Research Article
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An academic approach to the relationship between energy poverty and health

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1245 - 1260, 18.03.2025


Energy poverty has emerged as a significant issue in recent years, leading to various negative consequences. One of these is its impact on health. It is widely accepted that there is a connection between energy poverty and health, which has resulted in a growing body of literature exploring this relationship. This study conducts a bibliometric analysis of this literature using comprehensive data from Web of Science, which includes many studies examining the link between energy poverty and health. It also investigates whether the countries conducting research on this issue are themselves energy-poor nations. The analysis outlines how the connection between energy poverty and health has garnered increasing attention over time, identifies leading authors and countries, highlights studies that have made significant contributions to the literature, and points out potential research gaps. The results reveal the network flows between countries, researchers, publications, organizations, keywords, and bibliographic connections in energy poverty and health studies. The findings confirm the growing interest in the energy poverty-health link but also show that the countries focusing on this issue are not energy-poor countries themselves.

Ethical Statement

Due to the use of secondary data within the scope of the research, ethical approval is not required.


  • [1] Bouzarovski S. Energy poverty in the European Union: Landscapes of vulnerability. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment 2014;3: 276-289.
  • [2] Bouzarovski S, Petrova S. A global perspective on domestic energy deprivation: Overcoming the energy poverty–fuel poverty binary. Energy Research & Social Science 2015;10: 31–40.
  • [3] Thomson H, Bouzarovski S, Snell C. Rethinking the measurement of energy poverty in Europe: A critical analysis of indicators and data. Indoor and Built Environment 2017;7: 879-901.
  • [4] United Nations. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 2024. Accessed February 9, 2024.
  • [5] Zhang D, Li J, Han P. A multidimensional measure of energy poverty in China and its impacts on health: an empirical study based on the China family panel studies. Energy Policy 2019;131: 72–81.
  • [6] Bukari C, Broermann S, Okai D. Energy poverty and health expenditure: Evidence from Ghana. Energy Economics 2021;103, 105565.
  • [7] International Energy Agency (IEA). Energy Access Outlook from Poverty to Prosperity. IEA, Paris, 2017.
  • [8] Halkos GE, Gkampoura EC. Evaluating the effect of economic crisis on energy poverty in Europe. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021;144, 110981.
  • [9] Day R, Walker G, Simcock N. Conceptualising energy use and energy poverty using a capabilities framework. Energy Policy 2016;93: 255-264.
  • [10] Gillard R, Snell C, Bevan M. Advancing an energy justice perspective of fuel poverty: Household vulnerability and domestic retrofit policy in the United Kingdom. Energy Research & Social Science 2017;29: 53-61.
  • [11] Thomson H, Snell C, Bouzarovski S. Health, well-being and energy poverty in Europe: A comparative study of 32 European countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017;14: 584
  • [12] Kahouli S. An economic approach to the study of the relationship between housing hazards and health: The case of residential fuel poverty in France. Energy economics 2020;85, 104592.
  • [13] Kose T. Energy poverty and health: The Turkish case. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 2019;5: 201-213.
  • [14] Recalde M, Peralta A, Oliveras L, Tirado-Herrero S, Borrell C, Palència L, Marí-Dell’Olmo M. Structural energy poverty vulnerability and excess winter mortality in the European Union: Exploring the association between structural determinants and health. Energy Policy 2019;133: 110869.
  • [15] Oliveras L, Peralta A, Palència L, Gotsens M, López MJ, Artazcoz L, Borrell C, MaríDell’Olmo M. Energy poverty and health: Trends in the European Union before and during the economic crisis, 2007–2016. Health & Place 2021;67, 102294.
  • [16] Wei YM, Liao H. Solid Fuels in Rural and Their Impacts on Resident Health. In Energy Economics. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018.
  • [17] Halff A, Sovacool BK, Rozhon J. Energy poverty: Global challenges and local solutions. OUP Oxford, 2014.
  • [18] United Nations. Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals,, 2021. Accessed February 9, 2024.
  • [19] Qurat-ul-Ann AR, Mirza FM. Meta-analysis of empirical evidence on energy poverty: The case of developing economies. Energy Policy 2020;141: 111444.
  • [20] Banerjee R, Mishra V, Maruta AA. Energy poverty, health and education outcomes: evidence from the developing world. Energy Economics 2021;101: 105447.
  • [21] Prakash K, Munyanyi ME. Energy poverty and obesity. Energy Economics 2021;101: 105428.
  • [22] Web of Science Core Collection. Explore Web of Science Core Collection indices. Available online: (accessed on 12 Nov 2024).
  • [23] Van Eck NJ, Waltman L. Manual for VOSviewer version 1.6. 8. CWTS Meaningful Metrics. Universiteit Leiden, 2018.
  • [24] The World Bank. Access to electricity (% of population). Available online: (accessed March 25, 2024).
  • [25] The World Bank. Life expectancy years of life at birth. Available online: (accessed December 20, 2024).
  • [26] Kaya M, Erbay E. Global trends of the researches on COVID-19: A bibliometric analysis via VOSviewer. Journal of Ankara Health Sciences 2020;2: 201-216.
  • [27] Xing D, Yu Z, Shengjie D, Jianhao L. Global research trends in stem cells for osteoarthritis: a bibliometric and visualized study. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2018;7: 1372- 1384.
  • [28] Van E, Nees J, Ludo W. Visualizing bibliometric networks. In Measuring scholarly impact, 285-320, Springer, 2014.
  • [29] European Commission. Available online: (accessed on 1 Nov 2024).
  • [30] Oluwole O, Otaniyi OO, Ana GA, Olopade CO. Indoor air pollution from biomass fuels: a major health hazard in developing countries. Journal of Public Health 2012;6: 565-575.
  • [31] Grieshop AP, Marshall JD, Kandlikar M. Health and climate benefits of cookstove replacement options. Energy Policy 2011;12: 7530-7542.
  • [32] Lin B, Okyere MA. Multidimensional energy poverty and mental health: microlevel evidence from Ghana. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;18: 6726.
  • [33] Mohan G. Young, poor, and sick: the public health threat of energy poverty for children in Ireland. Energy Research & Social Science 2021;71: 101822.
  • [34] Oum S. Energy poverty in the Lao PDR and its impacts on education and health. Energy Policy 2019;132: 247–253.
  • [35] S´anchez-Guevara S´anchez C, Sanz Fern´andez A, Nú˜nez Peir´o M, G´omez Mu˜noz G. Energy poverty in Madrid: data exploitation at the city and district level. Energy Policy 2020;144, 111653i
  • [36] Maxim A, Mihai C, Apostoaie C-M, Popescu C, Istrate C, Bostan I. Implications and measurement of energy poverty across the European Union. Sustainability 2016;8: 483.
  • [37] Churchill SA, Smyth R. Energy poverty and health: Panel data evidence from Australia. Energy Economics 2021;97: 105219.
Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1245 - 1260, 18.03.2025



  • [1] Bouzarovski S. Energy poverty in the European Union: Landscapes of vulnerability. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment 2014;3: 276-289.
  • [2] Bouzarovski S, Petrova S. A global perspective on domestic energy deprivation: Overcoming the energy poverty–fuel poverty binary. Energy Research & Social Science 2015;10: 31–40.
  • [3] Thomson H, Bouzarovski S, Snell C. Rethinking the measurement of energy poverty in Europe: A critical analysis of indicators and data. Indoor and Built Environment 2017;7: 879-901.
  • [4] United Nations. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 2024. Accessed February 9, 2024.
  • [5] Zhang D, Li J, Han P. A multidimensional measure of energy poverty in China and its impacts on health: an empirical study based on the China family panel studies. Energy Policy 2019;131: 72–81.
  • [6] Bukari C, Broermann S, Okai D. Energy poverty and health expenditure: Evidence from Ghana. Energy Economics 2021;103, 105565.
  • [7] International Energy Agency (IEA). Energy Access Outlook from Poverty to Prosperity. IEA, Paris, 2017.
  • [8] Halkos GE, Gkampoura EC. Evaluating the effect of economic crisis on energy poverty in Europe. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021;144, 110981.
  • [9] Day R, Walker G, Simcock N. Conceptualising energy use and energy poverty using a capabilities framework. Energy Policy 2016;93: 255-264.
  • [10] Gillard R, Snell C, Bevan M. Advancing an energy justice perspective of fuel poverty: Household vulnerability and domestic retrofit policy in the United Kingdom. Energy Research & Social Science 2017;29: 53-61.
  • [11] Thomson H, Snell C, Bouzarovski S. Health, well-being and energy poverty in Europe: A comparative study of 32 European countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017;14: 584
  • [12] Kahouli S. An economic approach to the study of the relationship between housing hazards and health: The case of residential fuel poverty in France. Energy economics 2020;85, 104592.
  • [13] Kose T. Energy poverty and health: The Turkish case. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 2019;5: 201-213.
  • [14] Recalde M, Peralta A, Oliveras L, Tirado-Herrero S, Borrell C, Palència L, Marí-Dell’Olmo M. Structural energy poverty vulnerability and excess winter mortality in the European Union: Exploring the association between structural determinants and health. Energy Policy 2019;133: 110869.
  • [15] Oliveras L, Peralta A, Palència L, Gotsens M, López MJ, Artazcoz L, Borrell C, MaríDell’Olmo M. Energy poverty and health: Trends in the European Union before and during the economic crisis, 2007–2016. Health & Place 2021;67, 102294.
  • [16] Wei YM, Liao H. Solid Fuels in Rural and Their Impacts on Resident Health. In Energy Economics. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018.
  • [17] Halff A, Sovacool BK, Rozhon J. Energy poverty: Global challenges and local solutions. OUP Oxford, 2014.
  • [18] United Nations. Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals,, 2021. Accessed February 9, 2024.
  • [19] Qurat-ul-Ann AR, Mirza FM. Meta-analysis of empirical evidence on energy poverty: The case of developing economies. Energy Policy 2020;141: 111444.
  • [20] Banerjee R, Mishra V, Maruta AA. Energy poverty, health and education outcomes: evidence from the developing world. Energy Economics 2021;101: 105447.
  • [21] Prakash K, Munyanyi ME. Energy poverty and obesity. Energy Economics 2021;101: 105428.
  • [22] Web of Science Core Collection. Explore Web of Science Core Collection indices. Available online: (accessed on 12 Nov 2024).
  • [23] Van Eck NJ, Waltman L. Manual for VOSviewer version 1.6. 8. CWTS Meaningful Metrics. Universiteit Leiden, 2018.
  • [24] The World Bank. Access to electricity (% of population). Available online: (accessed March 25, 2024).
  • [25] The World Bank. Life expectancy years of life at birth. Available online: (accessed December 20, 2024).
  • [26] Kaya M, Erbay E. Global trends of the researches on COVID-19: A bibliometric analysis via VOSviewer. Journal of Ankara Health Sciences 2020;2: 201-216.
  • [27] Xing D, Yu Z, Shengjie D, Jianhao L. Global research trends in stem cells for osteoarthritis: a bibliometric and visualized study. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2018;7: 1372- 1384.
  • [28] Van E, Nees J, Ludo W. Visualizing bibliometric networks. In Measuring scholarly impact, 285-320, Springer, 2014.
  • [29] European Commission. Available online: (accessed on 1 Nov 2024).
  • [30] Oluwole O, Otaniyi OO, Ana GA, Olopade CO. Indoor air pollution from biomass fuels: a major health hazard in developing countries. Journal of Public Health 2012;6: 565-575.
  • [31] Grieshop AP, Marshall JD, Kandlikar M. Health and climate benefits of cookstove replacement options. Energy Policy 2011;12: 7530-7542.
  • [32] Lin B, Okyere MA. Multidimensional energy poverty and mental health: microlevel evidence from Ghana. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;18: 6726.
  • [33] Mohan G. Young, poor, and sick: the public health threat of energy poverty for children in Ireland. Energy Research & Social Science 2021;71: 101822.
  • [34] Oum S. Energy poverty in the Lao PDR and its impacts on education and health. Energy Policy 2019;132: 247–253.
  • [35] S´anchez-Guevara S´anchez C, Sanz Fern´andez A, Nú˜nez Peir´o M, G´omez Mu˜noz G. Energy poverty in Madrid: data exploitation at the city and district level. Energy Policy 2020;144, 111653i
  • [36] Maxim A, Mihai C, Apostoaie C-M, Popescu C, Istrate C, Bostan I. Implications and measurement of energy poverty across the European Union. Sustainability 2016;8: 483.
  • [37] Churchill SA, Smyth R. Energy poverty and health: Panel data evidence from Australia. Energy Economics 2021;97: 105219.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Energy
Journal Section Research Article

Mustafa Kaya 0000-0002-2005-5370

Aysun Kandemir Türe 0000-0002-3496-5594

Publication Date March 18, 2025
Submission Date November 18, 2024
Acceptance Date February 25, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Kaya, M., & Kandemir Türe, A. (2025). An academic approach to the relationship between energy poverty and health. International Journal of Energy Studies, 10(1), 1245-1260.
AMA Kaya M, Kandemir Türe A. An academic approach to the relationship between energy poverty and health. Int J Energy Studies. March 2025;10(1):1245-1260. doi:10.58559/ijes.1587039
Chicago Kaya, Mustafa, and Aysun Kandemir Türe. “An Academic Approach to the Relationship Between Energy Poverty and Health”. International Journal of Energy Studies 10, no. 1 (March 2025): 1245-60.
EndNote Kaya M, Kandemir Türe A (March 1, 2025) An academic approach to the relationship between energy poverty and health. International Journal of Energy Studies 10 1 1245–1260.
IEEE M. Kaya and A. Kandemir Türe, “An academic approach to the relationship between energy poverty and health”, Int J Energy Studies, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1245–1260, 2025, doi: 10.58559/ijes.1587039.
ISNAD Kaya, Mustafa - Kandemir Türe, Aysun. “An Academic Approach to the Relationship Between Energy Poverty and Health”. International Journal of Energy Studies 10/1 (March 2025), 1245-1260.
JAMA Kaya M, Kandemir Türe A. An academic approach to the relationship between energy poverty and health. Int J Energy Studies. 2025;10:1245–1260.
MLA Kaya, Mustafa and Aysun Kandemir Türe. “An Academic Approach to the Relationship Between Energy Poverty and Health”. International Journal of Energy Studies, vol. 10, no. 1, 2025, pp. 1245-60, doi:10.58559/ijes.1587039.
Vancouver Kaya M, Kandemir Türe A. An academic approach to the relationship between energy poverty and health. Int J Energy Studies. 2025;10(1):1245-60.