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Arı Sütü Üretimi ve Bazı Biyoaktif Özellikleri

Year 2022, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 38 - 46, 30.03.2022


Arı sütü, işçi arıların (Apis mellifera) hipofaringeal ve mandibular bezleri tarafından salgılanan, arı beslenmesi ve arı çeşidi açısından oldukça önemli bir arı ürünüdür. Başlangıçta aynı genetik yapıya sahip olmakla birlikte ana ve işçi arı arasındaki farklılıklar, ana arıların arı sütü ile beslenmesiyle ortaya çıkan fizyolojik ve morfolojik değişimlerden kaynaklanmaktadır. Karbonhidrat, protein, lipit, serbest amino asit, mineral, vitamin, fenolikler oluşan, biyoaktif bileşen bakımından zengin bir arı ürünü olması, arı sütünü arılar kadar insan sağlığı için de değerli kılmıştır. Arı sütü, antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal etki, yaşlanma karşıtı etki, antienflamatuar aktivite gibi fonksiyonel özelliklere sahiptir. Biyoaktif etkiler göstermesi nedeniyle arı sütü, nutrasötik ve fonksiyonel bir gıda olarak kabul edilmektedir ve bu nedenle üretimi ve tüketimi de giderek artmaktadır. Larva transferi veya aşılama, Jenter, Nicot veya Yasaeng üretimi arı sütü üretim yöntemlerindendir. Bu


  • Ahmad, S., Graça Campos, M., Fratini, F., Zewdu Altaye, S., Li, J. 2020. New Insights into the Biological and Pharmaceutical Properties of Royal Jelly. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 382; doi:10.3390/ijms21020382.
  • Akyol, E., Baran, Y. 2015. Structure of Royal Jelly, Importance for Humans and Bees. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 15(1), 10-15.
  • Ashry, K., Elkady, A. A. 2014. Royal Jelly Modulates Hepatotoxic Effect of Rats Treated with Cisplatin. Arab Journal of Nuclear Science and Applications, 47(1), 172-180.
  • Bachanova, K., Klaudiny, J., Kopernicky, J., and Simuth, J. 2002. Identification of honeybee peptide active against Paenibacillus larvae larvae through bacterial growth-inhibition assay on polyacrylamide gel. Apidologie 33, 259–269.
  • Bengü, A.Ş., Ayna, A., Özbolat, S., Tunç, A., Aykutoğlı, G., Çiftçi, M., Darendelioğlu, E. 2020. Content and Antimicrobial Activities of Bingol Royal Jelly. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 480-489.
  • Brouwers, E.M., Ebert, R., Beetsma, J. 1987. Behavioural and physiological aspects of nurse bees in relation to the composition of larval food during caste differentiation in the honeybee. J. Apic. Res., 26: 11-23.
  • Carvalho, V.D.C., Silveira, V.Á.S., do Prado, R.F., Carvalho, Y.R. 2011. Effect of estrogen therapy, soy isoflavones, and the combination therapy on the submandibular gland of ovariectomized rats. Pathol.-Res. Pract., 207, 300–305.
  • Cornara, L., Biagi, M., Xiao, J. and Burlando, B. 2017. Therapeutic Properties of Bioactive Compounds from Different Honeybee Products. Front. Pharmacol., 8, 412.
  • El-Nekeety, A.A.; El-Kholy,W.; Abbas, N.F.; Ebaid, A.; Amra, H.A.; Abdel-Wahhab, M.A. 2007. Efficacy of royal jelly against the oxidative stress of fumonisin in rats. Toxicon, 50: 256–269.
  • Galaly, S. R., Abdella, E. M., Mohammed, H. M., Khadrawy, S. M. 2014. Effects of Royal Jelly on Genotoxicity and Nephrotoxicity Induced by Valproic Acid in Albino Mice. Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 3: 1-15.
  • Hu, F-L, Bíliková, K., Casabianca, H., Gaëlle, D., Espindola, F.S., Feng, M., Guan, C., Han, B., Kraková,T.K., Li, J-K., Li, L., Li, X-A., Sˇ imúth, J., Wu, L-M., Wu, Y-Q., Xue, X-F., Xue, Y-B., Yamaguchi, K., Zeng, Z-J., Zheng, H-Q., Zhou, J-H. 2019. Standard Methods for Apis mellifera Royal Jelly Research. Journal of Apicultural Research. 582: 1-68.
  • Isidorov, V.; Bakier, S.; Grzech, I. 2012. Gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric investigation of volatile andextractable compounds of crude royal jelly. J. Chromatogr. B, 885: 109-116.
  • Kanbur, M., Erasian, G., Beyaz, L., Silici, S., Liman, B.C., Altinordulu, S., Atasever, A. 2009. The Effects of Royal Jelly on Liver Damage Induced by Paracetamol in Mice. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 612: 123-132.
  • Karacaoğlu, M., Kösoğlu, M., Uçak Koç, A. 2004. Farklı Yöntemlerin Ege ekotipi A. m. anatoliaca ve Kafkas A. m. caucasica x Ege Melezi Bal Arılarının Arı Sütü Verimleri Üzerine Etkileri. ADÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 11: 29-33.
  • Kurek-Górecka, A., Górecki, M., Rzepecka-Stojko, A., Balwierz, R., Stojko, J. 2020. Bee Products in Dermatology and Skin Care. Molecules, 25556.
  • Lercker, G., Capella, P., Conte, L.S., Ruini, F., Giordiani, G. 1981. Components of Royal Jelly: Identification of the organic acids. Lipids, 16: 912-19. Li, C., Mannoor, M. K., Toma, N., Taniguchi, T., Inafuku, M., Yamaguchi, K., Sato, Y., Watanabe, H. 2011. The Efficacy of Royal Jelly in The Restoration of Alcoholic Liver Injury in Mouse Model. Biomedical Research. 221: 1-8.
  • Li, X.a.; Huang, C.; Xue, Y. 2013. Contribution of lipids in honeybee Apis mellifera royal jelly to health. J. Med. Food, 16: 96–102.
  • Maqsoudlou, A., Sadeghi Mahoonak, A., Mora, L., Mohebodini, H., Toldrá, F., Ghorbani, M. 2018. Peptide Identification in Alcalase Hydrolysated Pollen and Comparison of Its Bioactivity with Royal Jelly. Food Research International, 116: 905-915.
  • Melliou, E.; Chinou, I. 2014. Chemistry and bioactivities of royal jelly. In Studies in Natural Products Chemistry; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 43: 261–290.
  • Mohammed Ali, A., Kunugi, H. 2020. Apitherapy for Age-Related Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction Sarcopenia: A Review on the Effects of Royal Jelly, Propolis, and Bee Pollen. Foods 2020, 9, 1362.
  • Nagai, T., Sakai, M., Inoue, R., Suzuki, N. 2001. Antioxidative Activities of Some Commercially Honeys, Royal Jelly, and Propolis. Food Chemistry, 752: 237- 240.
  • Pasupuleti, V. R., Sammugam, L., Ramesh, N., Gan, S.H. 2017. Honey, Propolis, and Royal Jelly: A Comprehensive Review of Their Biological Actions and Health Benefits. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 21.
  • Pourmoradian, S., Mahdavi, R., Mobasseri, M., Faramarzi, E., Mobasseri, M. 2012. Effects of Royal Jelly Supplementation on Body Weight and Dietary Intake in Type 2 Diabetic Females. Health Promotion Perspectives, 22: 231-235.
  • Sabatini, A.G., Marcazzan, G.L., Caboni, M.F., Bogdanov, S., Almeida-Muradian, L.B. 2009. Quality and standardisation of Royal Jelly. JAAS, 1: 1-6.
  • Scarselli, R.; Donadio, E.; Giu_rida, M.G.; Fortunato, D.; Conti, A.; Balestreri, E.; Felicioli, R.; Pinzauti, M.;Sabatini, A.G.; Felicioli. 2005. A. Towards royal jelly proteome. Proteomics, 5: 769–776.
  • Shirzad, M., Kordyazdi, R., Shahinfard, N., & Nikokar M. 2013. Does Royal jelly affect tumor cells? Journal of Herb Med Pharmacology, 22: 45-48.
  • Silici, S., Ekmekcioglu, O., Kanbur, M., Deniz, K. 2011. The Protective Effect of Royal Jelly Against Cisplatin Induced Renal Oxidative Stress in rats. World Journal of Urology. 291, 127–132.
  • Sorucu, A. 2019. Arı Ürünleri ve Apiterapi. Veteriner Farmakoloji ve Toksikoloji Derneği Bülteni, 101: 1-15.
  • Şahinler, N., Kaftanoğlu, O. 2005. The Effects of Season and Honeybee Apis mellifera L. Genotype on Acceptance Rates and Royal Jelly Production. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 29: 499- 503.
  • Tagem, Arge&İnovasyon, Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Arıcılık Araştırma Enstitüsü. Ordu, 2017.
  • Terada, Y.; Narukawa, M.;Watanabe, T. 2011. Specific hydroxy fatty acids in royal jelly activate TRPA1. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59: 2627–2635.
  • Uçar, M.2018. Arı Sütünün Büyüme, Yaşlanma ve Üreme Sağlığına Etkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 71: 193-202.
  • Yeung, Y.T., Argüelles, S. 2019. Bee Products: Royal Jelly and Propolis. Nonvitamin and Nonmineral Nutritional Supplements, 475-484.
  • Yılmaz, M., Çağlı, A., Manav, S. 2017. Apitherapy HandBook.
  • Yücel, B., Topal, E., Kösoğlu, M. 2017. Bee Products as Functional Food. Superfood and Functional Food - An Overview of Their Processing and Utilization. Chapter 2.

Production and Some Bioactive Properties of Royal Jelly

Year 2022, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 38 - 46, 30.03.2022


Royal jelly secreted by the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of worker bees (Apis mellifera) is a very essential bee product in terms of bee nutrition and bee variety. Although they have the same genetic structure at the beginning, the differences between the queen and the worker bee are due to the physiological and morphological changes that occur when the queen bees are fed with royal jelly. Being a bee product rich in bioactive components, consisting of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, free amino acids, minerals, vitamins, phenolics, royal jelly is precious for human health as well as for bees. Royal jelly has functional features such as antioxidant and antimicrobial effect, anti-aging effect, anti-inflammatory activity. By virtue of bioactive effects, royal jelly is considered a nutraceutical and functional food and hereby its production and consumption demand is also increasingly enhances. Jenter, Nicot or Yasaeng, production by larval transfer or grafting are types of royal jelly production methods. This review intented to express some bioactive properties and production techniques of royal jelly.


  • Ahmad, S., Graça Campos, M., Fratini, F., Zewdu Altaye, S., Li, J. 2020. New Insights into the Biological and Pharmaceutical Properties of Royal Jelly. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 382; doi:10.3390/ijms21020382.
  • Akyol, E., Baran, Y. 2015. Structure of Royal Jelly, Importance for Humans and Bees. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 15(1), 10-15.
  • Ashry, K., Elkady, A. A. 2014. Royal Jelly Modulates Hepatotoxic Effect of Rats Treated with Cisplatin. Arab Journal of Nuclear Science and Applications, 47(1), 172-180.
  • Bachanova, K., Klaudiny, J., Kopernicky, J., and Simuth, J. 2002. Identification of honeybee peptide active against Paenibacillus larvae larvae through bacterial growth-inhibition assay on polyacrylamide gel. Apidologie 33, 259–269.
  • Bengü, A.Ş., Ayna, A., Özbolat, S., Tunç, A., Aykutoğlı, G., Çiftçi, M., Darendelioğlu, E. 2020. Content and Antimicrobial Activities of Bingol Royal Jelly. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 480-489.
  • Brouwers, E.M., Ebert, R., Beetsma, J. 1987. Behavioural and physiological aspects of nurse bees in relation to the composition of larval food during caste differentiation in the honeybee. J. Apic. Res., 26: 11-23.
  • Carvalho, V.D.C., Silveira, V.Á.S., do Prado, R.F., Carvalho, Y.R. 2011. Effect of estrogen therapy, soy isoflavones, and the combination therapy on the submandibular gland of ovariectomized rats. Pathol.-Res. Pract., 207, 300–305.
  • Cornara, L., Biagi, M., Xiao, J. and Burlando, B. 2017. Therapeutic Properties of Bioactive Compounds from Different Honeybee Products. Front. Pharmacol., 8, 412.
  • El-Nekeety, A.A.; El-Kholy,W.; Abbas, N.F.; Ebaid, A.; Amra, H.A.; Abdel-Wahhab, M.A. 2007. Efficacy of royal jelly against the oxidative stress of fumonisin in rats. Toxicon, 50: 256–269.
  • Galaly, S. R., Abdella, E. M., Mohammed, H. M., Khadrawy, S. M. 2014. Effects of Royal Jelly on Genotoxicity and Nephrotoxicity Induced by Valproic Acid in Albino Mice. Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 3: 1-15.
  • Hu, F-L, Bíliková, K., Casabianca, H., Gaëlle, D., Espindola, F.S., Feng, M., Guan, C., Han, B., Kraková,T.K., Li, J-K., Li, L., Li, X-A., Sˇ imúth, J., Wu, L-M., Wu, Y-Q., Xue, X-F., Xue, Y-B., Yamaguchi, K., Zeng, Z-J., Zheng, H-Q., Zhou, J-H. 2019. Standard Methods for Apis mellifera Royal Jelly Research. Journal of Apicultural Research. 582: 1-68.
  • Isidorov, V.; Bakier, S.; Grzech, I. 2012. Gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric investigation of volatile andextractable compounds of crude royal jelly. J. Chromatogr. B, 885: 109-116.
  • Kanbur, M., Erasian, G., Beyaz, L., Silici, S., Liman, B.C., Altinordulu, S., Atasever, A. 2009. The Effects of Royal Jelly on Liver Damage Induced by Paracetamol in Mice. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 612: 123-132.
  • Karacaoğlu, M., Kösoğlu, M., Uçak Koç, A. 2004. Farklı Yöntemlerin Ege ekotipi A. m. anatoliaca ve Kafkas A. m. caucasica x Ege Melezi Bal Arılarının Arı Sütü Verimleri Üzerine Etkileri. ADÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 11: 29-33.
  • Kurek-Górecka, A., Górecki, M., Rzepecka-Stojko, A., Balwierz, R., Stojko, J. 2020. Bee Products in Dermatology and Skin Care. Molecules, 25556.
  • Lercker, G., Capella, P., Conte, L.S., Ruini, F., Giordiani, G. 1981. Components of Royal Jelly: Identification of the organic acids. Lipids, 16: 912-19. Li, C., Mannoor, M. K., Toma, N., Taniguchi, T., Inafuku, M., Yamaguchi, K., Sato, Y., Watanabe, H. 2011. The Efficacy of Royal Jelly in The Restoration of Alcoholic Liver Injury in Mouse Model. Biomedical Research. 221: 1-8.
  • Li, X.a.; Huang, C.; Xue, Y. 2013. Contribution of lipids in honeybee Apis mellifera royal jelly to health. J. Med. Food, 16: 96–102.
  • Maqsoudlou, A., Sadeghi Mahoonak, A., Mora, L., Mohebodini, H., Toldrá, F., Ghorbani, M. 2018. Peptide Identification in Alcalase Hydrolysated Pollen and Comparison of Its Bioactivity with Royal Jelly. Food Research International, 116: 905-915.
  • Melliou, E.; Chinou, I. 2014. Chemistry and bioactivities of royal jelly. In Studies in Natural Products Chemistry; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 43: 261–290.
  • Mohammed Ali, A., Kunugi, H. 2020. Apitherapy for Age-Related Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction Sarcopenia: A Review on the Effects of Royal Jelly, Propolis, and Bee Pollen. Foods 2020, 9, 1362.
  • Nagai, T., Sakai, M., Inoue, R., Suzuki, N. 2001. Antioxidative Activities of Some Commercially Honeys, Royal Jelly, and Propolis. Food Chemistry, 752: 237- 240.
  • Pasupuleti, V. R., Sammugam, L., Ramesh, N., Gan, S.H. 2017. Honey, Propolis, and Royal Jelly: A Comprehensive Review of Their Biological Actions and Health Benefits. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 21.
  • Pourmoradian, S., Mahdavi, R., Mobasseri, M., Faramarzi, E., Mobasseri, M. 2012. Effects of Royal Jelly Supplementation on Body Weight and Dietary Intake in Type 2 Diabetic Females. Health Promotion Perspectives, 22: 231-235.
  • Sabatini, A.G., Marcazzan, G.L., Caboni, M.F., Bogdanov, S., Almeida-Muradian, L.B. 2009. Quality and standardisation of Royal Jelly. JAAS, 1: 1-6.
  • Scarselli, R.; Donadio, E.; Giu_rida, M.G.; Fortunato, D.; Conti, A.; Balestreri, E.; Felicioli, R.; Pinzauti, M.;Sabatini, A.G.; Felicioli. 2005. A. Towards royal jelly proteome. Proteomics, 5: 769–776.
  • Shirzad, M., Kordyazdi, R., Shahinfard, N., & Nikokar M. 2013. Does Royal jelly affect tumor cells? Journal of Herb Med Pharmacology, 22: 45-48.
  • Silici, S., Ekmekcioglu, O., Kanbur, M., Deniz, K. 2011. The Protective Effect of Royal Jelly Against Cisplatin Induced Renal Oxidative Stress in rats. World Journal of Urology. 291, 127–132.
  • Sorucu, A. 2019. Arı Ürünleri ve Apiterapi. Veteriner Farmakoloji ve Toksikoloji Derneği Bülteni, 101: 1-15.
  • Şahinler, N., Kaftanoğlu, O. 2005. The Effects of Season and Honeybee Apis mellifera L. Genotype on Acceptance Rates and Royal Jelly Production. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 29: 499- 503.
  • Tagem, Arge&İnovasyon, Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Arıcılık Araştırma Enstitüsü. Ordu, 2017.
  • Terada, Y.; Narukawa, M.;Watanabe, T. 2011. Specific hydroxy fatty acids in royal jelly activate TRPA1. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59: 2627–2635.
  • Uçar, M.2018. Arı Sütünün Büyüme, Yaşlanma ve Üreme Sağlığına Etkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 71: 193-202.
  • Yeung, Y.T., Argüelles, S. 2019. Bee Products: Royal Jelly and Propolis. Nonvitamin and Nonmineral Nutritional Supplements, 475-484.
  • Yılmaz, M., Çağlı, A., Manav, S. 2017. Apitherapy HandBook.
  • Yücel, B., Topal, E., Kösoğlu, M. 2017. Bee Products as Functional Food. Superfood and Functional Food - An Overview of Their Processing and Utilization. Chapter 2.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Reviews

Büşra Beltekin This is me 0000-0002-5237-6099

Nurullah Demir This is me 0000-0002-9221-7826

Publication Date March 30, 2022
Submission Date February 18, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Beltekin, B., & Demir, N. (2022). Arı Sütü Üretimi ve Bazı Biyoaktif Özellikleri. Uluslararası Gıda Tarım Ve Hayvan Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(1), 38-46.