Research Article
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Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 22 - 28, 07.03.2016



  • Beersma JJ, Buishand TA (2004) Joint probability of precipitation and discharge deficits in the Netherlands. Water Resour Res doi: W12508, 1029/2004WR003265.
  • Bonaccorso B, Bordi I, Cancielliere A, Rossi G, Sutera A (2003) Spatial variability of drought: an analysis of the SPI in Sicily. Water Resour Manag 17:273-296.
  • Cordery I, McCall M (2000) A model for forecasting drought from teleconections. Water Resour Res 36:763-768. Domonkos P (2003) Recent precipitation trends in Hungary in the context of larger scale climatic changes. Nat Hazards 29:255- 271.
  • Dracup JA, Lee K, Paulson EG (1980) On the definition of droughts. Water Resour Res 16:297-302. Guttman NB (1998). Comparing the Palmer drought index and the Standardized Precipitation Index. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 34: 113–121.
  • Hayes M, Wilhite DA, Svoboda M, Vanyarkho O (1999). Monitoring the 1996 drought using the Standardized Precipitation Index. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 80: 429– 438. Karl TR (1983). Some spatial characteristics of drought duration in the United States. J. Clim. Appl. Meteorol, 22: 1356–1366. Lana X, Serra C, Burgue˜no A (2001) Patterns of monthly rainfall shortage and excess in terms of the Standardied Precipitation Index for Catalonia (NE Spain). Int J Climatol 21:1669-1691.
  • Mishra, A.K., Desai, V.R., 2005a. Spatial and temporal drought analysis in the Kansabati River Basin, India. International Journal of River Basin Management IAHR 3 (1), 31-41.
  • McKee TBN, Doesken J, Kleist J (1993). The relationship of drought frequency and duration to time scales. Eight Conf. on Applied Climatology. Anaheim. CA.Amer. Meteor. Soc, 179-184.
  • Noruzi R (2007) Assessment and Preparation of Critical Condition Map of Ground Water Resources Using GIS M.Sc. thesis, Tehran University.
  • Palmer WC (1965). Meteorological droughts.US Department of Commerce Weather Bureau Research Paper 45, 58. Redmond KT (2002) The depiction of drought. Bull of the Amer Meteorolo Soc 83:1143-1147.
  • Sönmez, F .K.,Koemuescue, A.U.,Erkan, A.,Turgu, E. (2005). An analysis of spatial and temporal dimension of drought vulnerability in Turkey using the standardized precipitation index, Natural Hazards, vol.35, pp.243-264.
  • Svoboda M, LeCompte D, et al (2002). The drought monitor.Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 83: 1181–1190.
  • Tsakiris G, Vangelis H (2004) Towards a drought watch system based on spatial SPI. Water Resours Manag. Vicente-Serrano SM, Gonz´alez-Hidalgo JC, de Luis M, Ravent´os J (2004) Drought patterns in the Mediterranean area: the Valencia region (eastern Spain). Clim Res 26:5-15 18:1-12.
  • Wilhite DA. Glantz MH (1985). Understanding the drought phenomenon: the role of definitions. Water Int, 10: 111–120.

Mapping Drought Hazard Using SPI index And GIS (A Case study: Fars province, Iran)

Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 22 - 28, 07.03.2016


Drought is defined as the continuous and abnormal moisture deficit. The term of continues means continuation
of deficit and the term abnormal means deviation of favorite index of natural condition from the mean. In every
drought study four main characteristics are considered: Severity, Duration, Frequency or Return period and
Areal Extent. The objective of this study was to analyze these characteristics of droughts and to use them in
plotting drought maps over Fars province. To study drought and mapping, different indexes have been
invented, one of these index is the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) .It is practical and simple method.
The base of this index is precipitation. To study the drought, Records from10 stations within the same period of
13 years (1994-2006) and 17 stations within the same period of (2007-2011) in scale of annual. For better
results kriging, natural neighbor interpolation and IDW are compared and Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW)
interpolation is more practical for this study area. The result of analysis, is showed that the least SPI and
drought magnitude has happened in Sadedorodzan station, in the north of Fars province for 17 stations between
1994-2011 and 10 stations between 2007-2011. For 10 stations during 1994-2006, the least SPI is related to the
Lamerd station in the south of the province. Figures that produced by interpolation method between 1994-2011
illustrated that drought was generated in the south and it was rapidly extended to north and northeast and
northwest. This prediction is used in Fars province to manage the drought. 


  • Beersma JJ, Buishand TA (2004) Joint probability of precipitation and discharge deficits in the Netherlands. Water Resour Res doi: W12508, 1029/2004WR003265.
  • Bonaccorso B, Bordi I, Cancielliere A, Rossi G, Sutera A (2003) Spatial variability of drought: an analysis of the SPI in Sicily. Water Resour Manag 17:273-296.
  • Cordery I, McCall M (2000) A model for forecasting drought from teleconections. Water Resour Res 36:763-768. Domonkos P (2003) Recent precipitation trends in Hungary in the context of larger scale climatic changes. Nat Hazards 29:255- 271.
  • Dracup JA, Lee K, Paulson EG (1980) On the definition of droughts. Water Resour Res 16:297-302. Guttman NB (1998). Comparing the Palmer drought index and the Standardized Precipitation Index. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 34: 113–121.
  • Hayes M, Wilhite DA, Svoboda M, Vanyarkho O (1999). Monitoring the 1996 drought using the Standardized Precipitation Index. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 80: 429– 438. Karl TR (1983). Some spatial characteristics of drought duration in the United States. J. Clim. Appl. Meteorol, 22: 1356–1366. Lana X, Serra C, Burgue˜no A (2001) Patterns of monthly rainfall shortage and excess in terms of the Standardied Precipitation Index for Catalonia (NE Spain). Int J Climatol 21:1669-1691.
  • Mishra, A.K., Desai, V.R., 2005a. Spatial and temporal drought analysis in the Kansabati River Basin, India. International Journal of River Basin Management IAHR 3 (1), 31-41.
  • McKee TBN, Doesken J, Kleist J (1993). The relationship of drought frequency and duration to time scales. Eight Conf. on Applied Climatology. Anaheim. CA.Amer. Meteor. Soc, 179-184.
  • Noruzi R (2007) Assessment and Preparation of Critical Condition Map of Ground Water Resources Using GIS M.Sc. thesis, Tehran University.
  • Palmer WC (1965). Meteorological droughts.US Department of Commerce Weather Bureau Research Paper 45, 58. Redmond KT (2002) The depiction of drought. Bull of the Amer Meteorolo Soc 83:1143-1147.
  • Sönmez, F .K.,Koemuescue, A.U.,Erkan, A.,Turgu, E. (2005). An analysis of spatial and temporal dimension of drought vulnerability in Turkey using the standardized precipitation index, Natural Hazards, vol.35, pp.243-264.
  • Svoboda M, LeCompte D, et al (2002). The drought monitor.Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 83: 1181–1190.
  • Tsakiris G, Vangelis H (2004) Towards a drought watch system based on spatial SPI. Water Resours Manag. Vicente-Serrano SM, Gonz´alez-Hidalgo JC, de Luis M, Ravent´os J (2004) Drought patterns in the Mediterranean area: the Valencia region (eastern Spain). Clim Res 26:5-15 18:1-12.
  • Wilhite DA. Glantz MH (1985). Understanding the drought phenomenon: the role of definitions. Water Int, 10: 111–120.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Fatemeh Bagheri This is me

Publication Date March 7, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Bagheri, F. (2016). Mapping Drought Hazard Using SPI index And GIS (A Case study: Fars province, Iran). International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 3(1), 22-28.