Research Article
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Life cycle assessment of photovoltaic systems of various sizes: An environmental and economic perspective on an educational building in a hot climate

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 997 - 1042, 18.03.2025


The swift adoption of photovoltaic systems in buildings is driven by the need for sustainable energy solutions and decarbonization goals. This study assesses a faculty building’s energy usage, potential energy yield, life cycle costs, and carbon emissions. Key factors such as building characteristics, operational schedules, and load profiles were analyzed using DesignBuilder. Photovoltaic system modeling with PVsyst explored various ground cover ratios (GCR). Life cycle cost analysis highlighted the economic advantages of photovoltaic systems, while carbon payback periods measured emission reductions. Results indicate that higher GCRs enhance energy production and revenue from grid sales. Performance ratio values varied between 77% and 79%, and the specific production rate ranged from 1630 to 1672 kWh/kWp. Although initial investment is high, increasing GCR reduces life cycle costs and shortens payback periods. Payback period was found to be 6.5 years, and the building achieves carbon neutrality within the first year. This methodology can be adapted for various building types and climates, supporting the broader goal of zero energy buildings and carbon emission reduction.


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  • [5] Yildiz Y,M Koçyiğit. Energy consumption analysis of education buildings: The case study of Balikesir University. Gazi University Journal of Science 2021;34:665-677.
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  • [11] Naserabad, SN, Ahmadi P, Mobini K, Mortazavi M. Thermal design and dynamic performance assessment of a hybrid energy system for an educational building. Energy and Buildings 2023; 278: 112513.
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  • [13] Heracleous C, Michael A, Savvides A, Hayles C. A methodology to assess energy-demand savings and cost-effectiveness of adaptation measures in educational buildings in the warm Mediterranean region. Energy Reports 2022; 8: 5472-5486.
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  • [20] Taghavifar H, Zomorodian ZS. Techno-economic viability of on grid micro-hybrid PV/wind/Gen system for an educational building in Iran. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021; 143: 110877.
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  • [24] Park HS, Jeong K, Hong T, Ban C, Koo C, Kim J. The optimal photovoltaic system implementation strategy to achieve the national carbon emissions reduction target in 2030: Focused on educational facilities. Energy and Buildings 2016; 119: 101-110.
  • [25] Gbadamosi SL, Ogunje FS, Wara ST, Nwulu NI. Techno-economic evaluation of a hybrid energy system for an educational institution: a case study. Energies 2022; 15(15): 5606.
  • [26] Munguba C, Leite G, Ochoa A, Michima P, Silva H, Vilela O, Kraj A. Enhancing cost-efficiency in achieving near-zero energy performance through integrated photovoltaic retrofit solutions. Applied 1 Energy 2024; 367: 123307.
  • [27] Kabir MA, Hasan MM, Hossain T, Ahnaf A, Monir H. Sustainable energy transition in Bangladeshi academic buildings: A techno-economic analysis of photovoltaic-based net zero energy systems. Energy and Buildings 2024; 312: 114205.
  • [28] Michelle L, Chiara P. Assessing life cycle sustainability of building renovation and reconstruction: A comprehensive review of case studies and methods. Building and Environment 2024: 111817.
  • [29] Hemmati M, Bayati N, Ebel T. Integrated life cycle sustainability assessment with future energy mix: A review of methodologies for evaluating the sustainability of multiple power generation technologies development. Renewable Energy Focus 2024: 100581.
  • [30] Moazzen N, Karagüler ME, Ashrafian T. Comprehensive parameters for the definition of nearly zero energy and cost optimal levels considering the life cycle energy and thermal comfort of school buildings. Energy and Buildings 2021; 253: 111487.
  • [31] Aktas IS, Ozenc S. A case study of techno-economic and environmental analysis of college rooftop for grid-connected PV power generation: Net zero 2050 pathway. 1 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2024; 56: 104272.
  • [32] Özcan Ö, Duman AC, Gönül Ö, Güler Ö. Techno-economic analysis of grid-connected PV and second-life battery systems for net-zero energy houses. Journal of Building Engineering 2024; 89: 109324.
  • [33] Şevik S. Techno-economic evaluation of a grid-connected PV-trigeneration-hydrogen production hybrid system on a university campus. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2 2022; 47(57): 23935-23956. 3
  • [34] Alıç O. A holistic techno-economic feasibility analysis of residential renewable energy systems: An insight into Turkish case. Journal of Energy Storage 2024; 94: 112433.
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Farklı Büyüklükteki Fotovoltaik Sistemlerin Yaşam Döngüsü Değerlendirmesi: Sıcak İklimde Bir Eğitim Binası Üzerine Çevresel ve Ekonomik Bir Bakış Açısı

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 997 - 1042, 18.03.2025


Binalarda fotovoltaik sistemlerin hızlı benimsenmesi, sürdürülebilir enerji çözümleri ihtiyacı ve karbonsuzlaşma hedefleri tarafından yönlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışma, bir fakülte binasının enerji kullanımını, potansiyel enerji üretimini, yaşam döngüsü maliyetlerini ve karbon emisyonlarını değerlendirmektedir. Bina özellikleri, operasyonel programlar ve yük profilleri gibi temel faktörler DesignBuilder kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. PVsyst ile yapılan fotovoltaik sistem modellemesi, çeşitli zemin kaplama oranlarını (GCR) incelemiştir. Yaşam döngüsü maliyet analizi, fotovoltaik sistemlerin ekonomik avantajlarını vurgularken; karbon geri ödeme süreleri, emisyon azaltımlarını ölçmüştür. Sonuçlar, daha yüksek GCR değerlerinin enerji üretimini ve şebekeye satıştan elde edilen geliri artırdığını göstermektedir. Performans oranı değerleri %77 ile %79 arasında değişmiş, özgül üretim oranı ise 1630-1672 kWh/kWp aralığında bulunmuştur. Başlangıç yatırımı yüksek olsa da, GCR'nin artırılması yaşam döngüsü maliyetlerini düşürmekte ve geri ödeme sürelerini kısaltmaktadır. Geri ödeme süresi 6,5 yıl olarak hesaplanmış, bina ise ilk yıl içinde karbon nötrlüğüne ulaşmıştır. Bu metodoloji, farklı bina türleri ve iklimler için uyarlanabilir olup, sıfır enerjili binalar ve karbon emisyonlarının azaltılması gibi geniş çaplı hedefleri desteklemektedir.


  • [1] Pérez-Lombard L, Ortiz C. Pout C. A review on buildings energy consumption information. Energy and Buildings 2008; 40(3): 394-398.
  • [2] Sayın S. The Significance of the use of renewable energy in our country’s building sector and the opportunities of utilizing of solar energy in buildings. Selcuk University. M. Sc. Thesis, 2006.
  • [3] Eurostat. Accessed on the date of: 22.01.2023; Available from:
  • [4] MENR, M.O.E.A.N.R. National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (2017–2023). Accessed on the date of; Available from:
  • [5] Yildiz Y,M Koçyiğit. Energy consumption analysis of education buildings: The case study of Balikesir University. Gazi University Journal of Science 2021;34:665-677.
  • [6] Alshuwaikhat HM, Abubakar I. An integrated approach to achieving campus sustainability: assessment of the current campus environmental management practices. Journal of Cleaner Production 2008; 16(16): 1777-1785.
  • [7] Barbhuiya S, Barbhuiya S. Thermal comfort and energy consumption in a UK educational building. Building and Environment 2013; 68: 1-11.
  • [8] Goenaga-Pérez A, Álvarez-Sanz M, Terés-Zubiaga J, Campos-Celador A. Cost-effectiveness and minimum requirements of nZEB for residential buildings under the new Spanish Technical Building Code. Energy and Buildings 2023; 287: 112986.
  • [9] Hassan J, Zin R , Abd Majid M, Balubaid S, Hainin M. Building energy consumption in Malaysia: An overview. Jurnal Teknologi 2014; 70(7).
  • [10] Kitsopoulou A, Pallantzas D, Sammoutos C, Lykas P, Bellos E, Vrachopoulos MG, Tzivanidis C. A comparative investigation of building rooftop retrofit actions using an energy and computer fluid dynamics approach. Energy and Buildings 2024; 315: 114326.
  • [11] Naserabad, SN, Ahmadi P, Mobini K, Mortazavi M. Thermal design and dynamic performance assessment of a hybrid energy system for an educational building. Energy and Buildings 2023; 278: 112513.
  • [12] Zafaranchi M, Sozer H. Enhancing energy efficiency through hourly assessments of passive interventions in educational-office buildings: A case study in a Mediterranean climate. Energy Reports 2024; 11: 423-441.
  • [13] Heracleous C, Michael A, Savvides A, Hayles C. A methodology to assess energy-demand savings and cost-effectiveness of adaptation measures in educational buildings in the warm Mediterranean region. Energy Reports 2022; 8: 5472-5486.
  • [14] Javid AS, Aramoun F, Bararzadeh M, Avami A. Multi objective planning for sustainable retrofit of educational buildings. Journal of Building Engineering 2019; 24: 100759.
  • [15] Ilham NI, Dahlan NY, Hussin MZ. Optimizing solar PV investments: A comprehensive decision-making index using CRITIC and TOPSIS. Renewable Energy Focus 2024; 49: 100551.
  • [16] Anoune K, Bouya M, Astito A, Abdellah AB. Sizing methods and optimization techniques for PV-wind based hybrid renewable energy system: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2018; 93: 652-673.
  • [17] Fiorotti R, Yahyaoui I, Rocha HR, Honorato Í, Silva J, Tadeo F. Demand planning of a nearly zero energy building in a PV/grid-connected system. Renewable Energy Focus 2023; 45: 220-233.
  • [18] Emil F, Diab A. Energy rationalization for an educational building in Egypt: Towards a zero energy building. Journal of Building Engineering 2021; 44: 103247.
  • [19] Koo C, Shi K, Li W, Lee J. Integrated approach to evaluating the impact of feed-in tariffs on the life cycle economic performance of photovoltaic systems in China: A case study of educational facilities. Energy 2022; 254: 124302.
  • [20] Taghavifar H, Zomorodian ZS. Techno-economic viability of on grid micro-hybrid PV/wind/Gen system for an educational building in Iran. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021; 143: 110877.
  • [21] Suarez-Ramon I, Alvarez-Rodriguez M, Ruiz-Manso C, Perez-Dominguez F, Gonzalez-Vega P. A general sizing methodology of grid-connected PV systems to meet the zero-energy goal in buildings. Energy 2024: 132580.
  • [22] Omar A, Khattab N, Abdel Aleem S. Optimal strategy for transition into net-zero energy in educational buildings: A case study in El-Shorouk City, Egypt. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 2021; 49: 101701.
  • [23] Khairi NHM, Akimoto Y, Okajima K. Suitability of rooftop solar photovoltaic at educational building towards energy sustainability in Malaysia. Sustainable Horizons 2022; 4: 100032.
  • [24] Park HS, Jeong K, Hong T, Ban C, Koo C, Kim J. The optimal photovoltaic system implementation strategy to achieve the national carbon emissions reduction target in 2030: Focused on educational facilities. Energy and Buildings 2016; 119: 101-110.
  • [25] Gbadamosi SL, Ogunje FS, Wara ST, Nwulu NI. Techno-economic evaluation of a hybrid energy system for an educational institution: a case study. Energies 2022; 15(15): 5606.
  • [26] Munguba C, Leite G, Ochoa A, Michima P, Silva H, Vilela O, Kraj A. Enhancing cost-efficiency in achieving near-zero energy performance through integrated photovoltaic retrofit solutions. Applied 1 Energy 2024; 367: 123307.
  • [27] Kabir MA, Hasan MM, Hossain T, Ahnaf A, Monir H. Sustainable energy transition in Bangladeshi academic buildings: A techno-economic analysis of photovoltaic-based net zero energy systems. Energy and Buildings 2024; 312: 114205.
  • [28] Michelle L, Chiara P. Assessing life cycle sustainability of building renovation and reconstruction: A comprehensive review of case studies and methods. Building and Environment 2024: 111817.
  • [29] Hemmati M, Bayati N, Ebel T. Integrated life cycle sustainability assessment with future energy mix: A review of methodologies for evaluating the sustainability of multiple power generation technologies development. Renewable Energy Focus 2024: 100581.
  • [30] Moazzen N, Karagüler ME, Ashrafian T. Comprehensive parameters for the definition of nearly zero energy and cost optimal levels considering the life cycle energy and thermal comfort of school buildings. Energy and Buildings 2021; 253: 111487.
  • [31] Aktas IS, Ozenc S. A case study of techno-economic and environmental analysis of college rooftop for grid-connected PV power generation: Net zero 2050 pathway. 1 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2024; 56: 104272.
  • [32] Özcan Ö, Duman AC, Gönül Ö, Güler Ö. Techno-economic analysis of grid-connected PV and second-life battery systems for net-zero energy houses. Journal of Building Engineering 2024; 89: 109324.
  • [33] Şevik S. Techno-economic evaluation of a grid-connected PV-trigeneration-hydrogen production hybrid system on a university campus. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2 2022; 47(57): 23935-23956. 3
  • [34] Alıç O. A holistic techno-economic feasibility analysis of residential renewable energy systems: An insight into Turkish case. Journal of Energy Storage 2024; 94: 112433.
  • [35] Bilir L,Yildirim N. Photovoltaic system assessment for a school building. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2017; 42(28): 17856-17868.
  • [36] Dal AÖ, Ashrafian T. Evaluation of Building Retrofitting Alternatives Towards Zero Energy School Building in Turkey. CLIMA 2022: the 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress, 1 Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2022.
  • [37] Atmaca A, Atmaca N. Life cycle energy (LCEA) and carbon dioxide emissions (LCCO2A) assessment of two residential buildings in Gaziantep, Turkey. Energy and Buildings 2 2015; 102: 417-431.
  • [38] Atmaca A, Atmaca N. Carbon footprint assessment of residential buildings, a review and a case study in Turkey. Journal of Cleaner Production 3 2022; 340: 130691.
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There are 93 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Solar Energy Systems, Renewable Energy Resources
Journal Section Research Article

Muhammed Enes Umcu 0009-0002-1237-0431

Uğur Acar 0000-0002-6387-8641

Önder Kaşka 0000-0002-7284-2093

Publication Date March 18, 2025
Submission Date October 25, 2024
Acceptance Date February 24, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Umcu, M. E., Acar, U., & Kaşka, Ö. (2025). Life cycle assessment of photovoltaic systems of various sizes: An environmental and economic perspective on an educational building in a hot climate. International Journal of Energy Studies, 10(1), 997-1042.
AMA Umcu ME, Acar U, Kaşka Ö. Life cycle assessment of photovoltaic systems of various sizes: An environmental and economic perspective on an educational building in a hot climate. Int J Energy Studies. March 2025;10(1):997-1042. doi:10.58559/ijes.1573447
Chicago Umcu, Muhammed Enes, Uğur Acar, and Önder Kaşka. “Life Cycle Assessment of Photovoltaic Systems of Various Sizes: An Environmental and Economic Perspective on an Educational Building in a Hot Climate”. International Journal of Energy Studies 10, no. 1 (March 2025): 997-1042.
EndNote Umcu ME, Acar U, Kaşka Ö (March 1, 2025) Life cycle assessment of photovoltaic systems of various sizes: An environmental and economic perspective on an educational building in a hot climate. International Journal of Energy Studies 10 1 997–1042.
IEEE M. E. Umcu, U. Acar, and Ö. Kaşka, “Life cycle assessment of photovoltaic systems of various sizes: An environmental and economic perspective on an educational building in a hot climate”, Int J Energy Studies, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 997–1042, 2025, doi: 10.58559/ijes.1573447.
ISNAD Umcu, Muhammed Enes et al. “Life Cycle Assessment of Photovoltaic Systems of Various Sizes: An Environmental and Economic Perspective on an Educational Building in a Hot Climate”. International Journal of Energy Studies 10/1 (March 2025), 997-1042.
JAMA Umcu ME, Acar U, Kaşka Ö. Life cycle assessment of photovoltaic systems of various sizes: An environmental and economic perspective on an educational building in a hot climate. Int J Energy Studies. 2025;10:997–1042.
MLA Umcu, Muhammed Enes et al. “Life Cycle Assessment of Photovoltaic Systems of Various Sizes: An Environmental and Economic Perspective on an Educational Building in a Hot Climate”. International Journal of Energy Studies, vol. 10, no. 1, 2025, pp. 997-1042, doi:10.58559/ijes.1573447.
Vancouver Umcu ME, Acar U, Kaşka Ö. Life cycle assessment of photovoltaic systems of various sizes: An environmental and economic perspective on an educational building in a hot climate. Int J Energy Studies. 2025;10(1):997-1042.