T.C. Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Department of the Environment Inventory, Environmental Atlas of Turkey, General Directorate of EIA and Planning Department of the Environment Inventory, Ankara, 2004
A. YURTMAN, C.AYDIN, Waste Paper Recycling and Assessment Opportunities, ITO, Istanbul, 2001
T.C. Prime Ministry State Planning Organization, The Eighth Development Plan, Special Commission Report of the Paper Industry, Ankara, 2000
Classification of Heat- Water Insulation Materials, Properties, Question and Selection Criteria, Insulation Journal, 10-29, 2000
M. CUMBUL ALTAY, Ü. ŞAHİN, B. ONAT, M. ZORAĞA, N. SİVRİ, Recycle of Metals From End-of-Life Vehicles and Relation To Kyoto Protocol, Proceedings of Nuclear &Renewable Energy Sources Conference with International Participation, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, pp.598-603, September 2009
Importance of industrialization which has a role in determination of the civilization levels of societies is increasing everyday due to meet rapidly increasing demands. However this process has led up to environmental problems with time and thus effects on quality of human life also brought along. In this study, three sectors were selected among different branches of industry according to their economical importance in Turkey. These sectors are paper, metal and construction chemicals industry. Production processes of selected sectors were examined and effects of production stages on the environment and human health as well as their contribution to sustainable development were investigated. Well known Turkish companies from each industrial branch were evaluated in detail. These industrial sectors having economic importance are compared to each other according to their effects on quality of human life and environment and the results are evaluated accordingly
T.C. Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Department of the Environment Inventory, Environmental Atlas of Turkey, General Directorate of EIA and Planning Department of the Environment Inventory, Ankara, 2004
A. YURTMAN, C.AYDIN, Waste Paper Recycling and Assessment Opportunities, ITO, Istanbul, 2001
T.C. Prime Ministry State Planning Organization, The Eighth Development Plan, Special Commission Report of the Paper Industry, Ankara, 2000
Classification of Heat- Water Insulation Materials, Properties, Question and Selection Criteria, Insulation Journal, 10-29, 2000
M. CUMBUL ALTAY, Ü. ŞAHİN, B. ONAT, M. ZORAĞA, N. SİVRİ, Recycle of Metals From End-of-Life Vehicles and Relation To Kyoto Protocol, Proceedings of Nuclear &Renewable Energy Sources Conference with International Participation, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, pp.598-603, September 2009
Özarslan, D. D., Cumbul Altay, M., Arabaci, A., Altay, H. F., et al. (2012). EFFECTS OF HIGH ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF INDUSTRIAL BRANCHES ON HUMAN LIFE QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT. International Journal of Electronics Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 2(1), 86-91.