Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 65 - 72, 08.09.2022



  • Ashok Raj, P.C. (1979). Onset of effective monsoon and critical dry spells. A computer based forecasting technique: IARI Bulletin No. II, WTC, IARI, New Delhi
  • Ati, O.F., Stigter, C. J. and Oladipo, E. O. (2002). A comparison of methods to determine the onset of the growing season in Northern Nigeria, International Jounral of Climatology, 22: 723-742
  • Amekudzi L. K., Yamba, E. I., Preko, K., Asare, E. O., Aryee, J., Baidu, M. and Codjoe, S. N. A. (2015). Variabilities in rainfall onset, cessation and length of rainy season for the various agro-ecological zones of Ghana, Climate, 3: 416-434, doi:10.3390/cli3020416
  • Anonymous (2015). Report on task force to derive suggestions to increase agriculture development in Gujarat. Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar
  • Huggi, L., Shivaramu, H.S., Manjunataha, M.H., Soumya, D.V., Vijaya Kumar, P., and Lunagaria, M. M. (2020). Agro-climatic onset of cropping season: A tool for determining optimum date of sowing in dry zones of southern Karnataka. Journal of Agrometeorology, 22 (3) : 240-249
  • Kumar, V., Samtani, B. K., Yadav, S.M. and Naresh, K., (2014). Decadal comparison of rainfall seasonality index in Gujarat. In: G.C. Mishra, ed. Global sustainability transitions: impacts and innovations. New Delhi: Excellent Publishing House, 238–245. Marteau, R., Moron, V., Philippon, N. (2009). Spatial coherence of monsoon onset over Western and Central Sahel (1950–2000). Journal of Climate, 22: 1313–1324
  • Marteau, R., Sultan, B., Moron, V., Alhassane, A., Baron C., Traoré, S. B., 2011. The onset of the rainy season and farmers’ sowing strategy for pearl millet cultivation in Southwest Niger. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151:1356–1369
  • Odekunle, T. (2004). Rainfall and the length of the growing season in Nigeria. International Journal of Climatology, 24: 467–479
  • Ojo, O. I. and Ilunga, M. F. (2018). Application of nonparametric trend technique for estimation of onset and cessation of rainfall. Air, Soil and Water Research, 11:1-4
  • Pai, D. S., Bandgar, A., Devi, S., Musale, M., Badwaik, M. R., Kundale, A. P., Gadgil, S., Mohapatra, M., Rajeevan, M. (2020). New normal dates of onset/progress and withdrawal of southwest monsoon over India. CRS Research Report, RR No.3/2020, Office of the head, Climate Research & Services, IMD, Pune- 411005 (India)
  • Rai, P. and Dimri, A. P. (2019). Changes in rainfall seasonality pattern over India. Meteorological Applications, 27:e1823, doi: 10.1002/met.1823
  • Sivakumar MVK. (1988). Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in southern sahelian and sudanian climatic zones of West Africa. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42: 295–305
  • Subash, N., Singh, S. S. and Priya, N. (2011). Variability of rainfall and effective onset and length of the monsoon season over a sub-humid climatic environment. Atmospheric Research, 99: 479-487.
  • Stern, R.D., Dennett, M.D. and Garbutt, D. J. (1981). The start of the rains in West Africa. Journal of Climatology, 1:59-68
  • Walter MW. (1967). Length of the rainy season in Nigeria. Nigerian Geographical Journal 10: 123–128
  • Walsh, R. P. D. and Lawler, D. M. (1981). Rainfall seasonality: Description, spatial pattern and change through time. Weather, 36: 201-208

Onset, Cessation, and Seasonality of Rainfall during Monsoon in Gujarat State of India

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 65 - 72, 08.09.2022


Rainfall onset, cessation and its temporal rainfall distribution is very important for monsoon based crop production. Climatic timeseries data of 26 stations of Gujarat state were chosen for the study. Year wise agroclimatic onset, cessation, length, and seasonality of rainy season were determined. Long term average over the timeseries were considered as climatic normals to characterize rainfall pattern to support kharif crop production. Onset starts in South Gujarat from 8th June and it cover the entire state by 6th July at Kutch, with large variation. Cessation of rainy season ranges from 6th September to 21st September in Gujarat. Length of active rainy season prevails from 66 days (at Bhachau) to 96 days (at Ubharat) with state mean of 81 days. Most part of the state has seasonal rainfall regime with dry periods. Rainfall seasonality monsoon season in Gujarat has not changed significantly during recent past.


  • Ashok Raj, P.C. (1979). Onset of effective monsoon and critical dry spells. A computer based forecasting technique: IARI Bulletin No. II, WTC, IARI, New Delhi
  • Ati, O.F., Stigter, C. J. and Oladipo, E. O. (2002). A comparison of methods to determine the onset of the growing season in Northern Nigeria, International Jounral of Climatology, 22: 723-742
  • Amekudzi L. K., Yamba, E. I., Preko, K., Asare, E. O., Aryee, J., Baidu, M. and Codjoe, S. N. A. (2015). Variabilities in rainfall onset, cessation and length of rainy season for the various agro-ecological zones of Ghana, Climate, 3: 416-434, doi:10.3390/cli3020416
  • Anonymous (2015). Report on task force to derive suggestions to increase agriculture development in Gujarat. Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar
  • Huggi, L., Shivaramu, H.S., Manjunataha, M.H., Soumya, D.V., Vijaya Kumar, P., and Lunagaria, M. M. (2020). Agro-climatic onset of cropping season: A tool for determining optimum date of sowing in dry zones of southern Karnataka. Journal of Agrometeorology, 22 (3) : 240-249
  • Kumar, V., Samtani, B. K., Yadav, S.M. and Naresh, K., (2014). Decadal comparison of rainfall seasonality index in Gujarat. In: G.C. Mishra, ed. Global sustainability transitions: impacts and innovations. New Delhi: Excellent Publishing House, 238–245. Marteau, R., Moron, V., Philippon, N. (2009). Spatial coherence of monsoon onset over Western and Central Sahel (1950–2000). Journal of Climate, 22: 1313–1324
  • Marteau, R., Sultan, B., Moron, V., Alhassane, A., Baron C., Traoré, S. B., 2011. The onset of the rainy season and farmers’ sowing strategy for pearl millet cultivation in Southwest Niger. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151:1356–1369
  • Odekunle, T. (2004). Rainfall and the length of the growing season in Nigeria. International Journal of Climatology, 24: 467–479
  • Ojo, O. I. and Ilunga, M. F. (2018). Application of nonparametric trend technique for estimation of onset and cessation of rainfall. Air, Soil and Water Research, 11:1-4
  • Pai, D. S., Bandgar, A., Devi, S., Musale, M., Badwaik, M. R., Kundale, A. P., Gadgil, S., Mohapatra, M., Rajeevan, M. (2020). New normal dates of onset/progress and withdrawal of southwest monsoon over India. CRS Research Report, RR No.3/2020, Office of the head, Climate Research & Services, IMD, Pune- 411005 (India)
  • Rai, P. and Dimri, A. P. (2019). Changes in rainfall seasonality pattern over India. Meteorological Applications, 27:e1823, doi: 10.1002/met.1823
  • Sivakumar MVK. (1988). Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in southern sahelian and sudanian climatic zones of West Africa. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42: 295–305
  • Subash, N., Singh, S. S. and Priya, N. (2011). Variability of rainfall and effective onset and length of the monsoon season over a sub-humid climatic environment. Atmospheric Research, 99: 479-487.
  • Stern, R.D., Dennett, M.D. and Garbutt, D. J. (1981). The start of the rains in West Africa. Journal of Climatology, 1:59-68
  • Walter MW. (1967). Length of the rainy season in Nigeria. Nigerian Geographical Journal 10: 123–128
  • Walsh, R. P. D. and Lawler, D. M. (1981). Rainfall seasonality: Description, spatial pattern and change through time. Weather, 36: 201-208
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Manoj Lunagaria 0000-0002-8610-0170

P. Vijayakumar This is me

N. J. Chaudhari This is me

S. K. Bal This is me

Publication Date September 8, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA Lunagaria, M., Vijayakumar, P., Chaudhari, N. J., Bal, S. K. (2022). Onset, Cessation, and Seasonality of Rainfall during Monsoon in Gujarat State of India. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 9(3), 65-72.