, 16(2):254-263.
- Jombart T. and Ahmed I. (2011) adegenet 1.3-1: new tools for the analysis of genome-wide SNP data. Bioinformatics.
- Kamarudin, K.R., Hashim, R., Usup, G., (2010). Phylogeny of Sea Cucumber (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) as Inferred from 16s Mitochondrial rRNA Gene Sequences Sains Malays 39(2):209-218.
- Kamarudin, K.R., Rehan, M.M., (2015). Morphological and Molecular Identification of Holothuria (Merthensiothuria) leucospilota and Stichopushorrens from Pangkor Island, Malaysia.Trop Life Sci Res. Apr; 26(1): 87–99.
- Kamarudin, K.R., Rehan, M.M., Rehan, A.M., (2018). Species Identification and Molecular Phylogenetics of Processed Sea Cucumbers from Malaysian Market based on 12S Mitochondrial rRNA Gene, Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sc. 41 (4): 1833-1851.
- Kamarul Rahim Kamarudin, Maryam Mohamed Rehan and Nur Aliah Bahaman (2017). Morphological and Molecular Identification of Sea Cucumber species Holothuriascabra, Stichopushorrens and Stichopusocellatus from Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia, Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci. 40 (1): 161 - 172 .
- Kamarul Rahim, K., Gires, U., Ridzwan,H., (2006). Paraphyly of the Genus Holothuria (Aspidochirotida: Holothuriidae) as Inferred from 16S Mitochondrial rRNA Gene Sequences, Proceeding 8th National Symposium On Biology: Indigenous Biological Research For National Development.
- Kamarul, R.K., Ridzwan,B.H.,(2005). Distribution and Taxonomic Revision of Sea Cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in Several Populations of Malaysia. Proceeding International Conference on Biogeography, 13-15 July, pp: 225.
- Kerr AM, Janies DA, Clouse RM, Samyn Y, Kuszak J, Kim J. (2005). Molecular phylogeny of coral-reef sea cucumbers (Holothuriidae: Aspidochirotida) based on 16S mitochondrial ribosomal DNA sequence. Mar Biotechnology (NY). Jan-Feb;7(1):53-60.
- Kimura, M., (1980). A simple method for estimating evolutionary rates of base substitutions through comparative studies of nucleotide sequences. J Mol Esvol. 1980 Dec;16 (2):111-20.
- Madduppa, H., Taurusman, A.A., Subhan, B., Anggraini, N.P., Fadillah, R., Tarman, K., (2017). DNA barcoding reveals vulnerable andnot evaluated species of sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea and Stichopodidae) from KepulauanSeribu reefs, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 18:893-898.
- Madduppa, H., UtariAyuningtyas, R., Subhan, B., Prehadi, D.A., (2016). Exploited but unevaluated: DNA Barcoding reveals skates and stingrays (Chordata, Chondrichthyes) species landed in the Indonesian fish market. Ilmu Kelautan 2016, 21(1):29-36.
- Maulid, D.Y., Nurilmala, M., Nurjanah, N., Madduppa, H., (2016). Molecular Characteristics of Cytochrome B for Mackerel Barcoding, JPHPI 2016, 19(1):9-16.
- Miller, N., (2017). Sea Cucumbers Retrieved 2007 10-03.
- Miller, Nat. (2007). Sea Cucumbers. Retrieved 2007-10-03.
- Okonechnikov, K., Golosova, O., Fursov, M., (2012). Unipro UGENE: a unified bioinformatics toolkit, Bioinformatics, 28:1166-1167.
- Paradis, E., Schliep, K., (2018). Ape 5.0: an environment for modern phylogenetics and evolutionary analyses in R. Bioinformatics 35: 526-528.
- Prehadi,AS, EkaM.K., Rahmad, D.A., Subhan, B., Madduppa, H.H., (2015). DNA barcoding and phylogenetic reconstruction of shark species landed in Muncar fisheries landing site in comparison with Southern Java fishing port, Biodiversitas, 16(1):55-61.
- Qiuhua Yanga,b, Qi Lina, JianshaoWua, Ngoc Tuan Tranb, RuifangHuanga, ZaiqiaoSuna, Zhihuang Zhua, Zhen Lua, Shengkang Lib and Chen Zhoua (2019). Complete mitochondrial genome of Holothurialeucospilata (Holothuroidea, Holothuriidae) and phylogenetic analysis, Mitochondrial Dna Part B-2019, 4(2), 2751–2752.
- R Core Team, (2020). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
- Revell, L.J., (2012). Phytools: An R package for phylogenetic comparativebiology (and other things). Methods Ecol. Evol. 3 217-223.
- Schliep, K.P., (2011). Phangorn: phylogenetic analysis in R. Bioinformatics, 27(4):592-593.
Schmidt-Roach, S.,Miller, K.J.,Lundgren, P., Andreakis, N., (2014). With eyes wide open: A revision of species within and closely related to the Pocillopora damicornis species complex (Scleractinia; Pocilloporidae) using morphology and genetics, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 170(1), pp. 1–33.
- Selenka, E., (1867). BeitragezurAnatomie und Systematik der Holothurien. Der PhilosophischenFacultatzu Gottingen in December 1866, als Dissertation vorgelegt. pp. 291-374.
- Sembiring, A., Pertiwi, N.P.D., Mahardini, A., Wulandari, R., Kurniasih,E.M., Kuncoro, A.W., Cahyani, N.K.D., Anggoro, A., Ulfa, M., Madduppa, H., Carpenter, K.E., Barber, P.H., Mahardika, G.N., (2014). DNA barcoding reveals targeted fisheries for endangered sharks in Indonesia. Fish Res 164:130-134
- SitiHasmah, I., Pin, W.S., Yasin, Z., Nor, S., ShauHwai, A.T., (2012). Molecular taxonomy of sea cucumber (Holothuroidea) in the upper parts of the Strait of Malacca inferred from 16S rRNA gene sequences. The Thailand natural history museum Journal, 6(1):11-24.
- Tahera, Q., (1992). Taxonomic Studies of Northern Arabian Sea Echinoderms. Mphil Thesis, University of Karachi, 192 p.
- Tamura, K., Peterson, D., Peterson, N., Stecher, G., Nei, M., Kumar, S., (2011). MEGA5: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Using Maximum Likelihood, Evolutionary Distance, and Maximum Parsimony Methods, MolBiolEvol. 28(10): 2731–2739.
- Tavaré, S., (1986). Some probabilistic and statistical problems in the analysis of DNA sequences. Lectures on mathematics in the life sciences. 17(2):57-86.
- Uthicke, S., Byrne, M., Conand, C., (2010). Genetic Barcoding of commercial Bêche-de-mer species (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea), Molecular Ecology Resources,393 p,
- Xia J, Ren C, Yu Z, Wu X, Qian J, Hu CQ. (2016). Complete mitochondrialgenome of the sandfish Holothuriascabra (Holothuroidea, Holothuriidae). Mitochondrial DNA. 27:1–
- Zhang A, Meng-di Hao, Cai-qing Yang and Zhi-yong Shi (2016). BarcodingR: Species Identification using DNA Barcodes. R package version 1.0-2.
Identification of Sea Cucumber Holothuria (Lessonothuria) Pardalis (Selenka, 1867) and Holothuria (Semperothuria) Cinerascens (Brandt, 1835) (Family-Holothuriidae) based on Morphological and Mitochondrial DNA Evidence and Phylogenetic Analysis from Karachi Coast, Pakistan
Year 2021,
, 57 - 64, 07.03.2021
Quratulan Ahmed
Qadeer Mohammad Ali
Angus Hh Macdonald
The conventional taxonomy on sea cucumbers is challenging due to their morphological complexity. Molecular investigation of the class Holothuroidea was initiated for further clarity regarding the systematics and taxonomy of this class. A molecular phylogeny of the Holothuroidea was constructed by using maximum likelihood methods, and this unveiled variation in the existing taxonomic classification, which is largely based on the morphology of calcareous parts. H. pardalis and H. cinerascens from Pakistan was identified morphologically but no information was found with regard to molecular identification. This is the first research describing the molecular identification of H. pardalis and H. cinerascens based on 16S rRNA and COI genes from the Karachi Coast of Pakistan. Comparisons of mitochondrial 16S rRNA and COI to accessioned sea cucumber sequences on GenBank confirmed H.pardalis’ and H. cinerascens identity. This study is the first to report on molecular identification of H.pardalis and H. cinerascens based on the 16S rRNAand COI gene from the Karachi Coast, Pakistan.
- Ahmed, Q., Ali, Q.M., (2014). Abundance and Distribution of Holothuroidea (Echinodermata) with Emphasis on Heavy Metals Accumulation in Organism and Its Habitat, Project: Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, (Grant No. IPFP/HRD/HEC/1688).
- Ahmed,Q., Ahmed S. T and Ali, QM. (2020). Holothuria (Lessonothuria) insignis Ludwig, 1875 (formally resurrected from synonymy of H. pardalisSelenka, 1867) and Holothuria (Lessonothuria) lineate Ludwig, 1875—new additions to the sea cucumber fauna of Pakistan, with a key to the subgenus Lessonothuria Deichmann (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) Zootaxa 4767 (2): 307–318.
- Ahmed,Q., Ali,QM., and Conand, C. (2016). New additions to the holothurian fauna of Pakistan: Holothuria verrucosa, Holothuria cinerascens and Ohshimella ehrenbergii, SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin #36; 20-23.
- Altschul, S.F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E.W., Lipman, D.J. (1990). Basic local alignment search tool. J Mol Biol. 215(3):403-10.
- Atif, M., El-Naggar, Neveen, A., Ashaat, Hussein, I., El-Belbasi, Mohamed, S.S., (2008). Molecular Phylogeny of Egyptian Sea Cucumbers As Predicted From 16s Mitochondrial rRNA Gene Sequences World Applied Sciences Journal, 5(5): 531-542.
- Clark, A.M., Rowe, F.W.E., (1971). Monograph of shallow-water Indo-West Pacific echinoderms. London: Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History). 238 p. Grube A.E. 1840. Actinien, Echinodermen und Würmer des Adriatischen- und Mittelmeers, nacheigenenSammlungenbeschrieben. p. 1–92. J.H. Bon. Königsberg (available online at
- Clouse, R., Janies, D., & Kerr, A. M. (2005). Resurrection of BohadschiabivittatafromB. marmorata (Holothuroidea: Holothuriidae) based on behavioral, morphological, and mitochondrial DNA evidence. Zoological, 108(1), 27-39.
- Ehsanpour, Z., ArchangiB., Mona, S., Ali, S.M., ZolgharneinH., (2012). Morphological and Molecular Identification of Holothuria (Selenkothuria) parva from Bostaneh Port, Persian Gulf. Indian journal of Geo-Marine Sciences.45:405-409.
- Freeland, J.R., (2005). Molecular Ecology.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2005. ISBN 978-0-470-09062-6 400 pp.
- Giomar Helena Borrero-Pérez A, Jesús Gómez-Zurita B, Mercedes González-Wangüemert A, Concepción Marcos A, Angel Pérez-Ruzafa (2010). Molecular systematics of the genus Holothuria in the Mediterranean and Northeastern Atlantic and a molecular clock for the diversification of the Holothuriidae (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57, 899–906.
- Grewe, P.M., Krueger, C.C., Aquadro, C.F., Bermingham, E., Kincaid, H.L., Maid, B., (1993). Mitochondrial DNA variation among lake trout (Salvelinusnamaycush) strains stocked into Lake Ontario. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 50: 2379–2403.
- Hillis, D.M., Moritz, C., (1990). Molecular Systematics. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Massachusetts 01375, xvi + 588 pp., illus.
- Jefri, E., Zamani, N.P., Subhan, B., Madduppa., H.H., (2015). Molecular phylogeny inferred from mitochondrial DNA of the grouper Epinephelus spp. in Indonesia collected from local fish market, Biodiversitas, 16(2):254-263.
- Jombart T. and Ahmed I. (2011) adegenet 1.3-1: new tools for the analysis of genome-wide SNP data. Bioinformatics.
- Kamarudin, K.R., Hashim, R., Usup, G., (2010). Phylogeny of Sea Cucumber (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) as Inferred from 16s Mitochondrial rRNA Gene Sequences Sains Malays 39(2):209-218.
- Kamarudin, K.R., Rehan, M.M., (2015). Morphological and Molecular Identification of Holothuria (Merthensiothuria) leucospilota and Stichopushorrens from Pangkor Island, Malaysia.Trop Life Sci Res. Apr; 26(1): 87–99.
- Kamarudin, K.R., Rehan, M.M., Rehan, A.M., (2018). Species Identification and Molecular Phylogenetics of Processed Sea Cucumbers from Malaysian Market based on 12S Mitochondrial rRNA Gene, Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sc. 41 (4): 1833-1851.
- Kamarul Rahim Kamarudin, Maryam Mohamed Rehan and Nur Aliah Bahaman (2017). Morphological and Molecular Identification of Sea Cucumber species Holothuriascabra, Stichopushorrens and Stichopusocellatus from Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia, Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci. 40 (1): 161 - 172 .
- Kamarul Rahim, K., Gires, U., Ridzwan,H., (2006). Paraphyly of the Genus Holothuria (Aspidochirotida: Holothuriidae) as Inferred from 16S Mitochondrial rRNA Gene Sequences, Proceeding 8th National Symposium On Biology: Indigenous Biological Research For National Development.
- Kamarul, R.K., Ridzwan,B.H.,(2005). Distribution and Taxonomic Revision of Sea Cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in Several Populations of Malaysia. Proceeding International Conference on Biogeography, 13-15 July, pp: 225.
- Kerr AM, Janies DA, Clouse RM, Samyn Y, Kuszak J, Kim J. (2005). Molecular phylogeny of coral-reef sea cucumbers (Holothuriidae: Aspidochirotida) based on 16S mitochondrial ribosomal DNA sequence. Mar Biotechnology (NY). Jan-Feb;7(1):53-60.
- Kimura, M., (1980). A simple method for estimating evolutionary rates of base substitutions through comparative studies of nucleotide sequences. J Mol Esvol. 1980 Dec;16 (2):111-20.
- Madduppa, H., Taurusman, A.A., Subhan, B., Anggraini, N.P., Fadillah, R., Tarman, K., (2017). DNA barcoding reveals vulnerable andnot evaluated species of sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea and Stichopodidae) from KepulauanSeribu reefs, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 18:893-898.
- Madduppa, H., UtariAyuningtyas, R., Subhan, B., Prehadi, D.A., (2016). Exploited but unevaluated: DNA Barcoding reveals skates and stingrays (Chordata, Chondrichthyes) species landed in the Indonesian fish market. Ilmu Kelautan 2016, 21(1):29-36.
- Maulid, D.Y., Nurilmala, M., Nurjanah, N., Madduppa, H., (2016). Molecular Characteristics of Cytochrome B for Mackerel Barcoding, JPHPI 2016, 19(1):9-16.
- Miller, N., (2017). Sea Cucumbers Retrieved 2007 10-03.
- Miller, Nat. (2007). Sea Cucumbers. Retrieved 2007-10-03.
- Okonechnikov, K., Golosova, O., Fursov, M., (2012). Unipro UGENE: a unified bioinformatics toolkit, Bioinformatics, 28:1166-1167.
- Paradis, E., Schliep, K., (2018). Ape 5.0: an environment for modern phylogenetics and evolutionary analyses in R. Bioinformatics 35: 526-528.
- Prehadi,AS, EkaM.K., Rahmad, D.A., Subhan, B., Madduppa, H.H., (2015). DNA barcoding and phylogenetic reconstruction of shark species landed in Muncar fisheries landing site in comparison with Southern Java fishing port, Biodiversitas, 16(1):55-61.
- Qiuhua Yanga,b, Qi Lina, JianshaoWua, Ngoc Tuan Tranb, RuifangHuanga, ZaiqiaoSuna, Zhihuang Zhua, Zhen Lua, Shengkang Lib and Chen Zhoua (2019). Complete mitochondrial genome of Holothurialeucospilata (Holothuroidea, Holothuriidae) and phylogenetic analysis, Mitochondrial Dna Part B-2019, 4(2), 2751–2752.
- R Core Team, (2020). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
- Revell, L.J., (2012). Phytools: An R package for phylogenetic comparativebiology (and other things). Methods Ecol. Evol. 3 217-223.
- Schliep, K.P., (2011). Phangorn: phylogenetic analysis in R. Bioinformatics, 27(4):592-593.
Schmidt-Roach, S.,Miller, K.J.,Lundgren, P., Andreakis, N., (2014). With eyes wide open: A revision of species within and closely related to the Pocillopora damicornis species complex (Scleractinia; Pocilloporidae) using morphology and genetics, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 170(1), pp. 1–33.
- Selenka, E., (1867). BeitragezurAnatomie und Systematik der Holothurien. Der PhilosophischenFacultatzu Gottingen in December 1866, als Dissertation vorgelegt. pp. 291-374.
- Sembiring, A., Pertiwi, N.P.D., Mahardini, A., Wulandari, R., Kurniasih,E.M., Kuncoro, A.W., Cahyani, N.K.D., Anggoro, A., Ulfa, M., Madduppa, H., Carpenter, K.E., Barber, P.H., Mahardika, G.N., (2014). DNA barcoding reveals targeted fisheries for endangered sharks in Indonesia. Fish Res 164:130-134
- SitiHasmah, I., Pin, W.S., Yasin, Z., Nor, S., ShauHwai, A.T., (2012). Molecular taxonomy of sea cucumber (Holothuroidea) in the upper parts of the Strait of Malacca inferred from 16S rRNA gene sequences. The Thailand natural history museum Journal, 6(1):11-24.
- Tahera, Q., (1992). Taxonomic Studies of Northern Arabian Sea Echinoderms. Mphil Thesis, University of Karachi, 192 p.
- Tamura, K., Peterson, D., Peterson, N., Stecher, G., Nei, M., Kumar, S., (2011). MEGA5: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Using Maximum Likelihood, Evolutionary Distance, and Maximum Parsimony Methods, MolBiolEvol. 28(10): 2731–2739.
- Tavaré, S., (1986). Some probabilistic and statistical problems in the analysis of DNA sequences. Lectures on mathematics in the life sciences. 17(2):57-86.
- Uthicke, S., Byrne, M., Conand, C., (2010). Genetic Barcoding of commercial Bêche-de-mer species (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea), Molecular Ecology Resources,393 p,
- Xia J, Ren C, Yu Z, Wu X, Qian J, Hu CQ. (2016). Complete mitochondrialgenome of the sandfish Holothuriascabra (Holothuroidea, Holothuriidae). Mitochondrial DNA. 27:1–
- Zhang A, Meng-di Hao, Cai-qing Yang and Zhi-yong Shi (2016). BarcodingR: Species Identification using DNA Barcodes. R package version 1.0-2.