Year 2025,
, 41 - 51, 28.02.2025
Sultan Elbir
Muhammed Arca
Muhammet Asena
Gunay Saka
It was aimed to evaluate the physical characteristics of the cases with spina bifida and to review the factors that may affect the etiology of the disease. 48 cases with spina bifida and 48 control groups in other disease groups evaluated. A physiotherapist physically evaluated the cases after their personal information was obtained. A survey form examining the possible factors in the etiology of spina bifida was applied to the families. It was found in the physical examination of the cases that 45.8% had hydrocephalus, and 41.7% had movement restriction due to muscle weakness. When the two groups were compared, lower level of maternal literacy, residence in a rural area, undergoing an infectious disease during pregnancy, drug utilization during pregnancy, and not utilizing folic acids during pregnancy were significantly higher than the control group (p< 0.05). Spina bifida was increased by place of residence of family (OR: 2.8, CI: 1.11-7.08), infectious disease during pregnancy (OR: 5.0, CI: 1.05-24.05), and not using folic acid during pregnancy (OR: 3.8, CI: 1.04-13.76). Spina bifida was more common in females and caused extensive leg limitations. It was observed that education, place of residence and conditions experienced during pregnancy had an impact on the disease.
Ethical Statement
Approval of the Ethical Research Board of Dicle University Faculty of Medicine was obtained to conduct the study (Date: 25.01.2018, No: 30).
Participation of case mothers and control mothers in our case-control study and the collaboration of our colleagues are greatly appreciated.
- Stephanie, M.A.M.S., Lightner, D.D., Joseph, S.K.M.D., Spina Bifida Definition,Ferri's Clinical Advisor, 2020 ed.,Elsevier,Philadelphia, pp.1286,2020.
- Wilson, P., et al, Meningomyelocele (spina bifida), In Kliegman RM et al (Eds.), Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 20th ed., Elsevier, Philadelphia, pp.3409-3410, 2016.
- Şimşek, T.T., Physiotherapy and rehabilitation in Spina Bifida, In: Şimşek TT, editors, Pediatric Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 3rded., Hipokrat Publisher, Ankara, pp.488-506, 2019.
- Swaroop, V.T., Dias, L., “Orthopedic management of spina bifida-part II: foot and ankle deformity”, J Child Orthop, 5(6), 403–414, 2011. doi:10.1007/s11832-011-0368-9.
- Lightner DD: Spina bifida. In: Ferri FF(Ed.). Ferri’s Clinical Advisor. 2017 ed. Philadelphia: PA Elsevier; 2017. p.1188-1192.
- World Health Organization, Guideline: Daily iron and folic acid supplementation in pregnant women, World Health Organisation, 1-27, 2012.
- Grivell, R. M., Andersen, C., Dodd, J. M., “Prenatal versus postnatal repair procedures for spina bifida for improving infant and maternal outcomes”,Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 10, 1-18, 2014. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD008825.pub2
- Goh, Y. I., Koren, G., “Folic acid in pregnancy and fetal outcomes”, J. Obstet. Gynaecol, 28(1), 3-13, 2008.doi: 10.1080/01443610701814195
- Ledet III, L. F., Plaisance, C. J., Daniel, C. P., et al., “Spina Bifida Prevention: A Narrative Review of Folic Acid Supplements for Childbearing Age Women”, Cureus, 16(1), 1-9, 2024. doi: 10.7759/cureus.53008
- Saygi, E. K., Ozsoy, T., Baskaya, S., Cicek, C., Honac, O., Devecioglu, G., &Gokce, I., “Assessment of sitting abilities and upper extremity functions according to lesion level in children with spina bifida”. Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 62(4), 303-308, 2016. doi: 10.5606/tftrd.2016.01979
- Parajuli, Y., Casson, K., Loane, M., et al., “Cognitive, behavioural and educational outcomes in children aged 5-11 years with Spina Bifida in Northern Ireland”, Annual Meeting of Society for Research into Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida,2019. doi:10.22541/au.170664333.37667239/v1
- Onrat, S.T., Seyman, H., Konuk, M., “Incidence of neural tube defects in Afyonkarahisar, Western Turkey”, Genet Mol Res, 8(1), 154-61, 2009.
- Alhassan, A., Adam, A., Nangkuu, D., “Prevalance of neural tube defect and hydrocephalus in Northern Ghana”, J Med Biomed Sci, 6, 18-23, 2017. doi:10.4314/jmbs.v6i1.3
- Bremer, S., Kiess, W., Thome, U., et al., “Prevalence of Gastroschisis, Omphalocele, Spina Bifida and Orofacial Clefts of Neonates from January 2000 to December 2010 in Leipzig, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Germany”, Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des OffentlichenGesundheitsdienstes (Germany), 80(2), 122-128, 2018. doi:10.1055/s-0042-102345
- Singh, S. P., Raj, D., Kumar, V., et al., “Clinical evaluation of spina bifida”, International Journal of Contemporary Surgery, 6(2), 29-33, 2018.
- Kumari, O., Singh, V., “Prevalence and Pattern of Congenital Musculoskeletal Anomalies: A Single Centre Study”, Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, 12(1), 1-16, 2018. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2018/31651.11111
- Widman, L. M., Ted, A. R., Styne, D. M., et al., “Aerobic Fitness and Upper Extremity Strength in Patients Aged 11 to 21 Years with Spinal Cord Dysfunction as Compared to Ideal Weight and Overweight Controls”, The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 30, 88–96, 2007. doi:10.1080/10790268.2007.11754611
- Rethlefsen, S., Mueske, N., Wren, T, et al., “The prevalence and risk factors for foot pressure ulcers in ambulatory pediatric patients with spina bifida, Disability and rehabilitation,43(9), 1287-1291, 2021. doi:10.1080/09638288.2019.1660915
- De Marco, P., Merello, E., Calevo, M.G., et al., “Maternal periconceptional factors affect the risk of spina bifida-affected pregnancies: an Italian case–control study”, Child's Nervous System, 27(7), 1073-1081, 2011. doi: 10.1007/s00381-010-1372-y
- Ong, L. C., Norshireen, N. A. R, Chandran, V., “Maternal mental health in families of children with spina bifida”, World Journal of Pediatrics, 7(1), 54-59, 2011.
- Li, X., Zhu, J., Wang, Y., et al., “Geographic and urban–rural disparities in the total prevalence of neural tube defects and their subtypes during 2006–2008 in China: a study using the hospital-based birth defects surveillance system”, BMC Public Health, 13(1), 161, 2013. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-161
- Kalisya, L. M., Nyavandu, K., Machumu, B., et al., “Patterns of congenital malformations and barriers to care in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo”, PloS one, 10(7), 1-10, 2015. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0132362
- Kerr, S. M., Parker S. E., Mitchell A. A., et al., “Periconceptional maternal fever, folic acid intake, and the risk for neural tube defects”, Annals of epidemiology, 27(12), 777-782, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2017.10.010
- Bajwa, S. K., Bajwa, S. J. S, Jindal, R., et al., “Candidiasis: An unusual cause of persistent high-grade fever in mid-pregnancy”, International journal of critical illness and injury science, 3(3), 217, 2013.
- Othman, S. A., Abdulrazaq, A., Mohammed, A., et al., "Awareness of spina bifida among family of", Saudi Med J, 40(7), 727-731, 2019. doi:10.15537/smj.2019.7.24264
- Kondo, A., Morota, N., Ihara, S., et al., “Risk factors for the occurrence of spina bifida (a case-control study) and the prevalence rate of spina bifida in Japan: Risk Factors and Prevalence of Spina Bifida”, Birt Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol, 97, 610-5, 2013.
- Liu, J., Li, Z., Greene, N.D.E., et al., “The recurrence risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) in population with high prevalence of NTDs in northern China”, Oncotarget, 8(42), 72577-72583, 2017. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.19890
- Nauman, N., Jalali, S., Shami, S., et al., “Low maternal folate concentrations and maternal MTHFR C677T polymorphism are associated with an increased risk for neural tube defects in offspring: a case-control study among Pakistani case and control mothers”, Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 27(1), 253-260, 2018.
- Aydin, S., Jenkins, A., Detchou, D., & Barrie, U. “Folate fortification for spina bifida: preventing neural tube defects”, Neurosurgical Review, 47(1), 724, 2024. doi:10.1007/s10143-024-02959-z
- De Wals., P., Tairou., F., Van Allen, M.I., et al., “Reduction in neural-tube defects after folic acid fortification in Canada”, N Engl J Med, 357(2), 135-42, 2007.
- Ilgaz, Ş., Yardım, N., Çimen, M.Y.B., et al., “Food fortification with vitamin D, folic acid and iron in Turkey: Ministry of Health recommendation”, Turkish Journal of Public Health, 18(3), 226-248, 2020.
- Köken, G.N., Derbent, A.U., Ero,l O., et al., “Awareness and use of folic acid among reproductive age and pregnant women”, Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association, 14(2), 87, 2013. doi:10.5152/jtgga.2013.81594
- Göç, G. N., “Evaluation of assistive device use in disabled people with spina bifida”, PhD Thesis, Health Sciences Institute, 2015.
- Benedum, C.M., Yazdy, M.M., Mitchell, A.A., et al., “Risk of spina bifida and maternal cigarette, alcohol, and coffee use during the first month of pregnancy”, International journal of environmental research and public health, 10(8), 3263-3281, 2013. doi:10.3390/ijerph10083263
- Mowla, S., Gissler, M., Räisänen, S., et al., “Association between maternal pregestational diabetes mellitus and spina bifida: A population‐based case-control study, Finland, 2000–2014”, Birth defects research, 112(2), 186-195, 2020. doi:10.1002/bdr2.1624
Year 2025,
, 41 - 51, 28.02.2025
Sultan Elbir
Muhammed Arca
Muhammet Asena
Gunay Saka
- Stephanie, M.A.M.S., Lightner, D.D., Joseph, S.K.M.D., Spina Bifida Definition,Ferri's Clinical Advisor, 2020 ed.,Elsevier,Philadelphia, pp.1286,2020.
- Wilson, P., et al, Meningomyelocele (spina bifida), In Kliegman RM et al (Eds.), Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 20th ed., Elsevier, Philadelphia, pp.3409-3410, 2016.
- Şimşek, T.T., Physiotherapy and rehabilitation in Spina Bifida, In: Şimşek TT, editors, Pediatric Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 3rded., Hipokrat Publisher, Ankara, pp.488-506, 2019.
- Swaroop, V.T., Dias, L., “Orthopedic management of spina bifida-part II: foot and ankle deformity”, J Child Orthop, 5(6), 403–414, 2011. doi:10.1007/s11832-011-0368-9.
- Lightner DD: Spina bifida. In: Ferri FF(Ed.). Ferri’s Clinical Advisor. 2017 ed. Philadelphia: PA Elsevier; 2017. p.1188-1192.
- World Health Organization, Guideline: Daily iron and folic acid supplementation in pregnant women, World Health Organisation, 1-27, 2012.
- Grivell, R. M., Andersen, C., Dodd, J. M., “Prenatal versus postnatal repair procedures for spina bifida for improving infant and maternal outcomes”,Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 10, 1-18, 2014. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD008825.pub2
- Goh, Y. I., Koren, G., “Folic acid in pregnancy and fetal outcomes”, J. Obstet. Gynaecol, 28(1), 3-13, 2008.doi: 10.1080/01443610701814195
- Ledet III, L. F., Plaisance, C. J., Daniel, C. P., et al., “Spina Bifida Prevention: A Narrative Review of Folic Acid Supplements for Childbearing Age Women”, Cureus, 16(1), 1-9, 2024. doi: 10.7759/cureus.53008
- Saygi, E. K., Ozsoy, T., Baskaya, S., Cicek, C., Honac, O., Devecioglu, G., &Gokce, I., “Assessment of sitting abilities and upper extremity functions according to lesion level in children with spina bifida”. Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 62(4), 303-308, 2016. doi: 10.5606/tftrd.2016.01979
- Parajuli, Y., Casson, K., Loane, M., et al., “Cognitive, behavioural and educational outcomes in children aged 5-11 years with Spina Bifida in Northern Ireland”, Annual Meeting of Society for Research into Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida,2019. doi:10.22541/au.170664333.37667239/v1
- Onrat, S.T., Seyman, H., Konuk, M., “Incidence of neural tube defects in Afyonkarahisar, Western Turkey”, Genet Mol Res, 8(1), 154-61, 2009.
- Alhassan, A., Adam, A., Nangkuu, D., “Prevalance of neural tube defect and hydrocephalus in Northern Ghana”, J Med Biomed Sci, 6, 18-23, 2017. doi:10.4314/jmbs.v6i1.3
- Bremer, S., Kiess, W., Thome, U., et al., “Prevalence of Gastroschisis, Omphalocele, Spina Bifida and Orofacial Clefts of Neonates from January 2000 to December 2010 in Leipzig, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Germany”, Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des OffentlichenGesundheitsdienstes (Germany), 80(2), 122-128, 2018. doi:10.1055/s-0042-102345
- Singh, S. P., Raj, D., Kumar, V., et al., “Clinical evaluation of spina bifida”, International Journal of Contemporary Surgery, 6(2), 29-33, 2018.
- Kumari, O., Singh, V., “Prevalence and Pattern of Congenital Musculoskeletal Anomalies: A Single Centre Study”, Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, 12(1), 1-16, 2018. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2018/31651.11111
- Widman, L. M., Ted, A. R., Styne, D. M., et al., “Aerobic Fitness and Upper Extremity Strength in Patients Aged 11 to 21 Years with Spinal Cord Dysfunction as Compared to Ideal Weight and Overweight Controls”, The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 30, 88–96, 2007. doi:10.1080/10790268.2007.11754611
- Rethlefsen, S., Mueske, N., Wren, T, et al., “The prevalence and risk factors for foot pressure ulcers in ambulatory pediatric patients with spina bifida, Disability and rehabilitation,43(9), 1287-1291, 2021. doi:10.1080/09638288.2019.1660915
- De Marco, P., Merello, E., Calevo, M.G., et al., “Maternal periconceptional factors affect the risk of spina bifida-affected pregnancies: an Italian case–control study”, Child's Nervous System, 27(7), 1073-1081, 2011. doi: 10.1007/s00381-010-1372-y
- Ong, L. C., Norshireen, N. A. R, Chandran, V., “Maternal mental health in families of children with spina bifida”, World Journal of Pediatrics, 7(1), 54-59, 2011.
- Li, X., Zhu, J., Wang, Y., et al., “Geographic and urban–rural disparities in the total prevalence of neural tube defects and their subtypes during 2006–2008 in China: a study using the hospital-based birth defects surveillance system”, BMC Public Health, 13(1), 161, 2013. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-161
- Kalisya, L. M., Nyavandu, K., Machumu, B., et al., “Patterns of congenital malformations and barriers to care in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo”, PloS one, 10(7), 1-10, 2015. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0132362
- Kerr, S. M., Parker S. E., Mitchell A. A., et al., “Periconceptional maternal fever, folic acid intake, and the risk for neural tube defects”, Annals of epidemiology, 27(12), 777-782, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2017.10.010
- Bajwa, S. K., Bajwa, S. J. S, Jindal, R., et al., “Candidiasis: An unusual cause of persistent high-grade fever in mid-pregnancy”, International journal of critical illness and injury science, 3(3), 217, 2013.
- Othman, S. A., Abdulrazaq, A., Mohammed, A., et al., "Awareness of spina bifida among family of", Saudi Med J, 40(7), 727-731, 2019. doi:10.15537/smj.2019.7.24264
- Kondo, A., Morota, N., Ihara, S., et al., “Risk factors for the occurrence of spina bifida (a case-control study) and the prevalence rate of spina bifida in Japan: Risk Factors and Prevalence of Spina Bifida”, Birt Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol, 97, 610-5, 2013.
- Liu, J., Li, Z., Greene, N.D.E., et al., “The recurrence risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) in population with high prevalence of NTDs in northern China”, Oncotarget, 8(42), 72577-72583, 2017. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.19890
- Nauman, N., Jalali, S., Shami, S., et al., “Low maternal folate concentrations and maternal MTHFR C677T polymorphism are associated with an increased risk for neural tube defects in offspring: a case-control study among Pakistani case and control mothers”, Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 27(1), 253-260, 2018.
- Aydin, S., Jenkins, A., Detchou, D., & Barrie, U. “Folate fortification for spina bifida: preventing neural tube defects”, Neurosurgical Review, 47(1), 724, 2024. doi:10.1007/s10143-024-02959-z
- De Wals., P., Tairou., F., Van Allen, M.I., et al., “Reduction in neural-tube defects after folic acid fortification in Canada”, N Engl J Med, 357(2), 135-42, 2007.
- Ilgaz, Ş., Yardım, N., Çimen, M.Y.B., et al., “Food fortification with vitamin D, folic acid and iron in Turkey: Ministry of Health recommendation”, Turkish Journal of Public Health, 18(3), 226-248, 2020.
- Köken, G.N., Derbent, A.U., Ero,l O., et al., “Awareness and use of folic acid among reproductive age and pregnant women”, Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association, 14(2), 87, 2013. doi:10.5152/jtgga.2013.81594
- Göç, G. N., “Evaluation of assistive device use in disabled people with spina bifida”, PhD Thesis, Health Sciences Institute, 2015.
- Benedum, C.M., Yazdy, M.M., Mitchell, A.A., et al., “Risk of spina bifida and maternal cigarette, alcohol, and coffee use during the first month of pregnancy”, International journal of environmental research and public health, 10(8), 3263-3281, 2013. doi:10.3390/ijerph10083263
- Mowla, S., Gissler, M., Räisänen, S., et al., “Association between maternal pregestational diabetes mellitus and spina bifida: A population‐based case-control study, Finland, 2000–2014”, Birth defects research, 112(2), 186-195, 2020. doi:10.1002/bdr2.1624