Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 73 - 82, 30.06.2020



  • [1] Papafilippaki, A. K., Kotti, M. E. and Starronlakis, G. 0., 2008, Seasonal variations in dissolved heavy metals in the Keritis River, Chania. Greece. Global NEST Journal 10(3) : 320 -325.
  • [2] Odiete, W.O., 1999, Environmental Physiology of Animals and Pollution.First Edition Diversified Resources Ltd. 261p.
  • [3]Biney,C;Amuzu,A.T;Calamari,D;Kaba,N;Mbome,I.L;Naeve,H;Ochumba,P.B.O;Osibanjo,O; Radengode,V.Saad,M.A.A., 1994, Review of heavy metals in the Africa aquatic environment.Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety, 28:134-159
  • [4] Zarazug, G., Avila-perez, P. Tejeda, S. Barcelo-Quintal, I. and Martinez, T., 2006, Analysis of total and dissolved heavy metals in surface water of a Mexican polluted river by Total Reflection X-ray fluorescence .Spectrometry spectrochimica Acta part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 61: 1180-1184.
  • [5] EHC, 2001, Environmental Health Criteria 221 Zinc. International Programme on Chemical Safety, WHO, Geneva, pp 29—259
  • [6] Nicolau, R. Galera- gunha, A and Lucas, Y., 2006, Transfer for nutrients and labile metals from the continents to the sea by a small Mediterranean river. Chemosphere, 63: 469-476.
  • [7] Daifullah. A. A. M., Elewa, A. A., Shehata, M. B. and Abdo, M. H., 2003, Evaluation of some heavy metals in water, sediment and fish samples from River Nile (Kafr El- Zyat City) Egypt: A treatment approach. AJEAM -RAGEE, 6: 16 - 31.
  • [8] Osonod,D.L., Line,D.E.,Gale,J.A.,Gannon,R.W.,Knutt,C.B.,Spooner,J.,Wells,J.ang Lenning D.W.,1995, Water, Soil and Hydro-Environment Support System URL. Retrieved from
  • [9] Ipinmoroti, K.O., Asaolu, S.S., Adeeyinwo, C.E and Olaofe, 0., 1997, Heavy metals distribution in Ondo State coastal water. Jour. Technoscience, l (1): 46
  • [10] Miller, C.V. Foster, G.D. and Majedi, B.F., 2003, Base flow and storm flow metal flux from two small agricultural catchments in the coastal plain of Chesapeake Bay Basin, United States. Appli. Geochem., 18: 483-501.
  • [11] Dassenakis, M., Sconllos, M. and Gaitis, A., 1997, Trace metals transport and behaviour in the Mediterranean estruary of Archeloors River. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 34: 103-111.
  • [12] Al-Sarawi A. Massond, M.S., Khader, S.R. and Bu-Olayan, A.H., 2002, Recent trace metals in coastal waters of Sulaibhikhat Bay, Kuwait. Tech., 8: 27-38.
  • [13] Bu-Olayan,A.H.and Thomas,B.V.,2004, Effect of trace metals ,algae blooms,nutrients and hydrological variables to mullet Liza Klunzingeri in Kuwait Bay. Biosc.Biotechnol.Res.Asia , 2:1-8.
  • [14] Hugh, C.C., 2006, Water pollution and man’s health. The Internet Journal of Gastroenterology. 4 (1): 40-52
  • [15] Nigeria Business Information, 2002, Focus on the Computer Village, Ikeja, Lagos State. Nigeria Business Information. com
  • [16] Nigeria Congress. 2007, Information on Mushin, Nigeria. Nigeria
  • [17] APHA, 1992, Standard Methods of water and wastewater examination .17th Edition, American Public Health Association, USA
  • [18] Akan, J. C., Moses, F. A., 0ghughua, V. 0. and Abah, J., 2007, Assessment of tannery industries effluents from Kano Metropolis, Kano State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(19): 2788-2793.
  • [19] Asia, I. O., Ndubuisi, 0. L. and Odia, A., 2009, Studies on pollution of wastewater from textile processing factories in Kaduna, Nigeria. Journal of toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, 1(2): 034—037.
  • [20] Gasparon, M. and Burgess, J.S., 2000, Human impacts in Antarctica: trace elements geochemistry of freshwater lakes in the Larsemann Hill, East Antarctica. Environmental Geology, 39(9): 963-976
  • [21] Fakayode, S.D., 2005, Impact Assessment of Industrial Effluent on water quality of the receiving Alaro River in Ibadan, Nigeria. AJEAM -RAGEE, 10: 1 -13.
  • [22] Ugochukwu, C.N.C. and Leton. T.G., 2004, Effluent monitoring of oil servicing company and its impact on the environment. AJEAM-RAGEE, 8: 27-30
  • [23] Massoud, M. A., El-fadel, M., Scrimshaw, M. D. and Lester J. N., 2004, Land use impact on the spatial and seasonal variations of contaminant loads to Abo Ali River and its coastal zone in North Lebanon. Agricultural Engineering International; the CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Manuscript LWO4 001.
  • [24] Ajao,E.A,Okoye,B.C.O.and Adekanbi,E.A., 2000, Environmental pollution in the Nigerian coastal waters: a case study of the Lagos Lagoon
  • [25] Olias, M. Nietob, J.M Sarmientob, A.M Cerona, J.C and Canovasa, C.R., 2004, Seasonal quality variations in a river affected by acid mine drainage: the Odiel River, South West Spain. Science of the Total Environment, 333: 267-281.
  • [26] Rani, F.and AbdulAhmed, I., 2005, Isolation and characterization of various fungal strains from textile effuents for their use in bioremediation. Pak J. Bot., 37(4): 1003-1008.
  • [27] Ali, M. U., 2004, Toxicological effects of industrial effluents dumped in River Kabul on Mahaseer Lorputitiora at Aman Garh industrial area, Nowshera, Pehsawar, Pakistan. Pakistan Research Repository, published by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. 340p
  • [28] Oniye, S. T., Balarabe. M. L., Auta, J., 2005, Concentration of Fe, Cu, Cr, Zn and Pb in Makere — Drain. Kaduna, Nigeria. Chemclass Journal, 2: 69- 73.
  • [29] Dike, N.I. Ezealor, A,.U and Oniye. I.S., 2004, Concentration of Pb, Cu, Fe and Cd during the dry season in River Jakara, Kano, Nigeria. Chem class Journal, 2(4): 78-81
  • [30] Ntengwe, F.W., 2006, Pollutants load and water quality in stream of heavily populated and industrialized towns. Journal of Physcis and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts nA/B/C, 31 (15-16): 832-839.
  • [31] Obasohan, E. E., 2007, Heavy metals concentrations in the ottal, gill, muscle and liver of a freshwater mudfish (Parachanna, obscura) from Ogba River, Benin City, Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology, 6(22): 2620-2627.
  • [32] Ogunfowokan, A.O. Okoh, E.K., Adenuga, A.A. and Asubiojo, O.I., 2005, An assessment of the impact of point source pollution from a University Sewage Treatment Oxidation pond on a receiving stream: A preliminary study. J. Appl. Sci., 5:36-43.
  • [33] Zabel, T.F., 1993, Diffuse source of pollution by heavy metals. Journal of the Institute of Water and Environmental Management, 20. No 1.
  • [34] Ogundiran,0.0. and Afolabi, T. A., 2008, Assessment of physicochemical parameters and heavy metals toxicity of leachates from municipal solid waste open dumpsite International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 5 (2): 243-250
  • [35] World Health Organisation, 2006, Guidelines for drinking water quality. First Addendaunt to 3rd Ed. Recommendations. WHO, 221-427.
  • [36] Fatoki, O.S., Lujiza, N. and Ogunfowokan, A.O., 2002, Trace metal pollution in Umtata River. Water South Africa, 28: 183-189
  • [37] Emongor,V., Kealotswe, E., Koorapetse, I., Sankwasa, S. and Keikanetswe, S., 2005, Pollution indicators in Gaborone effluents. AppI. Sci., 5: 147-150.
  • [38] Yadav, S. K., 2006, Human health implication due to water toxicity by pulp and paper mill. J. hum. Ecol., 20(2): 91 –96.
  • [39] Beg, M. U., Al-Muzani. S., Saeed, T., Jacob, P. E., Beg, K. R., Al-bahloul, M., Al-Matrouk, K., Al-Obaid, T.and Hurian, A., 2001, Chemical contamination and toxicity of sediment from a coastal area receiving industrial effluents in Kuwait. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 41: 289-297
  • [40] Ikomi, R. B. and Owabor, N., 1997, The status and seasonality in the physicochemical hydrology of River Orogodo at Agbor. Nigeria. Bull Sci. Assoc. Nig., 21: 167 - 175.
  • [41] Iwashita, M.and Shimamura, T., 2003, Long-term variation in dissolved trace element in the Sagami River and its tributaries (upstream area) Japan. The Science of the Total Environments , 31: 167-179.
  • [42] Neal, A. Williams R.J, Neal, M. Bhardwaj, L.C, Wickham, H, Harrow, M and Hill L.K., 2000, The water quality of the River Thames at a rural site downstream of Oxford. Sci. Total Enviornment , 552: 441-457.
  • [43] Chen, U. and Chen, M., 2001, Heavy metal concentration in nine species of fishes caught in coastal waters of Ann-ping SW, Taiwan. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 9 (2): 107-114.

Pollution Load of Heavy Metals in Ilupeju, Ikeja and Isolo Industrial Wastewaters and Seasonal Impacts on Quality of Water Downstream and Upstream in Lagos Metropolis

Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 73 - 82, 30.06.2020


Profiles of heavy metals in Ilupeju, Ikeja and Isolo industrial wastewaters and seasonal impacts on quality of water downstream and upstream in Lagos metropolis were determined. Wastewater samples from industrial estate were collected at the point of discharge of effluents into the streams and at spatial interval of 50 to 200 meters upstream and downstream of the discharge point over a two- year period (2005-2007) .The effluents were analyzed for heavy metals using standard methods. At the point of wastewater discharge into water bodies, during dry and rainy seasons, only Manganese showed significant difference (p < 0.05) in the first year in Ikeja. In dry and rainy seasons, the level of iron fluctuated from 8.95 ± 0.18 mg/L upstream to 8.96 ± 0.88 mg/L downstream in Ikeja; 1.40 ± 0.17 mg/L to 15.94 ± 1.56 mg/L in Ilupeju and 9.10 ± 0.64 mg/L to 4.98 ± 0.76 mg/L in Isolo industrial zones. In all the industrial areas considered, all the heavy metals have high accumulation factor at one season or the other except chromium and zinc. Accumulation factor for manganese increases in order of 2.38<4.10<4.70 in Ilupeju, Ikeja, Isolo respectively and in the order of 2.21<3.91<4.04 for copper in Isolo, Ilupeju, Ikeja respectively. However, iron had highest accumulation factor of 11.38 in the rainy season for Ilupeju. The upstream and downstream levels of chromium, manganese, iron and lead were higher than permissible level with traces of cadmium. The upstream and downstream water quality was poor and not suitable for drinking and routine purposes hence control of industrial wastewater is necessary to asswage its impact on proximate river bodies.


  • [1] Papafilippaki, A. K., Kotti, M. E. and Starronlakis, G. 0., 2008, Seasonal variations in dissolved heavy metals in the Keritis River, Chania. Greece. Global NEST Journal 10(3) : 320 -325.
  • [2] Odiete, W.O., 1999, Environmental Physiology of Animals and Pollution.First Edition Diversified Resources Ltd. 261p.
  • [3]Biney,C;Amuzu,A.T;Calamari,D;Kaba,N;Mbome,I.L;Naeve,H;Ochumba,P.B.O;Osibanjo,O; Radengode,V.Saad,M.A.A., 1994, Review of heavy metals in the Africa aquatic environment.Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety, 28:134-159
  • [4] Zarazug, G., Avila-perez, P. Tejeda, S. Barcelo-Quintal, I. and Martinez, T., 2006, Analysis of total and dissolved heavy metals in surface water of a Mexican polluted river by Total Reflection X-ray fluorescence .Spectrometry spectrochimica Acta part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 61: 1180-1184.
  • [5] EHC, 2001, Environmental Health Criteria 221 Zinc. International Programme on Chemical Safety, WHO, Geneva, pp 29—259
  • [6] Nicolau, R. Galera- gunha, A and Lucas, Y., 2006, Transfer for nutrients and labile metals from the continents to the sea by a small Mediterranean river. Chemosphere, 63: 469-476.
  • [7] Daifullah. A. A. M., Elewa, A. A., Shehata, M. B. and Abdo, M. H., 2003, Evaluation of some heavy metals in water, sediment and fish samples from River Nile (Kafr El- Zyat City) Egypt: A treatment approach. AJEAM -RAGEE, 6: 16 - 31.
  • [8] Osonod,D.L., Line,D.E.,Gale,J.A.,Gannon,R.W.,Knutt,C.B.,Spooner,J.,Wells,J.ang Lenning D.W.,1995, Water, Soil and Hydro-Environment Support System URL. Retrieved from
  • [9] Ipinmoroti, K.O., Asaolu, S.S., Adeeyinwo, C.E and Olaofe, 0., 1997, Heavy metals distribution in Ondo State coastal water. Jour. Technoscience, l (1): 46
  • [10] Miller, C.V. Foster, G.D. and Majedi, B.F., 2003, Base flow and storm flow metal flux from two small agricultural catchments in the coastal plain of Chesapeake Bay Basin, United States. Appli. Geochem., 18: 483-501.
  • [11] Dassenakis, M., Sconllos, M. and Gaitis, A., 1997, Trace metals transport and behaviour in the Mediterranean estruary of Archeloors River. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 34: 103-111.
  • [12] Al-Sarawi A. Massond, M.S., Khader, S.R. and Bu-Olayan, A.H., 2002, Recent trace metals in coastal waters of Sulaibhikhat Bay, Kuwait. Tech., 8: 27-38.
  • [13] Bu-Olayan,A.H.and Thomas,B.V.,2004, Effect of trace metals ,algae blooms,nutrients and hydrological variables to mullet Liza Klunzingeri in Kuwait Bay. Biosc.Biotechnol.Res.Asia , 2:1-8.
  • [14] Hugh, C.C., 2006, Water pollution and man’s health. The Internet Journal of Gastroenterology. 4 (1): 40-52
  • [15] Nigeria Business Information, 2002, Focus on the Computer Village, Ikeja, Lagos State. Nigeria Business Information. com
  • [16] Nigeria Congress. 2007, Information on Mushin, Nigeria. Nigeria
  • [17] APHA, 1992, Standard Methods of water and wastewater examination .17th Edition, American Public Health Association, USA
  • [18] Akan, J. C., Moses, F. A., 0ghughua, V. 0. and Abah, J., 2007, Assessment of tannery industries effluents from Kano Metropolis, Kano State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(19): 2788-2793.
  • [19] Asia, I. O., Ndubuisi, 0. L. and Odia, A., 2009, Studies on pollution of wastewater from textile processing factories in Kaduna, Nigeria. Journal of toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, 1(2): 034—037.
  • [20] Gasparon, M. and Burgess, J.S., 2000, Human impacts in Antarctica: trace elements geochemistry of freshwater lakes in the Larsemann Hill, East Antarctica. Environmental Geology, 39(9): 963-976
  • [21] Fakayode, S.D., 2005, Impact Assessment of Industrial Effluent on water quality of the receiving Alaro River in Ibadan, Nigeria. AJEAM -RAGEE, 10: 1 -13.
  • [22] Ugochukwu, C.N.C. and Leton. T.G., 2004, Effluent monitoring of oil servicing company and its impact on the environment. AJEAM-RAGEE, 8: 27-30
  • [23] Massoud, M. A., El-fadel, M., Scrimshaw, M. D. and Lester J. N., 2004, Land use impact on the spatial and seasonal variations of contaminant loads to Abo Ali River and its coastal zone in North Lebanon. Agricultural Engineering International; the CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Manuscript LWO4 001.
  • [24] Ajao,E.A,Okoye,B.C.O.and Adekanbi,E.A., 2000, Environmental pollution in the Nigerian coastal waters: a case study of the Lagos Lagoon
  • [25] Olias, M. Nietob, J.M Sarmientob, A.M Cerona, J.C and Canovasa, C.R., 2004, Seasonal quality variations in a river affected by acid mine drainage: the Odiel River, South West Spain. Science of the Total Environment, 333: 267-281.
  • [26] Rani, F.and AbdulAhmed, I., 2005, Isolation and characterization of various fungal strains from textile effuents for their use in bioremediation. Pak J. Bot., 37(4): 1003-1008.
  • [27] Ali, M. U., 2004, Toxicological effects of industrial effluents dumped in River Kabul on Mahaseer Lorputitiora at Aman Garh industrial area, Nowshera, Pehsawar, Pakistan. Pakistan Research Repository, published by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. 340p
  • [28] Oniye, S. T., Balarabe. M. L., Auta, J., 2005, Concentration of Fe, Cu, Cr, Zn and Pb in Makere — Drain. Kaduna, Nigeria. Chemclass Journal, 2: 69- 73.
  • [29] Dike, N.I. Ezealor, A,.U and Oniye. I.S., 2004, Concentration of Pb, Cu, Fe and Cd during the dry season in River Jakara, Kano, Nigeria. Chem class Journal, 2(4): 78-81
  • [30] Ntengwe, F.W., 2006, Pollutants load and water quality in stream of heavily populated and industrialized towns. Journal of Physcis and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts nA/B/C, 31 (15-16): 832-839.
  • [31] Obasohan, E. E., 2007, Heavy metals concentrations in the ottal, gill, muscle and liver of a freshwater mudfish (Parachanna, obscura) from Ogba River, Benin City, Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology, 6(22): 2620-2627.
  • [32] Ogunfowokan, A.O. Okoh, E.K., Adenuga, A.A. and Asubiojo, O.I., 2005, An assessment of the impact of point source pollution from a University Sewage Treatment Oxidation pond on a receiving stream: A preliminary study. J. Appl. Sci., 5:36-43.
  • [33] Zabel, T.F., 1993, Diffuse source of pollution by heavy metals. Journal of the Institute of Water and Environmental Management, 20. No 1.
  • [34] Ogundiran,0.0. and Afolabi, T. A., 2008, Assessment of physicochemical parameters and heavy metals toxicity of leachates from municipal solid waste open dumpsite International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 5 (2): 243-250
  • [35] World Health Organisation, 2006, Guidelines for drinking water quality. First Addendaunt to 3rd Ed. Recommendations. WHO, 221-427.
  • [36] Fatoki, O.S., Lujiza, N. and Ogunfowokan, A.O., 2002, Trace metal pollution in Umtata River. Water South Africa, 28: 183-189
  • [37] Emongor,V., Kealotswe, E., Koorapetse, I., Sankwasa, S. and Keikanetswe, S., 2005, Pollution indicators in Gaborone effluents. AppI. Sci., 5: 147-150.
  • [38] Yadav, S. K., 2006, Human health implication due to water toxicity by pulp and paper mill. J. hum. Ecol., 20(2): 91 –96.
  • [39] Beg, M. U., Al-Muzani. S., Saeed, T., Jacob, P. E., Beg, K. R., Al-bahloul, M., Al-Matrouk, K., Al-Obaid, T.and Hurian, A., 2001, Chemical contamination and toxicity of sediment from a coastal area receiving industrial effluents in Kuwait. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 41: 289-297
  • [40] Ikomi, R. B. and Owabor, N., 1997, The status and seasonality in the physicochemical hydrology of River Orogodo at Agbor. Nigeria. Bull Sci. Assoc. Nig., 21: 167 - 175.
  • [41] Iwashita, M.and Shimamura, T., 2003, Long-term variation in dissolved trace element in the Sagami River and its tributaries (upstream area) Japan. The Science of the Total Environments , 31: 167-179.
  • [42] Neal, A. Williams R.J, Neal, M. Bhardwaj, L.C, Wickham, H, Harrow, M and Hill L.K., 2000, The water quality of the River Thames at a rural site downstream of Oxford. Sci. Total Enviornment , 552: 441-457.
  • [43] Chen, U. and Chen, M., 2001, Heavy metal concentration in nine species of fishes caught in coastal waters of Ann-ping SW, Taiwan. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 9 (2): 107-114.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Daniel Gbadesere Akintunde This is me

Olukayode Bamgbose This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date February 2, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Akintunde, D. G., & Bamgbose, O. (2020). Pollution Load of Heavy Metals in Ilupeju, Ikeja and Isolo Industrial Wastewaters and Seasonal Impacts on Quality of Water Downstream and Upstream in Lagos Metropolis. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling, 3(2), 73-82.
AMA Akintunde DG, Bamgbose O. Pollution Load of Heavy Metals in Ilupeju, Ikeja and Isolo Industrial Wastewaters and Seasonal Impacts on Quality of Water Downstream and Upstream in Lagos Metropolis. Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model. June 2020;3(2):73-82.
Chicago Akintunde, Daniel Gbadesere, and Olukayode Bamgbose. “Pollution Load of Heavy Metals in Ilupeju, Ikeja and Isolo Industrial Wastewaters and Seasonal Impacts on Quality of Water Downstream and Upstream in Lagos Metropolis”. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling 3, no. 2 (June 2020): 73-82.
EndNote Akintunde DG, Bamgbose O (June 1, 2020) Pollution Load of Heavy Metals in Ilupeju, Ikeja and Isolo Industrial Wastewaters and Seasonal Impacts on Quality of Water Downstream and Upstream in Lagos Metropolis. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling 3 2 73–82.
IEEE D. G. Akintunde and O. Bamgbose, “Pollution Load of Heavy Metals in Ilupeju, Ikeja and Isolo Industrial Wastewaters and Seasonal Impacts on Quality of Water Downstream and Upstream in Lagos Metropolis”, Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 73–82, 2020.
ISNAD Akintunde, Daniel Gbadesere - Bamgbose, Olukayode. “Pollution Load of Heavy Metals in Ilupeju, Ikeja and Isolo Industrial Wastewaters and Seasonal Impacts on Quality of Water Downstream and Upstream in Lagos Metropolis”. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling 3/2 (June 2020), 73-82.
JAMA Akintunde DG, Bamgbose O. Pollution Load of Heavy Metals in Ilupeju, Ikeja and Isolo Industrial Wastewaters and Seasonal Impacts on Quality of Water Downstream and Upstream in Lagos Metropolis. Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model. 2020;3:73–82.
MLA Akintunde, Daniel Gbadesere and Olukayode Bamgbose. “Pollution Load of Heavy Metals in Ilupeju, Ikeja and Isolo Industrial Wastewaters and Seasonal Impacts on Quality of Water Downstream and Upstream in Lagos Metropolis”. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling, vol. 3, no. 2, 2020, pp. 73-82.
Vancouver Akintunde DG, Bamgbose O. Pollution Load of Heavy Metals in Ilupeju, Ikeja and Isolo Industrial Wastewaters and Seasonal Impacts on Quality of Water Downstream and Upstream in Lagos Metropolis. Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model. 2020;3(2):73-82.