Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 105 - 121


The main purpose of this study is to determine the structural relationships between motivational factors, behavioral intentions and hospital image of medical health tourists. The universe of the research consisted of 396 international health tourists, who were reached from the social media addresses (Twitter and Instagram) of health institutions with health tourism authorization certificate, operating in the province of Istanbul and receiving health tourism services from health facilities with health tourism facility authorization certificates and showing them via social media channels (Twitter and Instagram). The relationship between the factors that motivate medical tourists and the image of the hospital is highly significant (P<.001) and the relationship is positive. The relationship between the factors that motivate medical tourists and behavioral intention is highly significant (P<.001) and the relationship is positive. At the same time, the relationship between hospital image and behavioral intention is highly significant (P<.001) and the relationship is positive.


  • Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1977). Attitude-Behavior Relations: A Theoretical Analysis And Review Of Empirical Research. Psychological Bulletin, 84(5), 888-918.
  • Awadzi, W. & Panda, D. (2006). Medical Tourism: Globalization And The Marketing Of Medical Services. Consortium Journal Of Hospitality And Tourism, 11(1), 75-81.
  • Bookman, M.Z. & Bookman, K.R. (2007). Medical Tourism In Developing Countries. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Caballero-Danell, S. & Mugomba, C. (2007). Medical Tourism And Its Entrepreneurial Opportunities: A Conceptual Framework For Entry Into The Industry. Master Thesis No. 2006.
  • Carrera, P.M. & Bridges, J.F. (2006). Globalization And Healthcare: Understanding Health And Medical Tourism. Expert Review Of Pharmacoeconomics And Outcomes Research, 6(4), 447-454.
  • Cham, T.H. & Easvaralingam, Y. (2012). Service Quality, Image And Loyalty Towards Malaysian Hotels. International Journal Of Services, Economics And Management, 4(4), 267-281.
  • Cham, T.H., Lim, Y.M., Aik, N.C., & Tay, A.G.M. (2016). Antecedents Of Hospital Brand Image And The Relationships With Medical Tourists‘ Behavioral Intention. International Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Healthcare Marketing, 10(4), 412-431.
  • Chen, C. F., & Tsai, D. (2007). How Destination Image And Evaluative Factors Affect Behavioral Intentions?. Tourism Management, 28(4), 1115-1122.
  • Choi, K. S., Cho, W. H., Lee, S., Lee, H., & Kim, C. (2004). The Relationships Among Quality, Value, Satisfaction And Behavioral Intention In Health Care Provider Choice: A South Korean Study. Journal Of Business Research, 57(8), 913-921.
  • Clemes, M.D., Gan, C., & Zhang, J. (2014). An Empirical Analysis Of Online Shopping Adoption In Beijing, China. Journal Of Retailing And Consumer Services, 21(3), 364-375.
  • Connell, J. (2006). Medical Tourism: Sea, Sun, Sand And… Surgery. Tourism Management, 27(6), 1093-1100.
  • Connell, J. (2013). Contemporary Medical Tourism: Conceptualisation, Culture And Commodification. Tourism Management, 34, 1-13.
  • Crooks, V. A., Turner, L., Snyder, J., Johnston, R., & Kingsbury, P. (2011). Promoting Medical Tourism To India: Messages, Images, And The Marketing Of International Patient Travel. Social Science And Medicine, 72(5), 726-732.
  • Crooks, V.A., Kingsbury, P., Snyder, J. & Johnston, R. (2010). What Is Known About The Patient’s Experience Of Medical Tourism? A Scoping Review, Bmc Health Services Research 10:266.
  • Dow, K. E., Jackson, C., Wong, J. & Leitch, R. A. (2008). A Comparison Of Structural Equation Modeling Approaches: The Case Of User Acceptance Of Information Systems, Journal Of Computer Information Systems, 48(4), 106-114.
  • Fetscherin, M. & Stephano, R.M. (2016). The Medical Tourism Index: Scale Development And Validation. Tourism Management, 52, 539-556.
  • Fetscherin, M. & Stephano, R.M. (2016). The Medical Tourism Index: Scale Development And Validation. Tourism Management, 52, 539-556.
  • Forbes (2015). The Most Profitable Industries In 2016. Retrieved From Http://Www.Forbes.Com/Sites/Liyanchen/2015/12/21/The-Most-Profitable-Industries-In-2016/#72b7cfed7a8b
  • Fornell, C. & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Structural Equation Models With Unobservable Variables And Measurement Error: Algebra And Statistics. Journal Of Marketing Research, Vol. 18, 382-388.
  • Fried, B.J., & Harris, D.M. (2007). Managing Healthcare Services In The Global Marketplace. Frontiers Of Health Services Management, 24(2), 3-18.
  • Gan, L.L. & Frederick, J.R. (2013). Medical Tourists: Who Goes And What Motivates Them?. Health Marketing Quarterly, 30(2), 177-194.
  • Garcia-Altes, A. (2005). The Development Of Health Tourism Services. Annals Of Tourism Research, 32(1), 262-266.
  • Gray, H.H. & Poland, S.C. (2008). Medical Tourism: Crossing Borders To Access Health Care. Kennedy Institute Of Ethics Journal, 18(2), 193-201.
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tahtam, R. L. & Black, W. C. (1998). “Multivariate Data Analysis”, New Jersey: Prentice Hall International Inc. Beşinci Baskı.
  • Hall, C.M. (2011). Health And Medical Tourism: A Kill Or Cure For Global Public Health?. Tourism Review, Vol. 66 Issue: 1/2, Pp.4-15.
  • Horowitz, M.D., Rosensweig, J.A., & Jones, C.A. (2007). Medical Tourism: Globalization Of The Healthcare Marketplace. Medscape General Medicine, 9(4), 33.
  • Hox, J. J. & Bechger, T. M. (1995). An Introduction To Structural Equation Modeling, Family Science Review, Ss. 354-373.
  • Hudson, S., & Li, X. (2012). Domestic Medical Tourism: A Neglected Dimension Of Medical Tourism Research. Journal Of Hospitality Marketing And Management, 21(3), 227-246.
  • Ishaqa, M.I. (2012). Perceived Value, Service Quality, Corporate Image And Customer Loyalty: Empirical Assessment From Pakistan. Serbian Journal Of Management, 7(1), 25-36.
  • Jotikasthira, N. (2010). Salient Factors İnfluencing Medical Tourism Destination Choice (Doktora Tezi). Southern Cross University.
  • Keiningham, T. L., Cooil, B., Aksoy, L., Andreassen, T.W., & Weiner, J. (2007). The Value Of Different Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty Metrics In Predicting Customer Retention, Recommendation, And Share-Of-Wallet. Managing Service Quality, 17(4), 361-384.
  • Kim, K.H., Kim, K.S., Kim, D.Y., Kim, J.H., & Kang, S.H. (2008). Brand Equity In Hospital Marketing. Journal Of Business Research, 61(1), 75-82.
  • Manaf, A.N.H., Hussin, H., Kassim, J.P.N., Alavi, R., & Dahari, Z. (2015). Country Perspective On Medical Tourism: The Malaysian Experience. Leadership In Health Services, 28(1), 43-56.
  • Mano, A. & Da Costa, R. A. (2015). A Conceptual Model Of The Antecedents And Consequences Of Tourist Destination Image. Procedia Economics And Finance, 23, 15-22.
  • Mee, L.Y., Huei, C.T., & Chuan, S.B. (2018). Medical Tourists‘ Behavioral Intention In Relation To Motivational Factors And Perceived Image Of The Service Providers. International Academic Journal Of Organizational Behavior And Human Resource Management, 5(3): 1-16.
  • Mohammad, B.A.M.A.H. & Som, A.P.M. (2010). An Analysis Of Push And Pull Travel Motivations Of Foreign Tourists To Jordan. International Journal Of Business And Management, 5(12).
  • Moreno-Gil, S. & Martín-Santana, J.D. (2013). The Influence Of Motivations On The Image Of Non-Hotel Tourist Accommodation Offering. International Journal Of Tourism Policy 1, 5(1-2), 59-81.
  • Musa, G., Thirumoorthi, T., & Doshi, D. (2012). Travel Behaviour Among Inbound Medical Tourists In Kuala Lumpur. Current Issues In Tourism, 15(6), 525-543.
  • Ramkissoon, H., & Uysal, M. S. (2011). The Effects Of Perceived Authenticity, Information Search Behaviour, Motivation And Destination Imagery On Cultural Behavioural Intentions Of Tourists. Current Issues In Tourism, 14(6), 537-562.
  • Singh, N. (2013). Exploring The Factors Influencing The Travel Motivations Of Us Medical Tourists. Current Issues In Tourism, 16(5), 436-454.
  • Som, A. P. M., Marzuki, A., Yousefi, M., & Abukhalifeh, A. N. (2012). Factors Influencing Visitors’ Revisit Behavioral Intentions: A Case Study Of Sabah, Malaysia. International Journal Of Marketing Studies, 4(4), 39-50.
  • Wang, T. (2013). A Case Study Of Customer Motivation In Boutique Hotels In Xiamen, China Using Pushpull Theory. Iowa State University, Master Thesis.
  • Wilkins, S. & Huisman, J. (2015). Factors Affecting University Image Formation Among Prospective Higher Education Students: The Case Of International Branch Campuses. Studies In Higher Education, 40(7), 1256-1272.
  • Wu, J.H.C., Lin, Y.C., & Hsu, F.S. (2011). An Empirical Analysis Of Synthesizing The Effects Of Service Quality, Perceived Value, Corporate Image And Customer Satisfaction On Behavioral Intentions In The Transport Industry: A Case Of Taiwan High-Speed Rail. Innovative Marketing, 7(3), 83-100.
  • Zeithaml, V.A., Berry, L.L., & Parasuraman, A. (1996). The Behavioral Consequences Of Service Quality. The Journal Of Marketing, 31-46.


Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 105 - 121


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, medikal sağlık turistlerinin motivasyonel faktörleri, davranışsal niyetleri ve hastane imajı arasındaki yapısal ilişkileri tespit etmektir. Araştırmanın evrenini İstanbul ilinde faaliyet gösteren ve sağlık turizmi tesis yetki belgesine sahip sağlık tesislerinden sağlık turizmi hizmeti almış olan ve sosyal medya kanalıyla (Twitter ve Instagram) gösteren sağlık turizmi yetki belgeli sağlık kuruluşlarının sosyal medya adreslerinden (Twitter ve Instagram) ulaşılan 396 uluslararası sağlık turistleri oluşturmuştur. Medikal turistleri motive eden faktörler ile hastane imajı arasındaki ilişki ileri düzeyde önemlidir (P<,001) ve ilişki pozitif yönlüdür. Medikal turistleri motive eden faktörler ile davranışsal niyet arasındaki ilişki ileri düzeyde önemlidir (P<,001) ve ilişki pozitif yönlüdür. Aynı zamanda hastane imajı ile davranışsal niyet arasındaki ilişki ileri düzeyde önemlidir (P<,001) ve ilişki pozitif yönlüdür.


  • Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1977). Attitude-Behavior Relations: A Theoretical Analysis And Review Of Empirical Research. Psychological Bulletin, 84(5), 888-918.
  • Awadzi, W. & Panda, D. (2006). Medical Tourism: Globalization And The Marketing Of Medical Services. Consortium Journal Of Hospitality And Tourism, 11(1), 75-81.
  • Bookman, M.Z. & Bookman, K.R. (2007). Medical Tourism In Developing Countries. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Caballero-Danell, S. & Mugomba, C. (2007). Medical Tourism And Its Entrepreneurial Opportunities: A Conceptual Framework For Entry Into The Industry. Master Thesis No. 2006.
  • Carrera, P.M. & Bridges, J.F. (2006). Globalization And Healthcare: Understanding Health And Medical Tourism. Expert Review Of Pharmacoeconomics And Outcomes Research, 6(4), 447-454.
  • Cham, T.H. & Easvaralingam, Y. (2012). Service Quality, Image And Loyalty Towards Malaysian Hotels. International Journal Of Services, Economics And Management, 4(4), 267-281.
  • Cham, T.H., Lim, Y.M., Aik, N.C., & Tay, A.G.M. (2016). Antecedents Of Hospital Brand Image And The Relationships With Medical Tourists‘ Behavioral Intention. International Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Healthcare Marketing, 10(4), 412-431.
  • Chen, C. F., & Tsai, D. (2007). How Destination Image And Evaluative Factors Affect Behavioral Intentions?. Tourism Management, 28(4), 1115-1122.
  • Choi, K. S., Cho, W. H., Lee, S., Lee, H., & Kim, C. (2004). The Relationships Among Quality, Value, Satisfaction And Behavioral Intention In Health Care Provider Choice: A South Korean Study. Journal Of Business Research, 57(8), 913-921.
  • Clemes, M.D., Gan, C., & Zhang, J. (2014). An Empirical Analysis Of Online Shopping Adoption In Beijing, China. Journal Of Retailing And Consumer Services, 21(3), 364-375.
  • Connell, J. (2006). Medical Tourism: Sea, Sun, Sand And… Surgery. Tourism Management, 27(6), 1093-1100.
  • Connell, J. (2013). Contemporary Medical Tourism: Conceptualisation, Culture And Commodification. Tourism Management, 34, 1-13.
  • Crooks, V. A., Turner, L., Snyder, J., Johnston, R., & Kingsbury, P. (2011). Promoting Medical Tourism To India: Messages, Images, And The Marketing Of International Patient Travel. Social Science And Medicine, 72(5), 726-732.
  • Crooks, V.A., Kingsbury, P., Snyder, J. & Johnston, R. (2010). What Is Known About The Patient’s Experience Of Medical Tourism? A Scoping Review, Bmc Health Services Research 10:266.
  • Dow, K. E., Jackson, C., Wong, J. & Leitch, R. A. (2008). A Comparison Of Structural Equation Modeling Approaches: The Case Of User Acceptance Of Information Systems, Journal Of Computer Information Systems, 48(4), 106-114.
  • Fetscherin, M. & Stephano, R.M. (2016). The Medical Tourism Index: Scale Development And Validation. Tourism Management, 52, 539-556.
  • Fetscherin, M. & Stephano, R.M. (2016). The Medical Tourism Index: Scale Development And Validation. Tourism Management, 52, 539-556.
  • Forbes (2015). The Most Profitable Industries In 2016. Retrieved From Http://Www.Forbes.Com/Sites/Liyanchen/2015/12/21/The-Most-Profitable-Industries-In-2016/#72b7cfed7a8b
  • Fornell, C. & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Structural Equation Models With Unobservable Variables And Measurement Error: Algebra And Statistics. Journal Of Marketing Research, Vol. 18, 382-388.
  • Fried, B.J., & Harris, D.M. (2007). Managing Healthcare Services In The Global Marketplace. Frontiers Of Health Services Management, 24(2), 3-18.
  • Gan, L.L. & Frederick, J.R. (2013). Medical Tourists: Who Goes And What Motivates Them?. Health Marketing Quarterly, 30(2), 177-194.
  • Garcia-Altes, A. (2005). The Development Of Health Tourism Services. Annals Of Tourism Research, 32(1), 262-266.
  • Gray, H.H. & Poland, S.C. (2008). Medical Tourism: Crossing Borders To Access Health Care. Kennedy Institute Of Ethics Journal, 18(2), 193-201.
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tahtam, R. L. & Black, W. C. (1998). “Multivariate Data Analysis”, New Jersey: Prentice Hall International Inc. Beşinci Baskı.
  • Hall, C.M. (2011). Health And Medical Tourism: A Kill Or Cure For Global Public Health?. Tourism Review, Vol. 66 Issue: 1/2, Pp.4-15.
  • Horowitz, M.D., Rosensweig, J.A., & Jones, C.A. (2007). Medical Tourism: Globalization Of The Healthcare Marketplace. Medscape General Medicine, 9(4), 33.
  • Hox, J. J. & Bechger, T. M. (1995). An Introduction To Structural Equation Modeling, Family Science Review, Ss. 354-373.
  • Hudson, S., & Li, X. (2012). Domestic Medical Tourism: A Neglected Dimension Of Medical Tourism Research. Journal Of Hospitality Marketing And Management, 21(3), 227-246.
  • Ishaqa, M.I. (2012). Perceived Value, Service Quality, Corporate Image And Customer Loyalty: Empirical Assessment From Pakistan. Serbian Journal Of Management, 7(1), 25-36.
  • Jotikasthira, N. (2010). Salient Factors İnfluencing Medical Tourism Destination Choice (Doktora Tezi). Southern Cross University.
  • Keiningham, T. L., Cooil, B., Aksoy, L., Andreassen, T.W., & Weiner, J. (2007). The Value Of Different Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty Metrics In Predicting Customer Retention, Recommendation, And Share-Of-Wallet. Managing Service Quality, 17(4), 361-384.
  • Kim, K.H., Kim, K.S., Kim, D.Y., Kim, J.H., & Kang, S.H. (2008). Brand Equity In Hospital Marketing. Journal Of Business Research, 61(1), 75-82.
  • Manaf, A.N.H., Hussin, H., Kassim, J.P.N., Alavi, R., & Dahari, Z. (2015). Country Perspective On Medical Tourism: The Malaysian Experience. Leadership In Health Services, 28(1), 43-56.
  • Mano, A. & Da Costa, R. A. (2015). A Conceptual Model Of The Antecedents And Consequences Of Tourist Destination Image. Procedia Economics And Finance, 23, 15-22.
  • Mee, L.Y., Huei, C.T., & Chuan, S.B. (2018). Medical Tourists‘ Behavioral Intention In Relation To Motivational Factors And Perceived Image Of The Service Providers. International Academic Journal Of Organizational Behavior And Human Resource Management, 5(3): 1-16.
  • Mohammad, B.A.M.A.H. & Som, A.P.M. (2010). An Analysis Of Push And Pull Travel Motivations Of Foreign Tourists To Jordan. International Journal Of Business And Management, 5(12).
  • Moreno-Gil, S. & Martín-Santana, J.D. (2013). The Influence Of Motivations On The Image Of Non-Hotel Tourist Accommodation Offering. International Journal Of Tourism Policy 1, 5(1-2), 59-81.
  • Musa, G., Thirumoorthi, T., & Doshi, D. (2012). Travel Behaviour Among Inbound Medical Tourists In Kuala Lumpur. Current Issues In Tourism, 15(6), 525-543.
  • Ramkissoon, H., & Uysal, M. S. (2011). The Effects Of Perceived Authenticity, Information Search Behaviour, Motivation And Destination Imagery On Cultural Behavioural Intentions Of Tourists. Current Issues In Tourism, 14(6), 537-562.
  • Singh, N. (2013). Exploring The Factors Influencing The Travel Motivations Of Us Medical Tourists. Current Issues In Tourism, 16(5), 436-454.
  • Som, A. P. M., Marzuki, A., Yousefi, M., & Abukhalifeh, A. N. (2012). Factors Influencing Visitors’ Revisit Behavioral Intentions: A Case Study Of Sabah, Malaysia. International Journal Of Marketing Studies, 4(4), 39-50.
  • Wang, T. (2013). A Case Study Of Customer Motivation In Boutique Hotels In Xiamen, China Using Pushpull Theory. Iowa State University, Master Thesis.
  • Wilkins, S. & Huisman, J. (2015). Factors Affecting University Image Formation Among Prospective Higher Education Students: The Case Of International Branch Campuses. Studies In Higher Education, 40(7), 1256-1272.
  • Wu, J.H.C., Lin, Y.C., & Hsu, F.S. (2011). An Empirical Analysis Of Synthesizing The Effects Of Service Quality, Perceived Value, Corporate Image And Customer Satisfaction On Behavioral Intentions In The Transport Industry: A Case Of Taiwan High-Speed Rail. Innovative Marketing, 7(3), 83-100.
  • Zeithaml, V.A., Berry, L.L., & Parasuraman, A. (1996). The Behavioral Consequences Of Service Quality. The Journal Of Marketing, 31-46.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Econometric and Statistical Methods, Consumer Behaviour
Journal Section Research Article

Fuat Yalman

Early Pub Date October 9, 2024
Publication Date
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 3 Issue: 2
