Research Article
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Historical Perspectives of Land Use and Land Cover Change in the Sanga-Lake Mburo former Pastoral Rangeland Ecosystem, Uganda

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 94 - 107, 02.06.2022


Socioeconomic, political, and policy decisions by the government may influence the socioecological changes of the land use and land cover pattern for rangeland people over time. This paper examines the historical political, policy, and socioeconomic decisions that influenced land use and land cover changes in the former pastoral community in Sanga-Lake Mburo Rangeland Ecosystem in South Western Uganda. Data on historical events were documented from literature and supplemented by an opportunistic discussion with Sanga residents. Data on land use and cover change detection between 1987 and 2020 were provided by Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS images and from field observations. Images were processed using QGIS version 3.20.1 employing a semi-automatic classification plugin. Political decisions and government policies related to land tenure and reforms, socioeconomics, and demographic changes were noted as underlying drivers of land use and cover changes. The overall accuracies for classified maps of 1987 and 2020 were 80.36% and 89.81%, respectively. Notably, woodland cover in the protected area increased by 170.53% between 1987 and 2020, while built-up areas and farmland increased 1348.15% and 405.03%, respectively. In the same period, wetland cover in protected and unprotected decreased immensely by 46.06%. Bareland in the park decreased by 23%, while outside the park, it increased by 25.07%. This study concludes that land use and land cover change resulted from sociocultural changes, political and policy decisions on ranches, park management, and land tenure restructuring.

Supporting Institution

The East African Community Scholarship Programme funded by KFW and implemented by IUCEA and Adroit Consult International


We thank The East African Community Scholarship Programme funded by KFW and implemented by IUCEA and Adroit Consult International for financial support.


  • Alkama, R., & Cescatti, A. (2016). Biophysical climate impacts of recent changes in global forest cover. Science, 351(6273), 600–604.
  • Averbeck, C., Plath, M., Wronski, T., & Apio, A. (2012). Effect of human nuisance on the social organisation of large mammals : group sizes and compositions of seven ungulate species in Lake Mburo National Park and the adjacent Ankole Ranching Scheme Original article Effect of human nuisance on the social organ. Wildlife Biology, 18(2), 180–193.
  • Ayorekire, J. (1999). Conflicting land use in and around Lake Mburo national park, Sanga sub-county, Mbarara District. Economics and Finance, 125.
  • Ayorekire, J., Ahebwa, W. M., & Ochieng, A. (2011). Managing Conservation and Development on Private Land : An Assessment of Managing Conservation and Development on Private Land : An Assessment of Sport hunting Approach around Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. Makerere University.
  • Barni, P. E., Fearnside, P. M., & de Alencastro Graça, P. M. L. (2015). Simulating deforestation and carbon loss in Amazonia: impacts in Brazil’s Roraima state from reconstructing Highway BR-319 (Manaus-Porto Velho). Environmental Management, 55(2), 259–278.
  • Barrow, E., Bergin, P., Infield, M., & Lembuya, P. (1993). The People’s Voice: Partnership and Community Conservation. African Wildlife Foundation, Nairobi.
  • Basamba, T. A., Tukezibwa, D., Tumushabe, A., & Ssekabira, K. (2016). Impacts of Pastoral Activities on Nature Conservation in Western Uganda. International Journal of Ecological Science and Environmental Engineering, 3(2), 42–51.
  • Behnke, R. H., & Scoones, I. (1992). Rethinking range ecology: implications for rangeland management in Africa. International Institute for Environment and Development London.
  • Byakagaba, P., Egeru, A., Barasa, B., & Briske, D. D. (2018). Uganda’s s rangeland policy : intentions, consequences, and opportunities. Pastoralism: Research, Policy, and Practice, 8(7), 1–16.
  • Byaruhanga, A., & Kigoolo, S. (2005). Information Sheet on Ramsar Wetlands (RIS). Lutembe Bay Wetland System Ramsar Information Sheet on Ramsar Wetlands.
  • Byenkya, G. S. (2004). IMPACT OF UNDESIRABLE PLANT COMMUNITIES ON THE CARRYING. Texas A&M University, 1–137.
  • Congedo, L. (2021). Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin : A Python tool for the download and processing of remote sensing images in QGIS. The Journal of Open Source Software, 6(64), 1–6.
  • Douglas, N., & Rebecca, K. (2017). A farmer based evaluation of the group approach to sustainable agricultural development in Sanga Sub-County, Kiruhura district, South-Western Uganda. African Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 3(1), 59–64.
  • Elias, E., Seifu, W., Tesfaye, B., & Girmay, W. (2019). Impact of land use/cover changes on lake ecosystem of Ethiopia central rift valley. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 5(1), 1–20. 10.1080/23311932.2019.1595876
  • Emerton, L. (1999). Balancing the opportunity costs of wildlife conservation for communities around Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. IIED.
  • FAO. (2017). Sustainable Land Management ( SLM ) in practice in the Kagera Basin Lessons learned for scaling up at landscape level.
  • Godar, J., Gardner, T. A., Tizado, E. J., & Pacheco, P. (2014). Actor-specific contributions to the deforestation slowdown in the Brazilian Amazon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(43), 15591–15596.
  • Government of Uganda. (2015). District Multi-hazard, Risk and Vulnerability Profile for Kiruhura District.
  • Greg, F. G., Ndume, H. U., & Okoyoyo, F. V. (2019). Way of life and grouping practices of Bahima pastoralists. Advances in Animal Science, Theriogeneology, Genetics and Breeding, 7(3), 28–34.
  • Hulme, D., & Infield, M. (1998). Community conservation in practice: a case study of Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester.
  • Kafureka, L. B. . (1992). The Dynamics of the Land Question and its Impact on Agricultural Productivity in Mbarara District Lawyer B . M . Kafureka Working Paper No . 25 / 1992 ISBN : 9970-877-46-0 (Issue 25).
  • Kamugisha, J. R., & Ståhl, M. (1993). Parks & people, pastoralists, and wildlife. Regional Soil Conservation Unit, Swedish International Development Authority.
  • Katushabe, E. (2014). Reviving the Ankole Longhorns. In Farming Matters (Issue March, pp. 36–39).
  • Kimiti, K. S., Wasonga, O. V., Western, D., & Mbau, J. S. (2016). Community perceptions on Spatio-temporal land use changes in the Amboseli ecosystem, southern Kenya. Pastoralism: Research, Policy, and Practice, 6(24), 1–10.
  • Kisamba-Mugerwa, W. (1995). The impact of individualisation on common grazing land resources in Uganda.
  • Kweka, E. J., Kimaro, E. E., & Munga, S. (2016). Effect of deforestation and land use changes on mosquito productivity and development in Western Kenya Highlands: implication for malaria risk. Frontiers in Public Health, 4, 238.
  • Lapola, D. M., Martinelli, L. A., Peres, C. A., Ometto, J. P. H. B., Ferreira, M. E., Nobre, C. A., Aguiar, A. P. D., Bustamante, M. M. C., Cardoso, M. F., & Costa, M. H. (2014). Pervasive transition of the Brazilian land-use system. Nature Climate Change, 4(1), 27–35.
  • Lawrence, D., & Vandecar, K. (2015). Effects of tropical deforestation on climate and agriculture. Nature Climate Change, 5(1), 27–36.
  • Luwa, J. K., Bamutaze, Y., Majaliwa, J., Waiswa, D., Pilesjö, P., & Mukengere, E. B. (2020). Impacts of land use and land cover change in response to different driving forces in Uganda : evidence from a review. African Geographical Review, 00(00), 1–17.
  • Majaliwa, J. G. M., Twongyirwe, R., Nyenje, R., Oluka, M., Ongom, B., Sirike, J., Mfitumukiza, D., Azanga, E., Natumanya, R., Mwerera, R., & Barasa, B. (2010). The Effect of Land Cover Change on Soil Properties around Kibale National Park in South Western Uganda. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, 1–10.
  • Mallarach, J.-M. (2008). Protected Landscapes and Cultural and Spiritual Values. In Values of Protected Landscapes and Seascapes, IUCN, GTZ, and Obra Social de Caixa Catalunya. Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg. (Vol. 2, Issues 132–146).
  • Marquardt, M. A. (1994). Settlement and resettlement: Experience from Uganda’s national parks and reserves. In World Bank Technical Paper. INOR PUBLICATIES.
  • Marquardt, M. A., Infield, M., & Namara, A. (1997). The socioeconomy, natural resource use, and attitudes towards the park of communities living in and around Lake Mburo National Park: report of a rapid rural appraisal.
  • Mbaziira, J. (2014). The Effects of Land Use Cover Change on Rangeland Ecosystems in Kakooge Subcounty Nakasongola District, Uganda. Makerere University.
  • Mbaziira, J. (2019). Land cover and land use change analysis : Its impacts on rangeland ecosystems in Kakooge County, Nakasongola district. Journal of Science & Sustainable Development, 6(2), 167–180.
  • Mugisha, S. (2002b). Root Causes Of Land Cover / Use Change In Uganda : An Account Of The Past 100 Years (No. 2; Uganda-LUCID).
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  • Mwanjolo, M. G. J., Bernard, B., Paul, M. I., Joshua, W., Sophie, K., Cotilda, N., Bob, N., John, D., Edward, S., & Barbara, N. (2018). and Future Land Use Systems in Uganda. Land, 7(132), 1–17.
  • Nabasumba, D., Bahati, G. E. J., & Katwesigye, G. (2016). Utilisation and conservation status of indigenous woody plant species in a sedentary pastoral production system in southwestern. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 17(2), 125–137.
  • Nagasha, J. I., Ocaido, M., & Kaase-bwanga, E. (2019). Attitudes, Practices, and Knowledge of Communities Towards Climate Change Around Lake Mburo National Park Uganda : A Gender Centered Analysis Attitudes, Practices and Knowledge of Communities Towards Climate Change Around Lake Mburo National Park Uganda. African Social Science Review, 10(1).
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  • Ochieng, A. (2011). Linking Tourism, Conservation and Livelihoods: An analysis of Sport Hunting around Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR).
  • Ochieng, A. (2019). Killing nature to save it ? An analysis of two sport hunting policy arrangements in Uganda [Wageningen Graduate School of Social Sciences]. iv
  • Ochieng, A., Visseren-Hamakers, I. J., & Van Der Duim, R. (2020). Sport Hunting to Save Nature? The Case of Uganda. Conservation & Society, 18(4), 340–354.
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Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 94 - 107, 02.06.2022



  • Alkama, R., & Cescatti, A. (2016). Biophysical climate impacts of recent changes in global forest cover. Science, 351(6273), 600–604.
  • Averbeck, C., Plath, M., Wronski, T., & Apio, A. (2012). Effect of human nuisance on the social organisation of large mammals : group sizes and compositions of seven ungulate species in Lake Mburo National Park and the adjacent Ankole Ranching Scheme Original article Effect of human nuisance on the social organ. Wildlife Biology, 18(2), 180–193.
  • Ayorekire, J. (1999). Conflicting land use in and around Lake Mburo national park, Sanga sub-county, Mbarara District. Economics and Finance, 125.
  • Ayorekire, J., Ahebwa, W. M., & Ochieng, A. (2011). Managing Conservation and Development on Private Land : An Assessment of Managing Conservation and Development on Private Land : An Assessment of Sport hunting Approach around Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. Makerere University.
  • Barni, P. E., Fearnside, P. M., & de Alencastro Graça, P. M. L. (2015). Simulating deforestation and carbon loss in Amazonia: impacts in Brazil’s Roraima state from reconstructing Highway BR-319 (Manaus-Porto Velho). Environmental Management, 55(2), 259–278.
  • Barrow, E., Bergin, P., Infield, M., & Lembuya, P. (1993). The People’s Voice: Partnership and Community Conservation. African Wildlife Foundation, Nairobi.
  • Basamba, T. A., Tukezibwa, D., Tumushabe, A., & Ssekabira, K. (2016). Impacts of Pastoral Activities on Nature Conservation in Western Uganda. International Journal of Ecological Science and Environmental Engineering, 3(2), 42–51.
  • Behnke, R. H., & Scoones, I. (1992). Rethinking range ecology: implications for rangeland management in Africa. International Institute for Environment and Development London.
  • Byakagaba, P., Egeru, A., Barasa, B., & Briske, D. D. (2018). Uganda’s s rangeland policy : intentions, consequences, and opportunities. Pastoralism: Research, Policy, and Practice, 8(7), 1–16.
  • Byaruhanga, A., & Kigoolo, S. (2005). Information Sheet on Ramsar Wetlands (RIS). Lutembe Bay Wetland System Ramsar Information Sheet on Ramsar Wetlands.
  • Byenkya, G. S. (2004). IMPACT OF UNDESIRABLE PLANT COMMUNITIES ON THE CARRYING. Texas A&M University, 1–137.
  • Congedo, L. (2021). Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin : A Python tool for the download and processing of remote sensing images in QGIS. The Journal of Open Source Software, 6(64), 1–6.
  • Douglas, N., & Rebecca, K. (2017). A farmer based evaluation of the group approach to sustainable agricultural development in Sanga Sub-County, Kiruhura district, South-Western Uganda. African Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 3(1), 59–64.
  • Elias, E., Seifu, W., Tesfaye, B., & Girmay, W. (2019). Impact of land use/cover changes on lake ecosystem of Ethiopia central rift valley. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 5(1), 1–20. 10.1080/23311932.2019.1595876
  • Emerton, L. (1999). Balancing the opportunity costs of wildlife conservation for communities around Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. IIED.
  • FAO. (2017). Sustainable Land Management ( SLM ) in practice in the Kagera Basin Lessons learned for scaling up at landscape level.
  • Godar, J., Gardner, T. A., Tizado, E. J., & Pacheco, P. (2014). Actor-specific contributions to the deforestation slowdown in the Brazilian Amazon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(43), 15591–15596.
  • Government of Uganda. (2015). District Multi-hazard, Risk and Vulnerability Profile for Kiruhura District.
  • Greg, F. G., Ndume, H. U., & Okoyoyo, F. V. (2019). Way of life and grouping practices of Bahima pastoralists. Advances in Animal Science, Theriogeneology, Genetics and Breeding, 7(3), 28–34.
  • Hulme, D., & Infield, M. (1998). Community conservation in practice: a case study of Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester.
  • Kafureka, L. B. . (1992). The Dynamics of the Land Question and its Impact on Agricultural Productivity in Mbarara District Lawyer B . M . Kafureka Working Paper No . 25 / 1992 ISBN : 9970-877-46-0 (Issue 25).
  • Kamugisha, J. R., & Ståhl, M. (1993). Parks & people, pastoralists, and wildlife. Regional Soil Conservation Unit, Swedish International Development Authority.
  • Katushabe, E. (2014). Reviving the Ankole Longhorns. In Farming Matters (Issue March, pp. 36–39).
  • Kimiti, K. S., Wasonga, O. V., Western, D., & Mbau, J. S. (2016). Community perceptions on Spatio-temporal land use changes in the Amboseli ecosystem, southern Kenya. Pastoralism: Research, Policy, and Practice, 6(24), 1–10.
  • Kisamba-Mugerwa, W. (1995). The impact of individualisation on common grazing land resources in Uganda.
  • Kweka, E. J., Kimaro, E. E., & Munga, S. (2016). Effect of deforestation and land use changes on mosquito productivity and development in Western Kenya Highlands: implication for malaria risk. Frontiers in Public Health, 4, 238.
  • Lapola, D. M., Martinelli, L. A., Peres, C. A., Ometto, J. P. H. B., Ferreira, M. E., Nobre, C. A., Aguiar, A. P. D., Bustamante, M. M. C., Cardoso, M. F., & Costa, M. H. (2014). Pervasive transition of the Brazilian land-use system. Nature Climate Change, 4(1), 27–35.
  • Lawrence, D., & Vandecar, K. (2015). Effects of tropical deforestation on climate and agriculture. Nature Climate Change, 5(1), 27–36.
  • Luwa, J. K., Bamutaze, Y., Majaliwa, J., Waiswa, D., Pilesjö, P., & Mukengere, E. B. (2020). Impacts of land use and land cover change in response to different driving forces in Uganda : evidence from a review. African Geographical Review, 00(00), 1–17.
  • Majaliwa, J. G. M., Twongyirwe, R., Nyenje, R., Oluka, M., Ongom, B., Sirike, J., Mfitumukiza, D., Azanga, E., Natumanya, R., Mwerera, R., & Barasa, B. (2010). The Effect of Land Cover Change on Soil Properties around Kibale National Park in South Western Uganda. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, 1–10.
  • Mallarach, J.-M. (2008). Protected Landscapes and Cultural and Spiritual Values. In Values of Protected Landscapes and Seascapes, IUCN, GTZ, and Obra Social de Caixa Catalunya. Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg. (Vol. 2, Issues 132–146).
  • Marquardt, M. A. (1994). Settlement and resettlement: Experience from Uganda’s national parks and reserves. In World Bank Technical Paper. INOR PUBLICATIES.
  • Marquardt, M. A., Infield, M., & Namara, A. (1997). The socioeconomy, natural resource use, and attitudes towards the park of communities living in and around Lake Mburo National Park: report of a rapid rural appraisal.
  • Mbaziira, J. (2014). The Effects of Land Use Cover Change on Rangeland Ecosystems in Kakooge Subcounty Nakasongola District, Uganda. Makerere University.
  • Mbaziira, J. (2019). Land cover and land use change analysis : Its impacts on rangeland ecosystems in Kakooge County, Nakasongola district. Journal of Science & Sustainable Development, 6(2), 167–180.
  • Mugisha, S. (2002b). Root Causes Of Land Cover / Use Change In Uganda : An Account Of The Past 100 Years (No. 2; Uganda-LUCID).
  • Murty, D., Kirschbaum, M. U. F., Mcmurtrie, R. E., & Mcgilvray, H. (2002). Does conversion of forest to agricultural land change soil carbon and nitrogen? A review of the literature. Global Change Biology, 8(2), 105–123.
  • Mwanjolo, M. G. J., Bernard, B., Paul, M. I., Joshua, W., Sophie, K., Cotilda, N., Bob, N., John, D., Edward, S., & Barbara, N. (2018). and Future Land Use Systems in Uganda. Land, 7(132), 1–17.
  • Nabasumba, D., Bahati, G. E. J., & Katwesigye, G. (2016). Utilisation and conservation status of indigenous woody plant species in a sedentary pastoral production system in southwestern. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 17(2), 125–137.
  • Nagasha, J. I., Ocaido, M., & Kaase-bwanga, E. (2019). Attitudes, Practices, and Knowledge of Communities Towards Climate Change Around Lake Mburo National Park Uganda : A Gender Centered Analysis Attitudes, Practices and Knowledge of Communities Towards Climate Change Around Lake Mburo National Park Uganda. African Social Science Review, 10(1).
  • Nakalembe, C., Dempewolf, J., & Justice, C. (2017). Agricultural land use change in Karamoja Region, Uganda. Land Use Policy, 62, 2–12.
  • Namara, A. (1996). Socioeconomic Survey of Fishing Villages in the Buffer Zone of Lake Mburo National Park Socioeconomic Survey of Fishing Villages in the Buffer Zone of Lake Mburo National Park. Makerere Institute of Social Research and the Land Tenure Center, 15, 1–23.
  • Namara, A., Marquardt, M. A., & Infield, M. (1994). Socioeconomic survey of communities in the buffer zone of Lake Mburo National Park.
  • NEMA. (2007). State of the Environment Report for Uganda 2006/2007.
  • NEMA. (2016). National State Of The Environment Report For Uganda 2014.
  • NEMA. (2021). Land and Soil Improvement Accounts for Uganda.
  • Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y., Zeba, S., Mboje Gamassa, D. G., & Bonnehin, L. (2001). Principles in practice: staff observation of conservation projects in Africa. Biodiversity Support Program, Washington, DC (EUA).
  • Nyamasyo, S. K., & Kihima, B. O. (2014). Changing Land Use Patterns and Their Impacts on Wild Ungulates in Kimana Wetland Ecosystem, Kenya. International Journal of Biodiversity, 2014, 1–10.
  • Ochieng, A. (2011). Linking Tourism, Conservation and Livelihoods: An analysis of Sport Hunting around Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR).
  • Ochieng, A. (2019). Killing nature to save it ? An analysis of two sport hunting policy arrangements in Uganda [Wageningen Graduate School of Social Sciences]. iv
  • Ochieng, A., Visseren-Hamakers, I. J., & Van Der Duim, R. (2020). Sport Hunting to Save Nature? The Case of Uganda. Conservation & Society, 18(4), 340–354.
  • Olofsson, P., Foody, G. M., Herold, M., Stehman, S. V, Woodcock, C. E., & Wulder, M. A. (2014). Remote Sensing of Environment Good practices for estimating area and assessing accuracy of land change. Remote Sensing of Environment, 148, 42–57.
  • Olsen, M. (2016). Effect of vegetation encroachment on Macrotermes subhyalinus ( Rambur ) activity and associated mound vegetation, in Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
  • Olson, J., & Berry, L. (2003). Land degradation in Uganda: its extent and impact. Available at Lada. Virtual centre. Org/Eims/Download. Asp, 3–14.
  • Olson, J. M., Misana, S., Campbell, D. J., Mbonile, M., & Mugisha, S. (2004). The Spatial Patterns and Root Causes of Land Use Change in East Africa (No. 47; Land Use Change Impacts and Dynamics (LUCID) Project Working Paper).
  • Pearson, A. L., Mayer, J. D., & Bradley, D. J. (2015). Coping with Household Water Scarcity in the Savannah Today : Implications for Health and Climate Change into the Future. Earth Interactions, 19(8), 1–14.
  • Rannestad, O. T., Danielsen, T., Moe, S. R., & Stokket, S. (2006). Adjacent Pastoral Areas Support Higher Densities of Wild Ungulates during the Wet Season than the Lake Mburo National Park in Uganda. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 22(6), 675–683.
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There are 76 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Human Geography
Journal Section Research Articles

Shadrack Njagi 0000-0002-9319-6238

Julius Lejju This is me 0000-0002-1762-3701

John Nkurunungi This is me 0000-0001-9959-1856

Publication Date June 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Njagi, S., Lejju, J., & Nkurunungi, J. (2022). Historical Perspectives of Land Use and Land Cover Change in the Sanga-Lake Mburo former Pastoral Rangeland Ecosystem, Uganda. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 9(2), 94-107.