Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Copyright: rights related to the publication and distribution of research
Article sharing: details on self-archiving and posting
Article withdrawal: article removal or retractions
Patient consent: use of personal information of patients or other individuals
Open access licenses are available
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Text and data mining: Dergipark’s policy on data and text mining

It can be published in an academic Journal
The title reflects the work
The article summary reflects the content accurately
Sufficient in terms of narration and spelling
Research purpose clearly defined
Sections in a consistent whole
Adequacy of literature review (sources)
Using appropriate analysis methods, reaching significant statistical results, conceptual meaningful results
To answer the research purpose, to be reliable, well presented, to support the assumptions and results.
Originality of the study and its contribution to the related field
As a result of evalutaion
Article can be published as current: This study topic, content, language, method and literature are eligible to be published in terms of contribution.
Article should be reviewed: This study can be published without being re-presented to me after the changes have been made.
Article should be reviewed: This study can be published with being re-presented to me after the changes have been made.
Article is not available for publication: Even if this study is reviewed, the subject, method etc. It is difficult to adapt to the principles and conditions of an academic journal.