Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 39 - 45


This research was a review of Afghanistan's coal mining and its actual and potential uses. The research done on coal mines in Afghanistan to determine its quantity and quality is at a very basic level. The results obtained from this research show that in recent years, the process of coal mining in Afghanistan has increased due to the increase in exports and domestic use. Selling coal for less than half the world price of extracting and using this resource does not create the necessary economic benefit for the country's economy, and this resource is rapidly eroding. Another finding of this review article about the alternative uses of coal. Specifically, coal has proven to be a valuable resource in various industries such as iron smelting, electricity generation, and cement production. These alternative uses have yielded significant economic benefits, contributing to the overall development, self-sufficiency, and sustainable economic development of the country. According to the results of this review article, the lack of developing a strategy for the extraction of coal mines, the lack of investment for the construction of infrastructures, non-professional extraction, and lack of treatment centers, the reduction of export tariffs, illegal extraction and coal smuggling are among most important problems in coal mining industry.


  • Chelgani, S. C. (2013). Explaining the relationship between common coal analyses and Afghan coal parameters using statistical modeling methods. Fuel processing technology, 79-85.
  • Defne Gencer, John Irving, Peter Meier and Richard Spencer . (2016). Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Energy Security Trade-Offs under High Uncertainty: Resolving Afghanistan's Power Sector Development Dilemma. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
  • Ehsan, A. M., Adebayo, A. O., & Daramola, M. O. (2016). Renewable energy and rural electrification in Afghanistan. Journal of Renewable Energy, 2016, Article ID 9021387.
  • Jafar Haghighat, Mohammad Saleh Ansari lari , Pouyan Kian. (2014). Underground Coal Gasification as a Strategy to Improve Energy Economy of Iran. Iranian energy economy research journal, 89-116.
  • Langar, N. (2022). Unreasonable increase in the export of Afghan coal to meet the Taliban's expenses. independentpersian. MALIK, N. (2011). ENERGY RESOURCES IN AFGHANISTAN AND MEASURES TO IMPROVE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, 2(4).
  • Malistani, H. A. (2020). IRON ORE AND IRON ORE DEPOSITS OF AFGHANISTAN. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 7(4), 131-146.
  • Mitchell, Clive; Benham, Antony. (2008). Revival and redevelopment. Industrial Minerals, 58-63.
  • Noorani, J. (2015). Afghanistan’s Emerging Mining Oligarchy. United States Institute of Peace.
  • Petroleum, M. O. (2018). Coal sector reform strategy. Mazar-e-Sharef: Ministry of Mines and Petroleum.
  • Rasouli, H. (2022). Climate Change Impacts on Water Resource and Air Pollution in Kabul Sub-basins, Afghanistan. Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research, 4(1), 11-27.
  • Raza, R., Akram, N., Javed, M. S., Rafique, A., Ullah, K., Ali, A., ... & Ahmed, R. (2016). Fuel cell technology for sustainable development in Pakistan–An over-view. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 450-461.
  • Rostami, R., Khoshnava, S. M., Lamit, H., Streimikiene, D., & Mardani, A. (2017). An overview of Afghanistan's trends toward renewable and sustainable energies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 1440-1464.
  • Safi, R. (2019). Energy Scenario of Afghanistan . Journal of Engineering, 50-59.
  • Singh, B. L., & Ponzio, R. S. (2013). Coal mining and environmental health in Afghanistan. Asian Survey, 53(5), 974-998
  • World Bank. (2017). Afghanistan energy sector assessment. Retrieved from


Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 39 - 45


Bu araştırma, Afganistan'daki kömür madenciliği ve onun fiili ve potansiyel kullanımlarının bir incelemesidir. Afganistan'daki kömür madenlerinin nicelik ve niteliğini belirlemek için yapılan araştırmalar çok temel düzeydedir. Bu araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, son yıllarda ihracatın ve yerli kullanımın artması nedeniyle Afganistan'da kömür madenciliği sürecinin arttığını göstermektedir. Kömürün dünya fiyatının yarısından daha ucuza satılması ve bu kaynağın kullanılması ülke ekonomisi için gerekli ekonomik faydayı yaratmamakta ve bu kaynak hızla erozyona uğramaktadır. Kömürün alternatif kullanımlarıyla ilgili bu derleme makalenin bir başka bulgusu, özellikle kömürün demir eritme, elektrik üretimi ve çimento üretimi gibi çeşitli endüstrilerde değerli bir kaynak olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Bu alternatif kullanımlar, ülkenin genel kalkınmasına, kendi kendine yeterliliğine ve sürdürülebilir ekonomik kalkınmasına katkıda bulunarak önemli ekonomik faydalar sağlamıştır. Bu inceleme makalesinin sonuçlarına göre, kömür madenlerinin çıkarılması için bir strateji geliştirilmemesi, altyapı inşaatı için yatırım yapılmaması, profesyonel olmayan çıkarma ve arıtma merkezlerinin olmaması, ihracat tarifelerinin düşürülmesi, yasadışı madencilik ve kömür kaçakçılığı, kömür madenciliği sektörünün en önemli sorunları arasında yer almaktadır.


  • Chelgani, S. C. (2013). Explaining the relationship between common coal analyses and Afghan coal parameters using statistical modeling methods. Fuel processing technology, 79-85.
  • Defne Gencer, John Irving, Peter Meier and Richard Spencer . (2016). Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Energy Security Trade-Offs under High Uncertainty: Resolving Afghanistan's Power Sector Development Dilemma. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
  • Ehsan, A. M., Adebayo, A. O., & Daramola, M. O. (2016). Renewable energy and rural electrification in Afghanistan. Journal of Renewable Energy, 2016, Article ID 9021387.
  • Jafar Haghighat, Mohammad Saleh Ansari lari , Pouyan Kian. (2014). Underground Coal Gasification as a Strategy to Improve Energy Economy of Iran. Iranian energy economy research journal, 89-116.
  • Langar, N. (2022). Unreasonable increase in the export of Afghan coal to meet the Taliban's expenses. independentpersian. MALIK, N. (2011). ENERGY RESOURCES IN AFGHANISTAN AND MEASURES TO IMPROVE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, 2(4).
  • Malistani, H. A. (2020). IRON ORE AND IRON ORE DEPOSITS OF AFGHANISTAN. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 7(4), 131-146.
  • Mitchell, Clive; Benham, Antony. (2008). Revival and redevelopment. Industrial Minerals, 58-63.
  • Noorani, J. (2015). Afghanistan’s Emerging Mining Oligarchy. United States Institute of Peace.
  • Petroleum, M. O. (2018). Coal sector reform strategy. Mazar-e-Sharef: Ministry of Mines and Petroleum.
  • Rasouli, H. (2022). Climate Change Impacts on Water Resource and Air Pollution in Kabul Sub-basins, Afghanistan. Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research, 4(1), 11-27.
  • Raza, R., Akram, N., Javed, M. S., Rafique, A., Ullah, K., Ali, A., ... & Ahmed, R. (2016). Fuel cell technology for sustainable development in Pakistan–An over-view. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 450-461.
  • Rostami, R., Khoshnava, S. M., Lamit, H., Streimikiene, D., & Mardani, A. (2017). An overview of Afghanistan's trends toward renewable and sustainable energies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 1440-1464.
  • Safi, R. (2019). Energy Scenario of Afghanistan . Journal of Engineering, 50-59.
  • Singh, B. L., & Ponzio, R. S. (2013). Coal mining and environmental health in Afghanistan. Asian Survey, 53(5), 974-998
  • World Bank. (2017). Afghanistan energy sector assessment. Retrieved from
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Econometric and Statistical Methods, Development Economics
Journal Section Research Article

Jamaluddin Jamal This is me

Shiraqa Khatami This is me

Early Pub Date October 8, 2024
Publication Date
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Jamal, J., & Khatami, S. (2024). AFGANİSTAN’DA KÖMÜR MADENCİLİĞİ VE ENERJİNİN GELECEĞİ. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(1), 39-45.