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Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 58 - 95, 16.01.2019



  • Abraham, R. (2000). Organizational Cynicism: Bases and Consequences. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 126(3), s. 269, 270, 271, 272 Acemoğlu, D., & Autor, D. (2011). Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings. In Handbook of Labor Economics (Vol. 4, Pp. 1043-1171). Elsevier. Ahmad, A., & Saud, S. (2016). The Effect of Role Overload on Employee Anxiety and Organization Citizenship Behavior. Journal of Managerial Sciences, 10(1), 45-54. Akhter, S. (2016). The Impact of Emotional Labor on Employee Performance wıth Moderatıng Role of Supervısory Support (Doctoral dissertation, Capital University). Allworth, E., & Hesketh, B. (1999). Construct‐Oriented Biodata: Capturing Change‐Related and Contextually Relevant Future Performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 7(2), 97-111. Andersson, L. M. (1996). Employee Cynicism: An Examination Using a Contract Violation Framework. Human Relations, 49(11), 1395-1418. Andersson, L. M., & Bateman, T. S. (1997). Cynicism in the Workplace: Some Causes and Effects. Journal of Organizational Behavior, s. 450 Ashforth, B. E.,& Humphrey, R. H. (1993). Emotional Labor in Service Roles: The Influence of Identity. Academy of Management Review, 18(1), 88-115. Aslam, U., Ilyas, M., Imran, M. K., & Rahman, U. U. (2016). Detrimental Effects of Cynicism on Organizational Change: An Interactive Model of Organizational Cynicism (A Study Of Employees in Public Sector Organizations). Journal of Organizational Change Management, 29(4), 580-598. Bağcı, Z. (2014). Çalışanların İş Doyumunun Görev ve Bağlamsal Performansları Üzerindeki Etkisi. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(24), 58-72. Baron, R. A., & Neuman, J. H. (1996). Workplace Violence and Workplace Aggression: Evidence on Their Relative Frequency and Potential Causes. Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the International Society for Research on Aggression, 22(3), 161-173. Barrick, M. R.,Mount, M. K., &Judge, T. A. (2001). Personality and Performance at The Beginning of The New Millennium: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go Next?. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 9(1‐2), 9-30. Barton, L. C., & Ambrosini, V. (2013). The Moderating Effect of Organizational Change Cynicism on Middle Manager Strategy Commitment. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(4), 721-746. Basım, H. N., & Beğenirbaş, M. (2012). Çalışma Yaşamında Duygusal Emek: Bir Ölçek Uyarlama Çalışması. Yönetim ve Ekonomi: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(1), 77-90. Bateman, T. S., Sakano, T., & Fujita, M. (1992). Roger, Me, and My Attitude: Film Propaganda and Cynicism toward Corporate Leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology, 77(5), 768. Beaton, D.,Bombardier, C., Escorpizo, R., Zhang, W., Lacaille, D., Boonen, A. & Tugwell, P. S. (2009). Measuring Worker Productivity: Frameworks and Measures. The Journal of Rheumatology, 36(9), 2100-2109. Bond, M. H., Leung, K., Au, A., Tong, K. K., & Chemonges‐Nielson, Z. (2004). Combining Social Axioms with Values in Predicting Social Behaviours. European Journal of Personality, 18(3), s. 178 Borman, W. C., & Motowidlo, S. J. (1997). Task Performance and Contextual Performance: The Meaning for Personnel Selection Research. Human Performance, 10(2), 99-109. Brandes, P., & Das, D. (2006). Locating Behavioral Cynicism at Work: Construct Issues and Performance Implications. In Employee Health, Coping and Methodologies (pp. 233-266). Emerald Group Publishing Limited, s. 240, 253-254 Braverman, H. (1972). Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in The Twentieth Century. NYU Press. s. 31, 35, 82, Erişim Tarihi: 26.03.2018 Brief, A. P., & Motowidlo, S. J. (1986). Prosocial Organizational Behaviors. Academy of Management Review, 11(4), 710-725. Brotheridge, C. M., & Grandey, A. A. (2002). Emotional Labor and Burnout: Comparing Two Perspectives of “People Work”. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 60(1), 17-39. Brown, M., & Cregan, C. (2008). Organizational Change Cynicism: The Role of Employee Involvement. Human Resource Management, 47(4), 667-686. Brüggen, A., Feichter, C., & Williamson, M. G. (2017). The Effect of Input and Output Targets for Routine Tasks on Creative Task Performance. The Accounting Review, 93(1), 29-43. Carneiro, D., & Novais, P. (2017). Quantifying the Effects of External Factors on Individual Performance. Future Generation Computer Systems, 66, 171-186. Charbonnier‐Voirin, A., & Roussel, P. (2012). Adaptive Performance: A New Scale to Measure Individual Performance in Organizations. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne Des Sciences De l'Administration, 29(3), 280-293. Chen, C. C., Chen, X. P., & Meindl, J. R. (1998). How Can Cooperation Be Fostered? The Cultural Effects of Individualism-Collectivism. Academy of Management Review, 23(2), 285-304. Çöl. G. (2011). 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Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 58 - 95, 16.01.2019


This study’s aim was to investigate the role of
organizational cynicism for the effect of emotional labor on individual work
performance. The research, which was planned in order to produce more
explanatory results in terms of organizational behavior for managers in health
sector. This study was conducted A, B, C type classified private hospitals of
İstanbul. The sample of this research consists of 390 nurses who can contact
face to face with patients per 130 for each class.

According to results of this
research, it could not detect any relation between emotional labor and
individual work performance statistically. Yet, there is poor negative relation
p=0,01, r= -0,144) between
surface acting and individual work performance. In addition, there is poor
positive relation (p=0,05, r= 0,100) between deep acting and individual work
The cause of relevant poor relations is that nurses consider themselves
competent in the context of individual work performance (4.05 ± 0.77).

Contrary to the expectations,
research results indicated that nurses' level in both emotional labor and
organizational cynicism were low. The cause why organizational cynicism average
(2.45 ± 0.91) was low than expectation, as suitable with literature results, is
that health care workers cover up their cynic attitudes in order to not losing
their status and income. Emotional labor’s average lowness than expected was
interpreted as that workers did not internalize the nature of performing job or
not including the motivators which work conditions pushing them to display emotional

As a result, this study
suggests increasing worker’s emotional labor values by keeping them in
organizations for long term and in addition, enabling workers to speak about
process that affects them directly.


  • Abraham, R. (2000). Organizational Cynicism: Bases and Consequences. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 126(3), s. 269, 270, 271, 272 Acemoğlu, D., & Autor, D. (2011). Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings. In Handbook of Labor Economics (Vol. 4, Pp. 1043-1171). Elsevier. Ahmad, A., & Saud, S. (2016). The Effect of Role Overload on Employee Anxiety and Organization Citizenship Behavior. Journal of Managerial Sciences, 10(1), 45-54. Akhter, S. (2016). The Impact of Emotional Labor on Employee Performance wıth Moderatıng Role of Supervısory Support (Doctoral dissertation, Capital University). Allworth, E., & Hesketh, B. (1999). Construct‐Oriented Biodata: Capturing Change‐Related and Contextually Relevant Future Performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 7(2), 97-111. Andersson, L. M. (1996). Employee Cynicism: An Examination Using a Contract Violation Framework. Human Relations, 49(11), 1395-1418. Andersson, L. M., & Bateman, T. S. (1997). Cynicism in the Workplace: Some Causes and Effects. Journal of Organizational Behavior, s. 450 Ashforth, B. E.,& Humphrey, R. H. (1993). Emotional Labor in Service Roles: The Influence of Identity. Academy of Management Review, 18(1), 88-115. Aslam, U., Ilyas, M., Imran, M. K., & Rahman, U. U. (2016). Detrimental Effects of Cynicism on Organizational Change: An Interactive Model of Organizational Cynicism (A Study Of Employees in Public Sector Organizations). Journal of Organizational Change Management, 29(4), 580-598. Bağcı, Z. (2014). Çalışanların İş Doyumunun Görev ve Bağlamsal Performansları Üzerindeki Etkisi. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(24), 58-72. Baron, R. A., & Neuman, J. H. (1996). Workplace Violence and Workplace Aggression: Evidence on Their Relative Frequency and Potential Causes. Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the International Society for Research on Aggression, 22(3), 161-173. Barrick, M. R.,Mount, M. K., &Judge, T. A. (2001). Personality and Performance at The Beginning of The New Millennium: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go Next?. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 9(1‐2), 9-30. Barton, L. C., & Ambrosini, V. (2013). The Moderating Effect of Organizational Change Cynicism on Middle Manager Strategy Commitment. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(4), 721-746. Basım, H. N., & Beğenirbaş, M. (2012). Çalışma Yaşamında Duygusal Emek: Bir Ölçek Uyarlama Çalışması. Yönetim ve Ekonomi: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(1), 77-90. Bateman, T. S., Sakano, T., & Fujita, M. (1992). Roger, Me, and My Attitude: Film Propaganda and Cynicism toward Corporate Leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology, 77(5), 768. Beaton, D.,Bombardier, C., Escorpizo, R., Zhang, W., Lacaille, D., Boonen, A. & Tugwell, P. S. (2009). Measuring Worker Productivity: Frameworks and Measures. The Journal of Rheumatology, 36(9), 2100-2109. 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Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Emre İşçi

Hüseyin Arı This is me

Publication Date January 16, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


Chicago İşçi, Emre, and Hüseyin Arı. “THE ROLE OF ORGANIZATIONAL CYNICISM FOR THE EFFECT OF EMOTIONAL LABOR ON INDIVIDUAL WORK PERFORMANCE”. Sanitas Magisterium 5, no. 1 (January 2019): 58-95.