Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 60 - 72, 28.04.2021



  • Furnham, A., & Levitas, J., “Factors that motivate people to undergo cosmetic surgery”, Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 20(4), 47-50, 2012.
  • Petek, H., “Güzelleştirme amaçlı estetik ameliyatlardan kaynaklanan hukuki sorumluluk”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1), 177-239, 2006.
  • Dean, N. R., Foley, K., & Ward, P., “Defining cosmetic surgery”, Australasian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 1(1), 95-103, 2018. Doi: 10.34239/ajops.v1i1.29
  • Kostakoğlu, N., “Postmodern çağda plastik cerrahinin hedef ve vizyonu”, Turkiye Klinikleri Plastic Surgery-Special Topics, 8(1), 1-4, 2019.
  • Krueger, N., Luebberding, S., Sattler, G., Hanke, C. W., Alexiades-Armenakas, M., Sadick, N., “The history of aesthetic medicine and surgery”, Journal of Drugs in Dermatology: JDD, 12(7), 737-742, 2013.
  • Cooper, L. B., “Nursing students' perceptions of clients undergoing elective cosmetic surgery”, Plastic Surgical Nursing, 27(3), 158-162, 2007. Doi: 10.1097/01.PSN.0000290286.34735.db
  • Al-Yahya, T., AlOnayzan, A. H., AlAbdullah, Z. A., Alali, K. M., Althabit, F. M., “The impact of social media engagement on body image and increased popularity toward seeking cosmetic surgery”. International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries, 4(11), 001-006. Doi: 10.24911/IJMDC.51-1601290008
  • Türk, G. D., Bayrakci, S. Sosyal medya ve toplumda değişen estetik işlem yaptırma algısı. AJIT-e: Bilişim Teknolojileri Online Dergisi, 10(39), 118-135, 2020.
  • Santoni-Rugiu, P., Sykes, P. J., A history of plastic surgery, Springer Science& Business Media, New York, 2007.
  • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), ISAPS International survey on aesthetic/cosmetic procedures performed in 2019.
  • Demir, S., “Cerrahi Hastasında Beden İmgesi”, In: Kavram Haritası ve Akış Şemalı Cerrahi Hemşireliği 1 (Ed. Karadağ M., Bulut, H.), Vize Yayıncılık, Ankara, pp.333-338, 2019.
  • Souiden, N., Diagne, M., “Canadian and French men's consumption of cosmetics: a comparison of their attitudes and motivations”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(2), 97-109, 2009. doi: 10.1108/07363760910940465
  • Körpe, G., “Plastik–rekonstrüktif cerrahi hastalarında benlik saygısı ve hemşirelik yaklaşımı”, Sağlık Akademisi Kastamonu, 2(3), 223-231, 2017. doi: 10.25279/sak.333062
  • Kasmaei P., Farhadi Hassankiade R., Karimy M., Kazemi S., Morsali F., Nasollahzadeh S., “Role of attitude, body ımage, satisfaction and socio- demographic variables in cosmetic surgeries of ıranian students”, World J Plast Surg, 9(2), 186-193, 2020. doi: 10.29252/wjps.9.2.186
  • Adedeji, O. A., Oseni, G. O., Olaitan, P. B., “Awareness and attitude of healthcare workers to cosmetic surgery in Osogbo, Nigeria”, Surgery Research And Practice, 2014. doi: 10.1155/2014/869567
  • Erbaydar, N. P., Çilingiroğlu, N., Gökgöz, G., et al., “Tıp öğrencileri ve kozmetik amaçlı tıbbi müdahaleler: Deneyim ve tutumların belirlenmesi”, UHSK/paper/view/502. (Abstract).
  • Lee, M. R., Ji, M. G., “Factors affecting cosmetic surgery experience of female college students”, Journal of Convergence for Information Technology, 10(3), 141-150, 2020. doi: 10.22156/CS4SMB.2020.10.03.141
  • Henderson-King D, Henderson-King E., “Acceptances of cosmetic surgery: Scale development and validation”. Body Image, 2(2), 137–149, 2005. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2005.03.003
  • Karaca, S., Karakoç, A., Onan, N., & Kadıoğlu, H. , “Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale (ACSS)”, Journal of Psychiatric Nursing/Psikiyatri Hemsireleri Dernegi, 8(1), 2017.
  • Akbay, B., Kasal, H., Yılmaz, B.B., Eğilmez, F.N., Meydan, A.N., Bir tıp fakültesi 1. ve 6. sınıf öğrencilerinde kozmetik cerrahi kabulü ve ilişkili faktörler, (Abstract).
  • Swami, V., Chamorro-Premuzic, T., Bridges, S., Furnham, A., “Acceptance of cosmetic surgery: Personality and individual difference predictors”, Body Image, 6(1), 7-13, 2009. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2008.09.004
  • Alharethy, S. E., “Trends and demographic characteristics of saudi cosmetic surgery patients”, Saudi Medical Journal, 38(7), 738, 2017. doi: 10.15537/smj.2017.7.18528
  • Gürler, G., “Estetik cerrahi müdahale görmüş bireyler üzerine bir alan araştırması”, Sosyoloji Dergisi, (38), 142-172, 2018.
  • Gathariki, M., Ajujo, M., Odiero, L., Amuti, T., “Knowledge and attitude of medical students toward plastic surgery”, Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU, 10(03), 97-101, 2020. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1715982
  • Isiguzo, C.M., Nwachukwu C.D., “Knowledge and perception of plastic surgery among tertiary education students in Enugu, South-East Nigeria”, Niger J Clin Pract, 19(3), 327-31, 2016. doi: 10.4103/1119-3077.179293
  • Demirbaş, H., “İnsanlar neden estetik müdahalelere yönelmektedir? Gerisindeki güdülenme”, The Journal of Academic Social Science, 7(99), 81-91, 2019. doi: 10. 29228/ASOS.39548
  • Muslu, Ü., Demir, E., “The effect of religious beliefs on the attitude of aesthetic surgery operation in Islam”, Journal of Religion and Health, 59, 814-815, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s10943-019-00767-0
  • Kalaaji, A., Dreyer, S., Maric, I., Schnegg, J., Jönsson, V., “Female cosmetic genital surgery: Patient characteristics, motivation, and satisfaction”, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 39(12), 1455-1466, 2019. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjy309
  • Delinsky, S. S., “Cosmetic Surgery: A Common and Accepted Form of Self‐Improvement?”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35(10), 2012-2028.
  • Fardouly, J., Willburger, B. K., Vartanian, L. R., “Instagram use and young women’s body image concerns and self-objectification: Testing mediational pathways”, New Media & Society, 20(4), 1380-1395, 2018.
  • Tahmasbi, S., Tahmasbi, Z., Yaghmaie, F., “Factors related to cosmetic surgery based on theory of reasoned action in shahrekord students”, J Holist Nurs Midwifery , 24(4) :53-61, 2014. (Abstract).
  • Kim, Y. A., Chae, D., Kim, H., “Factors affecting acceptance of cosmetic surgery among undergraduate students”, The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 17(1), 455-464, 2017. doi: 10.5392/JKCA.2017.17.01.455


Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 60 - 72, 28.04.2021


As a result of the rise of socioeconomic levels and globalization in the 21st century, aesthetic appearance has become more prominent, and the aesthetic/cosmetic sector has made great progress. Nursing education and practice are constantly evolving to meet the needs of the current community. The aim of this research is to examine the acceptance level of nursing students for aesthetic/cosmetic surgery and the affecting factors. This research is of descriptive type. It was conducted in the nursing department of a university in western Turkey (n:179). Permission was obtained from authors who made the adaptation of the scale used in this research, ethics board, institution, and students. The research data were collected using the introductory information form and Cosmetic Surgery Acceptance Scale (CSAS). Number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation analysis, t test, Mann Whitney u test, one-way Anova and Kruskal Wallis test were used to evaluate the data. 84.9% of nursing students were women, 58.1% had income equal to expenses, 23.5% had a father with undergraduate or higher degree, and 49.2% lived in the city center before enrolling in university. 2.8% of students had previous experience of aesthetic surgery, 29.1% had a friend/family member undergoing aesthetic surgery earlier, 44.7% stated that those who underwent aesthetic surgery were stigmatized by the community, 48.6% stated that aesthetic surgery was not risky compared to other surgical procedures, 55.3% stated that they wanted awareness training about aesthetic surgery, and 47.5% stated that individuals underwent aesthetic surgery to become more beautiful. The mean CSAS score of nursing students was 56.11±21.80 (16.00-105.00). When looking at the characteristics that may affect acceptance levels of the students for aesthetic surgery, there was a statistically significant difference in terms of having a father with undergraduate degree or higher education, living in the city center before enrollment at university, having a friend/family member with previous aesthetic surgery, not seeing aesthetic surgery procedures as more risky compared to surgical procedures and seeking awareness training related to aesthetic surgery. Aesthetic surgery acceptance level of nursing students was found to be moderate. The interaction of demographic and socio-cultural factors plays a role in accepting aesthetic surgery.


  • Furnham, A., & Levitas, J., “Factors that motivate people to undergo cosmetic surgery”, Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 20(4), 47-50, 2012.
  • Petek, H., “Güzelleştirme amaçlı estetik ameliyatlardan kaynaklanan hukuki sorumluluk”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1), 177-239, 2006.
  • Dean, N. R., Foley, K., & Ward, P., “Defining cosmetic surgery”, Australasian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 1(1), 95-103, 2018. Doi: 10.34239/ajops.v1i1.29
  • Kostakoğlu, N., “Postmodern çağda plastik cerrahinin hedef ve vizyonu”, Turkiye Klinikleri Plastic Surgery-Special Topics, 8(1), 1-4, 2019.
  • Krueger, N., Luebberding, S., Sattler, G., Hanke, C. W., Alexiades-Armenakas, M., Sadick, N., “The history of aesthetic medicine and surgery”, Journal of Drugs in Dermatology: JDD, 12(7), 737-742, 2013.
  • Cooper, L. B., “Nursing students' perceptions of clients undergoing elective cosmetic surgery”, Plastic Surgical Nursing, 27(3), 158-162, 2007. Doi: 10.1097/01.PSN.0000290286.34735.db
  • Al-Yahya, T., AlOnayzan, A. H., AlAbdullah, Z. A., Alali, K. M., Althabit, F. M., “The impact of social media engagement on body image and increased popularity toward seeking cosmetic surgery”. International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries, 4(11), 001-006. Doi: 10.24911/IJMDC.51-1601290008
  • Türk, G. D., Bayrakci, S. Sosyal medya ve toplumda değişen estetik işlem yaptırma algısı. AJIT-e: Bilişim Teknolojileri Online Dergisi, 10(39), 118-135, 2020.
  • Santoni-Rugiu, P., Sykes, P. J., A history of plastic surgery, Springer Science& Business Media, New York, 2007.
  • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), ISAPS International survey on aesthetic/cosmetic procedures performed in 2019.
  • Demir, S., “Cerrahi Hastasında Beden İmgesi”, In: Kavram Haritası ve Akış Şemalı Cerrahi Hemşireliği 1 (Ed. Karadağ M., Bulut, H.), Vize Yayıncılık, Ankara, pp.333-338, 2019.
  • Souiden, N., Diagne, M., “Canadian and French men's consumption of cosmetics: a comparison of their attitudes and motivations”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(2), 97-109, 2009. doi: 10.1108/07363760910940465
  • Körpe, G., “Plastik–rekonstrüktif cerrahi hastalarında benlik saygısı ve hemşirelik yaklaşımı”, Sağlık Akademisi Kastamonu, 2(3), 223-231, 2017. doi: 10.25279/sak.333062
  • Kasmaei P., Farhadi Hassankiade R., Karimy M., Kazemi S., Morsali F., Nasollahzadeh S., “Role of attitude, body ımage, satisfaction and socio- demographic variables in cosmetic surgeries of ıranian students”, World J Plast Surg, 9(2), 186-193, 2020. doi: 10.29252/wjps.9.2.186
  • Adedeji, O. A., Oseni, G. O., Olaitan, P. B., “Awareness and attitude of healthcare workers to cosmetic surgery in Osogbo, Nigeria”, Surgery Research And Practice, 2014. doi: 10.1155/2014/869567
  • Erbaydar, N. P., Çilingiroğlu, N., Gökgöz, G., et al., “Tıp öğrencileri ve kozmetik amaçlı tıbbi müdahaleler: Deneyim ve tutumların belirlenmesi”, UHSK/paper/view/502. (Abstract).
  • Lee, M. R., Ji, M. G., “Factors affecting cosmetic surgery experience of female college students”, Journal of Convergence for Information Technology, 10(3), 141-150, 2020. doi: 10.22156/CS4SMB.2020.10.03.141
  • Henderson-King D, Henderson-King E., “Acceptances of cosmetic surgery: Scale development and validation”. Body Image, 2(2), 137–149, 2005. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2005.03.003
  • Karaca, S., Karakoç, A., Onan, N., & Kadıoğlu, H. , “Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale (ACSS)”, Journal of Psychiatric Nursing/Psikiyatri Hemsireleri Dernegi, 8(1), 2017.
  • Akbay, B., Kasal, H., Yılmaz, B.B., Eğilmez, F.N., Meydan, A.N., Bir tıp fakültesi 1. ve 6. sınıf öğrencilerinde kozmetik cerrahi kabulü ve ilişkili faktörler, (Abstract).
  • Swami, V., Chamorro-Premuzic, T., Bridges, S., Furnham, A., “Acceptance of cosmetic surgery: Personality and individual difference predictors”, Body Image, 6(1), 7-13, 2009. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2008.09.004
  • Alharethy, S. E., “Trends and demographic characteristics of saudi cosmetic surgery patients”, Saudi Medical Journal, 38(7), 738, 2017. doi: 10.15537/smj.2017.7.18528
  • Gürler, G., “Estetik cerrahi müdahale görmüş bireyler üzerine bir alan araştırması”, Sosyoloji Dergisi, (38), 142-172, 2018.
  • Gathariki, M., Ajujo, M., Odiero, L., Amuti, T., “Knowledge and attitude of medical students toward plastic surgery”, Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU, 10(03), 97-101, 2020. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1715982
  • Isiguzo, C.M., Nwachukwu C.D., “Knowledge and perception of plastic surgery among tertiary education students in Enugu, South-East Nigeria”, Niger J Clin Pract, 19(3), 327-31, 2016. doi: 10.4103/1119-3077.179293
  • Demirbaş, H., “İnsanlar neden estetik müdahalelere yönelmektedir? Gerisindeki güdülenme”, The Journal of Academic Social Science, 7(99), 81-91, 2019. doi: 10. 29228/ASOS.39548
  • Muslu, Ü., Demir, E., “The effect of religious beliefs on the attitude of aesthetic surgery operation in Islam”, Journal of Religion and Health, 59, 814-815, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s10943-019-00767-0
  • Kalaaji, A., Dreyer, S., Maric, I., Schnegg, J., Jönsson, V., “Female cosmetic genital surgery: Patient characteristics, motivation, and satisfaction”, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 39(12), 1455-1466, 2019. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjy309
  • Delinsky, S. S., “Cosmetic Surgery: A Common and Accepted Form of Self‐Improvement?”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35(10), 2012-2028.
  • Fardouly, J., Willburger, B. K., Vartanian, L. R., “Instagram use and young women’s body image concerns and self-objectification: Testing mediational pathways”, New Media & Society, 20(4), 1380-1395, 2018.
  • Tahmasbi, S., Tahmasbi, Z., Yaghmaie, F., “Factors related to cosmetic surgery based on theory of reasoned action in shahrekord students”, J Holist Nurs Midwifery , 24(4) :53-61, 2014. (Abstract).
  • Kim, Y. A., Chae, D., Kim, H., “Factors affecting acceptance of cosmetic surgery among undergraduate students”, The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 17(1), 455-464, 2017. doi: 10.5392/JKCA.2017.17.01.455
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Nursing
Journal Section Article

Altun Baksi 0000-0001-8267-2254

Nihal Tuncer This is me 0000-0003-1990-781X

Publication Date April 28, 2021
Submission Date January 17, 2021
Acceptance Date April 26, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


IEEE A. Baksi and N. Tuncer, “EXAMINATION OF NURSING STUDENTS’ ACCEPTANCE LEVELS FOR AESTHETIC SURGERY AND AFFECTING FACTORS”, IJHSRP, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 60–72, 2021, doi: 10.33457/ijhsrp.862899.

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