Research Article
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Calculating the optimum window-to-wall ratio according to daylight factor and thermal performance in Mediterranean climate

Year 2023, , 289 - 314, 22.09.2023


Energy is a significant part of socio-economic development of modern societies. Increasing fossil fuel consumption is almost the main source of energy throughout the world. Thus, it is essential to search for more sustainable alternatives or a method to decrease this huge amount of usage. On the other hand, the building industry is known as one of the biggest energy consumers. Among building energy efficiency measures, openings are playing a key role in declining energy consumption, especially in the hot summers of Cyprus. Therefore, this study carries out a field measurement of various opening sizes in the case study in order to make a satisfactory situation both from energy efficiency and visual comfort considerations. Meanwhile, a studio in a faculty of architecture, Famagusta, North Cyprus, has been selected as an experimental examination to show the effectiveness of the method. In order to analyze its energy performance, the calculation simplified method is chosen. Outcomes are intended to illustrate the benefits of the calculation method and to authorize opening size comparisons to display the differences in energy conservation measures inherent in the various compliance methods allowable by the regulations. Finally, the results obviously display that by decreasing the window-to-wall ratio, the heat loss significantly reduces. But, by considering the daylight factor (DF) in the standard defined range and applying 750lux as an essential lighting requirement for the studio, finding the minimum WWR seems more meaningful. Therefore, according to the mentioned criteria in this special case, an optimum amount of WWR can be considered in the range of 10 to 20%, which gives architects some flexibility to apply in their designs.


  • [1] Ghisi E, Tinker JA. Evaluating the potential for energy savings on lighting by integrating fibre optics in buildings. Building and Environment 2006; 41, 1611–1621.
  • [2] Lotfabadi P. High-rise buildings and environmental factors. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2014; 38, 285–295.
  • [3] Lotfabadi P. Analyzing passive solar strategies in the case of high-rise building. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2015; 52, 1340–1353.
  • [4] Lotfabadi P. Solar considerations in high-rise buildings. Energy and Buildings 2015; 89, 183–195.
  • [5] Alwalidi M, Hoffmann S. Alerting Effect of Light: A Review of Daytime Studies. Journal of Daylighting 2022; 9(2), 150-163.
  • [6] Lotfabadi P, Abokhamis Mousavi S. Adaptation of Architectural Education Pedagogy in Addressing Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, ICETOL 2022 Special Issue 2022, 1094-1105.
  • [7] Lotfabadi P, Iranmanesh A. Evaluation of learning methods in architecture design studio via analytic hierarchy process: a case study. Architectural Engineering and Design Management 2023.
  • [8] Erhorn H, Szerman M. Documentation of the Software Package. Stuttgart, Adeline, 1994.
  • [9] Acosta I, Navarro J, Sendra JJ. Towards an Analysis of Daylighting Simulation Software. Energies 2011; 4(7), 1010–1024.
  • [10] Ahmad A, Kumar A, Prakash O, Aman A. Daylight availability assessment and the application of energy simulation software – A literature review. Materials Science for Energy Technologies 2020; 3, 679–689.
  • [11] Sullivan R, Lee ES, Selkowitz S. A method of optimizing solar control and daylighting performance in commercial office buildings. Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1992.
  • [12] Littlefair PJ. Predicting lighting energy use under daylight linked lighting controls. Building Research and Information 1998; 26(4), 208–22.
  • [13] Berardi U, Wang T. Daylighting in an atrium-type high performance house. Building and Environment 2014; 76, 92-104.
  • [14] Shrestha PP, Kulkarni, P. Factors Influencing Energy Consumption of Energy Star and Non–Energy Star Homes. Journal of Management in Engineering 2013; 29(3).
  • [15] Tsang C, Spentzou E, Lomas KJ, He M. Reducing Energy Consumption and Improving Comfort by Retrofitting Residential Buildings in the Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone of China. Journal of Architectural Engineering 2022; 28(4).
  • [16] Hoppe P, Martinac I. Indoor climate and air quality. International Journal of Biometeorology 1998; 42, 1–7.
  • [17] Bahdad AA, Fadzil SF. An Investigation-Based Optimization Framework of Thermal Comfort Analysis in Underground Enclosed Spaces Affected by Multiple Parameters for Energy Performance in Tropics. Journal of Daylighting 2022; 9(2), 48-63.
  • [18] Fanger P. Human requirements in future air-conditioning environments. International Journal of Refrigeration 2001; 24, 148–53.
  • [19] Kaynakli O, Kilic M. Investigation of indoor thermal comfort under transient conditions. Building and Environment 2005; 40, 165–174.
  • [20] Jia S, Wang Y, Wong NH, Chen W, Ding X. Influences of the thermal environment on pedestrians’ thermal perception and travel behavior in hot weather. Building and Environment 2022; 226, 109687.
  • [21] Yang KH, Su CH. An approach to building energy savings using the PMV index. Building and Environment 1997; 32(1), 25–30.
  • [22] Karyono TH. Report on thermal comfort and building energy studies in Jakarta—Indonesia. Building and Environment 2000; 35(1), 77–90.
  • [23] Corgnati SP, Fabrizio E, Filippi M. The impact of indoor thermal conditions, system controls and building types on the building energy demand. Energy and Buildings 2008; 40, 627–36.
  • [24] Martin HR, Martinez RF, Gomez VE. Thermal comfort analysis of a low temperature waste energy recovery system: SIECHP. Energy and Buildings 2008; 40, 561–72.
  • [25] Holz R, Hourigan A, Sloop R, Monkman P, Krarti M. Effects of standard energy conserving measures on thermal comfort. Building and Environment 1997; 32(1), 31–43.
  • [26] Wan JW, Yang K, Zhang WJ, Zhang JL. A new method of determination of indoor temperature and relative humidity with consideration of human thermal comfort. Building and Environment 2009; 44, 411–417.
  • [27] Lotfabadi P, Hançer P. A Comparative Study of Traditional and Contemporary Building Envelope Construction Techniques in Terms of Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency in Hot and Humid Climate, Sustainability 2019; 11(13), 1-22.
  • [28] Lotfabadi P, Hançer P. Optimization of visual comfort: Building openings. Journal of Building Engineering 2023; 72, 106598.
  • [29] Poirazis H, Blomsterberg A, Wall MM. Energy simulations for glazed office buildings in Sweden. Energy Build 2008; 40, 1161-70.
  • [30] Nielsen M, Svendsen S, Jensen L. Quantifying the potential of automated dynamic solar shading in office buildings through integrated simulations of energy and daylight. Solar Energy 2011; 85, 757-68.
  • [31] CEN/ EN15251. Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of buildings: addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics. Brussels, Comite Europeen de Normalisation, 2007.
  • [32] Gagge AP, Stolwijk JA, Nishi Y. An effective temperature scale based on a simple model of human physiological regulatory response. ASHRAE Transactions 1971; 77(1), 247-62.
  • [33] Stolwijk JA. A mathematical model of physiological temperature regulation in man, Washington, NASA CR-1855, 1971.
  • [34] Huizenga C, Hui Z, Arens E. A model of human physiology and comfort for assessing complex thermal environments. Building and Environment 2001; 36(6), 691-9.
  • [35] Wang D, Zhang H, Arens E, Huizenga C. Observations of upper-extremity skin temperature and corresponding overall-body thermal sensations and comfort. Building and Environment 2007; 42(12), 3933-43.
  • [36] Zhang H, Arens E, Kim D, Buchberger E, Bauman F, Huizenga C. Comfort, perceived air quality, and work performance in a low-power task-ambient conditioning system. Building and Environment 2010; 29-39.
  • [37] Salloum M, Ghaddar N, Ghali K. A new transient bioheat model of the human body and its integration to clothing models. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2007; 46(4), 371-84.
  • [38] Al-Othmani M, Ghaddar N, Ghali KA. A multi-segmented human bioheat model for transient and asymmetric radiative environments. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2008; 51(23-24), 5522-33.
  • [39] Tababe S, Kobayashi K, Nakano J, Ozeki Y, Konishi M. Evaluation of thermal comfort using combined multi-node thermoregulation (65MN) and radiation models and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Energy and Buildings 2002; 34, 637-46.
  • [40] Fiala D, Lomas KJ, Stohrer M. Computer predictions of human thermoregulatory and temperature responses to a wide range of environment conditions. International Journal of Biometeorology 2001; 45, 143-59.
  • [41] Yi L, Fengzhi L, Yingxi L, Zhongxuan L. An integrated model for simulating interactive thermal processes in human-clothing system. Journal of Thermal Biology 2004; 29(7-8), 567-75.
  • [42] Fengzhi L, Yi L. Effect of clothing material on thermal response of the human body. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 2005; 13, 809-27.
  • [43] Yigit A. Combining thermal comfort models. ASHRAE Transactions 1999, 105(1), 149-58.
  • [44] ISO 7739. Moderate thermal environments-determination of the PMV and PPD indices and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort. Geneva, International Standards Organization, 1984.
  • [45] ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55. Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy. Atlanta, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers, Inc, 2004.
  • [46] Andreasi WA, Lamberts R, Candido C. Thermal acceptability assessment in buildings located in hot and humid regions in Brazil. Building and Environment 2010; 45, 1225–1232.
  • [47] Al-ajmi FF. Thermal comfort in air-conditioned mosques in the dry desert climate. Building and Environment 2010; 45, 2407-2413.
  • [48] (E) ISO/FDIS 7730. (2005). Ergonomics of thermal environment – analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria. Geneva, 2005.
  • [49] (E) prEN 15251. Criteria for the indoor environment including thermal, indoor air quality, light and noise. Brussels, European Standard, 2005.
  • [50] Nicol F, Humphreys M. Adaptive thermal comfort and sustainable thermal standards for buildings. Energy and Buildings 2002; 32(6), 563-72.
  • [51] Ferrari S, Zanotto V. Adaptive comfort: Analysis and application of the main indices. Building and Environment 2012; 49, 25-32.
  • [52] Fanger P. Thermal comfort: analysis and applications in environmental engineering. Copenhagen, Danish Technical Press, 1970.
  • [53] Van Hoof J, Hensen JL. Quantifying the relevance of adaptive thermal comfort models in moderate thermal climate zones. Building and Environment 2007; 42, 156-70.
  • [54] Lotfabadi P. Famagusta Movement Pattern and Land Use, Journal of Cyprus Studies 2020; 20(44), 47-68.
  • [55] Hunter JE, Schmidt FL. Methods of meta-analysis: correcting error and bias in research findings. California, London, New Delhi, SAGE Publications, 1990.
  • [56] Nicol JF, McCartney KJ. SCATS: final report-public. Oxford, Oxford Brookes University, 2001.
  • [57] Wong NH, Feriadi H, Lim PY, Tham KW, Sekhar C, Cheong KW. Thermal comfort evaluation of naturally ventilated public housing in Singapore. Building and Environment 2002; 37, 1267-77.
  • [58] Feriadi H, Wong NH. Thermal comfort for naturally ventilated houses in Indonesia. Energy and Buildings 2004; 36, 614-26.
  • [59] Hussein I, Rahman M. Field study on thermal comfort in Malaysia. European Journal of Scientific Research 2009; 37(1), 134-52.
  • [60] Zhang Y, Wang J, Chen H, Zhang J, Meng Q. Thermal comfort in naturally ventilated buildings in hot-humid area of China. Building and Environment 2010; 45, 2562-70.
  • [61] Andamon MM. Building climatology and thermal comfort e Thermal environment and occupant responses in Philippine office buildings. PhD thesis. Adelaide, University of Adelaide, 2005.
  • [62] Nguyen AT, Singh MK, Reiter S. An adaptive thermal comfort model for hot humid South-East Asia. Building and Environment 2012, 56, 291-300.
  • [63] Lotfabadi P, Alibaba HZ, Arfaei A. Sustainability; as a combination of parametric patterns and bionic strategies. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016; 57, 1337-46.
  • [64] Khidmat RP, Fukuda H, Paramita B, Koerniawan MD, Kustiani. The optimization of louvers shading devices and room orientation under three different sky conditions. Journal of Daylighting 2022; 9(2), 137-149.
  • [65] Hua Y, Oswald A, Yang X. Effectiveness of daylighting design and occupant visual satisfaction in a LEED Gold laboratory building. Building and Environment 2011; 46, 54-64.
  • [66] Rea MS. (Ed.). IESNA lighting handbook: reference and application. New York, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, 2000.
  • [67] Veitch JA. Lighting for well-being: a revolution in lighting. The 2nd CIE expert symposium on lighting and health, Ottawa, National Research Council Canada, 2006.
  • [68] Burgess HJ, Sharkey KM, Eastman CI. Bright light, dark and melatonin can promote circadian adaptation in night shift workers. Sleep Medicine Review 2002; 6(5), 407-20.
  • [69] Bellia L, Bisegna F, Spada G. Lighting in indoor environments: Visual and non-visual effects of light sources with different spectral power distributions. Building and Environment 2011, 46, 1984-92.
  • [70] EN 12464-1. Light and lighting - lighting of work places - part 1: indoor work places. Brussels, European committee for standardization, 2002.
  • [71] Tzempelikos A. Development and implementation of lighting and shading control algorithms in an airport building. Journal of Architectural Engineering 2012; 18(3), 242-50.
  • [72] Nabil A, Mardaljevic J. Useful daylight illuminances: a replacement for daylight factors. Energy and Buildings 2006; 38, 905-13.
  • [73] Kim W, Koga Y. Glare constant Gw for the evaluation of discomfort glare from windows. Solar Energy 2005; 78(1), 105-11.
  • [74] Wienold J, Christoffersen J. Evaluation methods and development of a new glare prediction model for daylight environments with the use of CCD cameras. Energy and Buildings 2006; 38, 743-57.
  • [75] EN 15193. European Committee for Standardization. Brussels, Energy performance of buildings, Energy requirements for lighting, 2007.
  • [76] La Gennusa M, Nucara A, Pietrafesa M, Rizzo G. A model for managing and evaluating solar radiation for indoor thermal comfort, Solar Energy 2007; 81.
  • [77] Singh V, Gu N, Wang X. A theoretical framework of a BIM-based multi-disciplinary collaboration platform. Automation in Construction 2011; 20, 134–144.
  • [78] Straube J. Building Science Digests. Building Science Press, 2011.
  • [79] Hathaway WE. A study into the effects of types of light on children- A case of daylight robbery, Edmonton, <http://www,>; 1992 [accessed 14.06.21].
  • [80] Heschong Mahone Group. Daylighting in schools, California, Fair oaks, 1999.
  • [81] Krarti M, Erickson PM, Hillman TG. A simplified method to estimate energy savings of artificial lighting use from daylighting. Building and Environment 2005; 40, 747–54.
  • [82] Reinhart CF, Weissman DA. The daylit area - Correlating architectural student assessments with current and emerging daylight availability metrics. Building and Environment 2012; 50, 155-164.
  • [83] Li DH, Tsang EK. An analysis of daylighting performance for office buildings in Hong Kong. Building and Environment 2008; 43, 1446–58.
  • [84] Census. Statistical Service, < >; 2011 [accessed 28.04.18].
  • [85] Famagusta Climate & Temperature, <>; 2015 [accessed 27.01.16].
  • [86] CIBSE Lighting Guide 10. Daylighting and window design. UK, CIBSE, 2014.
Year 2023, , 289 - 314, 22.09.2023



  • [1] Ghisi E, Tinker JA. Evaluating the potential for energy savings on lighting by integrating fibre optics in buildings. Building and Environment 2006; 41, 1611–1621.
  • [2] Lotfabadi P. High-rise buildings and environmental factors. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2014; 38, 285–295.
  • [3] Lotfabadi P. Analyzing passive solar strategies in the case of high-rise building. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2015; 52, 1340–1353.
  • [4] Lotfabadi P. Solar considerations in high-rise buildings. Energy and Buildings 2015; 89, 183–195.
  • [5] Alwalidi M, Hoffmann S. Alerting Effect of Light: A Review of Daytime Studies. Journal of Daylighting 2022; 9(2), 150-163.
  • [6] Lotfabadi P, Abokhamis Mousavi S. Adaptation of Architectural Education Pedagogy in Addressing Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, ICETOL 2022 Special Issue 2022, 1094-1105.
  • [7] Lotfabadi P, Iranmanesh A. Evaluation of learning methods in architecture design studio via analytic hierarchy process: a case study. Architectural Engineering and Design Management 2023.
  • [8] Erhorn H, Szerman M. Documentation of the Software Package. Stuttgart, Adeline, 1994.
  • [9] Acosta I, Navarro J, Sendra JJ. Towards an Analysis of Daylighting Simulation Software. Energies 2011; 4(7), 1010–1024.
  • [10] Ahmad A, Kumar A, Prakash O, Aman A. Daylight availability assessment and the application of energy simulation software – A literature review. Materials Science for Energy Technologies 2020; 3, 679–689.
  • [11] Sullivan R, Lee ES, Selkowitz S. A method of optimizing solar control and daylighting performance in commercial office buildings. Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1992.
  • [12] Littlefair PJ. Predicting lighting energy use under daylight linked lighting controls. Building Research and Information 1998; 26(4), 208–22.
  • [13] Berardi U, Wang T. Daylighting in an atrium-type high performance house. Building and Environment 2014; 76, 92-104.
  • [14] Shrestha PP, Kulkarni, P. Factors Influencing Energy Consumption of Energy Star and Non–Energy Star Homes. Journal of Management in Engineering 2013; 29(3).
  • [15] Tsang C, Spentzou E, Lomas KJ, He M. Reducing Energy Consumption and Improving Comfort by Retrofitting Residential Buildings in the Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone of China. Journal of Architectural Engineering 2022; 28(4).
  • [16] Hoppe P, Martinac I. Indoor climate and air quality. International Journal of Biometeorology 1998; 42, 1–7.
  • [17] Bahdad AA, Fadzil SF. An Investigation-Based Optimization Framework of Thermal Comfort Analysis in Underground Enclosed Spaces Affected by Multiple Parameters for Energy Performance in Tropics. Journal of Daylighting 2022; 9(2), 48-63.
  • [18] Fanger P. Human requirements in future air-conditioning environments. International Journal of Refrigeration 2001; 24, 148–53.
  • [19] Kaynakli O, Kilic M. Investigation of indoor thermal comfort under transient conditions. Building and Environment 2005; 40, 165–174.
  • [20] Jia S, Wang Y, Wong NH, Chen W, Ding X. Influences of the thermal environment on pedestrians’ thermal perception and travel behavior in hot weather. Building and Environment 2022; 226, 109687.
  • [21] Yang KH, Su CH. An approach to building energy savings using the PMV index. Building and Environment 1997; 32(1), 25–30.
  • [22] Karyono TH. Report on thermal comfort and building energy studies in Jakarta—Indonesia. Building and Environment 2000; 35(1), 77–90.
  • [23] Corgnati SP, Fabrizio E, Filippi M. The impact of indoor thermal conditions, system controls and building types on the building energy demand. Energy and Buildings 2008; 40, 627–36.
  • [24] Martin HR, Martinez RF, Gomez VE. Thermal comfort analysis of a low temperature waste energy recovery system: SIECHP. Energy and Buildings 2008; 40, 561–72.
  • [25] Holz R, Hourigan A, Sloop R, Monkman P, Krarti M. Effects of standard energy conserving measures on thermal comfort. Building and Environment 1997; 32(1), 31–43.
  • [26] Wan JW, Yang K, Zhang WJ, Zhang JL. A new method of determination of indoor temperature and relative humidity with consideration of human thermal comfort. Building and Environment 2009; 44, 411–417.
  • [27] Lotfabadi P, Hançer P. A Comparative Study of Traditional and Contemporary Building Envelope Construction Techniques in Terms of Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency in Hot and Humid Climate, Sustainability 2019; 11(13), 1-22.
  • [28] Lotfabadi P, Hançer P. Optimization of visual comfort: Building openings. Journal of Building Engineering 2023; 72, 106598.
  • [29] Poirazis H, Blomsterberg A, Wall MM. Energy simulations for glazed office buildings in Sweden. Energy Build 2008; 40, 1161-70.
  • [30] Nielsen M, Svendsen S, Jensen L. Quantifying the potential of automated dynamic solar shading in office buildings through integrated simulations of energy and daylight. Solar Energy 2011; 85, 757-68.
  • [31] CEN/ EN15251. Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of buildings: addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics. Brussels, Comite Europeen de Normalisation, 2007.
  • [32] Gagge AP, Stolwijk JA, Nishi Y. An effective temperature scale based on a simple model of human physiological regulatory response. ASHRAE Transactions 1971; 77(1), 247-62.
  • [33] Stolwijk JA. A mathematical model of physiological temperature regulation in man, Washington, NASA CR-1855, 1971.
  • [34] Huizenga C, Hui Z, Arens E. A model of human physiology and comfort for assessing complex thermal environments. Building and Environment 2001; 36(6), 691-9.
  • [35] Wang D, Zhang H, Arens E, Huizenga C. Observations of upper-extremity skin temperature and corresponding overall-body thermal sensations and comfort. Building and Environment 2007; 42(12), 3933-43.
  • [36] Zhang H, Arens E, Kim D, Buchberger E, Bauman F, Huizenga C. Comfort, perceived air quality, and work performance in a low-power task-ambient conditioning system. Building and Environment 2010; 29-39.
  • [37] Salloum M, Ghaddar N, Ghali K. A new transient bioheat model of the human body and its integration to clothing models. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2007; 46(4), 371-84.
  • [38] Al-Othmani M, Ghaddar N, Ghali KA. A multi-segmented human bioheat model for transient and asymmetric radiative environments. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2008; 51(23-24), 5522-33.
  • [39] Tababe S, Kobayashi K, Nakano J, Ozeki Y, Konishi M. Evaluation of thermal comfort using combined multi-node thermoregulation (65MN) and radiation models and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Energy and Buildings 2002; 34, 637-46.
  • [40] Fiala D, Lomas KJ, Stohrer M. Computer predictions of human thermoregulatory and temperature responses to a wide range of environment conditions. International Journal of Biometeorology 2001; 45, 143-59.
  • [41] Yi L, Fengzhi L, Yingxi L, Zhongxuan L. An integrated model for simulating interactive thermal processes in human-clothing system. Journal of Thermal Biology 2004; 29(7-8), 567-75.
  • [42] Fengzhi L, Yi L. Effect of clothing material on thermal response of the human body. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 2005; 13, 809-27.
  • [43] Yigit A. Combining thermal comfort models. ASHRAE Transactions 1999, 105(1), 149-58.
  • [44] ISO 7739. Moderate thermal environments-determination of the PMV and PPD indices and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort. Geneva, International Standards Organization, 1984.
  • [45] ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55. Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy. Atlanta, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers, Inc, 2004.
  • [46] Andreasi WA, Lamberts R, Candido C. Thermal acceptability assessment in buildings located in hot and humid regions in Brazil. Building and Environment 2010; 45, 1225–1232.
  • [47] Al-ajmi FF. Thermal comfort in air-conditioned mosques in the dry desert climate. Building and Environment 2010; 45, 2407-2413.
  • [48] (E) ISO/FDIS 7730. (2005). Ergonomics of thermal environment – analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria. Geneva, 2005.
  • [49] (E) prEN 15251. Criteria for the indoor environment including thermal, indoor air quality, light and noise. Brussels, European Standard, 2005.
  • [50] Nicol F, Humphreys M. Adaptive thermal comfort and sustainable thermal standards for buildings. Energy and Buildings 2002; 32(6), 563-72.
  • [51] Ferrari S, Zanotto V. Adaptive comfort: Analysis and application of the main indices. Building and Environment 2012; 49, 25-32.
  • [52] Fanger P. Thermal comfort: analysis and applications in environmental engineering. Copenhagen, Danish Technical Press, 1970.
  • [53] Van Hoof J, Hensen JL. Quantifying the relevance of adaptive thermal comfort models in moderate thermal climate zones. Building and Environment 2007; 42, 156-70.
  • [54] Lotfabadi P. Famagusta Movement Pattern and Land Use, Journal of Cyprus Studies 2020; 20(44), 47-68.
  • [55] Hunter JE, Schmidt FL. Methods of meta-analysis: correcting error and bias in research findings. California, London, New Delhi, SAGE Publications, 1990.
  • [56] Nicol JF, McCartney KJ. SCATS: final report-public. Oxford, Oxford Brookes University, 2001.
  • [57] Wong NH, Feriadi H, Lim PY, Tham KW, Sekhar C, Cheong KW. Thermal comfort evaluation of naturally ventilated public housing in Singapore. Building and Environment 2002; 37, 1267-77.
  • [58] Feriadi H, Wong NH. Thermal comfort for naturally ventilated houses in Indonesia. Energy and Buildings 2004; 36, 614-26.
  • [59] Hussein I, Rahman M. Field study on thermal comfort in Malaysia. European Journal of Scientific Research 2009; 37(1), 134-52.
  • [60] Zhang Y, Wang J, Chen H, Zhang J, Meng Q. Thermal comfort in naturally ventilated buildings in hot-humid area of China. Building and Environment 2010; 45, 2562-70.
  • [61] Andamon MM. Building climatology and thermal comfort e Thermal environment and occupant responses in Philippine office buildings. PhD thesis. Adelaide, University of Adelaide, 2005.
  • [62] Nguyen AT, Singh MK, Reiter S. An adaptive thermal comfort model for hot humid South-East Asia. Building and Environment 2012, 56, 291-300.
  • [63] Lotfabadi P, Alibaba HZ, Arfaei A. Sustainability; as a combination of parametric patterns and bionic strategies. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016; 57, 1337-46.
  • [64] Khidmat RP, Fukuda H, Paramita B, Koerniawan MD, Kustiani. The optimization of louvers shading devices and room orientation under three different sky conditions. Journal of Daylighting 2022; 9(2), 137-149.
  • [65] Hua Y, Oswald A, Yang X. Effectiveness of daylighting design and occupant visual satisfaction in a LEED Gold laboratory building. Building and Environment 2011; 46, 54-64.
  • [66] Rea MS. (Ed.). IESNA lighting handbook: reference and application. New York, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, 2000.
  • [67] Veitch JA. Lighting for well-being: a revolution in lighting. The 2nd CIE expert symposium on lighting and health, Ottawa, National Research Council Canada, 2006.
  • [68] Burgess HJ, Sharkey KM, Eastman CI. Bright light, dark and melatonin can promote circadian adaptation in night shift workers. Sleep Medicine Review 2002; 6(5), 407-20.
  • [69] Bellia L, Bisegna F, Spada G. Lighting in indoor environments: Visual and non-visual effects of light sources with different spectral power distributions. Building and Environment 2011, 46, 1984-92.
  • [70] EN 12464-1. Light and lighting - lighting of work places - part 1: indoor work places. Brussels, European committee for standardization, 2002.
  • [71] Tzempelikos A. Development and implementation of lighting and shading control algorithms in an airport building. Journal of Architectural Engineering 2012; 18(3), 242-50.
  • [72] Nabil A, Mardaljevic J. Useful daylight illuminances: a replacement for daylight factors. Energy and Buildings 2006; 38, 905-13.
  • [73] Kim W, Koga Y. Glare constant Gw for the evaluation of discomfort glare from windows. Solar Energy 2005; 78(1), 105-11.
  • [74] Wienold J, Christoffersen J. Evaluation methods and development of a new glare prediction model for daylight environments with the use of CCD cameras. Energy and Buildings 2006; 38, 743-57.
  • [75] EN 15193. European Committee for Standardization. Brussels, Energy performance of buildings, Energy requirements for lighting, 2007.
  • [76] La Gennusa M, Nucara A, Pietrafesa M, Rizzo G. A model for managing and evaluating solar radiation for indoor thermal comfort, Solar Energy 2007; 81.
  • [77] Singh V, Gu N, Wang X. A theoretical framework of a BIM-based multi-disciplinary collaboration platform. Automation in Construction 2011; 20, 134–144.
  • [78] Straube J. Building Science Digests. Building Science Press, 2011.
  • [79] Hathaway WE. A study into the effects of types of light on children- A case of daylight robbery, Edmonton, <http://www,>; 1992 [accessed 14.06.21].
  • [80] Heschong Mahone Group. Daylighting in schools, California, Fair oaks, 1999.
  • [81] Krarti M, Erickson PM, Hillman TG. A simplified method to estimate energy savings of artificial lighting use from daylighting. Building and Environment 2005; 40, 747–54.
  • [82] Reinhart CF, Weissman DA. The daylit area - Correlating architectural student assessments with current and emerging daylight availability metrics. Building and Environment 2012; 50, 155-164.
  • [83] Li DH, Tsang EK. An analysis of daylighting performance for office buildings in Hong Kong. Building and Environment 2008; 43, 1446–58.
  • [84] Census. Statistical Service, < >; 2011 [accessed 28.04.18].
  • [85] Famagusta Climate & Temperature, <>; 2015 [accessed 27.01.16].
  • [86] CIBSE Lighting Guide 10. Daylighting and window design. UK, CIBSE, 2014.
There are 86 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Pooya Lotfabadi 0000-0002-4542-1007

Publication Date September 22, 2023
Submission Date March 15, 2023
Acceptance Date August 21, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Lotfabadi, P. (2023). Calculating the optimum window-to-wall ratio according to daylight factor and thermal performance in Mediterranean climate. International Journal of Energy Studies, 8(3), 289-314.
AMA Lotfabadi P. Calculating the optimum window-to-wall ratio according to daylight factor and thermal performance in Mediterranean climate. Int J Energy Studies. September 2023;8(3):289-314. doi:10.58559/ijes.1265613
Chicago Lotfabadi, Pooya. “Calculating the Optimum Window-to-Wall Ratio According to Daylight Factor and Thermal Performance in Mediterranean Climate”. International Journal of Energy Studies 8, no. 3 (September 2023): 289-314.
EndNote Lotfabadi P (September 1, 2023) Calculating the optimum window-to-wall ratio according to daylight factor and thermal performance in Mediterranean climate. International Journal of Energy Studies 8 3 289–314.
IEEE P. Lotfabadi, “Calculating the optimum window-to-wall ratio according to daylight factor and thermal performance in Mediterranean climate”, Int J Energy Studies, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 289–314, 2023, doi: 10.58559/ijes.1265613.
ISNAD Lotfabadi, Pooya. “Calculating the Optimum Window-to-Wall Ratio According to Daylight Factor and Thermal Performance in Mediterranean Climate”. International Journal of Energy Studies 8/3 (September 2023), 289-314.
JAMA Lotfabadi P. Calculating the optimum window-to-wall ratio according to daylight factor and thermal performance in Mediterranean climate. Int J Energy Studies. 2023;8:289–314.
MLA Lotfabadi, Pooya. “Calculating the Optimum Window-to-Wall Ratio According to Daylight Factor and Thermal Performance in Mediterranean Climate”. International Journal of Energy Studies, vol. 8, no. 3, 2023, pp. 289-14, doi:10.58559/ijes.1265613.
Vancouver Lotfabadi P. Calculating the optimum window-to-wall ratio according to daylight factor and thermal performance in Mediterranean climate. Int J Energy Studies. 2023;8(3):289-314.