Research Article
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Assessment and prioritization of renewable energy alternatives to achieve sustainable development goals in Türkiye: Based on fuzzy AHP approach

Year 2024, , 809 - 847, 25.12.2024


The aim of this study is to prioritize renewable energy sources to achieve sustainable development in Türkiye by using fuzzy AHP method. In our study, we used 30 criteria that affect the investment in renewable energy sources. We also calculated the weights of these criteria in investment decisions. In addition, we analyzed the advantageous renewable energy sources according to each criterion. Thus, it was determined which renewable energy source is advantageous according to which criteria. The results show that the most important main criteria for renewable energy investments in Türkiye are economic, political, technical, environmental and social criteria, respectively. The most appropriate renewable energy sources according to economic, political, technical and social criteria are solar, wind, hydroelectric,
biomass and geothermal respectively.


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  • [28] Çolak M, Kaya İ. Prioritization of renewable energy alternatives by using an integrated fuzzy MCDM model: A real case application for Turkey. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017; 80: 840-853.
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Year 2024, , 809 - 847, 25.12.2024



  • [1] Kızıldere C. Türkiye’de cari açık sorununun enerji tüketimi ve ekonomik büyüme açısından değerlendirilmesi: Ampirik bir analiz. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal 2020; 8(2): 2121-2139.
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  • [3] Cherp A, Jewell J. The concept of energy security: Beyond the four As. Energy Policy 2014; 75: 415-421.
  • [4] Rosen MA. Issues, concepts and applications for sustainability. Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation 2018; 3(1): 5-22.
  • [5] Tomislav K. The concept of sustainable development: From its beginning to the contemporary issues. Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business 2018; 21(1): 67-94.
  • [6] Gürlük S. Sürdürülebilir kalkınma gelişmekte olan ülkelerde uygulanabilir mi? Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi 2010; 5(2): 85-99.
  • [7] Ibimilua FO. Linkages between poverty and environmental degradation. African Research Review 2011; 5(1): 102-121.
  • [8] Neumayer E. The human development index and sustainability-a constructive proposal. Ecological Economics 2001; 39(1): 101-114.
  • [9] Ediger VŞ, Huvaz O. Examining the sectoral energy use in Turkish economy (1980–2000) with the help of decomposition analysis. Energy Conversion and Management 2006; 47(6): 732 745.
  • [10] Ediger VŞ. Türkiye’nin Sürdürülebilir Enerji Gelişimi. TÜBA, Günce 2009; 39(1): 18-25.
  • [11] Batı O. Türkiye’de yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının sürdürülebilir kalkınmaya etkisi konusunda bir alan araştırması. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2014; 16(2): 27-38.
  • [12] Fotis P, Polemis M. Sustainable development, environmental policy and renewable energy use: A dynamic panel data approach. Sustainable Development 2018; 26(6): 726-740.
  • [13] Güney T. Renewable energy, non-renewable energy and sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 2019; 26(5): 389-397.
  • [14] Dinçer H, Karakuş H. Yenilenebilir enerjinin sürdürülebilir ekonomik kalkınma üzerindeki etkisi: BRICS ve MINT ülkeleri üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir analiz. ESAM Dergisi 2020; 1(1): 75 99.
  • [15] Öymen G. Yenilenebilir enerjinin sürdürülebilirlik üzerindeki rolü. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2020; 19(39): 1069-1087.
  • [16] Tiba S, Belaid F. Modeling the nexus between sustainable development and renewable energy: The African perspectives. Journal of Economic Surveys 2021; 35(1): 307-329.
  • [17] Kahraman C, Kaya İ, Cebi S. A comparative analysis for multiattribute selection among renewable energy alternatives using fuzzy axiomatic design and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Energy 2009; 34(10): 1603-1616.
  • [18] Kahraman C, Kaya I. A fuzzy multicriteria methodology for selection among energy alternatives. Expert Systems with Applications 2010; 37(9): 6270-6281.
  • [19] Atmaca E, Basar HB. Evaluation of power plants in Turkey using Analytic Network Process (ANP). Energy 2012; 44(1): 555-563.
  • [20] Demirtas O. Evaluating the best renewable energy technology for sustainable energy planning. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 2013; 3(4): 23-33.
  • [21] Yakıcı Ayan T, Pabuçcu H. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları yatırım projelerinin analitik hiyerarşi süreci yöntemi ile değerlendirilmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 2013; 18(3), 89-110.
  • [22] Kabak M, Dağdeviren M. Prioritization of renewable energy sources for Turkey by using a hybrid MCDM methodology. Energy Conversion and Management 2014; 79(1): 25-33.
  • [23] Şengül Ü, Eren M, Shiraz SE, Gezder V, Şengül AB. Fuzzy TOPSIS method for ranking renewable energy supply systems in Turkey. Renewable Energy 2015; 75(1): 617-625.
  • [24] Çelikbilek Y, Tüysüz F. An integrated grey based multi-criteria decision making approach for the evaluation of renewable energy sources. Energy 2016; 115(3): 1246-1258.
  • [25] Sağır H, Doğanalp B. Bulanık çok kriterli karar verme perspektifinden Türkiye için enerji kaynakları değerlendirmesi. Kastamonu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 2016; 11(1): 233-256.
  • [26] Balin A, Baraçli H. A fuzzy multi-criteria decision making methodology based upon the interval type-2 fuzzy sets for evaluating renewable energy alternatives in Turkey. Technological and Economic Development of Economy 2015; 23(5): 742-763.
  • [27] Büyüközkan G, Güleryüz S. Evaluation of Renewable Energy Resources in Turkey using an integrated MCDM approach with linguistic interval fuzzy preference relations. Energy 2017; 123: 149-163.
  • [28] Çolak M, Kaya İ. Prioritization of renewable energy alternatives by using an integrated fuzzy MCDM model: A real case application for Turkey. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017; 80: 840-853.
  • [29] Özcan EC, Ünlüsoy S, Eren T. ANP ve TOPSIS yöntemleriyle türkiye’de yenilenebilir enerji yatirim alternatiflerinin değerlendirilmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi 2017; 5(2): 204-219.
  • [30] Özkale C, Celik C, Turkmen AC, Cakmaz ES. Decision analysis application intended for selection of a power plant running on renewable energy sources. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017; 70: 1011-1021.
  • [31] Boran FE. A new approach for evaluation of renewable energy resources: A case of Turkey. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 2018; 13(3): 196-204.
  • [32] Büyüközkan G, Karabulut Y, Güler M. Strategic Renewable Energy Source Selection for Turkey with Hesitant Fuzzy MCDM Method. In: Kahraman C, Kayakutlu G, editors. Energy Management—Collective and Computational Intelligence with Theory and Applications, vol. 149. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018. p. 229-250.
  • [33] Karaca C, Ulutaş A. Entropi ve Waspas yöntemleri kullanılarak Türkiye için uygun yenilenebilir enerji kaynağının seçimi. Ege Academic Review 2018; 18(3): 483-494.
  • [34] Engin O, Sarucan A, Baysal ME. Türkiye için çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri ile yenilenebilir enerji alternatiflerinin analizi. International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR) 2018; 5(23): 1223-1231.
  • [35] Toklu MC, Taşkın H. A fuzzy hybrid decision model for renewable energy sources selection. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering 2018; 4(1): 6 10.
  • [36] Karakaş E, Yıldıran OV. Evaluation of renewable energy alternatives for Turkey via modified fuzzy AHP. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 2019; 9(2): 31-39.
  • [37] Derse O, Yontar E. SWARA-TOPSIS yöntemi ile en uygun yenilenebilir enerji kaynağinin belirlenmesi. Endüstri Mühendisliği 2020; 31(3): 389-419.
  • [38] Yilan G, Kadirgan MN, Çiftçioğlu GA. Analysis of electricity generation options for sustainable energy decision making: The case of Turkey. Renewable Energy 2020; 146: 519-529.
  • [39] Solangi YA, Tan Q, Mirjat NH, Valasai GD, Khan MWA, Ikram M. Analyzing renewable energy sources of a developing country for sustainable development: An integrated fuzzy based decision methodology. Processes 2020; 8(7): 825.
  • [40] Deveci K, Cin R, Kağızman A. A modified interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy CODAS method and its application to multi-criteria selection among renewable energy alternatives in Turkey. Applied Soft Computing 2020; 96: 106660.
  • [41] Karatop B, Taşkan B, Adar E, Kubat C. Decision analysis related to the renewable energy investments in Turkey based on a Fuzzy AHP-EDAS-Fuzzy FMEA approach. Computers & Industrial Engineering 2021; 151: 106958.
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There are 88 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Emre Akusta 0000-0002-6147-5443

Raif Cergibozan 0000-0001-7557-5309

Publication Date December 25, 2024
Submission Date June 1, 2024
Acceptance Date November 1, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Akusta, E., & Cergibozan, R. (2024). Assessment and prioritization of renewable energy alternatives to achieve sustainable development goals in Türkiye: Based on fuzzy AHP approach. International Journal of Energy Studies, 9(4), 809-847.
AMA Akusta E, Cergibozan R. Assessment and prioritization of renewable energy alternatives to achieve sustainable development goals in Türkiye: Based on fuzzy AHP approach. Int J Energy Studies. December 2024;9(4):809-847. doi:10.58559/ijes.1494256
Chicago Akusta, Emre, and Raif Cergibozan. “Assessment and Prioritization of Renewable Energy Alternatives to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Türkiye: Based on Fuzzy AHP Approach”. International Journal of Energy Studies 9, no. 4 (December 2024): 809-47.
EndNote Akusta E, Cergibozan R (December 1, 2024) Assessment and prioritization of renewable energy alternatives to achieve sustainable development goals in Türkiye: Based on fuzzy AHP approach. International Journal of Energy Studies 9 4 809–847.
IEEE E. Akusta and R. Cergibozan, “Assessment and prioritization of renewable energy alternatives to achieve sustainable development goals in Türkiye: Based on fuzzy AHP approach”, Int J Energy Studies, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 809–847, 2024, doi: 10.58559/ijes.1494256.
ISNAD Akusta, Emre - Cergibozan, Raif. “Assessment and Prioritization of Renewable Energy Alternatives to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Türkiye: Based on Fuzzy AHP Approach”. International Journal of Energy Studies 9/4 (December 2024), 809-847.
JAMA Akusta E, Cergibozan R. Assessment and prioritization of renewable energy alternatives to achieve sustainable development goals in Türkiye: Based on fuzzy AHP approach. Int J Energy Studies. 2024;9:809–847.
MLA Akusta, Emre and Raif Cergibozan. “Assessment and Prioritization of Renewable Energy Alternatives to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Türkiye: Based on Fuzzy AHP Approach”. International Journal of Energy Studies, vol. 9, no. 4, 2024, pp. 809-47, doi:10.58559/ijes.1494256.
Vancouver Akusta E, Cergibozan R. Assessment and prioritization of renewable energy alternatives to achieve sustainable development goals in Türkiye: Based on fuzzy AHP approach. Int J Energy Studies. 2024;9(4):809-47.