Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 259 - 281, 28.11.2023
Şahika Tuğba Üçkol
Feride Bahar Işın
Kumru Didem Atalay
- Adams, C. (2020, 4 Mayıs). Will the “Ghost Kitchen” trend Continue During and After the
Covid-19?. Oracle Food and Beverage Blog.
- Affility. (2021, 21 Nisan). The rapid growth of cloud kitchen market during a pandemic.
- Akgün, V. Ö. ve Zerenler, M. (2021). Determining the Purchasing Intentions of Consumers
During The Pandemic: A Research on Online Food Orders. Journal of Current
Researches on Social Sciences, 11(1), 129-146.
- Alagöz, M. ve Hekimoğlu H. (2012). A study on TAM: analysis of customer attitudes in online
food ordering system. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 62, 1138-1143.
- Alalwan, A. A. (2020). Mobile food ordering apps: An empirical study of the factors affecting
customer e-satisfaction and continued intention to reuse. International Journal of
Information Management, 50, 28-44.
- Ali, S., Khalid, N., Javed, H. M. U., ve Islam, D. Md. Z. (2021). Consumer adoption of online
food delivery ordering (OFDO) services in Pakistan: The impact of the Covid-19
Pandemic situation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and
Complexity, 7(1), 10.
- Amin, M., Arefin, M.S., Alam, M.R., Ahammad, T., ve Hoque, M.R. (2021). Using mobile food
delivery applications during Covid-19 pandemic: An extended model of planned
behavior. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 27, 105–126.
- Arı, E. ve Yılmaz, V. (2015). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Online Yemek Siparişi Davranışlarının
Teknoloji Kabul Modeliyle Araştırılması. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi,
7(2), 65-84.
- Armağan, E., ve Eskici, Y. (2019). Tüketicilerin online yemek servislerine karşı tutum, davranış
ve satın alma niyetleri. Ekev Akademi Dergisi, (Icoaef), 39-75.
- Ayyıldız, H. ve Cengiz, E. (2006). Pazarlama Modellerinin Testinde Kullanılabilecek Yapısal
Eşitlik Modeli Üzerine Kavramsal Bir İnceleme. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi
ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 11(1), 63-84.
- Bagla, R.K. ve Khan, J. (2017). Customers’ expectations and satisfaction with online food
ordering portals, Prabandhan Indian Jornal of Management, 10, 31-44
- Baytürk, N. (2021). Algılanan değer ve algılanan riskin internetten tatil satın alma kararına
etkisi: Covid 19 Pandemi süreci örneği (Doctoral dissertation).
- Belanche, D., Flavian, M. ve Rueda, A. (2020). Mobile apps use and WOM in the food delivery
sector: The role of planned behavior, perceived security and customer lifestyle
compatibility. Sustainability, 12(10).
- Brewer, P., ve Sebby, A. G. (2021). The effect of online restaurant menus on consumers’
purchase intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Hospitality
Management, 94, 102777.
- Bucak, T. ve Yiğit S. (2021). The future of the chef occupation and the food and beverage sector
after the Covid-19 out break: Opinions of Turkish chefs. International Journal of
Hospitality Management, 92, 102682.
- Cai, R., ve Leung, X. Y. (2020). Mindset matters in purchasing online food deliveries during the
pandemic: The application of construal level and regulatory focus theories. International
Journal of Hospitality Management, 91.
- Chai, L. T., ve Yat, D. N. C. (2019). Online food delivery services: Making food delivery the
new normal. Journal of Marketing advances and Practices, 1(1), 62-77.
- Chandrasekhar, N., Gupta, S., ve Nanda, N. (2019). Food Delivery Services and Customer
Preference: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of Food Service Business Research, 1–12.
- Chen, H.-S., Liang, C.-H., Liao, S.-Y., ve Kuo, H.-Y. (2020). Consumer Attitudes and Purchase
Intention toward Food Delivery Platform Services. Sustainability, s. 1-18.
- Cho, M., Bonn, M.A. ve Li, J. (2018). Diffrences in perceptions about food delivrey apss
between single-person and multi-person households. International Journal of Hospitality
Managent. 11
- Chotigo, J. ve Kadono, Y. (2021). Comparative Analysis of Key Factors Encouraging Food
Delivery App Adoption Before and Duringthe COVID-19 Pandemic in
Thailand. Sustainability, 13(8), 4088.
- Civelek, M. E. (2018). Essentials of structural equation modeling. Essentials of Structural
Equation Modeling
- Cömert, M. ve Yeşilyurt, B. (2021). Covid 19 Salgının Tüketici Davranışları Üzerinde Neden
Olduğu Değişikliklerin Yiyicek İçecek İşletmelerine Etksi. Journal of Tourism and
Gastronomy Students, 9(3), 1622-1638
- Deepika, R. ve Arun. C. J. (2021). The ımpact of fear of Covid on online food delivery.
Academy of Marketing Studies Journal; Arden, 25(5), 1-12.
- Demirdelen Alrawadieh, D. ve Çifçi, İ. (2021). Covid-19 Salgını Sonrası Yiyecek ve İçecek
Sektörü: Mutfak Şeflerinin Perspektiflerine Yönelik Bir Araştırma. Güncel Turizm
Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(2), 439-454
- Dilek, Ö. ve Öztürk, C. (2021). Covid-19 sürecinde online yemek siparişlerinde teknolojinin
kabulü. Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi, 56(3), 1313-1332.
- Fanelli, R. M. (2021). Changes in the food-related behaviour of ıtalian consumers during the
Covid-19 pandemic. Foods, 10(1), 169.
- Galanakis, C. M. (2020). The food systems in the era of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic
crisis. Foods, 9(4), 523.
- Gavilan, D., Balderas-Cejudo, A., Fernández-Lores, S., ve Martinez-Navarro, G. (2021).
Innovation in online food delivery: Learnings from COVID-19. International journal of
gastronomy and food science, 24, 100330.
- Güney, O. I., ve Sangün, L. (2021). How Covid-19 affects individuals' food consumption
behaviour: a consumer survey on attitudes and habits in Turkey. British Food Journal.
- Ha, J., Park, K. ve Park, J. (2016). Which restaurant should I choose? Herd behavior in the
restaurant industry. Journal of Foodservice Business Research.
- Hacıalioğlu, A.B. ve Sağlam, M. (2020). Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Tüketici Davranışları ve
E-Ticaretteki Değişimler. Medya ve Kültürel Çalışmalar Dergisi, 16-29.
- Hair, J., Hult, G., Ringle, C., ve Sarstedt, M. (2017). A primer on partial least squares structural
equation modeling PLS-SEM. Los Angeles: SAGE.
- Hall, M. C., Prayag, G., Fieger, P., ve Dyason, D. (2020). Beyond panic buying: consumption
displacement and COVID-19. Journal of Service Management, 32(1), 113-128.
- Hong, C., Choi, H. H., Choi, E. K. C., ve Joung, H. W. D. (2021). Factors affecting customer
intention to use online food delivery services before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 48, 509-518.
- Hussey, A. (2021), The global state of food service delivery.
- Iybar, B. (2020, 9 Temmuz). Hayalet mutfak kavramı pandemi sonrası restoran kültürünü
değiştiriyor. MediaTrend:
- İslamoğlu, A. ve Alnıaçık, Ü. (2019) Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Beta
- Jun, K., Yoon, B., Lee, S., ve Lee, D.S. (2022). Factors influencing customer decisions to use
online food delivery service during the Covid-19 pandemic. Foods Jounrnal, 11(1).
- Kapoor, A.P. ve Vij, M. (2018). Technology at the dinner table: Ordering food online through
mobile apps. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 43, 342-3514.
- Kılıçalp, M. ve Özdoğan, O. N. (2019). Paket yemek siparişlerinde çevrimiçi aracı kullanan
tüketici davranışlarının genişletilmiş teknoloji kabul modeliyle araştırılması.
International Journal of Contemporary Tourisim Research, 3(2), 148-163.
- Kim, R. Y. (2020). The impact of Covid-19 on consumers: Preparing for digital sales. IEEE
Engineering Management Review, 48(3), 212-218
- Kimes, S.E. (2011). Customer perceptions of electronic food ordering. Cornell Hosp. Rep.
11(10), 6–15.
- Kirk, C. P. ve Rifkin, L. S. (2020). I’ll trade you diamonds for toilet paper: Consumer reacting,
coping and adapting behaviors in the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Business Research,
117, 124-131.
- Kurtulmuşoğlu, F. B., ve Atalay, K. D. (2019). The effects of consumer confusion on hotel brand
loyalty: an application of linguistic nonlinear regression model in the hospitality sector.
Soft Computing, 24(6), 4269-4281.
- Laato, S., Islam, A. N., Farooq, A., ve Dhir, A. (2020). Unusual purchasing behavior during the
early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: The stimulus-organism-response approach.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (57), 1-12.
- Lee, S. W., Sung, H. J., ve Jeon, H. M. (2019). Determinants of Continuous Intention on Food
Delivery Apps: Extending UTAUT2 with Information Quality. Sustainability, 11.
- Liu, W., Batra, R., ve Wang, H. (2017). Product touch and consumers online and offline buying:
the role of mental represantaion. J. Retail, 93(3), 673-684.
- Mehrolia, S., Alagarsamy, S., ve Solaikutty, V.M. (2020). Customers response to online food
delivery services during Covid-19 outbreak using binary logistic regression. International
Journal of Consumer Studies, 45, 396-408.
- Muangmee, C., Kot, S., Meekaewkunchorn N., Kassakorn N. ve Khalid, B. (2021). Factors
Determining the Behavioral Intention of Using Food Delivery Apps during COVID-19
Pandemics. Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(5), 1297-1310.
- Papuççiyan, A. (2020, Eylül 28). Yemek siparişi için lüks alternatif: Fuudy. Webrazzi:
- Peters, K., ve Remaud, P. H. (2020). Factors influencing consumer menu-item selection in a
restaurant context. Food Quality and Preference, 82,
- Peters, T., Işık, Ö., Tona, O., ve Popovič, A. (2016). How system quality influences mobile BI
use: the mediating role of engagement. Int. J. Inform. Manag. 36(5), 773–783.
- Prasetyo, Y., Tanto, H., Mariyanto, M., Hanjaya, C., Young, M.N., Persada, S.F., Miraja, B.A.,
Redi, A.A.N.P. (2021). Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Online
Food Delivery Service during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Its Relationwith Open
Innovation. Journal Open Innovation: Technology Market and Complexity, 7.
- Sheth, J. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 on consumer behavior: Will the old habits return or die?
Journal of Business Research, 117, 280-283.
- Tatar, Ç. (2015). Structural equation modeling (SEM) and its applications. Unpublished
Master’s Thesis. Izmir: Dokuz Eylül University, Natural and Applied Sciences.
- Tomaş, M. (2014). Paket Servis Müşterilerinin Sipariş Vermede E-Aracı Kullanma Nedenleri
Üzerine Keşifsel Bir Araştırma: Örneği. İnternet Uygulamaları ve
Yöntemleri, 5(2), 29-41.
- Tran, B. X., Nguyen, H. T., Le, H. T., Latkin, C. A., Pham, H. Q., Vu, L. G., ... & Ho, R. (2020).
Impact of Covid-19 on economic well-being and quality of life of the Vietnamese during
the national social distancing. Frontiers in psychology. 11:565153.
- Tribhuvan, A. (2020). A study on consumer perception of food apps. International Journal Of
Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education, 6(4), 208-243.
- Wang, Y.S., Tseng, T. H., Wang, W.-T., Shih, Y.-W., ve Chan, P.-Y. (2019). Developing and
validating a mobile catering app success model. International Journal of Hospitality
Management, 77, 19–30.
- Wang, X., Wong, Y. D., Liu, F., ve Yuen, K. F. (2021). A push–pull–mooringview on
technology-dependentshoppingundersocialdistancing: When technology needs meet
health concerns. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 173.
- WHO. (2020a). Timeline Covid-19. 25 Aralık 2021
- Yeo, V. C. S., Goh, S. K., ve Rezaei, S. (2017). Consumer experiences, attitude and behavioural
intention toward online food delivery (OFD) services. Journal of Retailing and Consumer
Services, 35, 150–162.
- Yuen, K. F., Wang, X., Ma, F., ve Li, K. X. (2020). The psychological causes of panic buying
following a health crisis. International journal of environmental research and public
health, 17(10), 3513.
- Zhao, Y. ve Bacao F. (2020). What factors determinig customer continuingly using food
delivery apps during 2019 novel coranavirus pandemic period? International Journal of
Hospitality Management, 91.
- Zwanka, R. ve Buff, C. (2021) COVID-19 Generation: A Conceptual Framework of the
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International Consumer Marketing, 33(1), 58-6
The Online Food Delivery Services Sector Transformation in The Pandemic Scene
Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 259 - 281, 28.11.2023
Şahika Tuğba Üçkol
Feride Bahar Işın
Kumru Didem Atalay
Aim: The present study aims to determine these factors that influence a consumer's OFD
purchase decision.
Methods: The data of the online research conducted on 419 people were analyzed using SEM.
Results: According to the results of the study; the comfort zone and information factor have
positive effect on the consumer's purchasing decision with the Covid-19 Pandemic. A negative
relation was found between healthy menus and OFD services decision contrary to expectations.
Conclusion: Contrary to previous literature support, the positive relationship assumptions between hygiene of OFD service & contactless delivery and purchasing decision of OFD
services could not be supported statistically.
- Adams, C. (2020, 4 Mayıs). Will the “Ghost Kitchen” trend Continue During and After the
Covid-19?. Oracle Food and Beverage Blog.
- Affility. (2021, 21 Nisan). The rapid growth of cloud kitchen market during a pandemic.
- Akgün, V. Ö. ve Zerenler, M. (2021). Determining the Purchasing Intentions of Consumers
During The Pandemic: A Research on Online Food Orders. Journal of Current
Researches on Social Sciences, 11(1), 129-146.
- Alagöz, M. ve Hekimoğlu H. (2012). A study on TAM: analysis of customer attitudes in online
food ordering system. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 62, 1138-1143.
- Alalwan, A. A. (2020). Mobile food ordering apps: An empirical study of the factors affecting
customer e-satisfaction and continued intention to reuse. International Journal of
Information Management, 50, 28-44.
- Ali, S., Khalid, N., Javed, H. M. U., ve Islam, D. Md. Z. (2021). Consumer adoption of online
food delivery ordering (OFDO) services in Pakistan: The impact of the Covid-19
Pandemic situation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and
Complexity, 7(1), 10.
- Amin, M., Arefin, M.S., Alam, M.R., Ahammad, T., ve Hoque, M.R. (2021). Using mobile food
delivery applications during Covid-19 pandemic: An extended model of planned
behavior. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 27, 105–126.
- Arı, E. ve Yılmaz, V. (2015). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Online Yemek Siparişi Davranışlarının
Teknoloji Kabul Modeliyle Araştırılması. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi,
7(2), 65-84.
- Armağan, E., ve Eskici, Y. (2019). Tüketicilerin online yemek servislerine karşı tutum, davranış
ve satın alma niyetleri. Ekev Akademi Dergisi, (Icoaef), 39-75.
- Ayyıldız, H. ve Cengiz, E. (2006). Pazarlama Modellerinin Testinde Kullanılabilecek Yapısal
Eşitlik Modeli Üzerine Kavramsal Bir İnceleme. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi
ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 11(1), 63-84.
- Bagla, R.K. ve Khan, J. (2017). Customers’ expectations and satisfaction with online food
ordering portals, Prabandhan Indian Jornal of Management, 10, 31-44
- Baytürk, N. (2021). Algılanan değer ve algılanan riskin internetten tatil satın alma kararına
etkisi: Covid 19 Pandemi süreci örneği (Doctoral dissertation).
- Belanche, D., Flavian, M. ve Rueda, A. (2020). Mobile apps use and WOM in the food delivery
sector: The role of planned behavior, perceived security and customer lifestyle
compatibility. Sustainability, 12(10).
- Brewer, P., ve Sebby, A. G. (2021). The effect of online restaurant menus on consumers’
purchase intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Hospitality
Management, 94, 102777.
- Bucak, T. ve Yiğit S. (2021). The future of the chef occupation and the food and beverage sector
after the Covid-19 out break: Opinions of Turkish chefs. International Journal of
Hospitality Management, 92, 102682.
- Cai, R., ve Leung, X. Y. (2020). Mindset matters in purchasing online food deliveries during the
pandemic: The application of construal level and regulatory focus theories. International
Journal of Hospitality Management, 91.
- Chai, L. T., ve Yat, D. N. C. (2019). Online food delivery services: Making food delivery the
new normal. Journal of Marketing advances and Practices, 1(1), 62-77.
- Chandrasekhar, N., Gupta, S., ve Nanda, N. (2019). Food Delivery Services and Customer
Preference: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of Food Service Business Research, 1–12.
- Chen, H.-S., Liang, C.-H., Liao, S.-Y., ve Kuo, H.-Y. (2020). Consumer Attitudes and Purchase
Intention toward Food Delivery Platform Services. Sustainability, s. 1-18.
- Cho, M., Bonn, M.A. ve Li, J. (2018). Diffrences in perceptions about food delivrey apss
between single-person and multi-person households. International Journal of Hospitality
Managent. 11
- Chotigo, J. ve Kadono, Y. (2021). Comparative Analysis of Key Factors Encouraging Food
Delivery App Adoption Before and Duringthe COVID-19 Pandemic in
Thailand. Sustainability, 13(8), 4088.
- Civelek, M. E. (2018). Essentials of structural equation modeling. Essentials of Structural
Equation Modeling
- Cömert, M. ve Yeşilyurt, B. (2021). Covid 19 Salgının Tüketici Davranışları Üzerinde Neden
Olduğu Değişikliklerin Yiyicek İçecek İşletmelerine Etksi. Journal of Tourism and
Gastronomy Students, 9(3), 1622-1638
- Deepika, R. ve Arun. C. J. (2021). The ımpact of fear of Covid on online food delivery.
Academy of Marketing Studies Journal; Arden, 25(5), 1-12.
- Demirdelen Alrawadieh, D. ve Çifçi, İ. (2021). Covid-19 Salgını Sonrası Yiyecek ve İçecek
Sektörü: Mutfak Şeflerinin Perspektiflerine Yönelik Bir Araştırma. Güncel Turizm
Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(2), 439-454
- Dilek, Ö. ve Öztürk, C. (2021). Covid-19 sürecinde online yemek siparişlerinde teknolojinin
kabulü. Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi, 56(3), 1313-1332.
- Fanelli, R. M. (2021). Changes in the food-related behaviour of ıtalian consumers during the
Covid-19 pandemic. Foods, 10(1), 169.
- Galanakis, C. M. (2020). The food systems in the era of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic
crisis. Foods, 9(4), 523.
- Gavilan, D., Balderas-Cejudo, A., Fernández-Lores, S., ve Martinez-Navarro, G. (2021).
Innovation in online food delivery: Learnings from COVID-19. International journal of
gastronomy and food science, 24, 100330.
- Güney, O. I., ve Sangün, L. (2021). How Covid-19 affects individuals' food consumption
behaviour: a consumer survey on attitudes and habits in Turkey. British Food Journal.
- Ha, J., Park, K. ve Park, J. (2016). Which restaurant should I choose? Herd behavior in the
restaurant industry. Journal of Foodservice Business Research.
- Hacıalioğlu, A.B. ve Sağlam, M. (2020). Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Tüketici Davranışları ve
E-Ticaretteki Değişimler. Medya ve Kültürel Çalışmalar Dergisi, 16-29.
- Hair, J., Hult, G., Ringle, C., ve Sarstedt, M. (2017). A primer on partial least squares structural
equation modeling PLS-SEM. Los Angeles: SAGE.
- Hall, M. C., Prayag, G., Fieger, P., ve Dyason, D. (2020). Beyond panic buying: consumption
displacement and COVID-19. Journal of Service Management, 32(1), 113-128.
- Hong, C., Choi, H. H., Choi, E. K. C., ve Joung, H. W. D. (2021). Factors affecting customer
intention to use online food delivery services before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 48, 509-518.
- Hussey, A. (2021), The global state of food service delivery.
- Iybar, B. (2020, 9 Temmuz). Hayalet mutfak kavramı pandemi sonrası restoran kültürünü
değiştiriyor. MediaTrend:
- İslamoğlu, A. ve Alnıaçık, Ü. (2019) Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Beta
- Jun, K., Yoon, B., Lee, S., ve Lee, D.S. (2022). Factors influencing customer decisions to use
online food delivery service during the Covid-19 pandemic. Foods Jounrnal, 11(1).
- Kapoor, A.P. ve Vij, M. (2018). Technology at the dinner table: Ordering food online through
mobile apps. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 43, 342-3514.
- Kılıçalp, M. ve Özdoğan, O. N. (2019). Paket yemek siparişlerinde çevrimiçi aracı kullanan
tüketici davranışlarının genişletilmiş teknoloji kabul modeliyle araştırılması.
International Journal of Contemporary Tourisim Research, 3(2), 148-163.
- Kim, R. Y. (2020). The impact of Covid-19 on consumers: Preparing for digital sales. IEEE
Engineering Management Review, 48(3), 212-218
- Kimes, S.E. (2011). Customer perceptions of electronic food ordering. Cornell Hosp. Rep.
11(10), 6–15.
- Kirk, C. P. ve Rifkin, L. S. (2020). I’ll trade you diamonds for toilet paper: Consumer reacting,
coping and adapting behaviors in the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Business Research,
117, 124-131.
- Kurtulmuşoğlu, F. B., ve Atalay, K. D. (2019). The effects of consumer confusion on hotel brand
loyalty: an application of linguistic nonlinear regression model in the hospitality sector.
Soft Computing, 24(6), 4269-4281.
- Laato, S., Islam, A. N., Farooq, A., ve Dhir, A. (2020). Unusual purchasing behavior during the
early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: The stimulus-organism-response approach.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (57), 1-12.
- Lee, S. W., Sung, H. J., ve Jeon, H. M. (2019). Determinants of Continuous Intention on Food
Delivery Apps: Extending UTAUT2 with Information Quality. Sustainability, 11.
- Liu, W., Batra, R., ve Wang, H. (2017). Product touch and consumers online and offline buying:
the role of mental represantaion. J. Retail, 93(3), 673-684.
- Mehrolia, S., Alagarsamy, S., ve Solaikutty, V.M. (2020). Customers response to online food
delivery services during Covid-19 outbreak using binary logistic regression. International
Journal of Consumer Studies, 45, 396-408.
- Muangmee, C., Kot, S., Meekaewkunchorn N., Kassakorn N. ve Khalid, B. (2021). Factors
Determining the Behavioral Intention of Using Food Delivery Apps during COVID-19
Pandemics. Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(5), 1297-1310.
- Papuççiyan, A. (2020, Eylül 28). Yemek siparişi için lüks alternatif: Fuudy. Webrazzi:
- Peters, K., ve Remaud, P. H. (2020). Factors influencing consumer menu-item selection in a
restaurant context. Food Quality and Preference, 82,
- Peters, T., Işık, Ö., Tona, O., ve Popovič, A. (2016). How system quality influences mobile BI
use: the mediating role of engagement. Int. J. Inform. Manag. 36(5), 773–783.
- Prasetyo, Y., Tanto, H., Mariyanto, M., Hanjaya, C., Young, M.N., Persada, S.F., Miraja, B.A.,
Redi, A.A.N.P. (2021). Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Online
Food Delivery Service during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Its Relationwith Open
Innovation. Journal Open Innovation: Technology Market and Complexity, 7.
- Sheth, J. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 on consumer behavior: Will the old habits return or die?
Journal of Business Research, 117, 280-283.
- Tatar, Ç. (2015). Structural equation modeling (SEM) and its applications. Unpublished
Master’s Thesis. Izmir: Dokuz Eylül University, Natural and Applied Sciences.
- Tomaş, M. (2014). Paket Servis Müşterilerinin Sipariş Vermede E-Aracı Kullanma Nedenleri
Üzerine Keşifsel Bir Araştırma: Örneği. İnternet Uygulamaları ve
Yöntemleri, 5(2), 29-41.
- Tran, B. X., Nguyen, H. T., Le, H. T., Latkin, C. A., Pham, H. Q., Vu, L. G., ... & Ho, R. (2020).
Impact of Covid-19 on economic well-being and quality of life of the Vietnamese during
the national social distancing. Frontiers in psychology. 11:565153.
- Tribhuvan, A. (2020). A study on consumer perception of food apps. International Journal Of
Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education, 6(4), 208-243.
- Wang, Y.S., Tseng, T. H., Wang, W.-T., Shih, Y.-W., ve Chan, P.-Y. (2019). Developing and
validating a mobile catering app success model. International Journal of Hospitality
Management, 77, 19–30.
- Wang, X., Wong, Y. D., Liu, F., ve Yuen, K. F. (2021). A push–pull–mooringview on
technology-dependentshoppingundersocialdistancing: When technology needs meet
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