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Year 2021, , 245 - 255, 05.09.2021



Bu makalenin hazırlanmasından önceki süreçte çeşitli zamanlarda görüşerek denizcilik kültürüyle ilgili görüş alış verişinde bulunduğum ve özellikle "Denizciliğin Tanıtılması, Sevdirilmesi ve Yaygınlaştırılması" başlıklı çalışmasından istifade ettiğim değerli E.Tümamiral Cem GÜRDENİZ'e teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum. Ayrıca makalenin geliştirilmesinde yapıcı, aydınlatıcı ve destekleyici yorum ve önerileriyle önemli katkıları olan editör ve hakemlerimize de teşekkür ediyorum.


  • Aytöre, C. (2001). Denizle Kucaklaşmak. Deniz Kuvvetleri Dergisi Kasım 2001 sayısı, Dz.K.K. Basımevi, Ankara, s. 36 - 41.
  • Bayat, M. (1986). Millî Güç ve Devlet. Harp Akademileri Basımevi, İstanbul, s.390.
  • Black, J. (2004). The British Seaborne Empire, Yale University Press, p. 354.
  • Blau, J., Green, L. (2015). Assessing the impact of a new approach to ocean management: evidence to date from five ocean plans, Marine Policy 56 (2015) 1–8,
  • Burr, V. , Penny, D. (2007). Social Constructionism. Routledge, In book: The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Social Psychology. (Access date: 01.01.2021)
  • Carol-Dekker, L. (2018). Maritime culture: A sociological perspective, The International Journal of Maritime History, p. 304.
  • Çetin, O. (2012). Denizci Türkiye İçin Yol Haritası. Dönence Yayınevi, İstanbul, s. 203, 208.
  • Çetin, O., Irak, D.M., Kahyaoğlu, N., (2020). A Comprehensive Model for a Sustainable Maritimization: 3- Layer Holistic Maritimization Model, Maritime Policy & Management, Routledge, p. 8-10.
  • Clemente, A., Isaksson, I., Chrigui, A., Requejo, O., Campillos, M. (2019). Maritime culture and traditions, Marine Spatial Planning Forum, (Accessed: 11.01.2021)
  • Easman, Emily S., Abernethy, Kirsten E., Godley, Brendan J. (2018). Assessing public awareness of marine environmental threats and conservation efforts. Marine Policy, 234-240.
  • European Parliament, 2015. Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutant Emissions from EU, European Parliament, Transport. (Accessed: 26 December 2020).
  • Fay, B. (2000). Contemporary Philosophy of Social Science: A multicultural approach. Amazon Books, ISBN-13: 978-1557865380.
  • Friedrich, L.A., Jefferson, R., Glegg, G. (2014). Public perceptions of sharks: gathering support for shark conservation. Marine Policy 47 (2014) 1–7,
  • Gürdeniz, C. (2004). Denizciliğin Tanıtılması, Sevdirilmesi ve Yaygınlaştırılması (DTSY). Türk Denizcilik Gücü Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Bildiri Metinleri, Bölüm 2, s. 3-9.
  • Hofstede, G., Hofstede, J., Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. New York,
  • Horck, J. (2006). A Mixed Crew Complement: A Maritime Safety Challenge and its Impact on Maritime Industry. Malmö Studies in Educational Science: Licentiate Dissertation in Education Series. (Accessed date: 01 May 2020).
  • İşipek, A. R. (1997). Deniz Sevgisi. Deniz Kuvvetleri Dergisi, Aralık 1997 sayısı, Dz.K.K. Basımevi, Ankara s.23-30.
  • Jackson, W. (2009). Economics, culture and social theory. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN-10: 1845427106.
  • Jefferson R.L., Bailey, I. Laffoley D. d’A., Richards J.P., Attrill, M.J. (2014). Public perceptions of the UK marine environment, Marine Policy 43 (2014) 327–337,
  • Jiménez, A., Iniesta-Arandia, I., Muñoz-Santos, M., Martín-López B., Jacobson, S.K., Benayas, J. (2014). Typology of public outreach for biodiversity conservation projects in Spain. Conservation Biology. 28 829–840,
  • Kidd, W. and Teagle, A. (2012). Culture and Identity. Macmillan International, New York, Ebook - 9781137272515.
  • Li, W. (2005). EADM 826, Executive book summary of "Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind". (Access date: 01.01.2021)
  • Lister, J., Poulsen, R.T., Ponte, S. (2015). Orchestrating transnational environmental governance in maritime shipping. Global Environ. Change 34, 185–195.
  • Meinard, Y., Quétier, F. (2013). Experiencing biodiversity as a bridge over the science-society communication gap, Conservation Biology. 28 (2013) 702–712,
  • Polidoro, B.A., Livingstone, S.R., Carpenter, K.E., Hutchinson, B., Mast, R.B., Pilcher, N., et al. (2008). Status of the world's marine species. Vié, J.-C., Hilton-Taylor, C., Stuart, S.N. (Eds.). The 2008 Review of The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
  • Schwanen, T. (2015). Geographies of transport I: reinventing a field progress in human geography. Springer, London. /05/0309132514565725.full. (Accessed 30 March 2015).
  • Shove, E. (2010). Beyond the ABC: climate change policy and theories of social change, Environment and Planning, SAGE Journals. 42 (2010) 1273–1285, (
  • Sönmez, O. (2004). Deniz Kültürü, Birikimi ve Korunması. Türk Denizcilik Gücü Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Bildiri Metinleri, Bölüm 5, s. 19 - 28.
  • Vincent, A.C.J. (2011). Saving the shallows: focusing marine conservation where people might care. Aquatic Conservation: Marine Freshwater Ecosystems, Wiley Online Library. 21 (2011) 495–499, (
  • Westerdahl, C. (2003). Maritime culture in an inland lake? WIT Press (, Southampton, ISSN 1743-3509, vol 65, p. 20.
  • Yliskyl¨a-Peuralahti, J., Gritsenko, D. (2014). Binding rules or voluntary actions? A conceptual framework for CSR in shipping. WMU J. Maritime Affairs 13 (2), 251–268.

Relationship with Marine Environmental Consciousness and Maritime Culture in Turkey

Year 2021, , 245 - 255, 05.09.2021


The maritime states, which have adopted the tradition of using the seas continuously in the historical process, have increased their power and wealth by the way of maritime culture and tradition they have created, and have become more sensitive to the marine environment. In this article, how the maritime culture was acquired, its effects on the maritimization of countries, and environmental awareness were examined, and the things to be done for the future social life were investigated. It has been observed that the maritime strategy implemented by developed countries is remarkable in all areas of life from the individual to the state, in terms of understanding the importance of maritimization and finding its application area. It was discussed the general situation in maritime culture and marine environmental awareness in Turkey. It is important to ensure that the public is well informed and to gain this awareness and to voluntarily participate in activities aimed at protecting the marine environment. As a result, the importance of conveying scientific findings to the public in a language that can be easily understood and the emphasis of the state on maritime culture and policies towards the conservation of the marine environment with a holistic approach was emphasized.


  • Aytöre, C. (2001). Denizle Kucaklaşmak. Deniz Kuvvetleri Dergisi Kasım 2001 sayısı, Dz.K.K. Basımevi, Ankara, s. 36 - 41.
  • Bayat, M. (1986). Millî Güç ve Devlet. Harp Akademileri Basımevi, İstanbul, s.390.
  • Black, J. (2004). The British Seaborne Empire, Yale University Press, p. 354.
  • Blau, J., Green, L. (2015). Assessing the impact of a new approach to ocean management: evidence to date from five ocean plans, Marine Policy 56 (2015) 1–8,
  • Burr, V. , Penny, D. (2007). Social Constructionism. Routledge, In book: The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Social Psychology. (Access date: 01.01.2021)
  • Carol-Dekker, L. (2018). Maritime culture: A sociological perspective, The International Journal of Maritime History, p. 304.
  • Çetin, O. (2012). Denizci Türkiye İçin Yol Haritası. Dönence Yayınevi, İstanbul, s. 203, 208.
  • Çetin, O., Irak, D.M., Kahyaoğlu, N., (2020). A Comprehensive Model for a Sustainable Maritimization: 3- Layer Holistic Maritimization Model, Maritime Policy & Management, Routledge, p. 8-10.
  • Clemente, A., Isaksson, I., Chrigui, A., Requejo, O., Campillos, M. (2019). Maritime culture and traditions, Marine Spatial Planning Forum, (Accessed: 11.01.2021)
  • Easman, Emily S., Abernethy, Kirsten E., Godley, Brendan J. (2018). Assessing public awareness of marine environmental threats and conservation efforts. Marine Policy, 234-240.
  • European Parliament, 2015. Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutant Emissions from EU, European Parliament, Transport. (Accessed: 26 December 2020).
  • Fay, B. (2000). Contemporary Philosophy of Social Science: A multicultural approach. Amazon Books, ISBN-13: 978-1557865380.
  • Friedrich, L.A., Jefferson, R., Glegg, G. (2014). Public perceptions of sharks: gathering support for shark conservation. Marine Policy 47 (2014) 1–7,
  • Gürdeniz, C. (2004). Denizciliğin Tanıtılması, Sevdirilmesi ve Yaygınlaştırılması (DTSY). Türk Denizcilik Gücü Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Bildiri Metinleri, Bölüm 2, s. 3-9.
  • Hofstede, G., Hofstede, J., Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. New York,
  • Horck, J. (2006). A Mixed Crew Complement: A Maritime Safety Challenge and its Impact on Maritime Industry. Malmö Studies in Educational Science: Licentiate Dissertation in Education Series. (Accessed date: 01 May 2020).
  • İşipek, A. R. (1997). Deniz Sevgisi. Deniz Kuvvetleri Dergisi, Aralık 1997 sayısı, Dz.K.K. Basımevi, Ankara s.23-30.
  • Jackson, W. (2009). Economics, culture and social theory. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN-10: 1845427106.
  • Jefferson R.L., Bailey, I. Laffoley D. d’A., Richards J.P., Attrill, M.J. (2014). Public perceptions of the UK marine environment, Marine Policy 43 (2014) 327–337,
  • Jiménez, A., Iniesta-Arandia, I., Muñoz-Santos, M., Martín-López B., Jacobson, S.K., Benayas, J. (2014). Typology of public outreach for biodiversity conservation projects in Spain. Conservation Biology. 28 829–840,
  • Kidd, W. and Teagle, A. (2012). Culture and Identity. Macmillan International, New York, Ebook - 9781137272515.
  • Li, W. (2005). EADM 826, Executive book summary of "Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind". (Access date: 01.01.2021)
  • Lister, J., Poulsen, R.T., Ponte, S. (2015). Orchestrating transnational environmental governance in maritime shipping. Global Environ. Change 34, 185–195.
  • Meinard, Y., Quétier, F. (2013). Experiencing biodiversity as a bridge over the science-society communication gap, Conservation Biology. 28 (2013) 702–712,
  • Polidoro, B.A., Livingstone, S.R., Carpenter, K.E., Hutchinson, B., Mast, R.B., Pilcher, N., et al. (2008). Status of the world's marine species. Vié, J.-C., Hilton-Taylor, C., Stuart, S.N. (Eds.). The 2008 Review of The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
  • Schwanen, T. (2015). Geographies of transport I: reinventing a field progress in human geography. Springer, London. /05/0309132514565725.full. (Accessed 30 March 2015).
  • Shove, E. (2010). Beyond the ABC: climate change policy and theories of social change, Environment and Planning, SAGE Journals. 42 (2010) 1273–1285, (
  • Sönmez, O. (2004). Deniz Kültürü, Birikimi ve Korunması. Türk Denizcilik Gücü Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Bildiri Metinleri, Bölüm 5, s. 19 - 28.
  • Vincent, A.C.J. (2011). Saving the shallows: focusing marine conservation where people might care. Aquatic Conservation: Marine Freshwater Ecosystems, Wiley Online Library. 21 (2011) 495–499, (
  • Westerdahl, C. (2003). Maritime culture in an inland lake? WIT Press (, Southampton, ISSN 1743-3509, vol 65, p. 20.
  • Yliskyl¨a-Peuralahti, J., Gritsenko, D. (2014). Binding rules or voluntary actions? A conceptual framework for CSR in shipping. WMU J. Maritime Affairs 13 (2), 251–268.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Human Geography
Journal Section Review Articles

Oktay Çetin 0000-0002-5899-8921

Publication Date September 5, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Çetin, O. (2021). Relationship with Marine Environmental Consciousness and Maritime Culture in Turkey. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 8(3), 245-255.