A Review of Urban Heat Island formation over changing climate and its impacts on Urban Land Use and Environments and Adaptation Measures
Year 2022,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 64 - 73, 06.03.2022
Sumanta Das
Climate change and associated global warming adversely impact urban environments, which leads to the increasing of land surface temperature (LST) and the formation of urban heat islands (UHI). In this study, the author has attempted to present current understandings of UHI formation over changing climate and its probable impacts on urban land use and environmental risks. The review provides a thorough understanding of the UHI and how this impacts urban communities, land use, and environments. In addition, the author has also addressed the quantification process of UHI in the Geospatial platform which helps monitor, assess, and predict the environmental risks at a local scale. The study demonstrated the advantages of earth observation data and Geo-Spatial technologies to detect and monitor the UHI over the temporal scale and a clear understanding of spatial data processing for quantification of UHI. The author finally suggested some best possible adaptation measures of UHI that can assist urban planners and policy makers to build resilient urban communities.
Supporting Institution
West Bengal Disaster Management Department, Govt. of West Bengal, India
The author would like to convey special thanks to IMD, Kolkata for providing micro-meteorological in situ information. The author also expresses gratitude to the Principal Secretary and Joint Secretary to Govt. of West Bengal, DoDM & CD, and the District Magistrate, South 24 PGS. Finally, thanks to the anonymous reviewers for their careful review and insightful suggestions which led to a substantial improvement of the original paper.
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