Research Article
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Trace Metal Dynamics in Niger Delta Mangrove: A Comprehensive Contamination, Pollution, and Bioaccumulation Modeling

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 37 - 53, 30.06.2024


This study aimed to investigate the spatial contamination, pollution load, and bioaccumulation of trace metals in the mangrove swamp of the Niger Delta Estuary, focusing on water, sediment, Periwinkles (P. fusca), and Whelks (T. fuscatus). Samples were collected from May and August 2023 and analyzed for heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, and As) across three stations in the Ibaka mangrove swamp, Upper Bonny River Creek, using standard methods. There were station-specific variations for Fe and Zn, while there were no such variations for Pb, Cd, Cu, and As. In surface water, significant differences were observed in Fe, Zn, and Pb concentrations between stations, while Cd, As, and Cu showed minor variations. Sediment analysis revealed varying concentrations of Fe, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, and As across stations. The Pollution Load Index (PLI) for water indicated low pollution levels, while the sediment PLI showed elevated pollution in Station 3. Enrichment Factor (EF) values demonstrated significant contamination, especially for Cd. Bioaccumulation Factor (BAF) values in T. fuscatus and P. fusca were generally below 1, suggesting a low risk of metal contamination to humans. The study underscores the significance of ongoing monitoring and mitigation measures for long-term ecosystem and community health, particularly in addressing heavy metal contamination in sediment.

Ethical Statement

There are no ethical issues with the publication of this manuscript.

Project Number



  • Ahmed, A. S., Rahman, M., Sultana, S., Babu, S. O. F., and Sarker, M. S. I. 2019, Bioaccumulation and heavy metal concentration in tissues of some commercial fishes from the Meghna River Estuary in Bangladesh and human health implications. Marine pollution bulletin, 145, 436-447.
  • Ahmed, M. K., Shaheen, N., Islam, M. S., Habibullah-al-Mamun, M., Islam, S., Mohiduzzaman, M., and Bhattacharjee, L. 2015, Dietary intake of trace elements from highly consumed cultured fish (Labeo rohita, Pangasius pangasius and Oreochromis mossambicus) and human health risk implications in Bangladesh. Chemosphere, 128, 284-292.
  • Akankali J.A., Davies I.C. and Kpaniku, N. 2019, Assessment of heavy metals concentrations in the upper reaches of Bonny River, Niger Delta, Nigeria. African Journal of Agriculture Technology and Environment, 8(1): 62-73.
  • Akindele, E. O., Omisakin, O. D., Oni, O. A., Aliu, O. O., Omoniyi, G. E., and Akinpelu, O. T. 2020, Heavy metal toxicity in the water column and benthic sediments of a degraded tropical stream. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 190, 110153.
  • Ali, M. M., Ali, M. L., Rakib, M. R. J., Islam, M. S., Habib, A., Hossen, S., ... and Phoungthong, K. 2022, Contamination and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in water and sediment from hubs of fish resource river in a developing country. Toxin Reviews, 41(4), 1253-1268.
  • Alidadi, H., Tavakoly Sany, S. B., Zarif Garaati Oftadeh, B., Mohamad, T., Shamszade, H., and Fakhari, M. 2019, Health risk assessments of arsenic and toxic heavy metal exposure in drinking water in northeast Iran. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 24, 1-17.
  • Arfaeinia, H., Dobaradaran, S., Moradi, M., Pasalari, H., Mehrizi, E. A., Taghizadeh, F., ... and Ansarizadeh, M. 2019, The effect of land use configurations on concentration, spatial distribution, and ecological risk of heavy metals in coastal sediments of northern part along the Persian Gulf. Science of the Total Environment, 653, 783-791.
  • Belabed, B. E., Meddour, A., Samraoui, B., and Chenchouni, H. 2017, Modelling seasonal and spatial contamination of surface waters and upper sediments with trace metal elements across industrialized urban areas of the Seybouse watershed in North Africa. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189, 1-19.
  • Birch, G. F. 2017, Determination of sediment metal background concentrations and enrichment in marine environments–a critical review. Science of the total environment, 580, 813-831.
  • Bodrud-Doza, M., Islam, S. D. U., Rume, T., Quraishi, S. B., Rahman, M. S., and Bhuiyan, M. A. H. 2020, Groundwater quality and human health risk assessment for safe and sustainable water supply of Dhaka City dwellers in Bangladesh. Groundwater for sustainable development, 10, 100374.
  • Cantonati, M., Poikane, S., Pringle, C. M., Stevens, L. E., Turak, E., Heino, J., ... and Znachor, P. 2020, Characteristics, main impacts, and stewardship of natural and artificial freshwater environments: consequences for biodiversity conservation. Water, 12(1), 260.
  • Castro-Castellon, A. T., Horton, A. A., Hughes, J. M., Rampley, C., Jeffers, E. S., Bussi, G., and Whitehead, P. 2022, Ecotoxicity of microplastics to freshwater biota: Considering exposure and hazard across trophic levels. Science of the Total Environment, 816, 151638.
  • Chris, D. I., Wokeh, O. K., Lananan, F., and Azra, M. N. 2023, Assessment of Temporal Variation of Water Quality Parameters and Ecotoxic Trace Metals in Southern Nigeria Coastal Water. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 32(5).
  • Chu, W. L., Dang, N. L., Kok, Y. Y., Yap, K. S. I., Phang, S. M., and Convey, P. 2019, Heavy metal pollution in Antarctica and its potential impacts on algae. Polar Science, 20, 75-83.
  • Coffin, J. L., Kelley, J. L., Jeyasingh, P. D., and Tobler, M. 2022, Impacts of heavy metal pollution on the ionomes and transcriptomes of Western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). Molecular ecology, 31(5), 1527-1542.
  • Cui, L., Ge, J., Zhu, Y., Yang, Y., and Wang, J. (2015). Concentrations, bioaccumulation, and human health risk assessment of organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals in edible fish from Wuhan, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 15866-15879.
  • Davies I C. and Ekperusi A. O. 2021, Evaluation of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Water, Sediment and Fishes of New Calabar River in Southern Nigeria. Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research 7(3): 207-218.
  • Davies I. C., and Anyanwu, E., D. 2023, Assessment of Some Heavy Metal Content in Sediments of a Mangrove Swamp, Niger Delta, Nigeria Using Applicable Ecological Risk Indices. Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal, 10:3: 260-268.
  • Delany-Crowe, T., Marinova, D., Fisher, M., McGreevy, M., and Baum, F. 2019, Australian policies on water management and climate change: are they supporting the sustainable development goals and improved health and well-being. Globalization and health, 15, 1-15.
  • Dong, W., Zhang, Y., and Quan, X. 2020, Health risk assessment of heavy metals and pesticides: A case study in the main drinking water source in Dalian, China. Chemosphere, 242, 125113.
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  • Enuneku, A., Omoruyi, O., Tongo, I., Ogbomida, E., Ogbeide, O., and Ezemonye, L. 2018, Evaluating the potential health risks of heavy metal pollution in sediment and selected benthic fauna of Benin River, Southern Nigeria. Applied water science, 8, 1-13.
  • Ezemonye, L. I., Adebayo, P. O., Enuneku, A. A., Tongo, I., and Ogbomida, E. 2019, Potential health risk consequences of heavy metal concentrations in surface water, shrimp (Macrobrachium macrobrachion) and fish (Brycinus longipinnis) from Benin River, Nigeria. Toxicology reports, 6, 1-9.
  • Hojjati-Najafabadi, A., Mansoorianfar, M., Liang, T., Shahin, K., and Karimi-Maleh, H. 2022, A review on magnetic sensors for monitoring of hazardous pollutants in water resources. Science of The Total Environment, 824, 153844.
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  • Izegaegbe, J. I., Vivier, L., and Mzimela, H. M. 2020, Trace metal contamination in sediment in the Mhlathuze Estuary, northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: effects on the macrobenthic community. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192(6), 401.
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  • Lin, M. H., Li, C. Y., Cheng, Y. Y., and Guo, H. R. 2022, Arsenic in drinking water and incidences of leukemia and Lymphoma: implication for its dural effects in carcinogenicity. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 863882.
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Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 37 - 53, 30.06.2024


Project Number



  • Ahmed, A. S., Rahman, M., Sultana, S., Babu, S. O. F., and Sarker, M. S. I. 2019, Bioaccumulation and heavy metal concentration in tissues of some commercial fishes from the Meghna River Estuary in Bangladesh and human health implications. Marine pollution bulletin, 145, 436-447.
  • Ahmed, M. K., Shaheen, N., Islam, M. S., Habibullah-al-Mamun, M., Islam, S., Mohiduzzaman, M., and Bhattacharjee, L. 2015, Dietary intake of trace elements from highly consumed cultured fish (Labeo rohita, Pangasius pangasius and Oreochromis mossambicus) and human health risk implications in Bangladesh. Chemosphere, 128, 284-292.
  • Akankali J.A., Davies I.C. and Kpaniku, N. 2019, Assessment of heavy metals concentrations in the upper reaches of Bonny River, Niger Delta, Nigeria. African Journal of Agriculture Technology and Environment, 8(1): 62-73.
  • Akindele, E. O., Omisakin, O. D., Oni, O. A., Aliu, O. O., Omoniyi, G. E., and Akinpelu, O. T. 2020, Heavy metal toxicity in the water column and benthic sediments of a degraded tropical stream. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 190, 110153.
  • Ali, M. M., Ali, M. L., Rakib, M. R. J., Islam, M. S., Habib, A., Hossen, S., ... and Phoungthong, K. 2022, Contamination and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in water and sediment from hubs of fish resource river in a developing country. Toxin Reviews, 41(4), 1253-1268.
  • Alidadi, H., Tavakoly Sany, S. B., Zarif Garaati Oftadeh, B., Mohamad, T., Shamszade, H., and Fakhari, M. 2019, Health risk assessments of arsenic and toxic heavy metal exposure in drinking water in northeast Iran. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 24, 1-17.
  • Arfaeinia, H., Dobaradaran, S., Moradi, M., Pasalari, H., Mehrizi, E. A., Taghizadeh, F., ... and Ansarizadeh, M. 2019, The effect of land use configurations on concentration, spatial distribution, and ecological risk of heavy metals in coastal sediments of northern part along the Persian Gulf. Science of the Total Environment, 653, 783-791.
  • Belabed, B. E., Meddour, A., Samraoui, B., and Chenchouni, H. 2017, Modelling seasonal and spatial contamination of surface waters and upper sediments with trace metal elements across industrialized urban areas of the Seybouse watershed in North Africa. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189, 1-19.
  • Birch, G. F. 2017, Determination of sediment metal background concentrations and enrichment in marine environments–a critical review. Science of the total environment, 580, 813-831.
  • Bodrud-Doza, M., Islam, S. D. U., Rume, T., Quraishi, S. B., Rahman, M. S., and Bhuiyan, M. A. H. 2020, Groundwater quality and human health risk assessment for safe and sustainable water supply of Dhaka City dwellers in Bangladesh. Groundwater for sustainable development, 10, 100374.
  • Cantonati, M., Poikane, S., Pringle, C. M., Stevens, L. E., Turak, E., Heino, J., ... and Znachor, P. 2020, Characteristics, main impacts, and stewardship of natural and artificial freshwater environments: consequences for biodiversity conservation. Water, 12(1), 260.
  • Castro-Castellon, A. T., Horton, A. A., Hughes, J. M., Rampley, C., Jeffers, E. S., Bussi, G., and Whitehead, P. 2022, Ecotoxicity of microplastics to freshwater biota: Considering exposure and hazard across trophic levels. Science of the Total Environment, 816, 151638.
  • Chris, D. I., Wokeh, O. K., Lananan, F., and Azra, M. N. 2023, Assessment of Temporal Variation of Water Quality Parameters and Ecotoxic Trace Metals in Southern Nigeria Coastal Water. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 32(5).
  • Chu, W. L., Dang, N. L., Kok, Y. Y., Yap, K. S. I., Phang, S. M., and Convey, P. 2019, Heavy metal pollution in Antarctica and its potential impacts on algae. Polar Science, 20, 75-83.
  • Coffin, J. L., Kelley, J. L., Jeyasingh, P. D., and Tobler, M. 2022, Impacts of heavy metal pollution on the ionomes and transcriptomes of Western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). Molecular ecology, 31(5), 1527-1542.
  • Cui, L., Ge, J., Zhu, Y., Yang, Y., and Wang, J. (2015). Concentrations, bioaccumulation, and human health risk assessment of organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals in edible fish from Wuhan, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 15866-15879.
  • Davies I C. and Ekperusi A. O. 2021, Evaluation of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Water, Sediment and Fishes of New Calabar River in Southern Nigeria. Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research 7(3): 207-218.
  • Davies I. C., and Anyanwu, E., D. 2023, Assessment of Some Heavy Metal Content in Sediments of a Mangrove Swamp, Niger Delta, Nigeria Using Applicable Ecological Risk Indices. Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal, 10:3: 260-268.
  • Delany-Crowe, T., Marinova, D., Fisher, M., McGreevy, M., and Baum, F. 2019, Australian policies on water management and climate change: are they supporting the sustainable development goals and improved health and well-being. Globalization and health, 15, 1-15.
  • Dong, W., Zhang, Y., and Quan, X. 2020, Health risk assessment of heavy metals and pesticides: A case study in the main drinking water source in Dalian, China. Chemosphere, 242, 125113.
  • Edokpayi, J. N., Odiyo, J. O., and Durowoju, O. S. 2017, Impact of wastewater on surface water quality in developing countries: a case study of South Africa. Water quality, 10(66561), 10-5772.
  • Enuneku, A., Omoruyi, O., Tongo, I., Ogbomida, E., Ogbeide, O., and Ezemonye, L. 2018, Evaluating the potential health risks of heavy metal pollution in sediment and selected benthic fauna of Benin River, Southern Nigeria. Applied water science, 8, 1-13.
  • Ezemonye, L. I., Adebayo, P. O., Enuneku, A. A., Tongo, I., and Ogbomida, E. 2019, Potential health risk consequences of heavy metal concentrations in surface water, shrimp (Macrobrachium macrobrachion) and fish (Brycinus longipinnis) from Benin River, Nigeria. Toxicology reports, 6, 1-9.
  • Hojjati-Najafabadi, A., Mansoorianfar, M., Liang, T., Shahin, K., and Karimi-Maleh, H. 2022, A review on magnetic sensors for monitoring of hazardous pollutants in water resources. Science of The Total Environment, 824, 153844.
  • Hoque, M. S., Tamanna, F., Hasan, M. M., Al Banna, M. H., Mondal, P., Prodhan, M. D. H., ... and van Brakel, M. L. 2022, Probabilistic public health risks associated with pesticides and heavy metal exposure through consumption of common dried fish in coastal regions of Bangladesh. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-16.
  • Hossain, M., and Patra, P. K. 2020, Water pollution index–A new integrated approach to rank water quality. Ecological Indicators, 117, 106668.
  • Hyde, K. 2022, Essays on the Environmental and Behavioral Determinants of Health Outcomes (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh).
  • Ilyas, M., Ahmad, W., Khan, H., Yousaf, S., Yasir, M., and Khan, A. 2019, Environmental and health impacts of industrial wastewater effluents in Pakistan: a review. Reviews on environmental health, 34(2), 171-186.
  • ISIAQ, A. A., and LAWAL, D. O. 2023, Environmental Challenges of the Niger Delta: Strategic Recommendations for Reducing Acts of Sabotage and Vandalism. Baze University Journal of Entrepreneurship and Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(1).
  • Izegaegbe, J. I., Vivier, L., and Mzimela, H. M. 2020, Trace metal contamination in sediment in the Mhlathuze Estuary, northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: effects on the macrobenthic community. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192(6), 401.
  • Jin, T., Tang, J., Lyu, H., Wang, L., Gillmore, A. B., and Schaeffer, S. M. 2022, Activities of microplastics (MPs) in agricultural soil: a review of MPs pollution from the perspective of agricultural ecosystems. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70(14), 4182-4201.
  • Jomova, K., Makova, M., Alomar, S. Y., Alwasel, S. H., Nepovimova, E., Kuca, K., ... and Valko, M. 2022, Essential metals in health and disease. Chemico-biological interactions, 110173.
  • Kavehei, A., Gore, D. B., Chariton, A. A., and Hose, G. C. 2021, Impact assessment of ephemeral discharge of contamination downstream of two legacy base metal mines using environmental DNA. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 419, 126483.
  • Keeler, B. L., Polasky, S., Brauman, K. A., Johnson, K. A., Finlay, J. C., O’Neill, A., ... and Dalzell, B. 2012, Linking water quality and well-being for improved assessment and valuation of ecosystem services. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(45), 18619-18624.
  • Khallaf, E. A., Authman, M. M., and Alne-Na-Ei, A. A. 2018, Contamination and ecological hazard assessment of heavy metals in freshwater sediments and Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) fish muscles in a Nile River Canal in Egypt. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(14), 13796-13812.
  • Khan, U., Janjuhah, H. T., Kontakiotis, G., Rehman, A., and Zarkogiannis, S. D. 2021, Natural processes and anthropogenic activity in the Indus River sedimentary environment in Pakistan: A critical review. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(10), 1109.
  • Li, Y., Miao, Y., Zhang, W., Yang, N., Niu, L., Zhang, H., and Wang, L. 2020, Sertraline inhibits top-down forces (predation) in microbial food web and promotes nitrification in sediment. Environmental Pollution, 267, 115580.
  • Lin, M. H., Li, C. Y., Cheng, Y. Y., and Guo, H. R. 2022, Arsenic in drinking water and incidences of leukemia and Lymphoma: implication for its dural effects in carcinogenicity. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 863882.
  • Liu, X., Gu, S., Yang, S., Deng, J., and Xu, J. 2021, Heavy metals in soil-vegetable system around E-waste site and the health risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 779, 146438.
  • Lourino-Cabana, B., Lesven, L., Billon, G., Denis, L., Ouddane, B., and Boughriet, A. 2012, Benthic exchange of sedimentary metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn) in the Deûle River (Northern France). Environmental Chemistry, 9(5), 485-494.
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There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Marine and Estuarine Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Natural Resource Management, Health and Ecological Risk Assessment
Journal Section Articles

Ibienebo Chris Davies 0000-0002-1722-7776

Imachrıs Ibienebo Davıes 0009-0009-1062-2819

Project Number None
Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date December 4, 2023
Acceptance Date June 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Davies, I. C., & Ibienebo Davıes, I. (2024). Trace Metal Dynamics in Niger Delta Mangrove: A Comprehensive Contamination, Pollution, and Bioaccumulation Modeling. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling, 7(1), 37-53.
AMA Davies IC, Ibienebo Davıes I. Trace Metal Dynamics in Niger Delta Mangrove: A Comprehensive Contamination, Pollution, and Bioaccumulation Modeling. Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model. June 2024;7(1):37-53.
Chicago Davies, Ibienebo Chris, and Imachrıs Ibienebo Davıes. “Trace Metal Dynamics in Niger Delta Mangrove: A Comprehensive Contamination, Pollution, and Bioaccumulation Modeling”. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling 7, no. 1 (June 2024): 37-53.
EndNote Davies IC, Ibienebo Davıes I (June 1, 2024) Trace Metal Dynamics in Niger Delta Mangrove: A Comprehensive Contamination, Pollution, and Bioaccumulation Modeling. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling 7 1 37–53.
IEEE I. C. Davies and I. Ibienebo Davıes, “Trace Metal Dynamics in Niger Delta Mangrove: A Comprehensive Contamination, Pollution, and Bioaccumulation Modeling”, Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model., vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 37–53, 2024.
ISNAD Davies, Ibienebo Chris - Ibienebo Davıes, Imachrıs. “Trace Metal Dynamics in Niger Delta Mangrove: A Comprehensive Contamination, Pollution, and Bioaccumulation Modeling”. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling 7/1 (June 2024), 37-53.
JAMA Davies IC, Ibienebo Davıes I. Trace Metal Dynamics in Niger Delta Mangrove: A Comprehensive Contamination, Pollution, and Bioaccumulation Modeling. Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model. 2024;7:37–53.
MLA Davies, Ibienebo Chris and Imachrıs Ibienebo Davıes. “Trace Metal Dynamics in Niger Delta Mangrove: A Comprehensive Contamination, Pollution, and Bioaccumulation Modeling”. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling, vol. 7, no. 1, 2024, pp. 37-53.
Vancouver Davies IC, Ibienebo Davıes I. Trace Metal Dynamics in Niger Delta Mangrove: A Comprehensive Contamination, Pollution, and Bioaccumulation Modeling. Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model. 2024;7(1):37-53.